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There is nothing wrong with a One-World Government

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posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 07:38 PM
OP I know what you are trying to get across. The problem lies in that humans are far too primitive to make compromises to get along and make a world exempt from the problems we have always faced. We as a whole repeat the same mistakes of our forefathers over and over. Hopefully we as a species can overcome this one day but, I'm not holding my breath for that. It can be done but, not yet. We are not ready.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 07:39 PM
reply to post by jayvance1

I'm with you on the antichrist issue. It appears all in favor of a one world government havent a clue what we are saying. Do you know what I mean??

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 07:44 PM
It may be the end of all those things, but it will be the end of your freedom..

When only one group runs the show there is no room for growth or argument. It's do it..or die.

We fought to get away from a rule like this under england. We must never go back.

There are other ways to combat war, terror, disease and poverty... we can work together as a world without combining governments.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by TruthParadox

Originally posted by mikerussellus
If this putz thinks that a 'one world government' is soooo stinking great then why not move to one of these countries out there that believe in totalism, communism, socialism, facsism etc. Saddly, there's plenty to choose from. I kinda like my freedom thank you and will bloody-well defend it if I have to!
I find it ironic that ONLY in countries that promote freedoms do we hear of such tripe!

Totalitarianism? Communism? Socialism? Fascism?
What do they have to do with a one world government?
You bought the hype. Congrats.

Is it not possible for there to be a one world Democracy?
Not that we have a Democracy to begin with, but using the broad sense of the word...

The internet is leading the way to a universal standard.
Universal culture, universal music, universal art, etc...
Wouldn't it also be nice to have universal laws?
Why should it be accepted to do something in one country and not in another?

Just don't buy the hype of "One world government = bad".
It doesn't have to be...

You're kidding, right? I mean, here on planet earth we have what are called "people". Some good, some bad. What they have in common is individuality. While all men were CREATED equal, that doesn't mean they STAY that way. Mebbe on YOUR planet there is no creativity, no yearning to be free, mebbe on your planet it "feels" safer to be part of the hive. If you've never HAD freedom then you don't know what you're missing. But once you've tasted it, it's kinda hard to put that particular brand of toothpaste back into the tube.


posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by Solar.Absolution
If anyone is wondering why these pro-NWO messages are popping up everywhere it's called : Fusion Centers. Where disinformation agents are trained / employed.

But their pay is crappy I must say...
I'm only getting $5.00 an hour for this...

Originally posted by wonderworld
Do people truly think we will all live in harmony in a global society? We cant even live together in our own country and acheive peace and prosperity.

No, there will never be a utopia.
You guys are looking at this as all or nothing.
There will never be all and there will never be nothing, so let's look at what there would be...

Originally posted by wonderworld
There will be only one appointed Dictator. I wonder who that will be?

Of course... Because when someone says NWO you automatically think DICTATORSHIP.
A dictatorship is a dictatorship, a government is a government, and as with anything else, it matters what kind we are speaking of.
A universal government doesn't need a dictator.
Try again.
Do not pass go, do not collect $200.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by jtma508

You forgot the best example of a government that has taken advantage of it's people. The Untied States of America.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by caballero
If that many nukes went off at the same time there wouldnt be an America anymore. Nuclear winter.

You missed the point, but ok...

Originally posted by caballero
I stand by what I said a one world government is a horrible idea, we cant even manage the problems of the world we run today. Our govenments have their own agenda they are no longer by the people or for the people, A few greedy leaders in the world both religious and political have caused more violence and bloodshed than hitler and stalin, and we want to give these people complete control?

Tell me, was it the quality of politicians which caused our current predicament or was it the fact that America has grown since the 1700s?
Quality or quantity?
Seems like an easy answer to me...


Originally posted by toochaos4u
OP I know what you are trying to get across. The problem lies in that humans are far too primitive to make compromises to get along and make a world exempt from the problems we have always faced. We as a whole repeat the same mistakes of our forefathers over and over. Hopefully we as a species can overcome this one day but, I'm not holding my breath for that. It can be done but, not yet. We are not ready.

This I agree with. Too many people would be against it, not just in America but in many countries. It has to be gradual. And it will be.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 08:02 PM
I'm in agreement with TruthParadox. People automatically assume that a one world government would be inherently evil. I saw someone earlier post something about what we all have in common is our individuality. Why can't we use that individuality for the betterment of the Human Race under one system? Where, in all of this, has anyone said that One World Government would take away all of our freedoms, rights, or anything else that we hold dear? Can you imagine how much more efficient our race would be if we all pooled our greatest minds together instead of hoarding secrets and wealth?? I'm not necessarily in favor of a few people having all the power, but why can't a governing body, such as a variation of the UN, be put in power? Where all countries are represented in a fair and just system? And please don't start about how the UN isn't fair because of smaller countries getting less representation or "say-so." It could all be based on population, as opposed to military or fiscal power.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 08:04 PM
Every human beings are corrupted, do you think one world government is the solution to the world problems? Its not going to work, corrupted elites are controlling everything. From banks to agriculture to education to politics. NWO is upon us, we must stop them.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by depmode21

I am a religious person and a one world government is a huge sign of "the end of times". So that alone makes me oppose the idea of New World Order.

On a non-religious note:
if New World Order takes place... our freedom is ultimately DESTROYED!

Come on... fight for your RIGHTS. Our founding fathers came to America to have freedom... and look at where we're headed now.
What a waste!

The "perfect one world government" would never work. It's based of leaders that aren't elected- in this case, bankers. That means that everything that's going on, in reality, is an EMPIRE in the making!


posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by mikerussellus
You're kidding, right? I mean, here on planet earth we have what are called "people". Some good, some bad. What they have in common is individuality. While all men were CREATED equal, that doesn't mean they STAY that way. Mebbe on YOUR planet there is no creativity, no yearning to be free, mebbe on your planet it "feels" safer to be part of the hive. If you've never HAD freedom then you don't know what you're missing. But once you've tasted it, it's kinda hard to put that particular brand of toothpaste back into the tube.


You fail again.
And on nothing more than assumptions.
I'm still waiting for an explanation on why a one world government would lack freedom. I understand that the version you imagine in your head lacks freedom, but it wouldn't have to.

I'm sure when the United States of America was formed, there were people like you who said "no, we should remain in territories or we'll loose all our freedom".

Again, it's not quantity but quality.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by Jessicaviv

Can you also imagine Global Police? Tanks rolling down our streets.

Anyone against this NEW government will be considered terrorists. Will they have a fair trial? I highly doubt it.

You should be considered innocent until it can be proved that you are guilty. If you are accused of a crime, you should always have the right to defend yourself.

Nobody has the right to condemn you and punish you for something you have not done.

Things will not be as we have always known them to be.

2010 will not be a good year.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by Alvatore

Thank you.
Jeez la weez!

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by depmode21
reply to post by jtma508

I agree with you all that human beings at the core are a crap species.
But I do not agree that there aren't people out there who could run such a government in the most transparent manner possible. There have been millions of people since the dawning of time who do good and mean good.

Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, Ghandi, the list goes on and on.

Many of you are saying that you will be enslaved to a elite class of people?
Do you really think that an elite class of people can avoid being overthrown by six billion rebelling citizens? What are they going to do hide underground?

Any One-World Government that gets established will be done for the betterment of mankind. There will be nothing shady or corrupt about it.

I just want to point out that the leaders you mentioned who may have had our best interests at heart were all murdered....doh! And by the way they were NOT proponents of one world order - in fact Ghandi was very much on the side of Indian sovereignty...

Your statement that "any one world government that gets established will be done for the betterment of mankind" is based on wishful thinking...first off you are not psychic so how exactly do you arrive at that conclusion - do you know these folks personally?!
didn['t think so.but bless your heart for wanting it to be so....depmode21, please please study some history and especially the history of some of the most vocal proponents of OWO - it isn't pretty...that is why many of us do not trust the motives, the rhetoric and so far the methods...

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 08:10 PM
The prospects of a unified humanity are great. However what people here fear and with good reason is the fact that a one world government would work to fill the needs of a few and leave the many without freedom and without hope.

The prospect of enslavement is the driving factor in the resistance to a New World Order.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 08:17 PM
I really fail to see where a lot of the people here are getting their evidence that a OWG would be an evil thing? Besides from a Biblical sense, all we have to go on is history, I understand that. But are you really going to use people like Hitler as an example?? Come on... probably not the best example to use. The man, while brilliant, was absolutely insane! And not one person has alluded to the fact that an OWG MUST be ruled by one individual person. Yes, I think we can all agree that THAT would be bad. Why are you people so afraid of change? It's this seemingly innate fear of change and the unknown that causes all the problems in the first place!

Having said that, I would sincerely like some examples throughout history that would point to why a OWG would be bad. And serious examples please, I'm being honest here in that I really can't think of any, and wish to be educated if possible.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by dwiggen
I'm in agreement with TruthParadox. People automatically assume that a one world government would be inherently evil. I saw someone earlier post something about what we all have in common is our individuality. Why can't we use that individuality for the betterment of the Human Race under one system? Where, in all of this, has anyone said that One World Government would take away all of our freedoms, rights, or anything else that we hold dear? Can you imagine how much more efficient our race would be if we all pooled our greatest minds together instead of hoarding secrets and wealth?? I'm not necessarily in favor of a few people having all the power, but why can't a governing body, such as a variation of the UN, be put in power? Where all countries are represented in a fair and just system? And please don't start about how the UN isn't fair because of smaller countries getting less representation or "say-so." It could all be based on population, as opposed to military or fiscal power.

When you 'group' individuality you lose it. the whole point of individuality, the definition of it is lost. Logically there are no iduviduals in a group. If you read my previous post then you must have also read that while God created all men as equal, there is no assurance that we all stay that way. You take away free will when you take away the options only freedom brings. No global society could be stable on it's own with freewill. And any attempt to control or govern free will will only lead to more revolution.
So sorry, not on this planet will there ever be a global governance. Not as long as there are people.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 08:19 PM
A one world government could only work if the world did not need to be governed.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 08:19 PM

Originally posted by Heathaah!!

Everything eventually fails or changes...
But Rome seemed to be doin' pretty good for a while

Originally posted by wonderworld
Can you also imagine Global Police? Tanks rolling down our streets.

Of course tanks
. Couldn't you think of anything less dramatic?
You have to get these darn movies out of your head...
A consistent government doesn't require the quality of said government to decrease...

Originally posted by wonderworld
Anyone against this NEW government will be considered terrorists. Will they have a fair trial? I highly doubt it.

This is not a requirement of a one world government. Assumption...

Originally posted by wonderworld
You should be considered innocent until it can be proved that you are guilty. If you are accused of a crime, you should always have the right to defend yourself.

This is not a requirement of a one world government. Assumption...

Originally posted by wonderworld
Nobody has the right to condemn you and punish you for something you have not done.

This is not a requirement of a one world government. Assumption...

Originally posted by wonderworld
Things will not be as we have always known them to be.

And that's not always a bad thing

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by TruthParadox

Originally posted by mikerussellus
You're kidding, right? I mean, here on planet earth we have what are called "people". Some good, some bad. What they have in common is individuality. While all men were CREATED equal, that doesn't mean they STAY that way. Mebbe on YOUR planet there is no creativity, no yearning to be free, mebbe on your planet it "feels" safer to be part of the hive. If you've never HAD freedom then you don't know what you're missing. But once you've tasted it, it's kinda hard to put that particular brand of toothpaste back into the tube.


You fail again.
And on nothing more than assumptions.
I'm still waiting for an explanation on why a one world government would lack freedom. I understand that the version you imagine in your head lacks freedom, but it wouldn't have to.

I'm sure when the United States of America was formed, there were people like you who said "no, we should remain in territories or we'll loose all our freedom".

Again, it's not quantity but quality.

This time I'm going to have to ding you on being wrong. Read the above on free will, it should give you something to think about.

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