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Were the Roswell visitors from future Earth?

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posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 07:33 AM

Originally posted by Mr Green

The visitors who crashed at Roswell were future humans1. They were not from another planet2, but from a future Earth – stepping (which may be a better word than traveling) back in time to 1947 to attempt to deal with serious problems which had occurred in their history3. Their mission was to try to change their past by creating an alternative branch of their own timeline, so that particular events – about to happen to us in our very near future – would not actually occur.

The Roswell visitors were on a purely altruistic mission. They did not have to do this, but chose to... out of compassion. But the mission went disastrously wrong – not just because they crashed (an accident caused by high-powered radar – later the military realized this and made use of radar as a weapon), but because they had a device with them which was their only means, as an orientation device in time and space, to get them home and back to their own time.

The device was a little box, highly advanced and multifunctional in nature, and was far smaller than the "Looking Glass" that Dan Burisch4 and Bill Hamilton5 describe as being subsequently utilized by military scientists in various experiments. When the box was acquired and investigated by the military, this became a catastrophe in itself. It made the timeline problem many times worse, because this both introduced time manipulation technology to us at the wrong time... and also told the military what lay ahead.

It can not be stressed too strongly how totally calamitous for us all the Roswell incident was. It was a major, major setback, right at the start of the future humans' project to help fix the problem. Acquiring a device such as that which the Roswell visitors carried would immediately alter the timeline which the future humans were trying to change in the first place... so there would then be two timelines that need fixing, and not just one.

Sorry if this has been covered before, but can this really be true? Were the Greys at Roswell US from the future trying to fix a timeline to save them selves?

I havent read much about Project Camelot , I was led to it by member Mystiq who said it would give me information on the Looking Glass technology. Can this web sites sources be trusted?

The implications that these aliens were infact us is enormous if true, I mean Ive heard many say the Greys are just us from the future but Ive never read evidence to back it up like this before.

One thing though, if the Greys are us from the future it makes me feel less fearful about coming across one, Id most probably feel sorry for them now, they/we have obviously messed something up big time for them /us to be attempting time travel to put it right.

Again sorry if this is just old news to many in here but to me its an eye opener.

There is an awful lotta "They Were" in that article. Indicating that's the
way it was. And their is no proof of a Alien Craft and even less proof
Aliens were recovered.

But that's neither here or there or relevant.

It doesn't make sense why they do that, or that particular time.
To go from 1947 to the typical Hollywood style Alien is such a dramatic
Morph it would take millions of years. They obviously lived way beyond
Dec 21 2012 and going back in time to change something could terminate
their future existence. So what possible event could cause such a dramatic
event 1 million years from now. You would have to assume the event
changing scenario had failed. Even if they went Back to the Future II,
that must have failed as well, because everyone ended up with Nukes.
Nukes surely would be a reason if ever there was one.
The second reason to destroy the Giant Headon Collider, so either that
didn't blow up or they failed again 60 years later.

This would have violated at least 2 star trek laws
1. Not to Interfere with another Civilization
2. Changing the Past to Alter the Future

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 07:39 AM
reply to post by gYvMessanger

I totally agree with you on the project Camelot site, it's a joke and people like Dan bushhank or whatever are so eager to exploit there new found fame its sick.

just watch a video of him trying to explain about some "time gate" "looking glass" technology ridiculous! you could tell him any crap and he would be like"yeah i new all about the quantum genetic computer enabled extra artificially intelligent being's years ago I WAS IN THE LOOP" rubbish!!!

just my own opinion on the site and Dan "not the man" so go ahead and flame me to death if your a fan i am not.

there i saved you all the effort.

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 07:42 AM
i just want to say what a great forum you guys have here

[edit on 23-3-2009 by The-3-Symbolz]

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 07:44 AM
reply to post by skeptic_al

"This would have violated at least 2 star trek laws
1. Not to Interfere with another Civilization
2. Changing the Past to Alter the Future"

On a lighter note HA HA HA HA HA i love it! thats calmed me down. cheers.

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by colz2000
Just had a thought after reading all this.

Could the Large Hydrogen Collider be a cover for a time machine?.
Maybe in a seperate tunnel to the collider but at the same base, so any
hi- tech stuff going in for the time machine could be fobbed off as needed for the collider?.

Or maybe the LHC is needed to be coupled to the Time Machine?.

Fanciful thoughts, but thoughts can run wild when talking about this stuff, and just maybe one of those what seems like a fanciful thought is closer to the truth than you imagine.

If that would be the case, the people who work on it have no idea what they are working on. For a highly technical device that would be kind of dangerous, wouldn't it? Those guys/gals have had some education.
But as long as we are guessing, I would vote for a stargate, because it is a circular device. ;-)

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 07:59 AM
The Aliens at Roswell were described as looking like small humans with slightly larger heads, they weren't described as the classic "gray" alien.

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 07:59 AM
reply to post by Pjotr

By the way, did you notice that this is thread is going haywire from the start. It is going in all directions. There must be a timeline problem ;-)

My threads always seem to do this
Maybe its me, maybe Im a rubbish OP LOL I dont mind if the MODs dont mind but it is something Ive noticed before about my threads! Or maybe it does have a timeline problem!!

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 08:06 AM
mankind is really lost damn how sad

[edit on 23-3-2009 by The-3-Symbolz]

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 08:10 AM

Originally posted by TheComte

Originally posted by Mr Green
Maybe these images of greys could be the result of mans evolution in say a thousand years. Maybe in several hundred years we will have less sunlight and so our eyes will become larger?

Evolution doesn't happen that fast. We are essentially unchanged anatomically from at least 200,000 years ago. No complex organism would change that drastically in 1000 years or even 5000 years.

Originally posted by The Lass
But why are our visitors so physically small ?

Maybe, and I'm just throwing this out there, we had to leave the Earth for some reason. Extended stays in space do shrink the body. Many eons of being in low gravity evolved their smaller stature.

[edit on 23-3-2009 by TheComte]

Evolution CAN happen FAST according to this article in Newsweek.

Waterfleas can have different traits caused by the EXPERIENCE of their mothers!

Some water fleas sport a spiny helmet that deters predators; others, with identical DNA sequences, have bare heads. What differs between the two is not their genes but their mothers' experiences. If mom had a run-in with predators, her offspring have helmets, an effect one wag called "bite the mother, fight the daughter." If mom lived her life unthreatened, her offspring have no helmets. Same DNA, different traits. Somehow, the experience of the mother, not only her DNA sequences, has been transmitted to her offspring.

Link Newsweek

And According tot this we could develop a Grey skin when our diets would change:

The lab mice, of course, came first. Since 1999 scientists in several labs have shown that an experience a mouse mother has while she is pregnant can leave a physical mark on the DNA in her eggs. Just to emphasize, this is not a mutation, the only way new traits are supposedly transmitted to children. Instead, if mother mouse eats a diet rich in vitamin B12, folic acid or genistein (found in soy), her offspring are slim, healthy and brown—even though they carry a gene that makes them fat, at risk of diabetes and cancer, and yellow.

Same article

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 08:10 AM

Originally posted by seanizle
I don't believe that the Roswell aliens resembled the famous "Grey's" at all. In fact i do not know of any real photographic evidence that supports that claim. For all we know they could have looked just like us, minus their hair possibly, because of the crash.

Well to addresss the OP we have to sort of accept that this crash did happen, proving the crash was alien is not the point of this thread, its if what crashed was us from the future.

If this didnt happen why did so many stories get invented at the time to cover it up.

I have often thought you are right that they didnt look like greys at all too. Why would they say they were humanoid at the start, in 1947 I cant see anybody describing a typical grey as humanoid can you? Then when they said it was dummies falling from aircraft, they probably said this to cover up just how humanoid the bodies were. I think they did the dummy thing in case eye witnesses said just how humanoid they actually looked.

Im sure there are LOTS of photos of this crash, its just we will not see these any day soon.

I like your thinking that they were just us but their hair burnt off in the crash lol That is one way of looking at it!

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 08:32 AM

Originally posted by The-3-Symbolz
i guess you guys dont want to listen to me but thats ok thats why humans are going to be continue seeking answers but will never find any cause they are look at the wrong place let me repeat it one more time its all witchcraft people here is hint there are 3 invisible worlds in this world we live in this aliens are not coming from another far away planets but here on earth its self and thise so called aliens that we all talk about is nothing more than human beings from africa transforming into them and could shape shift invisible a patic mind controllers could be at many many many places at once

[edit on 23-3-2009 by The-3-Symbolz]

hi welcome to the thread. I have read your long post but cant really take it in at mo, Im at work but I will reply later. Im getting all craft/ET are from the devil/cults? But I will read it properly later Ok.

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 08:53 AM
Well I dont know if I really believe this. I will have to read more on it. If we are related to them then they have to be from the way future. They dont really look like us in any way. Maybe we share the planet with them in the future and that's what they were trying to change. IDK. Nice post, I will have to read more though.

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 09:04 AM

The device was a little box, highly advanced and multifunctional in nature, and was far smaller than the "Looking Glass" that Dan Burisch4 and Bill Hamilton5 describe as being subsequently utilized by military scientists in various experiments. When the box was acquired and investigated by the military, this became a catastrophe in itself. It made the timeline problem many times worse, because this both introduced time manipulation technology to us at the wrong time... and also told the military what lay ahead.

Very similar to the Aviary mythos, and even the Bob Lazar account (where they go into more detail about the box being hexagonal, holographic, and depicting famous events in history). However, that mythos doesn't claim time travel, just interest in us. It's no more reliable than any other unsubstantiated claim on the internet. If you want to see more on this box idea, try to find (on YouTube, etc.) the two, old UFO CoverUp Live! specials from the 80's, as I recall them mentioning it as well (I think, was some time ago). Also Google on "Yellow Book UFO"....

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by NephraTari
When you look at the evolution of man, we look very similar to the way we looked long ago. our progression has been slight changes. The greys are extremely different than us in appearance. For this reason I do not feel they are a future version of us. None of our changes have ever been that drastic.
They have all the signs of being from a very different place where gravity is low and sunlight is not available. The only theory that I would consider would involve them being a alternate race that developed below the surface underground it would explain the pale skin and large eyes. Both would be something you would expect from such a dark environment.
but I don't really lean that direction either.

Think about this. Eventually the public will be begin to space travel, so reproduction during travel is likely to occur. Who is not say that gravity and radiation will not affect our evolution and change our appearance through time? What if we expose ourselves to so much radiation we evolve our DNA and become more adapt to a universal habitat. Life always finds a way to survive.

We start to produce technology that can create worm holes, and can travel to any time in the universe. That would mean their would have to be government or a federation to uphold balance or control chaos. Chaos would probably be time line created by the deception of Eve, that created our current reality.

Chaos would be the serpent that deceived Eve. The creation that was thrown to the bottom of the Earth and was told not to come until the end of the world. A species that may not evolve because it was created perfect. For that he envy's us. Evolution can take place so many ways its just a question of a plausible time line and result.

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by Pjotr

Originally posted by TheComte

Originally posted by Mr Green
Maybe these images of greys could be the result of mans evolution in say a thousand years. Maybe in several hundred years we will have less sunlight and so our eyes will become larger?

Evolution doesn't happen that fast. We are essentially unchanged anatomically from at least 200,000 years ago. No complex organism would change that drastically in 1000 years or even 5000 years.

Originally posted by The Lass
But why are our visitors so physically small ?

Maybe, and I'm just throwing this out there, we had to leave the Earth for some reason. Extended stays in space do shrink the body. Many eons of being in low gravity evolved their smaller stature.

[edit on 23-3-2009 by TheComte]

Evolution CAN happen FAST according to this article in Newsweek.

Waterfleas can have different traits caused by the EXPERIENCE of their mothers!

Some water fleas sport a spiny helmet that deters predators; others, with identical DNA sequences, have bare heads. What differs between the two is not their genes but their mothers' experiences. If mom had a run-in with predators, her offspring have helmets, an effect one wag called "bite the mother, fight the daughter." If mom lived her life unthreatened, her offspring have no helmets. Same DNA, different traits. Somehow, the experience of the mother, not only her DNA sequences, has been transmitted to her offspring.

Link Newsweek

And According tot this we could develop a Grey skin when our diets would change:

The lab mice, of course, came first. Since 1999 scientists in several labs have shown that an experience a mouse mother has while she is pregnant can leave a physical mark on the DNA in her eggs. Just to emphasize, this is not a mutation, the only way new traits are supposedly transmitted to children. Instead, if mother mouse eats a diet rich in vitamin B12, folic acid or genistein (found in soy), her offspring are slim, healthy and brown—even though they carry a gene that makes them fat, at risk of diabetes and cancer, and yellow.

Same article

Evolution might be fast for Insects as they don't live very long.
After 1 week their off looking for a Shag

But Humans take 20-30 years before creating the next generation.
Which is severely going to impact those Minor Evolutionary Changes.

If you take the worst case over 1000 years that's only 33 generations
Insects would of had 52,000 generations. Not even in the same league.

And a Mouse in the wild ~4 months, again several hundred more
generations than humans. Huge difference.

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by Solo954

Right we start to travel, but that will not neccesitate a need for huge black eyes that do not resemble ours even in the slightest. Even when we travel to space we will not be in total black darkness. Our ships always have illumination. I still don't buy it. I know you may want to believe it, but I just don't buy it. Another thing if they were humans from the future they would not be so cold and detached in their interactions with us. that lack of emotion is very unhuman. Even the most evil and cold hearted men still show emotion.
Greys have no emotion. Don't tell me we evolve out of being who we are just because our environment changes.. it just does not make any sense. I am sorry but the differences do not add up.

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by prevenge
I really do appreciate what you are trying to say here, but why on earth would we alter ourselves to have huge black eyes? Why would we eliminate emotion? Could we eliminate emotion? Why would we masters of genetics make our head too big for our fragile limbs?

Makes. No. Sense.

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 09:49 AM
Ive always wondered if this could be the case for some UFO accounts. The main reason they wont interfere with us, or wont make their presence known is to not disrupt the timeline in any way. But that would change the theory of them coming back to change something. All we can do it wait and see.

I did some searching on ATS a while back and saw this link referenced. Check it out...Its a pretty interesting read.

BTW, ive read a wholllee lot on Dan Burisch, and i really dont know what to think about him. I do know however, that his accounts woud make a nice hollywood screenplay.

[edit on 23-3-2009 by Lombardy Inn]

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by NephraTari

All your suggesting to me was a result from a different timeline, with different traits however same evolution. Greys for all we know maybe ancient to us, with advanced technology. What if this is disinformation because Weather Balloons aren't good enough and we just passed the Disclosures. This sounds bogus.

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by Mr Green

Originally posted by TheComte

Evolution doesn't happen that fast. We are essentially unchanged anatomically from at least 200,000 years ago. No complex organism would change that drastically in 1000 years or even 5000 years.

Maybe, and I'm just throwing this out there, we had to leave the Earth for some reason. Extended stays in space do shrink the body. Many eons of being in low gravity evolved their smaller stature.

[edit on 23-3-2009 by TheComte]

Well thats just it isnt it, we dont know for sure how far in the future these humanoid greys that crashed were from. They could have been from 200,000 years in the future we just dont know. I would have thought even 100,000 years was long enough for evolution to take effect. Plus if we in the future work out how to travel through the dimensions (is that also time travel? Is astral projection time travel?) maybe that will have massive effects on our physical bodies, plus going into space for long periods of time has shown to shrink the muscles and bones hasnt it. Not sure about the large black eyes and why they would evolve.

I dont think this OP is too far fetched that it couldnt be true. If it is true Id love to know which time line they are desperate to change.

[edit on 23-3-2009 by Mr Green]

Peter E. Lee wrote all about this in his book Continuum 2012. I assume you're just drawing from his theories.

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