posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 08:15 PM
The source is Alex Jones and he definitely has an "agenda" of his own to promote. If this is the only source for the news then I would take it with
a grain of salt. If Alex could spin toenails on the bathroom floor into a NWO conspiracy he would do it cuz that's where his bread is buttered. No
doubt that our very imperial government and it's exalted and coddled military sector have drawn up many plans for a wide panorama of contigencies and
actions, including a coup of the government itself. But just because they have a plan on the books does not mean that the plan is being acted upon.
FEMA stockpiles of coffins could be nothing more than prudent planning for an eventual catastrophe that we all know is possible, like another flu
pandemic, and not something sinister like the systematic disposal of large numbers of the American population. For the record, I too deeply distrust
our government as it is currently configured. I do not believe that the Demublicans and the Republicrats are looking out for my interests in the
slightest anymore. I'm just a money well to them. But I'm still skeptical that they are deviously plotting my imminent demise, as well as the demise
of millions of others. It seems to me that they would take a big hit where the tax revenues are concerned if they offed a huge number of us and money
is where the fair is at for these guys, afterall. Where this conspiracy is concerned I'm still a non-believer.
[edit on 2-4-2009 by godless]