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The Space Opera Working Thread

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posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 02:32 PM

Well thanks
I'll do my best and I have a lot of reading to do so, I'll see you all real soon and thanks for the vote of confidence.

[edit on 27-3-2009 by SLAYER69]

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 02:45 PM
You’ve posted my badge as *Unique*.
May I ask what this means please?
Team Member? Visiting Member?


posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by silo13

You're a team member....but if for any reason you should bite the 'carpet'
No one else gets to use that tag again.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by silo13

He means he created them just for us and if we leave the story the badge will be retired and not neccessarily issued to anyone else.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Welcome to our tangled web.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by loam

Ummm, any particular reason there are parenthesis around Stowaway?

Honestly I'm not into putting the energy and heart into this, and now learning a whole new way of posting, etc, if the character isn't going to be continued...

Don't worry, getting jettisoned into space could be a trip!

[edit on 27-3-2009 by silo13]

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 03:16 PM

I got a post up, but I am going to have to say, I am not a very good or able sci fi writer.

I am not able to write the desciptive words as everyone else.

Plus my mind just isn't able to come up with much in sci fi. Never been a real interest in reading or watching.

I did write a book though, but it was not fiction.

So...... in saying all of that, I honestly don't think I can do the story justice by staying in it. I had a very hard time coming up with anything unique or compelling in my recent posting on the story thread.

I thank antar for inviting me and everyone else for letting me be a part of your story. I enjoyed the few postings I did, but I just don't have the "mind" for the kind of writing needed to post something good.

I appreciate being able to be a part of it, but how about, I post that my handler got ahold of me tomorrow and took me back to my underground room, since I was found out and stopped.

This way Captain loam can hand pick someone to do "real" communications?


[edit on 27-3-2009 by questioningall]

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by questioningall

That is just silly. I thought that your introduction to your character was very deep sort of like "Dune" in its tone. Permission to depart DENIED!

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by questioningall

Nonsense. The thread should be fun...not work.

Just keep doing what you are doing. It's just fine.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Welcome aboard! I swear again I was thinking of inviting you after I saw one of your latest Threads last night...

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by questioningall

I vote you stay and to let you know you are doing a great job. Just be yourself and the words will come. You are perfect for the job and I am proud of what you have contributed thus far...

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by silo13

It signifies 'hidden' as a stoaway would be. That can easily be changed, silo.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 03:33 PM
Masqua -
Not a problem at all, just asking...

Welcome Aboard Slayer!

You're on the Pen!

Have fun...

[edit on 27-3-2009 by silo13]

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by silo13

You are one off the strongest members of this collaboration and are a valuable asset, I ahve been thinking hard about how we are able to incorporate you into the crew as a full member aftar we find the Captain and rescue him or not, but either way you will become part of the crew in just a short while, meantime you just keeping writting those pearls of wit and humor that keep it flowing.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

I had to hit the thread button at the bottom of the first post for each character to look into the essence of each crew member, it is a great way to read the thread at first.

We will be meeting up soon so no holds barred as far as creative licence.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by masqua

Yes. Just let me know when and to what.

(Oh the carpet jokes are just flying through my head....but I'll spare you all that.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by antar

Whew - I've been tying to find good Tentacle jokes all day.

(I wont even tell you where I went with bagpipes...)

Hey, us poor characters that talk to rugs, we're allowed to be a bit paranoid.

Thank you for your support.


Oh the carpet jokes are just flying through my head....

Someone finally picked up on that.

Call me understated.

[edit on 27-3-2009 by silo13]

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 03:48 PM

well, you guys are just very kind...........

I will give some thought to your denial of dismissal.

btw Slayer - WELCOME!

I will see how it goes, but if I find, I am NOT able to contribute it the way that justifies the work others are putting into it, then I will bow out.

I really believe everyone is doing such an awesome job.... the story is wonderful and I am not nearly as capable as everyone else in my writings.

Thank you..... I will stay around a little longer and see how it goes.

One thing I am............ I am honest with myself and everyone else and I do know, I am not a good descriptive writer.

You guys are all awesome!!

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 03:54 PM
Item #1: tags - I think this would be a GREAT way to help readers keep up. I must confess I'm not all that comfortable with having to put them in each post, but I'm willing to bet I can get used to it in short order. Probably what I'll do is save the code for it to a text file, then copy and paste for every post, instead of hunt it down and take it from there. That way, all I have to do is get it right ONCE, and my machine takes it from there.

Both crews have a Weapons Control Officer, so you might want to consider making that tag "permanent". It's not a unique position to either vessel. Both crews also APPEAR to have a stowaway, but ours doesn't have a writer for it, and that position could just drop off into the ether.

Item # 2: For the folks dropping out, I've already read some of your writing, and am convinced, beyond question, that you can too do it! I had my moment, too, but I'm like a bulldog. Hard for me to just throw in the towel. Everyone has been great about understanding the need for a time-out here and there, and the new rules make it just that much easier. If my pitiful butt can do it, you can too. Take a deep breath, drop back and punt, and grab a beer (or whatever) for a time-out. Well keep your seats warm.

Specific to QA, for somebody that "can't write sci-fi", you've been doing a hell of a job so far! I can't find any post that has detracted from the story, only added to it (and kept us on our toes, too
) See above advice.

I'm off to the story thread now, to see what fate has dropped on me today.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 04:03 PM

Hey thank everyone again I'll do my best.
The more I think about this the more excited I'm getting

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