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Unseen Footage- Riot police attack peaceful protesters at G20

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posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 03:35 PM


You've just pigeon-holed yourself there too with remarks of violent action, and confirmed all along what I've been saying...You offer nothing but aggression and no semblance of a sensible solution to create change, not even a tiny step to move toward one

I'm done with this thread, the constant bleating of "somebody, anybody, do something to fix the problem as we're unable to suggest or do anything for ourselves and we'll just 'baaaa' loudly on the streets" of the mindless flock is becoming annoying

[edit on 6-4-2009 by citizen smith]

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by citizen smith

Originally posted by RubberBaron
Where the mainstream failed in my opinion, was not getting enough interviews with protesters about WHY they were protesting

I've asked practically the same question, perhaps someone here could provide an answer please?

What was the 'cause' being protested?

Lots and lots of causes. I don't know why you don't know that.... But here's a little clue. Globalisation, the state of our economy, anti-war protestors, environmentalists etc etc.... There were MANY types of people here.

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by citizen smith


You've just pigeon-holed yourself there too with remarks of violent action, and confirmed all along what I've been saying...You offer nothing but aggression and no semblance of a sensible solution to create change, not even a tiny step to move toward one
[edit on 6-4-2009 by citizen smith]

Okay what slot did i pigeon hole myself into? If you knew me in real life you'd realise that i'm a very peaceful guy, who can take antagonism and doubt. I ask you a question... how do i punch someone in the mouth on the internet?

If anything i was parodying your post in a tongue in cheek manner, yet again you fail to answer anything, you antagonise certain members and you don't realise that people were there on the day to try and make a difference.

Instead of insulting everyone for having few answers why don't you suggest some yourself smart arse and stop criticising the people who DO try and make a difference.

[edit on 6-4-2009 by mr-lizard]

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 04:16 PM
Citizen Smith, do you ever get angry at anything? You know, so mad that you could do unspeakable acts if the people who've enraged you were stood infront of you? Anger is inside every one of us, it's a very strong energy and emotion. People are incredibly angry at the police (appart from a select few who either can't seem to grasp why, or are just blind to what the police do) over what happened at the G20 protests. There will be more protests through the year, May 2nd being the next big one. And if the police deploy the same tactics that anger people, then angry people you will get. And they have every right to be angry. And each time this happens, the angry mob will get angrier, and bigger. And you will see full scale riots, and I know playing the "they started it" card is a bit of a copout (pun intended) but they did!
(so ner

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 05:01 PM
Those protesters have low IQ.

I love to see the Police beat people. They should have beat the snot out of those pot smoking homosexual loving liberal idiots.

Bring back the Roman Gladiators!

Throw the protesters to the lions!

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 05:52 PM
Will be interesting to see what the IPCC do!

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by THX-1138
Those protesters have low IQ.

I love to see the Police beat people. They should have beat the snot out of those pot smoking homosexual loving liberal idiots.

Bring back the Roman Gladiators!

Throw the protesters to the lions!

Do yourself a favour, when you start witnessing your own children get beaten by the police, remind yourself it's because they have low IQ's and then be happy that you were right, in fact bathe in your own self-righteousness and be glad that you weren't stupid enough to do anything about it, especially because you were far more clever than the people who tried.

Good luck in whatever reality you're in.

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by News And History

a perfect example as to why "peaceful" protesting is completely ineffective.

But hey, you got the "moral high ground" to the police. Lost your dignity on the way though..

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by Acidtastic
And lookie what we have here. "Anarchists" letting an ambulance go past, and the nazi police stop them from going their quickest route. Now, I've no idea if this has anything to do with Ian Tomlinson (RIP) but either way, you can see that it is, again, the nazi scum police, who stop what could be a potentially life altering decision for who ever is in the back of the ambulance.
This was the ambulance intended for ian i know this because i have picked myself out in the video check out my other posts they will confirm this im glad you have posted this because i didnt know it existed! shortly after this film ends the two police vans got pelted and turned around and left im just checking out the other videos now to see if i can tell ya anymore this was the ambulance definatly intended for ian rip he is behind the big line of police keeping everybody back

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by mr-lizard
why don't you suggest some yourself smart arse's a start

Use local credit unions or mutualised building societies (there are still plenty of them around) instead of multinantional consumer banks such as HBOS, Natwest, Halifax etc

Shop at community-level small-business stores rather than corporate food markets such as Tesco etc. to keep the money flowing locally rather than internationally

Use/set up skills banks to donate some free-time, and all that energy that some would rather throw at police lines, to helping-out the older generation or others who need a helping hand

If you dont like the ethics on which a particular business is run, then don't use their services or consume their products

In a nutshell, think globally and act locally, vote with your wallet against the current system (money talks, remember?) and take the desire to create change into your own hands.

It will achieve far more and will start to economically rebuild the immediate community wherever you may be...turn the notion of 'trickle-down' capitalist economic theory on its head, and work to start the 'trickle-up' model instead

Originally posted by Acidtastic
Citizen Smith, do you ever get angry at anything? You know, so mad that you could do unspeakable acts

I used to a long while ago, and learnt that it achieved very little.

The last time I got unspeakably mad in fact, I used that energy to totally turn-over my way of with a major bank, flat, financial security, consumer-credit lifestyle, everything, in true 'Fight Club' style...and in fact, inspired by it (you know, the scene where Edward Norton blows his entire life out the front of his ikea-everything-showhome apartment).

I dedicated myself to retraining and reskilling in renewable-energy with the goal of creating an ethical business in the same, which will hopefully achieve the aim of helping those at the bottom of the economic pyramid blighted by energy-poverty, whilst guaranteeing a sustainable career for myself

I'm not advocating anything particularly revolutionary, or suggesting another '-ism' as an alternate, rather to just adapt the current way things are run to one that harnesses the good points of capitalism, with a community-responsible twist.

If you REALLY want some good ideas to get a clearer idea of what i'm getting at, I'd suggest you read "The fortune at the bottom of the Pyramid"

In Yoda's own words.. "Fear leads to anger, and anger leads to the dark-side".

Sit down, calm your mind and clear your thoughts, and you'll find the answer is staring you right in the face


[edit on 6-4-2009 by citizen smith]

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 09:54 PM
Well do you not think that the protestors have not been involved in similar ideas?

Do you think they just go home and stop thinking? As i say there were many people from all walks of life wanting to voice their opinions. This was denied to them.

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 10:36 PM
Ya know Every so often either the G-20 or When other world leaders get toegather to discuess world events there are always these SO CALLED PEACEFULL PROTESTERS. There's always confrontation. This same thing always happens.
As from the protests from the 60's orginizers show up to these events to quietly push a peace-ful protest to the point that they can get headlines.
If you want to make a difference contact your own Senaters and rep.s. Let them know how you feel. Or vote the ones out you don't agree with.
And just a question why do we always see a Democrat involved???
If you want to be safe stay at home. Chances are if you go, we all know what probally may happen

posted on Apr, 7 2009 @ 04:22 AM
reply to post by mr-lizard

What dyou think would have happened if, after all the money spent by the police on preparations, no-one had turned up to protest, as they had stayed within their own neighbourhoods quietly getting on with their own plans at creating change?

A protest based on non-protest

For a start it would have made the police and media look ridiculous if all they had was to patrol empty streets, or report on nothing happening

[edit on 7-4-2009 by citizen smith]

posted on Apr, 7 2009 @ 04:44 AM
reply to post by colec156

CCTV wasn't turned off, your misinterpreting a non-story. Some traffic cams were deemed to low a resolution according to law and had to be replaced. That is not the same as the CCTV camera's used to monitor the streets.

posted on Apr, 7 2009 @ 07:55 AM
This is my first post, so hello everybody!

This is a great find, thanks News & History!

If the police think that this kind of response to peaceful protesting is acceptable, it won't be long before the UK starts to get very angry. They should start to actually think about how to conduct themselves before the people realise there are more of us than them.

If things continue like they are in Britain they are going to have to deal with a lot more than people shoving because they have been penned in like animals, which is the police's own fault in the first place. Thuggery and lazy tactics won't get them anywhere after that.

Again - great find!

posted on Apr, 7 2009 @ 08:24 AM

He writes that it appeared to at least these two photographers that most of the much-photographed violence on Wednesday evening was caused by people who looked like “agent provocateurs,” who “were going from police line to police line baiting the police — and they were the ones who instigated the push against police lines that kicked off the evening violence.” This photographer adds that “There was another guy baiting the police and whipping up the crowd to rush the police, he got a hundred or so protesters to follow him and then sneaked off as they reached police lines.” He also writes that the second photographer, who is a reliable reporter, “saw a bunch of protesters trying to stop a guy in black throwing bottles at the police, the protesters had an argument him and then accused him of being a policeman, whereupon he ran to the police cordon, showed some I.D. and was let through!”
Need we say any more?


edit to add link.

[edit on 7/4/2009 by Acidtastic]

posted on Apr, 7 2009 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by mr-lizard
Do you think they just go home and stop thinking? As i say there were many people from all walks of life wanting to voice their opinions. This was denied to them.

Voicing your opinion is all well and good, but as we have seen, are falling on deaf ears. Not to mention that putting those opinions into practice is entirely another thing.

I count myself amongst the minority that are doing so, have personally given up an unsustainable way of life, and am striving to achieve those aims ...are you?

I've already described here what I'm doing to play my small local part...lets hear what you are working on

[edit on 7-4-2009 by citizen smith]

posted on Apr, 7 2009 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by citizen smith
I've already described here what I'm doing to play my small local part...lets hear what you are working on

Use local credit unions or mutualised building societies (there are still plenty of them around) instead of multinantional consumer banks such as HBOS, Natwest, Halifax etc

Check. For numerous years.

Shop at community-level small-business stores rather than corporate food markets such as Tesco etc. to keep the money flowing locally rather than internationally

Check. I buy my fruit veg from the grogers (which incidentally is a local farm), I visit the local butchers/ bakery and support local markets as do many members of my family, many of whom have allotments themselves, aswell as several friends who have various plots of land. Many of the veg they grow is donated to local hospsices and trusts.

Use/set up skills banks to donate some free-time, and all that energy that some would rather throw at police lines, to helping-out the older generation or others who need a helping hand

Well my line of work includes but is not limited to: Working with the elderly, the disabled, the young and also with people of various ages who have special needs.
I also support the local arts and music community in a bid for creative inspiration for the youngsters.

So yeah.... check.

I give money to local and international charities, and yet at the end of all this my friend... I'm a student who is completing a second year higher education course (after struggling through my own personal hell of being homeless) and do much of this work completely unpaid, aswell as two other jobs, so i have enough money just to scrape by.

Bet i'm not the reckless, violent anarchist you originally thought i was eh?

[edit on 7-4-2009 by mr-lizard]

posted on Apr, 7 2009 @ 06:23 PM
In regards to other ideas:

I've seen sustainable, fully working, ecologically friendly villages in europe, i've seen a variety of ingenious inventions at many fetsivals that require little or no power.

A system like this would require so little of the earth, yet multi-national corporate share holders prevent us from ever reaching this state of existence.
I suggest education and awareness is the key, but with the technique of educating and entertaining the children, to encourage growth both mental and spiritual development so they can see the former damage WE have done, and let them learn from our mistakes... So to box that off, a better education and energy system.

I also suggest people learn to stop hating each other......

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 07:11 AM
reply to post by mr-lizard

Well, it needed a bit of pushing to get you to answer the question, and thankyou for it

You're surely headed in the right direction, and your dead right, education is indeed the key.

For a start, we need to dispel the notion that it requires the consent of multi-national shareholders to achieve any big ideas, it doesn't.

Take the eco villiage example you mention, one of the most famous and widely respected is the Centre for Alternative Technology in Machllynlech, Wales...all done privately, and now attracts students worldwide for their Masters' Degree courses, and consults on the founding of other similar eco-living/energy projects

This is kind of the idea of 'trickle up'...the filtering through of such ideas as you and I and the many many others are working on, to the mainstream.

Sure it takes time, can be frustrating, and doesn't seem to achieve much immediate effect, but oak trees take a while to grow from tiny acorns

When the principle of responsible social-capitalism looks like a viable scaleable business oportunity, you will see the large companies wanting to take the same route (and already are) particularly if through economic protest at the way they previously conducted business, they start to lose income from a dissatisfied consumer-base

That should be the goal of protest by the take it directly to the companies out there to force a sea-change of business practice that will ultimately affect every one of their consumers so creating the ripple-effect, not the government who merely sheperd the economy and administer the machinery of state.

ps: apologies for the assumption of your character, it was based only on the evidence posted here on the boards, I live and learn eh?

[edit on 8-4-2009 by citizen smith]

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