posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 03:48 AM
The future is really ones worst enemy. Although it can be sometime better to have a plan, its not the planning that kills you, its the thoughts of
what could happen. When one is not patient or disciplined enough to wait for the future, thats when we start to take short cuts and make excuses.
The more you think about what can happen good or bad, the less chance that something good will happen. A conversation with somebody is a very
dangerous thing to plan, because when that plan runs dry, so does the conversation...because you aren't listening to the conversation, you are
looking for another way to get your next point across.
Anyone can think in the moment, but to live in the moment is something special, that even I fail to do most of the time. But when your senses start
getting the best of you, even though you know you are about to do something bad, that is when living in the moment becomes crucial. If you dont think
about it, you wont do it...its as simple as that.
[edit on 4-8-2009 by Nostradumbass]