Get smart. Get over this fear that the sky is falling and you need to stockpile food and weapons. Get a life.
A brief survey of the signals about upcoming food shortages can be seen at
from their site:
_Vital Signs describes the world's important transitions, and more._
Their VITAL SIGNS book used to be published yearly in paperback but it is now online
too; it is fascinating in a weird way to see the decline in our life support systems from
year to year:
It historically has been one of the best readable sources of info about declining water for irrigation, food production, energy resources et al. It is
a good source for solid information when preparing an educational statement or writing a state of the world opinion based on facts! And there are
vital signs of hope too.
EARTH POLICY NEWS is another excellent source of info
_dedicated to building a sustainable future as well as providing a plan of how to get from here to there._ — Lester Brown, President
Lester Brown used to be with WORLDWATCH INSTITUTE so you can count on solid research from both sites. Plan B is an excellent book about roadmaps to
transition to a sustainable future.
In my opinion, learning how to grow and preserve food is a real alternative to flashing arms in the streets.
Very recent news has it that California state and federal reservoirs are less than half full and that water is already being cut off for farmers.
Please recall that is one of
the food baskets of the country. (Probably the wine grapes will survive, and there has been a national increase in wine imbibing! Also, be cognizant
that dry farming is an established farming technique in drought prone areas - get those tomato plants in early and mulch!)
Seventh Day Adventists have historically advocated that one should have a year's worth of food stored. Holly Deyo's book DARE TO PREPARE is one of
many of that genre available today. WHEN TECHNOLOGY FAILS by Matthew Stein is another general survivalist book that now includes green living!
It helps to have food stored - let us stop using the HOARDING word! I have shared food with several people who lost their jobs.
Regarding re training for the future: I would much rather have my fellow man learn how to preserve food than to secure more ammo for gun cocking.
We former Mother Earth News readers recall how in days of yore people would take turns reading out loud as the gals quilted or cut up tomatoes.
Now we have podcasts and live feeds to entertain us doing kp duty! There is no reason for men not to assume the position and stop whining about the
NWO which their lack of survival skills can only precipitate.