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City workers taunt G20 protesters

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posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 06:31 AM
Just to let you know that Kettle the MET now has a facebook group. If you support the cause, then please join up in a small show of solidarity against police kettling tactics. There is also a March against Police tactics today,and probably every week leading up to MayDay (where if you don't want to fight the nazis, you'll have to stay away, cos that's one that will definatly kick off, unfortunatly)

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 07:37 AM

Originally posted by Acidtastic
Just to let you know that Kettle the MET now has a facebook group. If you support the cause, then please join up in a small show of solidarity against police kettling tactics.

That form of symbolic action will achieve results...

MayDay where if you don't want to fight the nazis, you'll have to stay away, cos that's one that will definatly kick off

Whereas as that will achieve precisely...what? Your need to take out your frustration and aggression on someone else?

All you'll do is further entrench the notion that those who do so are nothing but low-brow neanderthals who's only solution to a problem is to use thats what you are so clearly describing.

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by citizen smith

Originally posted by Acidtastic
Just to let you know that Kettle the MET now has a facebook group. If you support the cause, then please join up in a small show of solidarity against police kettling tactics.

That form of symbolic action will achieve results...

MayDay where if you don't want to fight the nazis, you'll have to stay away, cos that's one that will definatly kick off

Whereas as that will achieve precisely...what? Your need to take out your frustration and aggression on someone else?

All you'll do is further entrench the notion that those who do so are nothing but low-brow neanderthals who's only solution to a problem is to use thats what you are so clearly describing.

A bully will not listen to it's victims pleas. If the victim fights back with violence the bully will think twice before bullying again. That is a fact.

[edit on 4-4-2009 by RE2505]

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by RE2505
A bully will not listen to it's victims pleas. If the victim fights back with violence the bully will think twice before bullying again. That is a fact.

Who is bullying you? the police? sounds very much like the fight is being imposed on them

If you're advocating violence toward the state demanding change, rather than getting off your arse and creating that desired change by your own hands in a positive way then you get what you deserve

If you constantly see yourself as a 'victim' then your no use to the cause

The power to do good in the world, one tiny step at a time, is in your hands, but violence will never succeed against a better trained and equipped opposite

The only way to change 'the system' is to learn how it works, and then use that knowledge to improve the machine for the better of yourself and others, as its never going to go away, only change to reflect current circumstance

[edit on 4-4-2009 by citizen smith]

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by citizen smith

Originally posted by RE2505
A bully will not listen to it's victims pleas. If the victim fights back with violence the bully will think twice before bullying again. That is a fact.

Who is bullying you? the police? sounds very much like the fight is being imposed on them

If you're advocating violence toward the state demanding change, rather than getting off your arse and creating that desired change by your own hands in a positive way then you get what you deserve

Yes the police, I along with many others were bullied by their uncalled for charges. I went to the protests to support the climate campers as it looked like a very peaceful yet strong message they were putting out when I saw the news in the morning. By the time I got there all roads leading to the camp were blocked by riot police. I asked if i could make my way to the camp and they told me no. I asked why and an officer replied because they can't behave themselves. Well if they were being violent then it was there own fault. I wasn't there to see what happened so can't comment. What I can comment on was what happened to the rest of the people trying to see how the climate campers were being treated.
I was standing with my bike at the police line next to a building when all of a sudden the police started banging their batons against their shields and then surged forward into the crowd. Pushing people over that were not quick enough to move out of the way. Now there was around a 100 meter clear road between the police line we were stood at and the next line of riot police penning in the "violent" climate campers. So what was the point? The crowd I was in were all stood quietly watching yet we got forced time after time after time by the police all the way from threadneedle street in the centre of the city to the other side of the river over London bridge! Why did they do that? The only reason I can see is to provoke the peaceful protesters. Sure enough a reaction came with idiots throwing traffic cones, plastic bottles, litter bags etc, but I firmly believe this only happened because of the way the police acted. I felt like a criminal for just standing at a protest line and asked an officer why he was staring at me like he wanted to smash my head in. He said to me he wanted it to kick off. Bullies.

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by RE2505
Why did they do that? The only reason I can see is to provoke the peaceful protesters.

Here's my analysis:

Those who were responsible for the damage and threats of violence at RBS on Threadneedle street and wanted to move onto the BoE, later went to join the climate protest camp for a street party. However, the police, seeing that those who were previously advocating violence and had now moved to the camp were considered a consolidated threat to be dealt with accordingly, and were pre-empted this time, resulting in the riot-police charging the camp.

The climate campaigners' camp was infiltrated by those still bent on taking on the police, and as a result, everyone got the sharp end of the truncheon

The group to blame isn't the police, its those anarchist scumbags hell bent on a street-fight who hid amongst another demonstration to use them as human shields (for wont of a better phrase) to carry on their own selfish agenda

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 01:05 PM
Well that is exactly what I assumed had happened inside the camp cordon. What I am asking is why the police felt it necessary to forcefully herd the rest of the peaceful protesters across the river out of the city? I believe this is what caused that mans death.

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by RE2505
What I am asking is why the police felt it necessary to forcefully herd the rest of the peaceful protesters across the river out of the city?

Simple...a pre-emptive strike

The anarchists blew the chances for everyone else for a peaceful protest with their ego-driven need for violence at the disregard for everyone else

Get them out of the ranks, keep them out, and if necessary, point 'em out to the police to give 'em a thorough kicking till they turn tail and run back home whining

They are nothing but selfish thugs who wouldn't give a second thought to hijacking ANY peaceful protest like a violent virus to further their own selfish need to fight

They don't attend these protest out of solidarity or altruism, only to spoil the party for everyone else, and the sooner the peaceful protesters turn on them, the better

edit to add:

I attended an anti-war march a couple of years ago and the crowd did exactly that...ejected a violent gobshoot intent on inciting the police marching along side, and in fact, supporting the cause, who was booted out of the marching ranks and into the hands of the police who arrested them on a charge of breach of the peace (and a few hefty kicks and punches to boot)...he deserved it

[edit on 4-4-2009 by citizen smith]

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 01:32 PM
Well that could be the answer, granted. It's a fair point and makes sense. What bothers me is that a large percentage of the officers seemed to be making a meal of their position. I could go as far as to say enjoying themselves. I have seen the same thing in everyday policing and have been the victim of a "power trip" police officer arrested for ABH (to which the courts deemed I was acting in self defence) I have been in crowd control situations with the army in various peacekeeping roles and I was never as rude or vicious as these officers were. Firm but fair is the key phrase.

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by RE2505

Unfortunately, once it kicks off, all protesters are tarred with the same violent brush, just as the whole police force are for the actions of a few in the ranks

Thats human nature in a time of conflict

[edit on 4-4-2009 by citizen smith]

posted on Apr, 7 2009 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by eNumbra

Originally posted by sadisticwoman

This is an April Fool's joke.

What about the rest of this thread?

Well here is an asociated thread.

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