So, since the powers that be are critical of Humanity, it's high time to raid them (not physically, I don't want a knock on the door) , but
informationally. GET THE TRUTH OUT THERE!
This guy either breached level four nsa security protocols or he was downloading illegal photos from a dummy website.We theses really police who
arrested him or nsa angents dressed as Pheniox police officers.One may never know.We may not see him again.
They'll probably plant child porn in his pc, link him as a militia leader of some sort, plant a kilo of coke under his pillow and say he was a 9/11
Yes the goverment can plant faulse crimminal evidence in your computer any time.They can get into any computer they like.Even when the goverment
seises peoples computers and takes them away to be exsamined.They can also plant crimminal evidence then also.