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City workers taunt G20 protesters

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posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by A55A551N

I work for a financial services company and 99% of the people who work in that company and the others are nothing but administrators of backroom staff.

For people to threaten them is bang out of order - my company has an office in the city of London and I seen the internal emails that were issued warning staff not to come in or to dress down due to the threats that had been received.

The vast majority of people in these companies do not get large bonuses and are no different then the majority of ordinary workers out there.

If these so called protestors had any sense they would protest at the stock exchange and government buildings where the real action happens and not threaten ordinary people.

So yes I applaud the people who waved the signs - its there little act of revenge for the threats being made against them for the past couple of weeks.

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 03:10 PM
Hey Agent_T want to get even angrier?

It seems like Starbucks is using the G20 Twitter stream to advertise to protesters who're stuck there due to police cordon with Tweets like

Staying the night? Stay warm with a latte! 74-78 Finsbury Pavement #imcg20 #climatecamp #g20

Yes, "Staying the night and nursing a cracked skull? Have some nice warm coffee while you wait outside to be logged, photographed and released from cordon."

Starbucks Advertises to G20 Protesters

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by count66

There were never ANY officially recieved threats. There was Police memorandum stating that they'd recieved 'INTEL' that a group (G20 Meltdown? Not sure) Were going to storm banks.

Then the fear-mongering began... Telling shops/businesses to shut up and board up for the day; etc etc. Telling bankers to dress down through fear of reprisals for what the banks have done etc.

The protesters whom the bankers were waving stuff at, as has been said a few times in this thread were PEACEFULLY MARCHING and were not part of the EXTREME FEW who'd come to cause problems.

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by count66
reply to post by A55A551N

...internal emails that were issued warning staff not to come in or to dress down due to the threats that had been received.

That was an absolute joke. I watched them all traipse in at 8am. You could spot them a mile off. Dress down? Yer right. The last time I saw dress that "casual" was when Hatfield college (University of Durham) came into my bar.

I suppose Armani jeans is casual to people like that.

I had much more respect for those who came in standard "uniform".

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by count66

O man,you're so misguided it's just not funny.

OK,so they made it to work in spite of some threats by unknown faces(read jerks) against them who were probably mouthing off from the safety of their own keyboard...Good for them

So,in their defiance(and with the protection of lines of police) they then decide to incite anger at what would most likely be a bunch of people totally unconnected with the original threats.

Way to win friends and influence people.

Want to REALLY be brave and defiant??
Cross the police lines and do it face to face with the protesters.

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by Illusionsaregrander

Originally posted by Aeons

The people who riot are responsible for their own behaviour.

If you read "I'm repossessing your house" and you decide to destory things that are not yours that all you.

Economic violence is violence. It has the result of costing lives, and damaging the quality of lives of those upon which it is perpetrated. Often those who perpetrate economic violence also use physical violence to do so, with armies and police forces.

The people in the windows are not less violent. They are violent and have figured out a way to encode their form of violence into law. And they keep their hands clean by paying others to do their dirty work.

The masses in the street just have to do their own dirty work, and deal with the fact the most violent among us have made it against the law to fight back.

That's a load of poppycock.

You've got food. You can still live somewhere. You can even find free food if you need it. You probably have a TV and a washer and dryer.

If you think that being taunted by someone who is maybe middle class to upper middle class about having a shower and the fact that you aren't at work is violence you need to give you head a shake. You need to find out what abuse really looks like. What being Poor because someone took from you is like.

If you play the stocks, and they went down BECAUSE PEOPLE HAVE RIDICULOUSLY ALLOWED THEMSELVES TO EMOTIONALLY REACT TO A COMPELTELY UNRELATED FINANCIAL MATTER then you should have understood the risks of using your capital in that manner.

Grow up.

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 03:14 PM
I think the protestors would be better served by using a bullhorn to tell everyone to get the hell out of the bank immediately and they will be granted safe passage...

Then they should burn it once everyone is out.
Raize it to the ground.

Then move on.

Actually, I take that back as the banks are a private institution.
But Government buildings? Hell yeah.

[edit on 1-4-2009 by Jay-in-AR]

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by AGENT_T

I knew nothing would happen today BUT i wish it did kick off and see a bunch of bankers be thrown out of windows. they are the real terrorists. fecking fat cats swine all of them and i'm not even a leftie i'm a right winger

i still gotta agree with what they wanted to do. well there is still tomos

and the police i have to say had great discipline even when one copper got injured they never charged.

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by A55A551N

There were officially made threats made to people in my company so I disagree with you on that point.

Plus all of these people vote - so they are electing the people at the G20 - why don't they grow up and start voting where there real power lies rather then threaten ordinary workers.

In case you forget violence has marked the vast majority of these previous protests.

Funny how nearly all other protests, strikes etc seem to go off without any trouble or threats of violence - these few extremes you talk about who tend to be revolutionary marxists cause a lot of trouble and there threats are not being made in jest.

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by Raider of Truth

The police wouldn't dare act foolishly with that MANY protestors out and about.

This was mentioned in the thread regarding the Polices' authorization to use tasers.
They wouldn't dare!

Imagine trying to taser 300,000 people. You would be overwhelmed. People would become outraged. Massive riots if they step out of line.

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by AGENT_T

I would gladly do it face to face if I was in London - most of these guys making threats have never had to face one.

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 03:17 PM
I would saying that burning the effigy of a banker on a light pole is a pretty good symbolic threat.
Just sayin...

Sometimes you reap what you sow.

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by Jay-in-AR

i wanted them to do that when they broke into RBS apparently they attempted it but the fires didnt catch on.

wish i was fit enough to go down there in my balaclava and urban camouflage and burn it down but i got injured months ago and just recovering from my operation

ah well i'll probs be ready to join in when it becomes widespread.. my two best friends went down there and told me it nearly kicked off in the bank of england when they started trying to break the line.

them two ofc wearing their balaclavas and hoods fecking police nick anybody. shame that the APC was stopped it was meant to ram the buildings and drive onto the Bank of England steps.

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by count66

I agree..

If you did that though..Make sure you faced up to the actual threatening person,and not tar the protesters with the large 'ignorant' brush.

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by count66
reply to post by A55A551N

There were officially made threats made to people in my company so I disagree with you on that point.

Plus all of these people vote - so they are electing the people at the G20 - why don't they grow up and start voting where there real power lies rather then threaten ordinary workers.

In case you forget violence has marked the vast majority of these previous protests.

Funny how nearly all other protests, strikes etc seem to go off without any trouble or threats of violence - these few extremes you talk about who tend to be revolutionary marxists cause a lot of trouble and there threats are not being made in jest.

Provide me w/ irrefutible proof that 'All of these people vote'. Did you conduct a survey? - Besides no-one elected Gordon Brown into the position he's in right now... Or has everyone forgotten there was never an official election?

And I've never said otherwise about the group of extremists who are out to cause problems - But had there been any viable 'real' threats of serious nature, they would have carried them out.

The threats were made by a bunch of keyboard assassins IF any *Official* threats were made. - The people who were being taunted by the bankers were regular people either laid off, been screwed by the banking sector or something else and were doing nothing to deserve the incitement at this point.

The one troublemaker who caused the crap at the RBS building, a provoceteur of some type or another, either Police or otherwise. - And the other "Scuffles" probably people getting shoved left, right and center and actually taking exception to Police using their authority status to cause problems.

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by Jay-in-AR

there was only 20-30,000 throughout the day so not a huge turnout but still enough to break the lines if they werent all idiots and trying to push back instead of forward. as is aid if the APC went to plan the outcome would be different then again tomorrow is the big event..

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by AGENT_T

The people who have money,greedy for more and flaunt their avarice at people struggling to make ends meet.

Exactly. Who do you think can afford to take time off work to protest?

Reality is not always as it seems. Do you really despise those who struggle to earn a living and raise a family and support those who care nothing for anyone but themselves?

Look through the mirror.

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by Shadowflux
Hey Agent_T want to get even angrier?

It seems like Starbucks is using the G20 Twitter stream to advertise to protesters who're stuck there due to police cordon with Tweets like

Staying the night? Stay warm with a latte! 74-78 Finsbury Pavement #imcg20 #climatecamp #g20

Yes, "Staying the night and nursing a cracked skull? Have some nice warm coffee while you wait outside to be logged, photographed and released from cordon."

Starbucks Advertises to G20 Protesters

I'd go down there and smash the windows in, maybe leave a copy of the twitter. Damn capitalists just don't get it until they're dead. I have to wonder if it's advertising or taunting.

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by CapsFan8

Originally posted by Shadowflux
Hey Agent_T want to get even angrier?

It seems like Starbucks is using the G20 Twitter stream to advertise to protesters who're stuck there due to police cordon with Tweets like

Staying the night? Stay warm with a latte! 74-78 Finsbury Pavement #imcg20 #climatecamp #g20

Yes, "Staying the night and nursing a cracked skull? Have some nice warm coffee while you wait outside to be logged, photographed and released from cordon."

Starbucks Advertises to G20 Protesters

I'd go down there and smash the windows in, maybe leave a copy of the twitter. Damn capitalists just don't get it until they're dead. I have to wonder if it's advertising or taunting.

... You're not very upto speed on the internet, are you? No offence just asking lol

This is Twitter, it's not a newspaper or magazine. -

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by CapsFan8

I'd go down there and smash the windows in, maybe leave a copy of the twitter.

And show yourself as a NWO lackey?

Some of you folk here disgust me

[edit on 1-4-2009 by Essan]

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