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City workers taunt G20 protesters

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posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 11:16 AM

You choose, this that and the other. Well done! You CHOOSE to make generalisations and it's an excuse for not working. I shouldn't be subsidising people like you - if what you claim is true and you don't work because of those principles.

Not everyone is slaving away for some mythical fat old man in aa suit smoking a cigar and marginalising his workforce!!

You also CHOOSE to judge (again, well don you!), when you've no idea of what education O've been on or the life I've led so far.

I DIDN'T take one comment and make an assumption, I can see for myself hundreds of police clashes and proken windows et al. Plus I have family in London who say it's full of Jeremy Kyle types, anyway!!

All parodies aside, you can't REALLY claim - honestly now - that EVERYONE THERE, or most even, understand how complex the situation is.

That said, these are the very same animals who claimed to be "peaceful protesters" before the Iraq war. Pitiful!

That was my point - fighting with police is NOT going to induce better financial regulation, bonus culture, short-termism (even if you want us to be communists) or an end to the recession.

You should really stop generalising. You sound bitter. It isn't healthy.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by sadisticwoman
reply to post by TailoredVagabond

Obviously you missed the connection I was making between protesters and the soldiers in Iraq. If you're going to ignore my point, I'm going to ignore you.

Have a point. I don't agree with violent protests when peopel DON'T understand why they are fighting. Simple.

I didn't lend my name to the violent pretesters for (against) the Iraq war, nor do I condone the violence. That was my main point.

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[edit on 2-4-2009 by mrwupy]

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 11:20 AM
Without governments and organizations/lobbies who have affiliations only to the regular citizen in the process you will abdicate the entire system to those who operate internationally for profit only.

Therefore, you are protesting and angry and wanting to destroy the only entities working on your behalf. You want to tear the apart, and let the corps run free without restraint in a global economy with no regulation.

The incredible stupidity of that is mind boggling.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by Aeons
Without governments and organizations/lobbies who have affiliations only to the regular citizen in the process you will abdicate the entire system to those who operate internationally for profit only.

Therefore, you are protesting and angry and wanting to destroy the only entities working on your behalf. You want to tear the apart, and let the corps run free without restraint in a global economy with no regulation.

The incredible stupidity of that is mind boggling.

The (understandable) problem is, nobody seems like they are working on their behalf. I don't believe all politicians are corrupt, I know some and many feel bound to tow the party line or face an induced career-change, which is a truly sad state of affairs.

People like Tony Benn are too few and far betweeen!

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 11:39 AM
It's obvious that the media would portray the protesters as aggresive and police to be the good guys, governments have lied over and over giving money out to these people who gambled it all away, ask them what they've done with the money that generations will be have to pay off .. the majority of working class folk have been against bailouts from the start according to public opinion polls, we vote people into government as they've sold us what they will do for us but once there they don't listen or care what we say, they don't give 2 sh*ts about the working class folk, they just bleed them dry . . so yes protest, i agree 110% with the protesters, i wish i was there with them, people have had enough of not been listened to, and its not about who's got a job or who hasn't, everyone has/will suffer from the world governments so we all need to stand up together . .. i'd love to see national strikes .. they'd start to listen then !!



posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 02:17 PM
Hey all,

I work in England and I work in finance....

But I just do this to earn a living, I do this because I learnt it at school, I do it to support my family. I dont like my job, but it pays the bills.

Im not greedy, I never have been, I dont earn much but I scrape by.

Does this mean that you all hate me just because thats my job?

I think its wrong that finance workers were waving money around at demonstrators, totally, but I can see maybe why they get pushed to do this. At the end of the day 95% of the people working in the city are the same as everyone else... Basically getting mugged off every day by having to work so hard for nothing.

Can you not see that its the big city bosses that are to blame, the greed filled individuals, not the mass employees????

Thanks all x

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by Jed1Knight
Hey all,

I work in England and I work in finance....

But I just do this to earn a living, I do this because I learnt it at school, I do it to support my family. I dont like my job, but it pays the bills.

Im not greedy, I never have been, I dont earn much but I scrape by.

Does this mean that you all hate me just because thats my job?

I think its wrong that finance workers were waving money around at demonstrators, totally, but I can see maybe why they get pushed to do this. At the end of the day 95% of the people working in the city are the same as everyone else... Basically getting mugged off every day by having to work so hard for nothing.

Can you not see that its the big city bosses that are to blame, the greed filled individuals, not the mass employees????

Thanks all x

That's who we are protesting against. Your bosses bosses. The people at the top making the pound worthless and then giving themselves a nice bonus. My girlfriend works for RBS yet I have no contempt for her. She's just working hard to get by like everyone else. It's the greedy bastards that are not struggling to get by but still need more money to do it that I have contempt for. The protests are not aimed at you so relax.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 03:25 PM
Polite reminder ladies and gents, there is to be no personal sniping, in the form of questioning eachothers intelligence, upbringing, ignorance, or in any other way. If you want to have conversations about one another (politely) then check out the members forum on BelowTopSecret. On AboveTopSecret we talk about the thread topics.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 03:27 PM
The posting to the poster needs to stop. Further posts stating who has whom on ignore will be removed.

Remember that Civility and Decorum are Required.

Thank you and I now return you to the posted topic, "City workers taunt G20 protesters."

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 03:45 PM
3rdly and last...

Watch the one liners please.

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posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by sadisticwoman

The vast majority of people there are people from Britain (do they have welfare?) Scotland, Ireland, and the like.

Yes they do have welfare; actually 25% of people in Britain recieve some from of welfare and over 6 million live on it full time (never worked). So far all the protestors that have been interviewed (by the media) have been “long term unemployed”. Which are people on welfare, not people who have just been let go because of the financial crisis.

The majority of the people at the protest don’t understand what they were even protesting about (if they did they wouldn’t be attacking ordinary bank workers).

If it wasn’t for those ordinary bank workers paying their taxes most of these protestors wouldn’t have an income.

How much money will now be wasted on the damage caused by these protestors?

While I don’t agree with the capitalist system, I also don’t agree with Chavs who don’t know much about anything protesting and attacking people who have nothing to do with it.

It was just people who have nothing better to do and are looking for any excuse to start a mob. If they are so proud of what they are protesting for then why hide their faces?


[edit on 2/4/2009 by Mikey84]

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by Mikey84
So far all the protestors that have been interviewed (by the media) have been “long term unemployed”. Which are people on welfare, not people who have just been let go because of the financial crisis.

Perhaps that's why it was so quiet in London today as compared to Wednesday...they had to go and sign-on

Does rioting constitute 'actively seeking employment' these days?

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 05:34 PM

I also don’t agree with Chavs who don’t know much about anything protesting and attacking people who have nothing to do with it.

It was just people who have nothing better to do and are looking for any excuse to start a mob. If they are so proud of what they are protesting for then why hide their faces?


[edit on 2/4/2009 by Mikey84]

Isn't a Chav someone who wears a lot of burbury (complete with burbury baseball cap) , thieves from shopping centres, sells dope and listens to very crap music ?? but I do think its irrelevant, people are not happy with the governments decsisions and also not being listened to, isn't the government put in place by the very person everyone voted for i.e the PM, President .. therefore do you not have a right to vote/be pis*ed off if you are unemployed ??

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by Jay-in-AR
reply to post by TheAgentNineteen

Actually, the bankers taunted the protestors while they were PEACEABLY assembling (as is their god given right)...

Secondly, the bank they ransacked was empty at the time (this fact actaully debunks your first statement)...

Third, Leftists? No way. Even if you take the media-spin at face value, these folks are "anarchists," remember?
Can't have your cake and eat it. Especially twice.

Anarchists, Environmentalists, and an entire array of individuals composed the crowd of which you spoke. It hardly takes a genius to understand that you will rarely ever find a "Right Winger" within such a grouping, so therefore the majority of those involved are by definition Leftists, i.e., the Extreme Opposite of Conservative.

You also mention the Media, which is most notably the only source through which you have ever witnessed such "Peaceful Protests". I have been caught in the middle of multiple "Peaceful" Protests, and they are FAR from peaceful in nature. They scream the most vile insults at anyone who catches their fancy, and in regards to ANY issue dealing with Banking, 99% of the time these "Peaceful" protestors destroy property.

It matters not whether the bank was "Inhabited" at the timing of the B&E in question, because the fact remains that the majority of these protestors are insatiable idiots. The only Protestors which we ought to be respecting are those picketers who work to peaceably bring about attention to their dire employment situation. These individuals however are an extreme minority, and they were largely overrun and drowned out by the riotous imbeciles from which the drama soon emanated.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by TailoredVagabond

Sorry I couldn't reply earlier.
I was out WORKING for my living.

And you talk about making generalisations and assumptions.

So don't worry,no subsidisations required here,thank you very much.

I used to work three jobs when I left college too,family being working class so no advantages there.

Really,you should analyse what people are saying a little more.

Key words in my 'choices' being,spending ALL my time working for profits.
I have a real life besides work too,thanks

Originally posted by satellite1

Isn't a Chav someone who wears a lot of burbury (complete with burbury baseball cap) , thieves from shopping centres, sells dope and listens to very crap music ??

I can't keep up with the current terms to describe the wayward youth types these days,
Chavs,twoccers,Asbo kids.

Back in my days it was bovver boys.

It's basically the criminal,lowlife subculture that have nothing better to do that are involved in the direct violence and damage to property.
It is/has been in the vast minority so far.

There were certainly people anxious to smash windows and cause some mayhem in the City on Wednesday. But they were far outnumbered by a playful, peaceful, harmless group of protesters, including rappers, sax-players, jugglers, spliff-rollers, students, CND campaigners, passers-by, and men dressed as police officers and wearing blue lipstick. For many of them the intention had been to come and make a lunchtime April Fool's Day protest against the City and the banking world's self-indulgence, as well as to air concerns about everything from climate change to homelessness.

[edit on 2-4-2009 by AGENT_T]

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by Jed1Knight
At the end of the day 95% of the people working in the city are the same as everyone else... Basically getting mugged off every day by having to work so hard for nothing.

Can you not see that its the big city bosses that are to blame, the greed filled individuals, not the mass employees????

I can only give you my opinion.

No, I dont "hate" you because of your job. I dont even hate your bosses.

However, we all have a choice about how we earn our bread. There are jobs I simply will not take. And we are responsible for the choices we make. My major was originally accounting and finance, I left in my senior year to transfer to philosophy because it was obvious to me at that stage in my education that the rules for accounting were written in such a way that I could not be certain that my work was going to reflect my ethics. The GAP in the US was being altered to make lying and twisting data easier, when what accounting is supposed to do is make it clear. I chose that concentration because I wanted a job that was held to the highest ethical standard. And when I found out that it was going to be impossible to be ethical in that job, I changed my major, and cost myself a LOT of money both in education dollars already spent, and in future earnings.

People are responsible for how they earn their living. And it is our responsibility not to support those who are doing things that are damaging to the society we live in. We do not think that all those who fired up the gas chambers for the Nazi's were "just doing their jobs." Nor do we think that those Americans who were humiliating prisoners in Abu Ghraib, even if they were acting on orders, were just doing their job. You have a responsibility to ensure that you are not just passively going along in support of something dangerous, damaging and destructive, just to make a buck.

I know many may disagree with that, when what they are doing is legal, and prestigious, and pays well. But we all have to make decisions about what we spend our time and energy promoting. And it really is no excuse to say, "I am just following orders, trying to make a living." We need to hold ourselves to a higher standard than just, "I do what pays best." When we begin to believe that selling ones own character and integrity to the highest bidder is ok, we get the kind of messes we are in right now.

Just my two cents.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 11:53 PM
reply to post by TheAgentNineteen

You assume much.
You assume I have never been involved in peaceful protests.

What I say when I mention the media is that it is the media calling these people anarchists.

And about which side of the political isle protestors occupy, I'd say it is whichever side feels wronged. Left OR right.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 02:35 AM

It matters not whether the bank was "Inhabited" at the timing of the B&E in question, because the fact remains that the majority of these protestors are insatiable idiots. The only Protestors which we ought to be respecting are those picketers who work to peaceably bring about attention to their dire employment situation. These individuals however are an extreme minority, and they were largely overrun and drowned out by the riotous imbeciles from which the drama soon emanated.

the police waited inside the bank while it took half an hour for some twerp to smash that window. They could have prevented that any time they liked, but it was a fantastic media oppertunity (who just happened to be waiting right there when it happened, next to the only bank not boarded up) to make us look bad. It's a smear campaign. It was a blatent set up.

edit to say, when it comes to my political view on it, I'm not against the workers either, and i don't hate the big bosses per se. I just hate the situation they've landed the world in. It's time to change.

Mark thomas had something to say about it all. With a nice twist of humour. I think he sums it up nicely.

[edit on 3/4/2009 by Acidtastic]

[edit on 3/4/2009 by Acidtastic]

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 02:42 AM
reply to post by Acidtastic

I too think that it was a set-up, to allow the people to vent their frustrations out on a bank that has been in the news lately and divert their attention from the real issues and to hopefully blow off a bit of steam, simply to give the Policy Farce a little reason to 'contain' or 'pen in' the 'violent' protesters to prove to the rest of us watching that the Policy Farce is there to protect the populace and property and NOT to beat up people because they are brutal vindictive Nazi's ( please note , NOT ALL Officers are Nazi's just the ones that like beating up people for fun and killing as the poor chap found out on Wednesday.' ' '

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 05:16 AM

Originally posted by Mikey84

Originally posted by sadisticwoman

The vast majority of people there are people from Britain (do they have welfare?) Scotland, Ireland, and the like.

Yes they do have welfare; actually 25% of people in Britain recieve some from of welfare and over 6 million live on it full time (never worked).

Way to get at people for having kids.

Child benefit counts for 80% of state benefits (since everyone gets it) but only 25% of the actual amount.

Your generalisation (above) is appalling!!!

....and who said statistics can be manipulated?!?!

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