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OTO, or Ordo Templi Orientis

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posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 06:18 PM
Anyone know anything about this group, or have any experience with them?

Basic info:

I was invited to a meeting recently, at which I found less than a dozen rather nondescript, pleasant folks with an interest in esoterica. Seemed rather laid-back and decidedly non-sinister.

Is my immortal soul in danger now? Or should I swing with it?

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 08:48 PM
Yes, it's dangerous for your immortal soul. Do not join.

Aspects of their mass are an abomination to God, and even Jesus had something to say about it in the gnostic gospels.

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 09:01 PM
Nothing particularly wrong with either OTO or A∴A∴ (or BOTA or Golden Dawn for that matter.)

OmegaPoint, like many Christians, believes the only road to salvation is the one he's on. If you disagree, feel free to ignore him and judge for yourself with an open mind.

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by silent thunder

An international organization, the OTO is a tax-exempt organized religion in the United States. (pp. 13-14, 25, 76, 87, 91-92). The writings of its long-time head, British Intelligence agent and satanist Aleister Crowley (d. 1947), who called himself the Great Beast 666, reveal the OTO is grounded in satanism.

Crowley called Satan "my Lord" and said, with regards to the OTO, "We have no scruple in restoring 'devil worship.'" (p. 28) However, in the OTO, the devil worship is not openly done under the name of Satan, but surreptitiously under the name of the goat-headed satanic idol Baphomet. Also termed Lion and Serpent, Baphomet is worshipped as God in the Gnostic Mass, the OTO's central liturgy (pp. 29-30).

Composed by Crowley, the Gnostic Mass is not a Black Mass, i.e., a reversed Catholic Mass, but a blasphemous parody of the Catholic Mass. (p. 15) It is very important to understand that the roots of Freemasonry intertwine with Judaism, as it helps us to see the hand of Masonry behind the Judaizers in the Catholic Church.

All Masonry, says Mr. Heimbichner, is subordinate to Judaism. A "key operative" in the establishment of the OTO was a member of the B'nai B'rith, which is Jewish Freemasonry. (p. 89) The essence of Freemasonry, Mr. Heimbichner says (pp. 8-9), can be traced to the Sumerian worship of Satan ("Shaitan") that passed into ancient Egypt and Babylon. The ancient forms of devil worship were then preserved and passed down through the oral teaching of the Jewish rabbis as the "traditions of the ancients or elders," strongly condemned by Jesus Christ (Mk. 7:1-13; Mt. 15:1-9).

After the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 A.D., the oral teaching was gradually written down in what became the Talmud and the Kabbalah. The Talmud and Kabbalah, the latter being completely gnostic and black-magical, form the basis of Judaism, a religion "utterly distinct" from the Old Testament religion of the Israelites. Judaism is "a sect top-heavy with unscriptural, man-made tradition and pagan superstition." Mr. Heimbichner cites Jewish authorities on the Kabbalah and experts on occult symbolism to expose the fact that certain Kabbalist rites correspond to the occult Hindu Tantric yoga techniques of sex magick. These depraved rituals are a continuation of the temple magic of the Canaanites, Babylonians and other nations, which drew down the wrath of God. Their purpose in Judaism is to fuse the male and female aspects of divinity to produce the androgynous, balanced, "completed male" Jew, the "body of God," called Adam Kadmon.

"The duty of pious Jews," says a Kabbalah authority quoted by Mr. Heimbichner, is to recite a Kabbalist formula daily to mystically promote this unity. (pp. 77-78, 86, 136) The Jewish Encyclopedia admits, says Mr. Heimbichner, that Jewish gnosticism includes occult magick and it inspired Christian Gnosticism. (p. 88) This occultism was also transmitted through the Manichaeans, Cathars and other groups, eventually corrupting the twelfth-century Knights Templar, transforming it into an occult Order. The Order was condemned and closed down by the Church for worshipping Baphomet and practising sodomy - which occultists consider "advanced" sex magick (pp. 9, 80).

The Templar tradition made its way into Freemasonry, and sex magick "lies at the heart of top-level Freemasonry such as exists in the OTO." It is the "supreme secret" of Masonry, known only to high Masons. (pp. 77, 81, 95) There is sex magick in the eighth and ninth degrees of the OTO and homosexuality in the eleventh, its highest degree (pp. 88, 113). And even the lowest levels of Masonry, the Blue Lodge, teach the gnostic denial of God and the affirmation of man as God, ruler of himself, a "risen" divinity - i.e., a type of Antichrist. (pp. 81-82)

I hope you know what you are doing.

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

You say "sex magick" like that's a bad thing...

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by JoshNorton

You say "sex magick" like that's a bad thing...

What are you talking about? I quoted a rather extensive excerpt from a source that researched OTO. I made no editorial comment concerning your quote. I think perhaps you zeroed in on that one sentence in the quoted text, perhaps because you're obsessed with it.

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 12:48 AM
Well then, enjoy the "cake of light". Just remember to ask them if they make it "by the book"..

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 07:40 AM

Originally posted by silent thunder

Is my immortal soul in danger now? Or should I swing with it?

I am a former associate member of O.T.O. At the local level (Oasis, Camp, Lodge, or Chapter), there's nothing wrong with the organization, but before signing up, you may want to know a few things.

1.There are several different groups calling themselves "O.T.O.". The group known as the "Caliphate O.T.O.", which is the largest, won a lawsuit in the state of California which makes them the legal heirs of Crowley's O.T.O., at least in the United States. However, there is evidence that this O.T.O. lineage is not completely legitimate. While in the big scheme of things that probably doesn't matter, the Caliphate spends a lot of time and money in civil legal cases in order to establish their legitimacy, which may or may not be a pipe dream.

2. The governing body of the Caliphate has been operating under questionable ethics. It appears, at least on the surface, that the current policy is to expel anyone who publicly disagrees with, or questions, the current Frater Superior of the Order, and many of the O.T.O.'s biggest talents have been dealt with in this manner. This goes against the Crowley policy of complete freedom of conscience (see Liber OZ). I would suggest perusing John Crowe's podcasts at and his blog at

Crowe is by no means not the only high ranking member of O.T.O. to be kicked out because he upset the current leader, but is one of the most outspoken ones.

3. There are other organizational criticisms that you may note by listening to John's podcasts, and reading his blog. You also may want to do some research on the website of Jerry Cornelius, another high-ranking member who was expelled due to an article he wrote:

On the flip side, the local bodies are generally pretty benevolent, the people are interesting and friendly. But the higher ranks of the Order seem to have evolved into a petty dictatorship, far different from the enlightened hierarchy envisioned by Crowley.

posted on Apr, 7 2009 @ 03:34 AM
Thanks for the input, everyone.

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 07:09 PM
Here is some real information on what you may be getting yourself into & only your freewill can decide if it's for you or not
I hope you enjoy links & lots of reading & study because that's what the path of a thelemite is all about.

Thelema is the basis of the OTO/Ordo Templi Orientis And Thelemapedia is a nice source for Thelemites & The Book of Law is something you will have to get to know.

The Rituals preformed after you are accepted from your petition are called the Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica & some of the actual rituals can be find here at A Collection of Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica

Ah yes the Star of Thelema the Unicursal Hexagram is really Pappus's Hexagon Theorem & Pappus of Alexandria (c. 290 – c. 350) was one of the last great Greek mathematicians of antiquity So Crowley just borrows heavily & giggles

It's no wonder that this man was the Modern Day verion of the OTO/Crowleys mentor in history Francois Rabelais (c. 1494 – April 9, 1553) was a major French Renaissance writer, doctor and humanist. He was regarded as a writer of fantasy, satire, the grotesque, dirty jokes and bawdy songs.

Also you will need to know what the number 93 means in the OTO

You will also need to study & know this artifact known as the Stèle of Revealing

You will also want to study one of Crowleys Epochs that the OTO marvels over via the inner Order of the A∴A∴ known as The Equinox

Also there is the Enochian Magic
& Enochian Chess to learn about Also the Prince Charles Foundation donated to the research of Enochian Chess as well. Also the British Museum Houses the Artifacts of John Dee's Enochian Magic

Now for the Sex Magic Aspect yes it's true but there is more to it than mortal men with limited understanding my allow themselves with limited research.

And I ask this Question of you before you read further what is the difference between a Miracle & a act of Magic?!?

Enochian World of Aleister Crowley: Enochian Sex Magick
Crowley/OTO see the story of Osiris the true green man of history as he was chopped into 15 pieces by set but with the help of Isis she found all the pieces expect his Penis so she substituted a reed for his penis & used magic to bring him back to life long enough to have sexual magic to bare him a son Horus. Notice the Virigin Birth here Isis bares Osiris a Son via sexual magic. And they wish to Produce this same effect via the OTO/Crowleys Moonchild Ritual which is Enochian in style.

Ah yes btw you about the Priestess known as the Babalon

And finally you will want to go ahead & start practicing the Thelema - Star Ruby Ritual

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by Occultech

Thelema was something i was looking into not too long ago, when i was doing abit of research on dashwood and the hellfire club. It was the landlighthouse in lincolnshire, built by dashwood that intrigued me also said to have been used for rituals alledgedly. It reminded me of some of the squarer towers in tibet.

I found out that dashwood had been on a grand tour of europe which included asia minor and wondered if he had been to tibet (not sure where it is - asia?)
I didn't find out if he had or not. The Thelema symbol reminded me of the other tibet towers although when i checked it out wasn't sure if it was the same shape or just similar (aerial view). I still can't tell

star shaped towers?? ??

Thelema symbol (Unicursal hexagram)

Personally, i think dashwood was enlightened on his tour and saw the religion he was born into for what it was - a power trip, resulting him in him rebelling by creating his own following incorporating what he has encountered along his tour into it. Again, just my personal view. I'm sure everyone else over the centuries has taken what they want from dashwood, crowley included and put there own twist on it. Interestingly Crowley also waslinked to a tower like building (mill):


[edit on 14-4-2009 by MCoG1980]

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 08:26 PM
The only difficulty that I have with Crowley's "Sex Magic" is that it may have been responsible for the conception of Barbara Bush.

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 09:08 PM
The Unicursial Hexagram is really a method of how to draw/link a Star figure Regular/Hexagram without stopping. Most people know it as the Star of David... Although I prefer to Call it's Origin name the Flower of Life Which is a Representation of a Atom notice everything in our universe is made of Dots! phun intended
& on the 6th day God/Tetragrammaton made Adam/Atom & notice the greek formula of god Anyways this could go much much deeper
as far as the tibets I believe you will find the Bon Tibetan Religion of interest here with some of the things you mentioned along with this link & also here is a interesting book on Cosmic Meditation with the Bon-Pa and Bon-Po and the medatation that makes you supposedly into a higher space lama chuckles

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 09:37 PM
Ah yes... sex magick...

One of the things Crowley believed was that by performing his sex rituals with deformed and abnormally shaped persons he could tap into greater power than if he did it with normal looking people...

The whole basis for Crowley's spiel was that his information was channeled thru a woman from some ancient Egyptian god or something like that. It's interesting that his drawing of the esoteric being he called "LAM" is basically a dead ringer for grey aliens... even more interesting is at the time he made his drawing of the entity, grey aliens were not even on anyone's radar. This was long before roswell, before Betty and Barney hill.

Late in his life, two of Crowley's proteges, L Ron Hubbard and Jack Parsons, apparently attempted thru the use sexual magick and other rituals to summon a living goddess... After which a "moonchild" could be born thru her that would bring about a "new age"...

Jack Parsons was a very intelligent scientist and was appointed as the head of a chapter of Thelema. He also was a NASA rocket engineer at the same time as he was a prominent member of the OTO. Hubbard and he attempted to start a business venture, yet this was canned after LRH ran off with the money and Parson's girlfriend. Hubbard used some of that money to fund his initial Dianetics research, which later formed the basis for Scientology.

It is my belief that the OTO, Freemasons, Theosophical Society, Skull & Bones, and other mystery-school cults are merely different extensions of the often overlooked spiritual aspect of the NWO. Each of these different cults has its own duties and purpose within the New Age movement. The OTO are simply the mystics, the wizards. They also openly call their higher ranked members "illuminati" ...look here

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 07:33 AM

Originally posted by OmegaPoint
The only difficulty that I have with Crowley's "Sex Magic" is that it may have been responsible for the conception of Barbara Bush.

I think I stumbled on to a new conspiracy here. Remember that banquet where W was speaking, and Ozzy was in the audience? W said "Hey Ozzy, Mom loves your music."

Ozzy has a song called "Mr. Crowley".

Coincidence? I think not.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 07:51 AM
OTO is based on the Thelema Texts...
These are texts relating to the philosophy of Thelema, many of them written by the occultist Aleister Crowley who founded the organization A.'. A.'. (Argentium Astrum -- the Silver Star) as well as others by members of the OTO (Ordo Templi Orientis -- Order of the Eastern Temple) (founded by Theodor Reuss and Karl Kellner in 1895). These two organizations work together to promote Thelema.
The 'Class' is a OTO-assigned indication of the relative importance of the document. Some of the texts listed here are not available in electronic form for one reason or another; their descriptions have been left in the table for completeness.

The first book in the texts is Liber B vel Magi sub Figura I
(I suggest you brush up on your Latin)
There is quite a few books and if your that curious you can read them here...
Thelema Texts

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 08:00 AM

Originally posted by mostlyspoons
Ah yes... sex magick...

One of the things Crowley believed was that by performing his sex rituals with deformed and abnormally shaped persons he could tap into greater power than if he did it with normal looking people...

I think you may have confused Crowley with A.O. Spare. The latter did indeed seem to be attracted to rather unsightly women, whereas Crowley's women were at least normal looking, some of them relatively attractive.

Late in his life, two of Crowley's proteges, L Ron Hubbard and Jack Parsons, apparently attempted thru the use sexual magick and other rituals to summon a living goddess... After which a "moonchild" could be born thru her that would bring about a "new age"...

This is more or less true, but the venture was sneered at by Crowley. In a letter to Karl Germer, head of the North American O.T.O., Crowley wrote:

"Apparently Parsons or Hubbard or somebody is producing a Moonchild. I get fairly frantic when I contemplate the idiocy of these louts."

There is a short video on YouTube where Hubbard refers to "my dear friend, the late Aleister Crowley". However, there is no evidence that Hubbard and Crowley ever actually met, and Crowley's letters that mention Hubbard always speak negatively of him. It is almost certain that Hubbard was simply trying to use Crowley's name to give himself "street cred" with occultists.

It is my belief that the OTO, Freemasons, Theosophical Society, Skull & Bones, and other mystery-school cults are merely different extensions of the often overlooked spiritual aspect of the NWO. Each of these different cults has its own duties and purpose within the New Age movement. The OTO are simply the mystics, the wizards. They also openly call their higher ranked members "illuminati" ...look here

When Reuss founded the original O.T.O., he was attempting to revive the Illuminati. Kenneth Grant, the head of an O.T.O. lineage based in England, seems convinced that the original Illuminati was based on sex magick (see Grant's book "Aleister Crowley and the Hidden God"). Personally, I find that theory sort of ridiculous.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 08:08 AM

Originally posted by Masonic Light

Originally posted by OmegaPoint
The only difficulty that I have with Crowley's "Sex Magic" is that it may have been responsible for the conception of Barbara Bush.

I think I stumbled on to a new conspiracy here. Remember that banquet where W was speaking, and Ozzy was in the audience? W said "Hey Ozzy, Mom loves your music."

Ozzy has a song called "Mr. Crowley".

Coincidence? I think not.

Nothing new here... but something of note is there is a connection between Aleister Crowley, Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) and L Ron Hubbard, founder of the Scientology church...

On On January 2, 1946, Jack Parsons and Ron Hubbard began an 11 day ritual known as "Babalon Working". that included a series of calls using the Enochian Air Tablet. They also enacted a ritual known as 'Invocation of the Bornless One'. Hubbard acted as "scribe" during most of these proceedings. The purpose of the ritual was in fact to attract an elemental

Hubbard was always reluctant to talk about what really happened there in the Mojave Desert

[edit on 15-4-2009 by DaddyBare]

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 08:42 AM
A member here at ATS, Cug, is a guy that has a great deal of knowledge about OTO, Crowley, etc.

He's got a thread here you might find informative.

[Edit to add]

You might also look at the articles in the TinWIKI on Aleister Crowley, Golden Dawn, Ordo Templi Orientis, and Thelema. There's some good stuff there.

[edit on 4/15/2009 by yeahright]

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by DaddyBare

Nothing new here... but something of note is there is a connection between Aleister Crowley, Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) and L Ron Hubbard, founder of the Scientology church...

Please see my above post on Hubbard, Parsons, and Crowley.

On On January 2, 1946, Jack Parsons and Ron Hubbard began an 11 day ritual known as "Babalon Working". that included a series of calls using the Enochian Air Tablet. They also enacted a ritual known as 'Invocation of the Bornless One'.

The Invocation of the Bornless One is standard opening to most magickal procedures. The Babalon Working itself was what Crowley was referring to when he mentioned "the idiocy of these louts", i.e., Parsons and Hubbard.

For all of Parson's great knowledge in the realms of physics and rocket science, his ideas and writing on occultism are surprisingly pretty lame.

[edit on 15-4-2009 by Masonic Light]

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