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Re: Humanoid Aliens

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posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 01:44 PM

The off topic sniping at each other stops now. If you can not discuss the issue with some sense of decorum, then perhaps you need to step away from the keyboard.

Warns come next.

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by Outlawstar
Personally I dont see any problem with humanoid aliens whatsoever, as much as you can argure that its not likely, its just as likely ...

I do think it is unlikely and then even more unlikely another humanoid race would happen to find us.

However, throwing my skepticism aside for a moment and accepting encounters with "grey aliens" as genuine, it could be they are not the aliens. I can imagine a scenario in which an advanced species visiting the planet engineers a humanoid, be it tangible or a screen-memory, so they may interact with us with less shock.

[edit on 31-3-2009 by SaviorComplex]

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 01:51 PM
Its not that they have to find us. They've been here all along and we're a project of many different ones, but unfortunately if you've read the terra papers, or the enki/enlil stuff from the sumarean tablets, you might realize the wrong guys took over earth, not without a huge war that affected mars and earth and unfortunately many systems where these different came from. The wrong people won and rule through our bloodlines.

The universe is far ahead of us, we've been reset quite a few times, and aren't very far ahead in the game. To put it mildly. Every sector in the galaxy is mapped out, and all planets either participate or are monitored and worked upon. There is no accidental discovery going on here.

This is a really interesting thread too:

[edit on 31-3-2009 by mystiq]

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by SaviorComplex

Right, it is possible, but anything is possible. I am often criticsed for why I think the ETH is the only hypothesis to explain genuine UFO's, when it could be they are extradimensional or time-travellers or what not. It is because I am not multiplying quantities unnecessarily, before we can even admit the category of extradimensional beings and time-travellers we must first establish that there are other dimensional beings and time-travel exists. Else, we can use arguments from possibility to come up with any kind of possibility.

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
I am often criticsed for why I think the ETH is the only hypothesis to explain genuine UFO's, when it could be they are extradimensional or time-travellers or what not. It is because I am not multiplying quantities unnecessarily...

But to an extent, along that line of thinking you also risk a cart-before-horse scenario with the extraterrestrial hypothesis, wouldn't you?

It may be the only hypothesis that doesn't risk cart-before-horse thinking is the cryptoterrestrial hypothesis.

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 02:14 PM
One of the contactees that was my first initial lifeline after stuff got kind of hard for a while, was teased by his nordic advisor about being her grandfather and was told that we were their predecessors. Time itself was depicted to him as an infinity symbol, an 8 lying sideways, but with countless thousands of shaggy threads, like a skein of yarn. Those were timelines. Though it complicates things enormously, we're probably dealing with the enchilada and its quite complex.

[edit on 31-3-2009 by mystiq]

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by SaviorComplex

Originally posted by Outlawstar
Personally I dont see any problem with humanoid aliens whatsoever, as much as you can argure that its not likely, its just as likely ...

I do think it is unlikely and then even more unlikely another humanoid race would happen to find us.

However, throwing my skepticism aside for a moment and accepting encounters with "grey aliens" as genuine, it could be they are not the aliens. I can imagine a scenario in which an advanced species visiting the planet engineers a humanoid, be it tangible or a screen-memory, so they may interact with us with less shock.

[edit on 31-3-2009 by SaviorComplex]

That is certainly a possibility, though, I still dont see the problem with a humanoid race, we could be related to other races for all we know, cosmic brothers if you will, I see no reason why not.

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 02:21 PM
As to our being behind times, or our reset buttons. This video is very good, very informative.

This talks about the phonecians and their surgical tools 60,000 (I believe) years ago, a design that is still being used for brain surgery today, and the script that seemed to be phonecian on an et artifact.

The whole video is incredible. Jim Spark's account is very meaningful to me as I feel that the greys he has dealt with are the same group, and non-renegade ie. good ones, that I've been dealing with all my life. The reason I suspect this is due to his et script bringing all my connections together just prior to the first craft recently, and waking me up. In other words I see him as a key master, and his work with script being there as one of their ways to reach people when it is time to be woken up. This is one of the protocols that protects groups from one to another, as some are renegades. I don't believe his script would have done that had this been another group. Also as he has a mission, I feel strongly motivated in certain areas myself. And they're positive.

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 02:49 PM
Im back!

My My things have heated up !!

Right for the people who say no way can aliens look like us, I dont ask you to belive it but look at it within reason..

You cant tell me how you infact got here correct?

Now if you want to say well its all natural ect, your own argument fails! due to the nature of the universe itself
it replicates simple as that..

I use this anogoly .. If the universe is a tree would a leaf know the other leaf? or even ifact it was a leaf on a very big tree?

Now if you belive God or a creator made man and every single thing on this planet and left alllll that stuff outside of our planet for us as a playground..

I think one needs to do mathmatical probiblity of that question and you will be shocking to find that the statisticaly proberbility is in the favour of aliens by a factor of 1

in short there is more chance of aliens than god.. and what you also fail or miss understand is WE LOOK LIKE THEM.. as the planet is only 5billion years old...

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 02:58 PM
In 100 years we will look at our understanding of biology/dna/evolution in this day and age and smile at how much we didn't know.

Honestly we "think" we know how this whole life "thing" works but we are working in our own little sandbox and have nothing to compare it to.

So speculation runs rampant, however one way or another our world view will be blown out of the water when we learn the facts.

Wilder then we could imagine, more mundane then possible might be how this all goes down.

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by SaviorComplex

Nope, as I explained before in many threads, and more vigorously in the debunking pseudoskepticism thread. ETH is not a quantity multplication, because ETH is a valid hypothesis and forms a part of our observable universe.

Life on planet is a known phenomenon of our observable universe. There is no reason to believe it does not exist elsewhere. In the same way we have no reason to believe that time does not flow forwards on other planets. It is possible it is backwards, but we have no reason to believe that. We generalise from particulars, and the generalization we can make from our planet is that our planet can support life, therefore planets like our own can support life too.

The real geoncentricism comes when we conclude that only our planet can have life and nobody else can. That is completely illogical. There is no reason to believe that.

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by Indigo_Child

Its not thats its illogical its just the numbers are for to great..

If god created man... there is no way to observe him...

We can observe the universe.. and our methord is science.. clear as day!..

And If we are the only beings in the universe.. its postulated that there are infact an infinite universe(s) so this would still give rise and is infact another way how to get huminods as they would all Be us on an infinite time line / dimension

Maybe in another dimension humans can traverse time and space / deimennions that give rise the the possibilty of them looking like us / vise versa...

Dont matter how one looks at it, its very possible in any case to have beings that look like us / or we look like them.

catch 22 for skeptics

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by symmetricAvenger

The probabiliy argument is a weak argument in my opinion. If something is probable it does not mean it will actually happen, even if the probability is 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999%, it will remain a probability. I found a way around that argument from my "life on planet" argument. In my argument, it is not probable, but certain that life will occur on other planets based on known observables.

[edit on 31-3-2009 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by LogicalResponse

that was actually a beautiful description of unconventional alien life, OP. I commend you.

However, I just want to point out that abductees and scientists and such are light years behind our science fiction writers who have already long been writing about such things you speak of.

Check this book for example from nebula/hugo award winner Vernor Vinge:

here's a brief description of one of the more inventive possible races:

"They land their sleeper ship, with a cargo of children in suspended animation, on a planet with a medieval-level civilization of dog-like creatures (the Tines) who exist as small packs of individuals. Each individual consciousness is generated by the "marriage" or enlistment of several Tines, who coordinate their thoughts via high-frequency sound. A single Tine is about as smart as a clever dog; two to three can think as well as a young human child; four to six is the standard and possess human or greater intelligence and self-awareness and personalities; under normal circumstances packs that are much larger degrade into barely-coherent mobs, though a rational pack of eight is not unheard of and one such pack plays a large role. Other configurations are possible for specialized roles. Examples include long strung-out sentry lines and garrisoned slave teams."

I remember reading Frank Herbert's book "The Jesus Incident."

In this book, there are seas full of kelp/giant jelly fish that are sentient and communicate telepathically with humans. They are millions/billions years old and are actually far more advanced than humans but in ineffable and unimaginable ways that a typical human would not appreciate.

I forget which book I read the following could be something from Roger Zelazny I can't quite recall. But someone was transported to a planet that had some sort of tree/flora/fauna type 'beings' that basically just stood still (like trees) and lived incalculably long. To a human being they appeared inert, dull, immobile, and un-advanced but it turned out they were actually sentient beings that were so far ahead of the human race in intelligence/technological advancement that to humans they simply appeared as glowing inert trees whereas in reality humans simply could never comprehend the true level of their advancement/communications/"lives" etc because to a typical human if he doesn't see palpable and conspicuous technology like metallic machines, laser guns, vehicles of transport, etc, etc, then the race isn't 'advanced.' But in reality as you mentioned some races out there could be nebulous gases and they might be so far more advanced than humans that a typical human would never be able to grasp or comprehend their level of existence.

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by rufusdrak

I should add, kind of makes you wonder whether some of the things around us that we take to be dull flora/fauna/animals (ancient trees, dolphins/whales, etc) which have evolved and existed far longer than us, are actually more advanced than us in incalculable and unimaginable ways.

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 03:40 PM
Actually, one of the things I believe in my contact with the greys is that lately I've thought they are somehow related to dolphins. Something about one of their communications made me feel that. Since then, I really happy to watch Dr. Michael Wolf's interviews on youtubes and google video. He brings this very thing up as well. Also, that dolphins are intelligent et life in our oceans. There is very beautiful sculpture on a rock in Cedonia, on Mars, that shows a dolphin and bubbles. The odds against that being wind drawn are astronomical. Science often says the most obvious is often the best answer.

[edit on 31-3-2009 by mystiq]

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 03:41 PM
Oh and one last bit before I go. I didn't read the entire thread so apologies if anyone has mentioned this already but

there is the very real possibility that the reason aliens as reported by contactees are humanoids is because those aliens have advanced to such a stage that 'form' is no longer a permanent, necessary, or even important matter and as such these EBE's turn themselves into the form of a humanoid to make their contact with us easier, more bearable for us when in reality through advanced biology/thought imprints/nano-machines etc they could probably look like anything they wanted whether it be a giant crab or eagle or some sort of unimaginable creature.

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by mystiq

please watch this short video on dolphins to see how amazing they truly are:

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by rufusdrak

Truly amazing!

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by Indigo_Child

No you miss understand what proibility is then....

one gets proibilty based on a set of rules.. the only way to work it out is by observation as you stated but one cant formulate the outcome with just obervation and thats when statistics and proibiltiy come into play...

God indeed does play dice in this case the dice he plays with has an infanant amount of sides

but one still requires the dice ; )

Thats how probibilty works and its used IN observation as a methord of understanding what one is obverv"ing"..

Now i would like to understand your methord of why life is on other planets? or not

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