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Enlightenment Talk

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posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by aylyan

i was a kid maybe 7 or 8,sitting with other kids in a classroom.spacing out as usual,then bam.."it",whatever it is,happened.i was a kid,i didn't have a clue what just happened..and still don't i guess.anyway for months after i thought about it non-stop,then as the years passed it faded into memory and i basically stopped thinking about it till my 20's.

Well see that is kinda what happened to me a few years back, I walked outside on a bright and beautiful spring morning and,

A feeling of overwhelming euphoria and ecstasy came over me, and I could feel the planet beneath my feet and my place in the universe, all colors seemed brighter and sound and music so much more intense this lasted many months.

Then something horrible happened.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 09:56 AM
I have a question.

My boyfriend was in india for a year and was telling me of different types of meditation.. and one was that if you meditate and look at a white wall without blinking, for a good amount of time, you start to hallucinate, as though you were on acid or lsd.

What do you know about this type of meditation?

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by calihan_12

I believe that is possible,

During meditation I have seen many things, mostly faces.

Now I can see where they came up with the faces for Hindu gods and such.

[edit on 093131p://bFriday2009 by Stormdancer777]

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 09:59 AM
I have really been wanting to get more into meditation and herbal medicine etc... I just recently went vegetarian and am really trying to gain a more enlightened lifestyle and attitude, so hearing about these diff. types of mediation is very interesting

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by calihan_12
I have really been wanting to get more into meditation and herbal medicine etc... I just recently went vegetarian and am really trying to gain a more enlightened lifestyle and attitude, so hearing about these diff. types of mediation is very interesting

I was trying to think of sound advise to give you, but then that could cloud the experience.

Maybe better to let your journey be an innocent one, not influenced by those of others.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 10:43 AM
Yes, we must each choice our own path, put our foot to our own journey. Whether through prayer or meditation or positive thought, we each must struggle to let go of the self and Be one in the Intangible All. By all means, learn techniques , should you choose to.

But Be as one in the All and be filled by Joy is the birthright of each of us. The more we experience Joy, the more Joyful shall the world become.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 12:35 PM

Originally posted by Mr Green
This is of great interest to me. This merging, absolute bliss with one, its amazing but what is it? With who/what am I merging with, the source, my higher self maybe my higher twin flame? In Western society its very hard to even talk of these things, Ive tryed but people say it must be black magic, few seem to understand...good job your all here

This wasn't directed at myself, but I hope you won't mind my making an effort to explain it the way I see it. The what is the whole of creation. Not connecting with anything as I see it but rather removing the obstacles that prohibit the sense of connection already existing. But when we attempt to define it we are limiting the possibility and therefore further creating obstacles. The whole idea is to be without limitations.

I think this illustration might be useful. I thought of it a while ago, but haven't had a chance to put it out.

The yin yang is to my mind the simplest and yet a wholly complete illustration of existence. Where in this does "enlightenment" lie?


As I see it, "enlightenment" lies in the gray line where the interposing forces of all nature meet, that is so thin it cannot even be seen. It's the razor's edge, the place of perfect balance where one sees creation as a whole rather than the sum of it's parts.

[edit on 27/3/09 by TravelerintheDark]

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 12:42 PM
I don't think anyone is even close to enlightenment, some may be inching, near to the outer edge, not even the seemingly most enlightened of all has a clue.

As I see it, "enlightenment" lies in the gray line where the interposing forces of all nature meet, that is so thin it cannot even be seen. It's the razor's edge, the place of perfect balance where one sees creation as a whole rather than the sum of it's parts.

I like that though.

[edit on 123131p://bFriday2009 by Stormdancer777]

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 12:53 PM
Great thread Sky... I'm reading with interest.

It's great to read others thoughts on the matter and hear some philosophical and deep views being aired.


[edit to remove my own experience as when i write them down, they usually make me sound mental]

If only you could share your mind and experience properly.... not just try and merely find words to "kind of" fit the feelings and experiences you encounter while in deep meditation/travel.


[edit on 27/3/09 by blupblup]

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by TravelerintheDark

Originally posted by Mr Green
This is of great interest to me. This merging, absolute bliss with one, its amazing but what is it? With who/what am I merging with, the source, my higher self maybe my higher twin flame? In Western society its very hard to even talk of these things, Ive tryed but people say it must be black magic, few seem to understand...good job your all here

This wasn't directed at myself, but I hope you won't mind my making an effort to explain it the way I see it. The what is the whole of creation. Not connecting with anything as I see it but rather removing the obstacles that prohibit the sense of connection already existing. But when we attempt to define it we are limiting the possibility and therefore further creating obstacles. The whole idea is to be without limitations.

Thank you for your answer. Yes your right it is a state without limits, without obstacles and its just an amazing place to reach, yet if you question what it is for a milli second it is gone. How wonderful it would be to be without limitations all the time.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by Mr Green
Thank you for your answer. Yes your right it is a state without limits, without obstacles and its just an amazing place to reach, yet if you question what it is for a milli second it is gone. How wonderful it would be to be without limitations all the time.

I've been in that mind-state as well. It was difficult at times because it created the same sense of longing I was trying to escape.

I had completely altered my lifestyle and felt that what I was doing was the "right" thing to do. That it would help me reach a state of constant peace. But something occurred to me as the same sort of "inspiration" that lead me to my lifestyle change in the first place. The limitations of this existence exist for a reason, as does everything. That true peace, not just peace of mind, stems from the acceptance of our state of existence. And that the point once we have reached an inner harmony is to express that harmony outwardly. To work within the system to express the perfection of the system. Because while it isn't always "fair", it is always balanced. I don't believe existence exists without balance. Even if that means the balance is outside our perceptions.

And so I find it important to remember that physical experience, including the physical experience of "enlightenment" is simply that. An experience. One to be valued as it exists, but to be left to it's proper place, like all experiences. And that we are limitless at all times within our mind.

Besides, like most things, blissful sensations of "enlightenment" or "oneness" are like most other things in life: The first time is always the best

I think there's a reason for that.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by blupblup

[edit to remove my own experience as when i write them down, they usually make me sound mental]

Please share, we are all mental, the sooner you realize that the more enlightened you become.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 02:09 PM

The first time is always the best

True, most likely so we don't obsess on the experience, it is just a glimpse.

All of life's lessons, the good and the bad, are part of the plan, and spiritual.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777

The first time is always the best

True, most likely so we don't obsess on the experience, it is just a glimpse.

But it does seem to have the opposite effect on a great many of us, unfortunately. We ride the dragon and then can potentially spend the rest of our lives chasing it's tail. Until we look up and see that it is always circling around us.

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
All of life's lessons, the good and the bad, are part of the plan, and spiritual.

I agree. All that is good or bad in life is part of the collection of experience and has in it the potential for growth, change and transformation. Though I think the categorizing of experiences is the greatest inhibitor to spiritual freedom. Unless we could see the whole of our lives, from beginning to end, the polarity of any event is unknown as every event is a small link in our karmic chain.

When I accepted this unknown I allowed myself the freedom to choose to perceive it as it suits me. And so I strive for joy in everything. Not easy, but easier.

[edit on 27/3/09 by TravelerintheDark]

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 02:44 PM
I don't find joy in everything, although I guess one should see the joy of spiritual growth regardless of the circumstances,

I find it hard to be happy and in a state of bliss when people I love suffer.

Twice in my life i found myself in total bliss both times I was snapped out of it by a tragic event.

Now I am a little hesitant.

I am sure the lesson was to keep in this state, even when faced with the impermanence of life.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
I find it hard to be happy and in a state of bliss when people I love suffer.

This is where I find an impasse as well. On the one hand to be seen as a reasonable, feeling human being we are both programmed and inherently empathetic, taught to share the pain of others in some way. But then looking at it another way, this does nothing but increase the amount of suffering.

How do we reconcile?

The only answer I have is in peace and so compassion. Being compassionate not hinging on whether or not we share the grief, but that we understand that it is grief for them and do what fits to ease their need.

I think everything has an appropriate reaction, though not always the reaction that societies hold as correct. But perhaps that makes me distinctly anti-social. I'm not sure that's a "bad" thing.

When I say "joy", that's what I refer to. An inherent joy that flows from following the course in peace, but not necessarily what could be described as overt happiness or bliss.

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
Twice in my life i found myself in total bliss both times I was snapped out of it by a tragic event.

Now I am a little hesitant.

I am sure the lesson was to keep in this state, even when faced with the impermanence of life.

Perhaps also the impermanence of sensation, feelings and the whole of experience.

Perhaps for the realization of balance.

I see the primary difference between pleasure and pain as how we react to it. That isn't to say there aren't moments in every life that are uncomfortable. What I find useful in those moments of discomfort is to work to maintain my own sense of peace. It may not lessen the pain, but it can lessen fear. Because I think of all the sensations we experience that serve us the least, fear is the greatest.

But please don't think that my describing any of this implies I think it's simple or easy. The truth is, none of it is that simple or that easy. But I do see it as possible to some extent. And where it isn't in my own life, I try to accept the variance as a necessity to move myself again towards peace.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
reply to post by blupblup

[edit to remove my own experience as when i write them down, they usually make me sound mental]

Please share, we are all mental, the sooner you realize that the more enlightened you become.

Oh i know that.... i really do

It's not that I'm even bothered or worried that i come off's more the lack of words to describe it.
there have been some excellent posts here that touch upon what it is but as you said, i don't think anyone has truly reached enlightenment... touched it yes, felt it's presence, possibly.... been enveloped and bathed in it... I'm not so sure.

Even if they had, It's impossible to explain..

I wouldn't even know where to begin.
It's not even one experience i was writing about, it's just enlightenment in general (a verbal contradiction i must say) and how everyone perceives it and deals with it.

Anyway, i will now move back to the sidelines and resume my viewer status, i apologize for the interruption


posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 04:46 PM
Yes. My path is painful also. Both strengthening and humbling. Sometimes I am in awe of human complexity.

Enlightenment. To fill with Light.

I've no desire to 'train' myself anymore, nor to understand what 'it is all about'. Letting go and finding myself at the top of the mountain; the ecstacy, Joy with awe and wonder. And then what? Return to self, to life as normal and I find that though I am changed, my life, life itself (ie, the world around me), has not. And I still have to deal with that. And so it goes on and I must experience life in all it's complexities until I am released from the mortal coil, can shake off my dust and explore the Light without constraint. Until then? Do what I can to engender Light, in my life and when I have both the opportunity and the courage, to try and share this with others.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by TravelerintheDark

Yes peace is the key word, and a place of refuge.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by blupblup

it's more the lack of words to describe it.

I understand that, I am not good with the written word and most the time quiet,

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