reply to post by badmedia
You write very nicely.
Many who observe the times believe that God is is allowing us to see foreshadows of the coming apocalyptic storm.
One such observer likes the stage setting the birth pang symptoms to be not unlike a storm front. The storm front is in view, the birth pangs are
being felt.
I am not a Bible Scholar. Yes many are just now learning about this and see things happening rapidly. There are however people such as myself who have
known all this stuff since the age of 12.
I have always been watching, even when out partying, etc. It has never ended for me.
Your comment “A tree doesn't hide an individual leaf on it. That leaf is and always has been there. What changes is that you actually notice the
leaf instead of just the entire tree.” You have a valid point however it also says at the end times people will become wiser and the answers hidden
will become more clear.
That the frequency of these events will intensify as “Birth Pangs” Then you know I’m near. Birth pangs, in terms of Bible Prophecy, refers to
certain convulsive geopolitical, geophysical, astrophysical and world-wide socio-economic events and issues scheduled to occur in the time leading up
to Jesus Christ’s Second Advent (second coming).
These are like the the contractions experienced by a woman about to give birth, with those episodes increasing with frequency and intensity. Jesus’
foretelling of these birth pangs use the word “sorrows,
Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and
fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven…
And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves
Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And
then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.” (Luke 21: 8-11, 25-28) All of
the birth pangs were given by Jesus and the Old and New Testament prophets in context of the Tribulation Daniel’s seventieth week also in Rvalation.
These frequencies are almost too many to ignor. Whether considering the solar flares that disrupt earth’s electro-magnetic mechanics, watching the
Shumaker-Levy 9 comet slam into Jupiter in July, 1994.
UFO sightings around the globe are becoming almost routine fare. Pilots, prime ministers, presidents and just plain people report seeing spectacular
light shows, moving apparently with directed intelligence throughout the night skies Earthquakes are being reported at an exponentially growing rate.
Not just quakes, but quakes of significant magnitude. , Earthquakes, Wars and rumors of war are birth pang precursors to the impending emergence of a
time of unprecedented sorrows .
We have seen the beginnings of this birth pang, scheduled to become much more intensive when the Tribulation begins. .
I guess you could look at it both ways. You are correct about the IMF. It will eventually be incorporated in to the New Global currency, rather
(Credit) system.
I’m curious where you think Satan has the right to give us Jesus or anything. I believe this to be inaccurate but I wont take away from the Bible if
indeed it is hidden in there. Do you have reference to “Satan offers the world to Jesus”.
I took philosophy of Religion in College and know the Bible fairly well and I’ve never seen any mention of this. Do you mind me asking what
denomination you are? Not that it matters.
I believe it’s a one on one with God that counts. Not being labeled a Methodist, Baptist, Mormon, Catholic, etc. I also don’t think church
attendance is necessary. Some use it solely as a social scene a moral place and that it.
Planet earth, and all of the nations during this last time are filled with perplexities when trying to fix the things that seem to be broken.
Economies are in trouble; there is ethnic rage around the world; no one can live in peace; terrorism threatens everyone, everywhere.
Yet, Jesus says these are just the beginning of sorrows –announcing the Birth of a truly New World Order.
It will be the Birth not of the time of Antichrist’s regime, but, ultimately, of Jesus Christ’s Millennial Kingdom.
P.S I’m still interested in the Satan thing. I also cant believe I'm writing all this while visiting and having a couple cold ones! Maybe one too