reply to post by Northern Raider
Excellent thread, Raider. It was an interesting read, comparing others' concerns with my own. Here are my top three, in no particular order:
1. TOTAL NATIONAL ECONOMIC COLLAPSE/ U.S. SANCTIONS President Obama and Prime Minister Gordon Brown seem determined to root out the diabolical
e-vile represented in small nations that choose to not cooperate with the IRS -- Sweden, Barbados, Turks & Caicos, Kits, Cayman Islands. Most of
these nations depend upon their offshore banking for their basic revenue. Already I am reading threats of possible sanctions against this tiny
country of 45,000 souls. Okay, so the PTB have figured out other places to hide their money -- good for them. President Obama is going to take
your firearms, subvert the Second Amendment, become the very article of governmental opression that the American forefathers were so concerned about.
BTW -- just as a semi-rude aside...... doesn't Gordon Brown have one of those names that seems to need the title of "Chef" in front of it?
2. WORLD WAR. I think all the variables and facets of the horror of WWIII are already in motion. It's like we see it, see where it is going,
and then, as a people/nation, shrug and say to ourselves, "nuttin' I can do 'bout it." Well, there is something I can do about it. I can talk
about how utterly stupid and genocidic it is to even have the capability of toasting the planet. Expect this to continue until my connection to ATS
and other sites is cut. I expect by then, all our choices will be seriously truncated.
3. APATHY AND HELPLESSNESS. Look ...... we as a species can overcome, adapt, change/shift/morph into almost any imaginable situation, if we
could but do it together, not opposed to each other, not in competition for vital resources. I think many of us are just giving up, throwing up
our hands and proclaiming we're too small, lacking in influence, no sand, no grit. I see it around me, sitting here in the 5 month aftermath of
Hurricane Paloma. Some push forward, regardless of their loss, and others......... others suffered until the grid came to meet them and then they
embraced the grid...... POWER ON!!! Turn on the A/C full blast and never look back !
I think we have to ALL shift our paradigms of living and survival toward something that we can collectively sustain. There was a time in my life
where the food I wasted could have nourished a whole FAMILY in other parts of the world. Listen, these days...... if it is compost, then that
means it's too spoiled for me to use in a soup. I don't buy disposable paper products anymore, I wash towels. We are not poor, but we also have
no faith that our family financial total will continue to have any worth or meaning whatsoever. We have invested in solar products. I feel
confident they will arrive before any global downturn. I intend to help as many folks as I can make the transition to simpler living, as the changes
manifest themselves. I am not so evolved that I will allow one bean, one match, one cup of water to be taken from me by force. I am, and always
have been, full of hope, and appreciative of humor.
End of rant. Thank you for the space, NRaider