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Originally posted by SIEGE
reply to post by jibeho
You've got to get up a lot earlier in the morning to get over on me.
INFRASTRUCTURE : (And this is for you) " The term typically refers to the
technical structures that support a society, such as roads, water-supply,
sewers, power grids, telecommunications, etc."
Yes, I have read it. And I'm not scared !
Your use of the term "unwilling youth volunteers" is comical.
I see absolutely nothing wrong with training our youth to be self-reliant in
the event of a natural or manmade disaster. How can this be bad ?
They will become valuable citizens as well as valuable individuals.
It all (may) start and stop in the home . . .but, all homes are not alike.
It may target the underprivileged, but it sure targets our neglected
country doesn't it ?
No you're wrong, it is an opportunity ONLY when it is something we WANT to do. Not something we HAVE to do.
(B) in paragraph (6), by striking `Clothing' and inserting `Uniforms'; and
`(10) increase public and private investment in nonprofit community organizations that are effectively addressing national and local challenges and to encourage such organizations to replicate and expand successful initiatives;
`(11) leverage Federal investments to increase State, local, business, and philanthropic resources to address national and local challenges;
`(16) support institutions of higher education that engage students in community service activities, provide service-learning courses, and encourage or assist graduates to pursue careers in public service in the nonprofit or government sector; and
`It is the sense of Congress that the number of participants in approved national service positions, including the Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) and the National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC), should grow to reach 250,000 participants by 2014.'.
`(5) developing civic engagement programs that promote a better understanding of--
`(A) the principles of the Constitution, the heroes of American history (including military heroes), and the meaning of the Oath of Allegiance;
`(B) how the Nation's government functions; and
`(C) the importance of service in the Nation's character.
`(1) providing technical assistance and information to, and facilitating the professional developement of, teachers and assisting in the planning, development, execution, and evaluation of service-learning in their classrooms;
`(4) assisting schools and school districts in developing school policies and practices that support the integration of service-learning into the curriculum.
Except that this proposal is optional. Not mandatory. You're inventing facts that don't exist to further your hate-train.
‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Programs that receive assistance under the national service laws shall consult with the parents or legal guardians of children in developing and operating programs that include and serve children.
‘‘(2) PARENTAL PERMISSION.—Programs that receive assistance under the national service laws shall, consistent with State law, before transporting minor children, provide the reason for and obtain written permission of the children’s parents.’’.
(a) STUDY.—
The Corporation for National and Community Service shall conduct a study to determine the effectiveness of a centralized electronic citizenship verification system which would allow the Corporation to share employment eligibility information with the Department of Education in order to reduce administrative burden and lower costs for member programs.
11 ‘‘SEC. 189A. RESTRICTIONS ON FEDERAL GOVERNMENT 12 AND USE OF FEDERAL FUNDS. ‘‘(a) GENERAL PROHIBITION.—Nothing in this Act shall be construed to authorize an officer or employee of the Federal Government to mandate, direct, or control a State, local educational agency, or school’s curriculum, program of instruction, specific instructional content, academic achievement standards, assessments, or allocation of State or local resources, or mandate a State or any sub division thereof to spend any funds or incur any costs not paid for under this Act.
‘‘(b) PROHIBITION ON ENDORSEMENT OF CURRICULUM.—No funds provided to the Chief Executive Officer under this Act may be used by the Corporation to endorse, approve, or sanction any curriculum designed to be used in an elementary school or secondary school.
‘‘(j) CALL TO SERVICE CAMPAIGN.—Not less than 180 days after enactment of this Act, the Corporation shall conduct a nationwide ‘Call To Service’ campaign, to encourage all people of the United States, regardless of age, race, ethnicity, religion, or economic status, to engage in full- or part-time national service, long- or short-term public service in the nonprofit sector or government, or volunteering. In conducting the campaign, the Corporation may collaborate with other Federal agencies and entities, State Commissions, Governors, nonprofit and faith-based organizations, businesses, institutions of higher education, elementary schools, and secondary schools.
‘‘(1) FEDERAL ACTIVITIES.—The Corporation may organize and carry out appropriate ceremonies and activities, which may include activities that are part of the broader Call to Service Campaign, in order to observe September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance at the Federal level.
The Corporation may make grants and provide other support to community based organizations to assist in planning and carrying out appropriate service, charity, and remembrance opportunities in conjunction with the September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance.
‘‘(3) In initiating and supporting before-school and after-school programs in low-income communities that may include such activities as establishing mentoring relationships, physical education, tutoring, instruction in 21st century thinking skills, life skills, and study skills, community service, service learning, nutrition and health education, and other activities aimed at keeping children, safe, educated, and healthy, which serve the children in such community.
‘‘(4) EFFECT OF FAILING TO MEET PERFORMANCE MEASURES.—If the evaluation process determines that the recipient has failed to meet or exceed the performance measures, outcomes, and other criteria established under this subsection, the grant or contract shall not be renewed. Any successor grant or contract shall be awarded through the competitive process described in subsection (e)(1).
‘‘To ensure the continued service of individuals in communities served by the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program prior to enactment of this section, in making grants under this title the Corporation shall take actions it considers necessary to maintain service assignments for such seniors and to ensure continuity of service for communities.
1 ‘‘SEC. 125. PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES AND INELIGIBLE ORGA2 NIZATIONS. ‘‘(a) PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES.—A participant in an approved national service position under this subtitle may not engage in the following activities:
‘‘(1) Attempting to influence legislation.
‘‘(2) Organizing or engaging in protests, petitions, boycotts, or strikes.
‘‘(3) Assisting, promoting, or deterring union organizing.
‘‘(4) Impairing existing contracts for services or collective bargaining agreements.
‘‘(5) Engaging in partisan political activities, or other activities designed to influence the outcome of an election to any public office.
‘‘(6) Participating in, or endorsing, events or activities that are likely to include advocacy for or against political parties, political platforms, political candidates, proposed legislation, or elected officials.
‘‘(7) Engaging in religious instruction, conducting worship services, providing instruction as part of a program that includes mandatory religious instruction or worship, constructing or operating facilities devoted to religious instruction or worship, maintaining facilities primarily or inherently devotedto religious instruction or worship, or engaging in
any form of religious proselytization.
‘‘(8) Providing a direct benefit to—
‘‘(A) a business organized for profit;
‘‘(B) a labor organization;
‘‘(C) a partisan political organization;
‘‘(D) a nonprofit organization that fails tocomply with the restrictions contained in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of
1986 except that nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent participants from engaging in advocacy activities undertaken at
their own initiative; and
‘‘(E) an organization engaged in the religious activities described in paragraph (7), unless Corporation assistance is not used to support those religious activities.
‘‘(9) Conducting a voter registration drive or using Corporation funds to conduct a voter registration drive.
‘‘(10) Such other activities as the Corporation may prohibit.
Because it's a "democrat" doing the work, everyone's saying it's communist. This is not correct, simply because the corporations are still going to be in there. In Communism, the state controls the corporations. In fascism, the corporations control the state. Got it now? The ultimate effects are broadly the same when it comes to personal liberty, but it's an important structural difference.
March 20, 2009 at 8:03 PM EDT WASHINGTON — Federal regulators have taken over two large institutions that provide wholesale financing for U.S. credit unions, a move they say was needed to stabilize the credit union system.
U.S. Seeks Expanded Power to Seize Firms
Washington Post Staff Writers
Tuesday, March 24, 2009; Page A01
The Obama administration is considering asking Congress to give the Treasury secretary unprecedented powers to initiate the seizure of non-bank financial companies, such as large insurers, investment firms and hedge funds, whose collapse would damage the broader economy, according to an administration document.
This is nothing more than another opportunity.
Originally posted by Essan
I'm in the Uk, but the way I see it is that kids need to learn a sense of social resonsibility and this may be a way of doing it. And it's no different to indoctorating them in govt propaganda at school (which is all they learn)
Do you object to State schooling?
Why do you object to kids cleaning theor neighbourhood instead of treating it like a trashcan?
Worse thing that ever happened in Britain was the abolition of National Service. I wouldn't advocate a return to that for everyone - but a similar scheme with youngsters carrying out community work might just be the best possible thing to solve an awful lot of youth related problems (drink, drugs, sex, vandalism, murder etc). Wouldn't work in all cases but it;s a try.
And as an aside I have a Stepbrother who was a complete wastrel and had no respect for anyone until he joined the Territiorial Army and got sent to Bosnia. Returned a sensible, responsible adult. In a society where nearly everyone has far more than they need and everything is provided on a plate, it helps them see reality and grow up.
I'm in full support of such schemes.
The Corporation for National and Community Service shall conduct a study to determine the effectiveness of a centralized electronic citizenship verification system which would allow the Corporation to share employment eligibility information with the Department of Education in order to reduce administrative burden and lower costs for member programs.
instruction in 21st century thinking skills, life skills, and study skills, community service, service learning, nutrition and health education, and other activities aimed at keeping children, safe, educated, and healthy, which serve the children in such community.
the Corporation shall take actions it considers necessary to maintain service assignments for such seniors and to ensure continuity of service for communities.
Originally posted by dgtempe
I hope you will all listen to me just once.
This is a communist move. This will amount to slavery, unpaid labor God knows where. Believe me, this isnt for your typical SOUP KITCHEN.
I came from a Communist country and this is how they do it.
You have been warned many times by me. I will just stop saying it now.
Originally posted by dgtempe
I hope you will all listen to me just once.
This is a communist move. This will amount to slavery, unpaid labor God knows where. Believe me, this isnt for your typical SOUP KITCHEN.
I came from a Communist country and this is how they do it.
You have been warned many times by me. I will just stop saying it now.
I will chop myself up piece by piece if you or anyone here gets put into a camp because of failure to serve.
Originally posted by SIEGE
reply to post by ProfEmeritus
The government is not pushing the militias to the boiling point :
"paranoid alarmists" are.
Would you have the current adminstration do nothing ? They can't
possibly have anything good up their sleeves could they ? So more people
lose their mortgages, more companies go out of business, more people
lose their jobs . . . but what the hell . . we wouldn't want to change any of
that would we ? Yeah, right !
BUT, BUT, if we had a chance to fix things, an "opportunity" to help our
economy and an "opportunity" to repair our infrastructure, shouldn't we
at least try ?
Action speaks louder than words. And right now I believe this
administration is actively trying to put out fires that were started in
someone else's administration. Everything they do will not be the magic
pill. But I sure as hell like their "can-do" attitude so far.
To those that worry about communism, and corporate overlings, and
"current awakenings" I ask you to make a list of options that could be used
to buffer you from these hysterical times. Maybe you won't have to tough
it out like the rest of us.
Would you have the current adminstration do nothing ? They can't possibly have anything good up their sleeves could they ? So more people lose their mortgages, more companies go out of business, more people lose their jobs . . . but what the hell . . we wouldn't want to change any of that would we ? Yeah, right !
Originally posted by Vitchilo
I will chop myself up piece by piece if you or anyone here gets put into a camp because of failure to serve.
Well prepare to chop yourself because it can happen if:
1- We let this trend continue, within a few years it will be mandatory
2- If HR 1444 passes, it will be mandatory
3- Following the next terrorist attack
4- Martial law or martial law-like scenario, which we are very near of
You guys are taking something that could be beneficial and harmless, then socketing paranoia driven speculation devised by partisan babies, IMHO.
Originally posted by ProfEmeritus
reply to post by SIEGE
Would you have the current adminstration do nothing ? They can't possibly have anything good up their sleeves could they ? So more people lose their mortgages, more companies go out of business, more people lose their jobs . . . but what the hell . . we wouldn't want to change any of that would we ? Yeah, right !
Actually YES, I would like for them to do nothing. They are destroying the free market system, in which failing companies are allowed to FAIL. Good companies will pick up the business, and free enterprise will continue. The bailouts have done nothing to stop those companies from failing. Don't throw good money on top of bad money.
It was the INTERFERENCE of government in the free market system, by Barney and friends, in forcing companies to give mortgages to people that they knew would not be able to pay them, that brought on the financial crisis.
Everything that the government is doing is making the matter worse. "Have you seen the credit market free up? NO!
Will our children and grandchildren be able to PAY BACK the debt and interest that the government is racking up? NO.
Are people getting new jobs? NO
Are companies hiring Americans rather than illegal aliens? NO
Communism and Socialism does not work. Even Putin admitted that when he warned Obama not to run to Socialism.
Sometimes doing NOTHING is the best way to do something.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Haleiluya ! Haleiluya ! Ha . .ya ! I see the light ! I see the light !
( Let's do nothing . . . the Professor has spoken !)
You've got to be kidding me ! You know and just about everybody on this
forum knows that if the government did nothing, you'd be on them faster
than fleas on a stray dog. So they begin to do something and you cry
foul, communism, etc.
What are you looking for, instant gratification ?
Do you really think the credit market could heal itself that fast ?
Are new jobs created instantly ?
Yes, bad companies should be allowed to fail, but . .how much failure
should be allowed ? Do we want chaos ?
Is that what you're looking for, riots and trouble and chaos ?
Learned individuals should practice a deeper patience, a deeper under-
standing of the workings of our government. Some of you have worked
with or for the government, haven't you ? But you find it so easy to put down don't you ? This administration has only been around a little over
60 days, and yet you feel compelled to judge its actions as if you yourself
have all the answers.
Looking down your nose at people and ideas doesn't get it.
Turning a proposal to make our infrastructure bettter into a witch-hunt for
freedom-takers is over-reaction.