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There is nothing wrong with a One-World Government

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posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by mikerussellus

Then do any of us really have free will? We are all, in our own ways, part of some group or another. And I can tell you with certainty that there are a few groups that I am part of that, contrary to popular belief, thrive on one's sense of individuality. Even in a group there is a need for individual thinking. We're not talking about creating a hive-mind like entity to control us all, we, at least I, just mean that if we all worked together, we could get a lot more accomplished. I feel that even if that "togetherness" is forced, it could still get a lot done. Yes I acknowledge the fact that not all of our problems will be solved, but I think it's a good start.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by mikerussellus
When you 'group' individuality you lose it. the whole point of individuality, the definition of it is lost.

So... Because we (I'm assuming your an American) are all Americans, ruled by one government, we have no individuality?

Originally posted by mikerussellus
Logically there are no iduviduals in a group.

Umm... Yes there are lol...
That's like saying there are no jellybeans in a bag of jelly beans...
You can even see their individual colors... Strange, they didn't magically turn into one uniform jellybean...

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by Heathaah!!

You are right. I'm glad you spoke up. For those who dont understand it's quite simple. This One World Government wasProphesized over 2000 years ago.

It also says during this (SAME) time that people will be required to take a mark (mandatory) or they can not buy or sell.

The only thing that fits at this time is the RFID microchip implant. It will hold all of your personal data, such as banking info, medical info, social security number, drivers license, etc, etc.

You can buy one of these chips now for 200.00 US but soon they will be free to all global citizens.

Here is a Motorola hand held RFID scanner.

RFID hand held RFID handheld reader gives your workers the ability to capture a comprehensive range of data — from RFID tags and bar codes to images — with this flexible multi-function RFID handheld reader, which reads data in remote areas where fixed RFID readers can't reach.

This is the intention of the One World Government or NWO.
P.S the little mark is Satan's mark.

Anyone interested in knowing more can find it here, as well

[edit on 3-4-2009 by wonderworld]

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by depmode21
Hello guys,

I've been lurking these boards for a few weeks now and it seems there is a lot of hysteria going on here.

If you really think about the contexts of a One-World Government, you will come to understand that it would do the planet good. You just have to think outside the box. Here are my points:

1) War Would End

In order for a One-World Government to be firmly established, there would have to be an understanding between all the nations of the world. The G-20 Summit is a perfect example of powerful nations co-existing for a beneficial common purpose. If all the nations in the world are united, then there won't be anymore disagreements or factors leading up to war. All difficulties would be resolved in peaceful fashion.

1. Wars will never end, as they have been a factor of Humanity since time immortal. As a matter of fact, Animals even wage wars against eachother, can you find a way to stop them from doing so? No? So there you go.

2) Poverty & Disease Would End

A lot of you seem to be complaining about higher taxes if a One-World Government becomes a reality. I believe that's a selfish point of view.
If the goal of raising taxes is to balance out the world economy and redistribute money to the poor, then why would it be such a bad thing?
I don't believe a lot of you have ever visited a third-world country, let alone put yourself in their shoes. I went to Afghanistan around 2006 to do some charity work and I can tell you that those people would give an arm and a leg to be able to live even close to how a minimum wage US citizen lives.

You all obviously care about the human race if you seem to be rebelling against the order in order to save "freedom". But would it be wrong to raise taxes in the wealthiest nations of the world and distributing to poor countries? Would it be wrong to use this same tax money to fund research for medical cures of the world's deadliest diseases?

2. Poverty cannot be eliminated when you have people who wish not to work nor earn a living. No matter how much aide or infrastructure you pour into programs and the like, there will ALWAYS be individuals who live below the Poverty line, whether by choice or circumstance. As for Diseases, there will ALWAYS be illnesses, they will never become fully eliminated. Often times, when curing one illness, another is created or discovered in its place.

3) Over-Population Would End

Let's say that this One-World Government sets a regulation that states that the amount of children you can have has to match the amount of income you make. Would this really be a bad thing? How many of you have seen or grown up in low-income families with multiple children? Some people can barely support themselves, let alone multiple children. What would happen to these children who've received a lack of nutrition and lack of education in their lives? This is the root of a moral problem that potentially leads to crime.

Let's say your parents were living off of Ramen noodles everyday and working minimum wage, would you respect them for bringing you into a world of poverty? What if they had waited until they were making enough income to raise you in a comfortable manner?

3. Over-population would never end, because Human and Animal nature is to PROCREATE. You cannot take away this inherited characteristic, so therefore what would you do with the babies that are born outside of a particular family's set limits? Would you kill them? Dump them? Adopt them? Regardless, the population would still increase. Also, in correlation to the "Cure Disease" aspect of your "Point Number Two", the more Illnesses you cure, and the further along you increase longevity as a result, the greater our Global Population will become.

4) Violence Would End

Let's say that the "right to bear arms" is banished and punishment for certain crimes get harsher. Wouldn't this decrease the amount of violence and murder in the world? What if new technology were created similar to the weapons in the film, "Minority Report", that subdues criminals in a non-deadly way?

On a global note, this would take quite a bit of time because war would have to be abolished and peaceful coalition among nations would need to be established first, hence the One World Government.

4. Violence, as in War, will NEVER end. Again, Animals have always subjected eachother to violent acts since the beginning of time, and Humans are no different. You can never eliminate a characteristic of nature, you can only reduce or inhibit it through the way in which you raise your children, the environment you provide for them, as well as the moral values which you instill in them. A Unified World Government has NO ability to do this for you, and therein lies the current fault behind a growing number of individuals who simply wish to shove off their own responsibilities upon the Government, and others.

5) Religious Extremism Would End

The age old nonsense of "My God is better than your God" has been plaguing mankind since the beginning. Even to this day, if you check the news, you will probably see "Suicide bomber hits subway, kills 15". Where do you think that suicide bomber got his motivation from?

Now, this might cause a bit of controversy but if I was part of a secret group that could influence the world's events, I would certainly try to stage some sort of Extraterrestrial contact with the world that would challenge people's beliefs. Now ask yourself if such an event happened, would the suicide bomber have still bombed the subway due to his religious beliefs?

There are many more points I would like to point out but unfortunately this post will not allow me to write anymore. Just ask yourselves if you would like to live in a society described as above.

5. The current aspect of Religion as we know it has spread for roughly 3,000 Years, so what makes you believe you can simply scrub everyone's Beliefs? No one should EVER be asked to give up nor sacrifice their Moral integrity, and Belief systems, and therefore this proposition is so ludicrous in nature, it will in fact never be accomplished. I dislike the idea of an Atheist controlled Government as much as I do a Thuggish Theocracy such as the Taliban. 93% of the World is considered Religious in Nature, so unless you wish to Tyrannically impose 7% of the World's beliefs upon the Vast Majority, then you are out of luck I am afraid.

[edit on 4-3-2009 by TheAgentNineteen]

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by TruthParadoxYour vision of a one world government is one filled with corruption.
But it doesn't have to be.

Well duh. Of course it doesn't have to be, but it will. Anything good gets destroyed, almost every form of government at it's core has very good ideals, but they get twisted and corrupted along the way. The sycophants will be there to try and sell it, Americans and most of the world just aren't buying.

We already had what could have been the perfect form of government, we just need to get it back.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 08:44 PM
I am an American. I choose to stay an American. If I'm in a group it is because I choose to join that group. Once that ability to choose is taken away I lose. Do you honestly think that everyone will choose to be a part of this global government? And then, if not, are you going to MAKE them choose? Sounds like a loss of freedom and free will to me.
And while it is true that jellybeans retain their color, (weak analogy) try keeping your individual colors mixed when using the food coloring used to dye them.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by mikerussellus

Me too!

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by TylerKing

Originally posted by TruthParadoxYour vision of a one world government is one filled with corruption.
But it doesn't have to be.

Well duh. Of course it doesn't have to be, but it will.

uhh. OK.
Well, either you're a psychic or you're making an assumption.
Saying "it will" is exactly what I'm arguing against. You don't know that.

Originally posted by TylerKing
Anything good gets destroyed, almost every form of government at it's core has very good ideals, but they get twisted and corrupted along the way. The sycophants will be there to try and sell it, Americans and most of the world just aren't buying.

There is no utopia, I agree..
I'm waiting for you to explain why a one world government would be worse than no world government.

Originally posted by TylerKing
We already had what could have been the perfect form of government, we just need to get it back.

Could that form of government expand to the rest of the world?
Of course in our current state, other countries wouldn't accept it, but if they did, why couldn't it work for the world as it has for America?

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by mikerussellus
I am an American. I choose to stay an American. If I'm in a group it is because I choose to join that group. Once that ability to choose is taken away I lose.

You have to live in some country...

Originally posted by mikerussellus
Do you honestly think that everyone will choose to be a part of this global government?

People don't choose to follow our laws, so I don't see how things would be any different in a one world government.

Originally posted by mikerussellus
And then, if not, are you going to MAKE them choose? Sounds like a loss of freedom and free will to me.

That's because we never had it to begin with.
You can move to another country if you want, but you will always be under laws of some sort. And because of that, you will never have complete freedom or free will.
Of course there will be murderers who say "Blarg this is ridiculous! I should be able to kill someone if I choose to". At that point, they can move to an uninhabited island.

You can't have it all... You just can't...

If you don't want to abide by the laws of society, then you also won't reap the benefits of society. Go live in the caves. Have fun. Don't forget to write.

Originally posted by mikerussellus
And while it is true that jellybeans retain their color, (weak analogy) try keeping your individual colors mixed when using the food coloring used to dye them.

Aww.. I thought it was a pretty good analogy

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by TruthParadox

No one wants to admit that the US failed terribly. We don’t want to give up our Sovereignty.

These rights are granted to all Americans because of independence:

Freedom of religion
Freedom of assembly
Freedom of speech
Freeom of press
Freedom to keep and bear arms
Freedom to a fair and speedy trial by an impartial jury
Freedom to petition
Freedom of limitation of power of the federal government
Freedom from unreasonable search and seizure
Freedom from double jeopardy (being tried more than once for the same crime)

It is important to remember that the freedoms we enjoy in America were earned by our forefathers as they fought and died for independence. As a nation, America has learned that freedom does not come for free.

There is always the possibility that the freedom we know will be threatened and that we must also fight for its preservation.

NEW Independence dates 1776-2009

[edit on 3-4-2009 by wonderworld]

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 09:27 PM
Yippee. I can't wait for a one world government. wonderful it would be for these evil, criminal, murdering, power-hungry devils to not only rule Britain, and the US and the major banks...but to rule it all. Won't it be sweet!

I can't wait to be a drone.

Where do I sign up?

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 09:29 PM
I am a big advocate of a unified earth.

The thing is how it is unified... if it is under a corporate oligarchy then no... I am dead set against it... exploitation and pollution, rape and pillage would continue all in the name of a centerilized state.

If however it is a decenteralized system of interdependence and mutually responsible and respecting states then yes.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 09:30 PM
reply to post by wonderworld

So it's impossible for the whole world to enjoy such a government?

I've yet to hear one argument for why a one world government would fail.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by TheAgentNineteen

This all directly correlates with your reply to depmode

1. Animals only fight over territory and food as do humans so if a better society was installed not even an one world gov maybe something like communism, true communism that is, where there is no gov only a set of unchangeable rules that people have every right not to follow but will face the repricussions with doing so if it were a criminal act of course.

the infrastructure that is already set in place does not need to be changed except for the money portion with true communism there is no monetary system just a resource sharing system and worker reward system such as you start part time work when 16 flippin burgers or some other low level job and as long as they are doing this and going to high school and getting good grades they would be rewarded with a vehicle, clothes, entertainment, anything they want as long as it is within their means. Then of course they choose a specialized college to go into the field of their choice. most if not all will have housing for students once graduated and placed in their career path they choose the type of house they want and start creating their family. This itself along with a public ally unanimous voting system would solve alot of problems. please correct me if im wrong

2. This is true no matter what there are thee unmotivated or handicapped which is completely fine. thee unmotivated will get public housing, no luxuries watsoever, just three hots and a cot, until they decide to grow up and start their career. The handicapped will have all the proper healthcare provided either at their parents home or at a proper facility

3.So why fight nature we can easily build up and around this problem and each job bracket and age will have a set amount of kids that you are allowed and space is a really big place so it overpopulation should never be a problem.

4. yes as long as there are lazy people in the world there will be someone who would rather take by force , than give and receive hence why there should be a public order of law enforcement and if you were to raise the standard for all then everyone would be better educated and wouldnt have to resort to petty theft..

5. Your beliefs are your own separate beliefs and they shouldn't really affect your voting decisions because some beliefs are illogical and in a world of logic that just wont work but the basic tenants of all religions which are basically the same should be a basis for some of the rules.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by TruthParadox

You have to live in some country...

Right. And I choose to live in a country that promotes freedom.

People don't choose to follow our laws, so I don't see how things would be any different in a one world government.

I actually obey the law. Don't see any problem with that as long as that law is just.

That's because we never had it to begin with.
You can move to another country if you want, but you will always be under laws of some sort. And because of that, you will never have complete freedom or free will.
Of course there will be murderers who say "Blarg this is ridiculous! I should be able to kill someone if I choose to". At that point, they can move to an uninhabited island.

You can't have it all... You just can't...

If you don't want to abide by the laws of society, then you also won't reap the benefits of society. Go live in the caves. Have fun. Don't forget to write.


posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by TruthParadox
reply to post by wonderworld

So it's impossible for the whole world to enjoy such a government?

I've yet to hear one argument for why a one world government would fail.

That's because you fail to recognize free will and freedom as actual motivating forces that guide our society for good or for bad.


posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by TruthParadox

I wont preach to you on this thread but I do have proof, if you are willing to hear.

From what Ive heard you say I doubt you will be interested but who knows?

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 09:48 PM
Would I like to live in your society? Not a chance in hell.

In short: At best, you are ignorant; dangerously ignoring history, sociology, economics, and anthropology. At worst, you desire and wish to make the global population poor and servants of the ruling elite (think 99.99997% versus 0.00003%).

A few points of general rebuttal:
Point 1 - Communism doesn't work, except maybe on a small scale, like a small isolated village. You need to read "The Communist Manifesto" as it makes similar arguments to your talking points. What you are proposing is basically communism on a global scale. You should probably read a history book or two to understand the path to, and consequences from, communism. Obviously it didn't work for the Soviet Union or North Korea. Its only been in the last 20y that you could call China "successful" but even then, much of that success had to do with trade relations and not political ideology.

Point 2 - People are corrupt. Find any historical writings, from the Bible to Shakespeare to modern literature. There are many examples of corruption and greed. Its human nature.

Point 3 - Cultures across the globe are very different. There would be no pleasing any one majority group. Read Hofstaede's study to learn more about the vast differences.

Point 4 - Who's to decide things? Like your how many children rule. You? Me? Some "Enlightened Messiah?" The Bilderburgs? Get real.

Point 5 - Read some history of dictatorships. Mugabe is a great recent example. Or Sudan's dictator. War, Violence, and Poverty have done the exact opposite of your theory.

Specific Rebuttal Points:
Point 1 - G-20 and similar global governance meetings like WTO draw violent protests in the streets. Sure, they could be peaceful, but when you get a few thousand frustrated protesters together, it only takes a few hot heads to make the crowd violent.

Point 2 - Poverty is relative to locality. Is Afghanistan poor? Yes, due primarily to the FACT that their #1 crop is poppy. If they grew crops that had value at market, they would be in a much better situation. A local American example is this: My middle-class wages and living in Ohio would be lower-class wages and living on the coasts. And "we" the rich USA already freely give billions of dollars to the poor around the world. I don't think you understand the amount of money given to African countries over the years "For the Good of the People" that's never gotten past the pockets of bureaucrats.

Point 3 - Who defines the limits? The only things to compensate for "Overpopulation" are war, disease, famine, and human ingenuity (figure out how to do more with less).

Point 4 - Criminals get guns regardless of the law. Look at Britain and tell me how well this is working for them. Have guns gone away? Only from the hands of responsible citizens.

Point 5 - "My God is better than your God" will plague mankind until the end of time. There is only one way to end this argument: Destroy all believers, sympathizers, media, and historical records of such religion. Then continue with the threat of death to anyone questioning your belief in atheism.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 09:48 PM

Originally posted by TruthParadox
I've yet to hear one argument for why a one world government would fail.

Perhaps because the argument and/or evidence(s) were looking you straight in the face and you failed to see it/them. If one wanted to truly see an argument or evidence as to why such a conceptual notion such as "one world government" would fail, all one would have to do is look at the United Nations and its long history of glorified and bureaucratic failures.

Furthermore, considering that the world, i.e.: the internatonal community, has yet to agree upon and/or reach universal concensus on say...a definition of terrorism (as an example)...there are a number of nations/countries/states that would not, for one minute, subscribe to living under a "one world government," let alone submit to global governance or rules.

Additionally, you have failed to take into account the most important argument: the vast majority of the modern international community/society/people/individuals are against such a notion as "one world government." Even if the people/individuals that make up the global community/society did ever agree to such, as with all nation-state political and religious leaders, it would take decades upon decades of political/ideological/religious arguing as to how such a one world government would function, etc.

The bottom line here is that no matter how much you or anyone else wants to espouse how lovely it would be to live under a "one world government," the simple reality is that it remains, for now, an idea and a speculative conversation piece.

*edit for word correction(s)

[edit on 3-4-2009 by Seekerof]

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 09:52 PM
To the original poster, you cannot post a thread like this here.

People on this forum believe that a one-world government will be ruled by someone with absolutely power. They have never seen the Constitution of this one-world government, but they know it will be absolute power. There will not be checks and balances, it will be absolute power. Even worst, this person will be under the control of "them".

No one has ever showed me the Constitution of this one-world government, so they are just pulling out the idea out their ass that this will be ruled with absolute power. No one has ever showed me proof of this secret society, which controls the leaders of the world, so its another idea they just pulled out their ass.

A one-world government can work, but there needs to be a system of checks and balances. There needs to be elected leaders. There needs to be a judicial system. There needs to be protected freedoms of the people. It is not a system of governance that can be enacted overnight. It will be a long process, much like the process for admittance to the EU.

[edit on 3-4-2009 by MasterRegal]

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