posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 01:07 PM
Its not June 23rd, but its July 9 or 10th. Its more precise than 3.5 years, its 1260 DAYS, which is roughly 3.5 years.
I have a very Christian approach to this topic, so I realize some won't accept my points on this. However, regardless of if you may hold Christian
beliefs or not, you will find the coincidences to be very eerie in deed.
Count back 1260 days from 12/21/2012 (the end of the Mayan calender) and you will get July 9 or 10, 2009, depending if you count the leap year in
2012. 1260 days is referenced in the book of Revelation as the number of days that enemies will rule over Jerusalem. This will be the time of man's
tribulation, ending on 12/21/2012 which will start the rapture and the wrath of God on earth. Coincidentally, 12/21/2012 falls on a Winter solstice,
which means that Earth is at its greatest angle on its axis in relation to the Sun, meaning the northern hemisphere will have its longest day and the
southern hemisphere will have its shortest. What that also means is that the magma in the Earth undergoes tidal shifts below the crust surface, which
there is no greater time for the possibility of a polarity shift on Earth and if that happens all hell will break loose.
Ok, getting back to July 9 or 10, because we counted backwards 1260 days:
July 9th is the start of 'bein ha-metzarim', which is a Jewish period of mourning for the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem. In the Bible they
make reference to the "Abomination of Desolation" being the starting point of the Tribulation. We know this refers to Jerusalem, because they talk
of people fleeing Judea from this event. My best guess is there will be some kind of Biological weapon attack on one of those two days. Now there are
more eerie coincidences. Also in the bible they say, "in those days, after that oppression, the sun will be darkened, the moon will not give its
light". The oppression in this case is the Abomination of Desolation, so after July 9/10 in this case. Well on July 22, 2009 (12 days after the
oppression) there will be a solar eclipse longer and more pronounced then any in recent history. July 22 also falls on when the Jewish month of "Av"
begins and is the 9 day period and exhibits the greatest level of mourning during this 3 week observance. Everything fits perfectly together.
So to recap, Revelations says the start will happen when something bad befalls Jerusalem, which happens to fall on a day that observes how the
Jerusalem temple had been destroyed in the past, followed by references to the moon and sun, which coincide with an Eclipse. EERIE!!!
So, all this stuff fits in nicely with scripture, except the keystone of the starting date, namely 12/21/2012. So there is either something to that
date of significance, which makes the 1260 day count back and the scripture tie ins to be spot on OR its a false date and therefore is the greatest
deception ever pulled off. I must be humble and say that although I think the scriptural tie ins to be intellectually interesting, it worries me.
Satan is considered to be the great deceiver and just as easily I can count back 1260 days, he can pick a structurally relevant date in time and count
forward 1260, leaving people like me to think they are on to something, speak out of turn and look like a nut job when it doesn't happen on that
date. Also, the bible says, that NO ONE will know when the end times will be, so what makes me think I have it figured it out. Needless to say, I will
watch that week very closely, but I won't be so arrogant to say that that is the date. God bless and pray we receive understanding from scripture and
our debates. Thank you.