posted on Apr, 11 2009 @ 08:58 AM
Total posts: 6,004,716
Total topics (threads): 439,402
Topics (threads) with replies: 309,361
Percentage of topics (threads) with replies: 70.4 %
Posts-to-Threads ratio for entire site: 14:1
New posts: Past 24 hours: 5,833
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Topics (threads) with more than 50 replies: 19,117
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Topics (threads) with more than 500 replies: 424 posts: 5,149,903 (85.8 % of total) topics (threads): 374,504 (85.2 % of total) post-to-thread ratio: 14:1 posts: 770,516 (12.8 % of total) topics (threads): 61,015 (13.9 % of total) post-to-thread ratio: 13:1
Topics (threads) that have been flagged: 707,560
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Where are the other 84000+ posts that are not ATS + BTS...