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Recollections of a past life in Another Planet.

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posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 02:32 PM
what about past life on planet earth
you have memories of them?
why post this now any special thing about now?

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 02:33 PM
As far as I can tell, the war was about the various groups and its intentions with earth, I believe. Also a claiming of real estate and an ownership of people. I believe we were taken as prisoners/slaves or somehow coherced into the wrong side, probably the annanuki's. I've heard the leases or contracts they had are coming up and we may see some changes here.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by mystiq
Starred and flagged for this wonderful thread. My only past life memory involves mars, and its related to my experiences with ets. The memories came in 3 parts, and were very difficult emotionally and physically on me. The first was when all the dots in my life as an experiencer that would never come together for me did, as well as a initial memory concerning mars, when I viewed Jim Spark's et script for the first time. Within a few days we had our first sighting of a craft, my whole family, here (had had sitings earlier in my life) and a year of sitings followed. The first memory was initiated with an intense emotional response to the script. This incredible river of sorrow was rushing through me, and I was shocked, as I usually have a pretty good grip on my emotions. Being somewhat psi I decided to explore the energy packet and field, thinking this had to do with the abductions.

Wonderful read, and I can relate to your own experiences. Many of our people, the nordic looking are alive and well, but many also died and their spirits reincarnated on Earth, or other planets.

I am still human, so at times my humanity, which ties me to my experiences makes me see that it is almost impossible at this time for all people on Earth to see that we are all connected.

There are too many groups out there on Earth, and factions/races in other planets, and even on Earth that don't want us to realize this, and instead want to control us, and to destroy us as individuals.

I know our people will come back, and we will reunite as they help us rebuild from the destruction that is once again near.

Like you, I have also seen craft which I know are not from Earth, and i also know that part of my destiny was to open the eyes of my own family, my mother was, and still is very religious, and she used to think I was possessed by the devil. My father didn't know what to think and instead left me to develop myself, because he couldn't relate to my experiences, but i love them both, and i know they love me too.

My parents saw at one time a triangular craft over a park, and they saw that it was big. My parents have never believed in any of this, but slowly they have opened up.

Part of your destiny, as well as mine, and that of many other people is to help as much as possible others to see this connection we all have.

I have a feeling that the triangular craft could be made by humans. I think it is the result of the back-engineering which was done with alien craft.

I have known for a long time that the engines we use to travel through space are old, and too ordinary. There are many ways of propulsion which would allow us to go to other systems, but there are forces that want to keep this secret for many reasons.

I have come to the conclusion that TPTB have united with the evil side, the side that wants to control us. But I know that at the end they will have no control whatsoever, and we will unite in time. But it will take a lot for this to happen.

I have also experiences in which I have seen light beings, since I was a child, and I still can see the etheric body of people, and their life energy.

In one ocassion, some years ago, I had an experienced in which I was in bed after coming home from work, and i was in a relaxed state. I closed my eyes, and when I opened them there was a nordic woman floating on top of me, and smiling. I didn't feel anything bad, at that moment I just really wanted to hug her. I think i know her from another life.

Unfortunately we are at a stage in which we will have to fight against more than one group on Earth whose sole purpose is to control us, and some of those groups have had the help of other races.

The fight will be long, and disastrous, and then we will be hit by disasters in magnitute not remembered by mankind, but it isn't because of us that these natural disasters will happen.

We live in a planet, a Solar System, a Universe, and Multiverse which is always changing, and these changes are at times disastrous.

Living in a planet has many risks, which is why at first we will have to live below ground, and later on in time we will start using intergallactic spaceships until, as a manner of speaking, the dust settles.

You are not alone Mystiq, gather strength in that knowledge, and remember that whatever those who want to control us do, they will never really control our Spirits.

[edit on 19-3-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

Hello Electric !

I was wondering why all you only have memories about destruction and wars. What about normal living days, enlightening, loving, caring etc. in other worlds and Earth.


posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse


Interesting read. Do you remember anything about the time before the war like day to day living on this planet?

Can I ask you why you have decided to speak of this now? Do you have visitations from aliens now at all? Do you know of any of the races of aliens in our galaxy like those of the light (higher frequency/dimension than us)


posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

I was really happy to see this thread. There are a few I have recognized, in this I mean who are here, as being from Mars, or at least related to my group.
One is here on ats, and I sort of asked him right out in a thread if he was et, or had an et soul because I felt it strongly. Really though we all do in a sense, so I think it was more related to a family grouping than just whether we were et in origin. The other is a musician who I had not really noticed, but had heard that day, and just after drifting off to sleep I had an experience where we met and i was overjoyed with seeing him again (though I don't know who he is) and we hung together for a bit. Its a core search for some reason, and your family is more important than anything.

I am still human, so at times my humanity, which ties me to my experiences makes me see that it is almost impossible at this time for all people on Earth to see that we are all connected. there are too many groups out there on Earth that don't want us to realize this, and instead want to control us, and to destroy us as individuals.

I know our people will come back, and we will reunite as they help us rebuild from the destruction that is once again near.

We're all human here, and humans are remarkable, in that we all seem to come from outside this place, I think. And bloodline/cabal which serve the renegades who have contracts here work very hard at MC, at dividing us and at creating us as a slave race. Ets live with advanced psi, telepathetic communication, they're not divided, but know each other truly in a very good way. They also live in moneyless resource societies and everyone is looked after, healthy and can contribute, and find those things that interest them the most. This cooperation and mental ability is sadly missing here and I have a kind of a mission about that very thing. I think theres a plan in place right now to deal with cosmic dangers, and our leaders. I only hope that prevention occurs before too much loss of life. I go outside an ask for this frequently, as I can ping on them a lot.

I have a feeling that the triangular craft cold be human. I think it is the result of the back-engineering which was done with alien craft.

That triangle that we saw is most definately renegade and working with humans. At the time we didn't know. But shortly after May 17th, in the afternoon, I saw a huge cloudship for the first and only time, outside, very low, near our place. There are no pictures on google search that are as defined as this was. The edge was varigated and precise. I sensed danger and went inside. I went out a moment later and it was gone. Though the other clouds were still only slowly changing shape still. Then my son, the next day, dragged me out to the same spot saying he had seen a cloud ship.
I hadn't told anyone about mine, and he had never heard the term! It was gone. The very next day, just before I had to pick up the kids from school, and I had been pacing around looking at the time, I suddenly collapsed on the couch with all my energy gone and sleep was coming fast.

In my minds eye, as clear as a digital computer screen, I saw a reptilian with red eyes saying he wanted to talk to me. He was sitting before a command type console of a ship. He quickly, at the same time, projected this incredible warm, strong, vibrant male human energy at me, which really confused me. I could have sat and talked to him for hours over a cup of coffee, but I sensed the trap instantly, and that he was cheating. Apparently he had to get my yes, as I had different handlers, but I didn't have to consciously say yes, just allowing that fast rush of sleep was enough. I managed to jump up, fuzzy and disoriented, and gasp, "I have to pick my children up, so no!" Those triangles/cloud ships are not good.

We've had a lot of scout planes just flying around some evenings out back, especially if I've written to my friend about pinging strongly on ets. I believe the military must be monitoring my communication. In any case, a triangle was actually flying out back with the planes. Then about a week ago, my 17 year old son who was up late had an experience of seeing a strange red star flashing blue and lights adorning the evergreen. He suddenly realized it was a triangle behind the evergreen, stationary and monitoring us for some time.
Wasn't too impressed to hear it, considering what I feel is onboard some of those.

I have also experiences in which I have seen light beings, since I was a child, and I still can see the etheric body of people, and their life energy.

I can too! I can actually see the light body, or warrior body even of people in my minds eye. Its not an every minute thing mind you, but on occasion.
Theres someone on here who sent some healing energy my way, and towards a friend, and I could tell for a couple of days, when he was on ats.
So this one time I felt him, and then I saw him, and his nordic soul. Not exactly a warrior, but a healer and a advisor or guide. I knew he was related to my soul group somehow as well.

I hope we will have the help I sense may be coming for the times ahead and that instead of too much disaster, we have some positive experiences and a rescue. But no matter how it turns out in the short run, we're being freed.
This is what I feel so strongly is going to happen for humans. And the control will end. And we will advance into the cosmos. I think everyone is pretty much on active duty and needs to help, but most simply forget under the harsh conditions, wars and starvations and divisions and the MC put here to control and reduce us to slaves. This is going to end.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by awaken the source
what about past life on planet earth
you have memories of them?
why post this now any special thing about now?

Well, in one of my posts I wrote about my visions/experiences as other people. I am not sure if those are past lives, or if I am just able to experience the lives of other people.

I will give a couple of examples.

One time at band camp.....
just joking.

Back to the serious part, which btw from time to time I might make a joke, but it doesn't mean I don't take any of this seriously. We are in a time, and we will go through times in which we have to retain the strength of our Spirits, and that includes being able to joke when everything is desperate.


One of my experiences I was inside the body of a child in the Middle East. The child, which for all intent and purposes as I was experiencing this was me, was probably about 9 years old. Had black hair, and he looked Arabic in race.

He wasn't thinking on what country he was living. But I remember doing chores around the house, such as feeding chickens, and a goat we had, etc.

I had a wool white cap on my head, and clothes which were made of the same material. I remember still, as if I was watching a movie, talking to my family, and my little sister. My little sister loved me more than anything in life, and I had the same feeling for her.

I remember gathering with my entire family as we ate a simple lunch. Then a friend of mine came with what seemed to be a rifle made out of wood, and wanted me to join him. I looked at my sister, and told my friend that I had promised her to play with her, so as my sister smiled I took her hand and we went to play near the house. I woke up after that.

On another instance I think I was in the U.S. I was a young man, probably 15 years old or so, white, with blond hair, and blue eyes. The first thing I remember is that I was walking early in the morning with my little brother, who looked a lot like me but much younger as he was probably around 7-8 years old, and we were following train tracks. We had gone to school following those train tracks, and also came back from school as we were going home.

My little brother wanted to go see our mom, who was a waitress in a small bar/restaurant. All of this I experienced it, in ever case, as if it was happening at that moment. It took a long time to walk from one place to another. It was just like experiencing a regular day in your life, but I was asleep.

Anyway, as we went to see our mother before going home, we noticed the owner of the bar, who I knew always wanted my mother, was once again molesting her. So i went to him and told him to leave her alone.

My mother tried to calm me, and the owner who was a sob acted tough. There were other people in the bar, some were laughing while a couple of others were just shaking their heads. My mother was able to calm me down, but the owner slaped her in her behind, which infuriated me, I tried to hit the old man, who was fat but he pushed me, and I was thrown to the floor. Some of the people in the bar laughed harder, andI saw the owner trying to grab my mother on another place, which made me mad as hell. My mother was trying to stop him. I looked aorund and saw an ashtray, which I picked up. I ran towards the owner and yelled as i hit him in the head "I told you to leave my mother alone".

The owner was turning towards me when i hit him. He fell to the floor and there was blood on his head. My mother kept saying, "what have you done?, i need this job, he is an asshole, but this is the only job i can get here" or something similar. The people in the abr gathered around the owner, and he slowly got up, there was blood on his head, and he was furious. two of the men in the bar joined him and were yelling at me. my mother told me to run, and I did. As I was running I woke up, and my chest was pounding.

Most of these experiences were just a regular day in the life of a person. A young adult, or a child somewhere in the world.

I am not too sure these are past lives. But I do remember at least one past life, apart from the visions/experiences of the life on another planet, which has been recurrent, and could not be in any way from this time frame. Since it seemed we were in the Middle Ages. That one recurring dream I believe is a past life, apart from the life on the other planet which I can't recall it's name. The others could be me experiencing the lives of other people.

[edit on 19-3-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by snc24
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

Hello Electric !

I was wondering why all you only have memories about destruction and wars. What about normal living days, enlightening, loving, caring etc. in other worlds and Earth.


As i said in another post I have had many experiences, and I have seen the lives of regular people from around the world. If I were to fully describe what I was experiencing throughout the whole day would take, well, a whole day to retell it.

There are memories in which I remember some good moments. But this war has been fought for a long time, and i truly believe these wars are what are described in many traditions, and cultures as the wars between demons, and angels in the heavens.

There are cultures whose whole traditions center around the knowledge that we have lived on this planet for a long time, and that there are other races. Some who have been helping us, while others have tried to control us, and have fought us for a long time.

The Vedic scriptures of India are one example. The Vimanas (aircraft and ships) that their stories tell about, are ships which the aliens/Godss/Godesses gave, and taught humans on how to use during one of the wars on Earth.

We are the result of a long experience in which war has existed for a long time.

We have gone to the point on several times to destroying entire civilizations, that were used by one faction or another, to fight the war.

According to the Vedic scriptures which are thousands of years old, and which were passed down at first as traditions by word of mouth, only thousands of years later to begin to be put in written form. These stories state that mankind has existed as we are now for at least over a million years.

One of the few cultures which even though also have stories, and legends about the fights between demons and what could be called Angels, is the Chinese culture. They are one of the few who state they were always on Earth, while most of the other cultures seem to indicate they were from other planets, or planet, and had to come to Earth.

[edit on 19-3-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by Mr Green
reply to post by ElectricUniverse


Interesting read. Do you remember anything about the time before the war like day to day living on this planet?

Can I ask you why you have decided to speak of this now? Do you have visitations from aliens now at all? Do you know of any of the races of aliens in our galaxy like those of the light (higher frequency/dimension than us)


Regarding the past life on the other planet of our Solar System, there were few respites we had from the war. This war had been waged for as long as I could remember. It had been waging for generations.

As for seeing aliens, no. I haven't seen any aliens in person. The ones I saw were from the past lives, the light beings, which well, in a way I guess you can call them aliens, and the nordic woman who I have seen and felt, but more like seeing a mist in front of you, in the form of a woman in a way that you can recognize her features.

The light beings look very much like the etheric body that I see around all living things. The eyes look darker, but their forms are humanoid.

But even things like rocks, and everything else also have an etheric body, since they are energy, but the etheric body of rocks etc, is not as bright as that of living things.

The etheric body of living beings/entities changes in color from white, to sometimes yellowish, to bluish, and changes in intensity according to the emotions the person is feeling at that moment.

The etheric body of all living beings/entities I can see it whenever I want, and at times it manifests itself without me wanting. BTW, i can and do blink regularly and still see it. It is not an optic illusion.

I can see in the middle of the night, in total darkness the etheric body of everything around me, but for this it takes a minute to a few minutes to happen since the etheric body of objects is so weak. the etheric body of living things is very strong, and at times i see it detached from people, on some is more detached that on others. Not sure exactly what this means. It could be the person is very sad, or her/his health is very poor.

I have had experiences in which with a few people I can tell what that person is going to say before she or he says it, but only a few times I have been able to do this, and has happened with people I just met. Sometimes I can feel what people feel, and more or less know what they think, but with this I have no control over it.

In my opinion I have been through these experiences to remind me that at the end, despite all of our differences in this life, we are connected one to another.

[edit on 19-3-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 09:32 PM
Hi ElectricUniverse, et al;

Very interesting experiences, to say the least.

After reading this thread so far, a question came up in my mind, namely how will we distinguish friend from foe, when I think the foe can most likely "mask" themselves.

Also, as an observation/comment, which to me reads like a catch-22, is it wise to put out so much information out into the open about one's self?

Please don't get me wrong, I understand what I read so far in this thread and am looking forward to reading more. Yet on the other hand, the opposing force(s) are being given information as well about those who are posting, therefore becoming potential targets.


posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 10:09 PM
God damnit! I couldnt of joined the army at a worse time... thanks for the heads up

posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 08:48 PM
Recognition is very important. With the ets I've experienced they've set up a system of recognition with script, and I'm sure only certain script reaches certain people. They also program a response into you. Its like a signature, and if someone doesn't illicit that response, then wrong et.
For the recognition of family it often just comes occasionally with someone, for me, often with a feeling of knowing them and joy, a strong sense of joy.

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 09:12 PM
How does this information reach your brain? Are they dreams. If you are awake, is it like a hallucination where what you would normally see has been replaced with a movie? Or is it in your head like a vivid memory?

I was introduced to a man in a strange way 11 years ago. After we had become friends, he told me he remembered a past life on Mars where he had fought the Sun God Ra and lost and that he and his faction were forced to move to Earth where they built the pyramids. He also told me that many "martians" are living typical human lives but will have the memories and purpose restored in the future and that I am one.

At the time, it seemed like a joke. Over the last 11 years, I have become obsessed looking for answers. I spend/waste so much time on this site (an hour a day at least) that my wife thinks I have a serious problem. I starting to get sick of it but I want to be ready for the disasters I know are coming.

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 09:33 PM
Thankyou for the thread, and hello to all my friends I have been missing, it has be a joy to read all you guys have written,

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by mystiq
Recognition is very important. With the ets I've experienced they've set up a system of recognition with script, and I'm sure only certain script reaches certain people. They also program a response into you. Its like a signature, and if someone doesn't illicit that response, then wrong et.
For the recognition of family it often just comes occasionally with someone, for me, often with a feeling of knowing them and joy, a strong sense of joy.

Mystiq, I am floored. I sat here for twenty minutes crying my eyes out. My eyes actually hurt.
I have never had a feeling like this in my entire life. When I said on the other thread it felt like you hugged me, it was true, wasnt it!!!

Im so confused! I dont understand why this happened to me today, I mean what is so special about today!

All I know and feel right now, is that I feel at home, I feel like you are surrounding me, holding me and hugging me. It feels right and yet Im so confused! Are you family? Or am I just crazy!!!

To the OP, Im sorry I didnt mean to get on your thread and babble, Im just so confused and relieved at the same time. I feel like I belong on this thread, I cant explain it.

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 06:22 PM
Yes that was a family recognition, I felt this connect immediately, and knew that when you were writing, something was there, and then when you said you felt the hug, my higher self must have done this, or a bit of psi because tears came to my eyes too. This is one part of what the et script brought to me. And for some reason its like trying to find family that was lost, kind of like a core need. Theres something else connected to this too, thats also way out there, and I will u2u you because its not something I really want to lay out here right now, and its more speculative but connected to the postcards and contact that I've gotten, and still am sorting through what it could mean. But its definately a nordic connection. Hugs.

It appears we're both a little psi, I know I've always been, but this is something in you as well.

[edit on 31-3-2009 by mystiq]

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by mystiq

I've seen you talk about this whole alien thing quite a few times.

You ever made a thread about this?

[edit on 31-3-2009 by _Phoenix_]

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by mystiq
Yes that was a family recognition, I felt this connect immediately, and knew that when you were writing, something was there, and then when you said you felt the hug, my higher self must have done this, or a bit of psi because tears came to my eyes too. This is one part of what the et script brought to me. And for some reason its like trying to find family that was lost, kind of like a core need. Theres something else connected to this too, thats also way out there, and I will u2u you because its not something I really want to lay out here right now, and its more speculative but connected to the postcards and contact that I've gotten, and still am sorting through what it could mean. But its definately a nordic connection. Hugs.

It appears we're both a little psi, I know I've always been, but this is something in you as well.

[edit on 31-3-2009 by mystiq]

But im SO confused! I didnt know I was psi! I just have been sitting here for an hour thinking Im going insane!
I must be insane, how can I feel this feeling and Ive never met you in my life! But I know the feeling is real, i KNOW it is real without a doubt that somehow you hugged me! I think I need a nap! LOL

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 06:39 PM
On the few threads, and they're grey area ones at that, theres too many skeptics who attack in very personal ways, so its not going to happen probably just yet, but I have given posts talking about my experiences, or the leaks a bit, of actual abductions, and the flyovers. Its something that affects many people so sharing a bit is important, even if it just reaches the odd person who it needs to reach, but also its a critical issue for the human race. I really encourage everyone to ask for help from the visitors selflessly and there threads that show some of what this world is like. These four threads to me are very critical ones, showing different kinds of contact, and reconpilot's one is a look at the renegade bloodlines ruling over this planet and the fact that we need help so badly.
I've posted some of my experiences on a couple of these threads.
(this is an incredible thread and its about a race of nordics that would definately be considered positive et contact, though does raise some issues. Looks at how we're considered to be primitive with jack the ripper held as a universal symbol for earth).
(don't know if a castrophe is coming or not, but believe his contact is real, and intend to write to yummyfreelunch about something related to this one).
Protocol and sensitive information may very well prevent the actual truth from being told, if they know it. Theres so many timelines. In any case, giving us a prod to start helping each other so they can hand a positive report may very well be a part of this.
(good thread. Other posts on other threads are interesting too, as is his energy! History lesson of sorts)
(another really good thread by HiAliens about us asking for help!)

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by mystiq
On the few threads, and they're grey area ones at that, theres too many skeptics who attack in very personal ways, so its not going to happen probably just yet, but I have given posts talking about my experiences,

I understand.

Thanks for the links! and info.

I'll check them out.


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