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Why Do People Listen to Rush Limbaugh?

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posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by mpriebe81

Oh I I said in an early post politics (dems and reps) have destroyed the nation. We need to take all the good points from both sides and create one way of doing things. Will it ever happen...hahah

Yeah, no! Reality stinks sometimes!

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 01:03 PM
Reply to RRconservative:
Here we go again with the "liberals" and "conservatives" crap.
Frankly I see only a handful of our representatives being "conservative" in any kind of fashion. When will people realize that the jerks in Washington don't give a frig about us? They do a little of this or that to pacify us, and then they concentrate on their own agendas. Get with it.

[edit on 14-3-2009 by mpriebe81]

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by yeahright
Who the hell anointed Rush the de facto head of the Republican party? Besides Rush and the Democrats.

Actually I think just the Democrats..

Conservative radio has been under the skin of the Democratic Party for decades. Since they have the newspapers and most TV news corps wrapped up it really bothers them that they can’t rule radio too, and when they try they fail. So they are going in two direction, one is to force conservative radio shows to add liberal points of view (to water them down) and now recently make Rush something much more than he is. Rush is still saying the same thing he has been saying for 25 years so what makes him so special now?

It’s called propaganda and disinformation….get the country to believe that an extreme conservative talkshow host is the leader of the GoP would play so well into the liberal’s future agendas.

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by rcwj75

Either that or make it easier for independents to actually get in the game. Heck i'll vote Nader, the guy has been running since the 80s let's let him have a crack at it!

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 01:05 PM
Our radio at work only received one station and Rush was on it. . I listened to him daily for almost two years. Among other nonsense he would go on and on about how recreational drug users and drug addicts should be locked up. Then it was completely different when he got caught. That’s the most famous rush hypocrisy but there were many.

I finally snapped and pushed the radio into a bucket of chromate. The man is an entertainer just like a clown. He is not left wing, he is not right wing, he is ding ding.

Talent on loan from gawd………..sure

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by mpriebe81

I would LOVE to see more REAL options come voting time. Actually have 4 people to shoose from for president, not just two. I mean now we are stuck with the lesser of two evils...hence Obama!

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by rcwj75

Exactly! Unfortunately I don't see having more real choices anytime soon, just the same old same old.

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 01:12 PM
I can go on:

LIMBAUGH: And if they -- you know, if Hillary doesn't get it -- you have to understand the mindset of a lot of these feminists and women. They think they're owed this -- just like Obama supporters think they're owed this. These women have paid their dues. They've been married two or three times; they've had two or three abortions; they've done everything that feminism asked them to do. They have cut men out of their lives; they have devoted themselves to causes and careers. And this -- the candidacy of Hillary Clinton -- is the culmination of all of these women's efforts. And if it gets stolen from them, in their minds -- not actually stolen, but if the country or if the Democrat [sic] Party rejects this wonderfully great, lying woman in exchange for a rookie, radical black guy who can't tell the time of day, they are going to be so miffed. They are going to be so upset. These Democrats are absolutely right about the anger over all this, because they are -- both sides of this equation think they are owed this nomination.

Mind you this is a man who has been married three times himself. Defending morality.

Women should not be allowed on juries where the accused is a stud.

I am not arrogant.

Morality is not defined by individual choice.

There are more American Indians alive today than there were when Columbus arrived or at any other time in history. Does this sound like a record of genocide?

Have you ever noticed how all newspaper composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?

A feminazi is a woman to whom the most important thing in life is seeing to it that as many abortions as possible are performed. Their unspoken reasoning is quite simple. Abortion is the single greatest avenue for militant women to exercise their quest for power and advance their belief that men aren’t necessary. Nothing matter but me, says the feminazi; the is an unviable tissue mass. Feminazis have adopted abortion as a kind of sacrament for their religion/politics of alienation and bitterness."

Let me leave you with a thought that honestly summarizes my sentiments: I love the women’s movement. especially when I am walking behind it.

Wouldn't it be great if anybody who speaks out against this country, to kick them out of the country? Anybody that threatens this country, kick 'em out. We'd get rid of Michael Moore, we'd get rid of half the Democratic Party if we would just import that law. That would be fabulous. The Supreme Court ought to look into this. Absolutely brilliant idea out there.

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 01:17 PM
I really can't believe that Michael Steele even apologized to the man. I really wish he hadn't done that.
Michael Steele is a great person to front the GOP. He is well educated, articulate, kind, well spoken. Just a nice guy.
He couldn't be a better representative.
When he was Lt. Governor, I actually preferred him and Erlich over the current democratic governor.

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 01:20 PM
We all make mistakes, to call the man a pill face or drug addict is way harsh. Who among us has never made a mistake or gotten caught up into something we probably should not have.

Rush is abrasive with some of the things he says, but, if you get down to just the message, his ideals fall in line with true conservatism. The reason he is rising to the top of the GOP is the fact that there are no real leaders at current.

People can hammer on the fact that he wants Obama's "policies" to fail all they want, but I too do not want his policies to succeed. The reason is that I feel as though they are terrible for our country. I hope his federal bailout shopping spree ends ASAP.

I cannot deny the fact Rush is a bit sexist, but that does not make his message, in my eyes, any less than it is. Obama has gone against many of his campaign promises, earmarks, stopping war for the US, putting up legislation on the white house website for 5 days before signing it, and probably many more. Raising taxes on people making over 250k a year affects small businesses. In a time of crisis the government should not be tightening its grip, but loosening it.

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by grover

I think people listen for several reasons. One is that he's like a car wreck. Once I start listening, I can't believe what I'm hearing and I'm fascinated that people in today's society still think like he does. I keep listening because I can't not listen. It happens rarely, but I have on occasion.

Another reason is that he's entertaining. Like the shock jock Stern, he makes people laugh and shake their heads. He's shocking and he knows it.

The reason his devout "followers" listen to him is that he touches a dark and old-style place in people. People who think like he does. You know, people who are so angry that they don't get to have everything the way they want. People who would like to have a slave or two, a barefoot and pregnant, obedient wife who cooks his feasts and brings him cigars, turkey pot pies and oxycontin then rubs his feet. People who think they know it all. The arrogant and selfish fringe of right-leaning society. Rush completes them. He validates their dark wishes about society.

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by Aaron_Justin

Rising to the top of the GOP? That is laughable at best.
He's stated that he would never run for office for one thing, so he CAN'T rise to the top of the GOP.
If you want to listen to him that's fine, all i'm saying is that you would have to pay me a great deal of money to actually sit there and listen to him spew his rhetoric.

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by Aaron_Justin
We all make mistakes, to call the man a pill face or drug addict is way harsh. Who among us has never made a mistake or gotten caught up into something we probably should not have.

True. But he is the one who constantly bashed drug addicts and put them on the fringe of society and made them look like criminals.

Rush is abrasive with some of the things he says, but, if you get down to just the message, his ideals fall in line with true conservatism. The reason he is rising to the top of the GOP is the fact that there are no real leaders at current.

Being racist, sexist, elitist? If that is true conservatism, no wonder the GOP is in the minority. There are far better candidates out there.

People can hammer on the fact that he wants Obama's "policies" to fail all they want, but I too do not want his policies to succeed. The reason is that I feel as though they are terrible for our country. I hope his federal bailout shopping spree ends ASAP.
Does he not agree with the policies and want them to fail? Or does he want Obama to fail because he is the Democratic president right now, and a black one at that. Since he has shown himself to be a racist, I would go with the latter.

But a few years back, it was Rush and Limbaugh who constantly whined about how we need to support this country and support the POTUS no matter what, if we agree to the policies.

Or does this only apply to republican presidents?

it is the usual hypocrisy at work.

I cannot deny the fact Rush is a bit sexist, but that does not make his message, in my eyes, any less than it is. Obama has gone against many of his campaign promises, earmarks, stopping war for the US, putting up legislation on the white house website for 5 days before signing it, and probably many more. Raising taxes on people making over 250k a year affects small businesses. In a time of crisis the government should not be tightening its grip, but loosening it.

I don't know any small business owners making over 250k a year.
Legislation for five days before signing is only for non emergencies.
Stopping the war in Iraq? What part of troop with drawel didn't you hear?

So if GOP can lump all democrats and liberals into one group and label them. How is it that we can't take the this jagoff who is openly sexist, racist, and homophobic and pick and choose what we like and don't like? He seems to like to group people in a nice little package for belittling. Or is this more hypocrisy?

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 02:22 PM
Why would anyone listen to Rush Limbaugh?

I don't know why, especially since we have received such accurate and detailed information from the mainstream media over the past 20 years!

I mean really, have any of you actually thought about it?

What did the MSM tell you about the recession? What about the bailout? What about the credit crisis? What about the banking meltdown? What about the stock market crash?

I can tell you exactly what the MSM said about all of these issues. They said, "Don't worry about it." They continued to say that for weeks after it was obvious that we were in deep doo-doo.

What did Rush say about it? Rush has been saying for years that our loose monitary practices are going to send us into a deep depression.

Rush and other conservative talk hosts have been telling us for years to get our houses in order, payoff debts, keep an eye on the politicians, and don't trust the MSM. Much the same stuff that I read on this site.

Yet, Rush is bat# crazy? I think that the politicians are bat# crazy if they think that we don't notice who got us into this mess. It wasn't Rush.

By the way, I do love the fact that most of the criticism of Rush listeners is that they are too stupid to know better. This is in keeping with the MSM rants that everyone in a position of power or authority is a moron. If my ego depended upon the MSM and their opinion of me and others like me, I would have committed suicide years ago.

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by nixie_nox

Can you quote something he has said that is racist? I have seen no evidence to that effect.

Also, if you reread what I wrote, I talked about how Obama campaigned as the candidate that would get the US out of this era of war. While he is pulling troops out of Iraq, he will maintain 50k troops residually, indefinately. Also, he is not sending those troops home, but instead sending them to Afghanastan.

Just because people do not agree with Obama, that does not make them a racist. Nice try though. I disagree with his policies, not his skin color.

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

I enjoy listening to Rush, but I am none of the things you listed as people are that are followers of him. I do not agree with everything he says, and probably not all of what anyone says, but I like a lot of the things he says.

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by mpriebe81

What I meant by saying he is rising to the top of the GOP was that he seems to have taken the spot of being the voice of the party at the moment. I know he would not run and would not have a shot even if he did. The problem with the party at the moment though is lack of clear leadership by a person that has that something special that will draw people in. That is what the party needs. Until then, people like Rush will continue to do well at what they do due to the fact that his message is correct.

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by Aaron_Justin
Can you quote something he has said that is racist? I have seen no evidence to that effect.

On page 1.

Also, if you reread what I wrote, I talked about how Obama campaigned as the candidate that would get the US out of this era of war. While he is pulling troops out of Iraq, he will maintain 50k troops residually, indefinately. Also, he is not sending those troops home, but instead sending them to Afghanastan.

What does Obama have to do with the topic? This is about Rush.

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by mpriebe81
What I don't understand is why everytime someone is brought up here,
we then have to bring up someone from the OTHER side of the aisle. Are you really that threatened because someone is talking about Rush "Pillface" Limbaugh??
I wish we could get past the party lines, as they are clearly two heads of the same beast.
Let's just keep this thread to Rush Limbaugh, and how he is a complete fool. If you want to talk about Alex Jones or Keith Olbermann, start a thread entitled "AJ Sucks" or something of that nature.

You realize you answered your own question in your post? Its because they are indeed two sides of the same coin.

Listen to Olbermann or like Moore and can't figure out why people listen to rush? Then look at the reasons you listen to those guys. The reasons for listening are likely to be the same for Rush's listeners - they are just on the opposite side of the fence. The reasons are the same and each side can be just as vile as the other.

As you said, they are two faces of the same beast - but it is still the same beast regardless of which face you look at.

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 04:10 PM
Hell the man can't even quote the Declaration of Independence correctly (its life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness... not life, liberty, freedom and the pursuit of happiness) when he is mistakenly attributing it to the preamble to the constituition.

I mean come on now its something every fifth grader knows... but rush doesn't.

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