reply to post by Studious
Hey, Studious,
Is that Theresa you have?
The reason I ask is, in my posting, I had hidden her away ... so if it is Theresa you have her out in the open.
I can see how this can be confusing, when one person puts their own character in one place, but another takes the character and puts them somewhere
I also understand Antar's view of taking someones character and reworking it in a totally different manner, which now that character has to follow
somewhat of a trail of.
It can get very wild here, by characters being all over the place and also now having to follow another's way of the character going then the person
who "is" the character wanting them to.
The question is, we still have to have the story line move forward and in doing so, we do create storylines others need to follow...... how do we do
that without conflict of where the person who "is" the character planning on taking the person by having to do it in a different way then planned
due to changes.
Now, I am very guilty of this... I know - my first posting was a complete twist and directly influenced others. I did it for two reasons to make my
character a little "whacked" out, but also, I found the Penelope story had so many unanswered questions (Fook dead, but seen just minutes before on
bridge - time lapse.... to the complete destruction of Nimitz - without any "real" reason of doing so).
I just thought I would tie those up in a tidy little pile. Did I then change the storyline, maybe someone else had been planning on taking it? Yes,
guilty as charged.
I know with so many people writing very creative things, we are continually going to have twist and turns, so the question is ... how do we balance
those twist and turns without directly affecting the "character" of another person's writings and future direction?
I took the role of Theresa along with QA, due to an earlier discussion in here, I would like to use her more in creating situations of possible dire
consequences for LG2 and Penelope, I personally see a "Hero" type situation which can unfold from Captain mf_luger, due to their past history, which
is still being unfolded and revealed.
So, I don't want her found out yet, I actually want mf_luger to be the one who wants to "find/save" her and figure out what is going on........
So, now I am putting that concept out here, and need mf_luger to agree to it.
So Theresa can be eventually tidied up and at some point "herself" and can become a part of the crew of Penelope (someone else - comes in to take
her character).
I hope I got the point I was trying to say across in this posting.