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Why Do People Listen to Rush Limbaugh?

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posted on Mar, 17 2009 @ 07:07 AM

Originally posted by gormly
Why is it that we never hear any media criticism of:

Keith Olberman
Rosie O'Donnel
Joy Ward
Al Franken
Rhandi Rhodes
Ed Schultz
The hatred spewed at The Huffington Post?
The left leaning of MSNBC?

Easy! Because none of these entertainers have been claimed the head of their party.

Why such silly questions?

posted on Mar, 17 2009 @ 07:15 AM
reply to post by Swatman

Very simple. I come to realize that not only did Bush start the ball rolling, but he passed it to Obama and now he's running with it. Fine, Clinton started the ball rolling. We only have the illusion of two parties. There is ONE agenda here, its become very obvious. We need to get past party lines and wake up- everyday we see this progressing like a cancer...

When the SHTF, it wont matter what your affiliation is, you're going to be living out of box regardless.

posted on Mar, 17 2009 @ 11:15 AM
I listen to Rush becouse he simply is on the cutting edge of societal evolution....with talent on loan from God and yet with one hand tied behind his back.

Do not doubt me....he resists the tug of group behavior...only national figure going against lynch mob mentality....

I sure do miss The Savage Nation around here though. He calls Rush "The Golfer" but I am not sure that this isn't a compliment.

[edit on 17-3-2009 by Logarock]

posted on Mar, 17 2009 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by Logarock

Do not doubt me....he resists the tug of group behavior...only national figure going against lynch mob mentality....

i'm hoping that this is sarcasm.....i'm totally confused as to rather or not you're being serious.

So if you're joking, let me say "HAHA"
if you're not joking let me say" ...ugh"

and retort with the following:

Rush Limbaugh is the only national figure going against lynch mob style actions/group attack methods?

Rush Limbaugh Launches Operation Chaos


I hope Barack Obama FAILS!!
- Rush Limbaugh praying for the doom of a better future. (and yes, he is asking for the doom of a better future. Barack Obama is doing what he thinks is best to bring back our nation from the trenches it's been exposed to. If he "fails" at that, then we only fall further)

i could literally make an entire book about how utterly ridiculous Rush Limbaugh is, but it's already been done.

Rush limbaugh is to be considered ENTERTAINMENT. He's not news. His philosophies are tied to the ways of old.

To live in a progressive society, you cannot refuse to change for the better of those around you.

If you do - you're going to get left behind.

That's what is happening to the GOP
That's what is happening to Limbaugh.

Scoff at me now, but you'll see it happen in your life time.

posted on Mar, 17 2009 @ 02:19 PM
The problem with most of the comments has to do with the fact that everyone here either hates or loves him. But I find that absurd. I don't like everything about Albert Einstein or William Blake but I can take what I can use from them without having to apply a quality to it.

Some people cannot personally listen to someone talk for three hours, they simply have no ability to cope with such patience, others have to be the center and talking all the time and can't listen for those reasons.

What I find absurd about most liberals stems from their inability to listen to someone talk for more than 5 minutes if they feel they disagree with that person about one statement or more they have made.

That would be the argument in my opinion. Why do you that hate Rush or someone else like Savage, why can't you listen to things you don't agree with? Why does everyone have to be for diversity of everything except opinons? That seems a bit over the top and makes most of those that march out of the room or yell at the TV or radio or just stop conversation when they hear something they don't agree with. They pretend they know ALL reasons for that opinion and you can't present a different reason from the ones they have already heard or think.

If science behaved this way we would still be in the dark ages. Put your emotions asid from time to time and listen as if you were a scientist or an antrhropologist or just as a child, open to something new, something that happens unexpectedly.

Chaos makes the world go round, you shouldn't be scared or frightened or afraid, maybe Rush or Savage are NOT out to get you, they just have a different reality tunnel than you and maybe you might be able to learn something new, what could be wrong with seeing the world through someone elses' eyes? Obama does not exist alone in the world and will have to accept it or reap a whirlwind of misery for trying to live in a bubble of non-criticism. Why would he even want to not know what his critics think and the same for his followers. Maybe he has a few valid points to make about politics and maybe some of Obama's followers are too SHELTERED from criticism of THEIR SACRED COWS.

HMMMMMM sacred cow burgers taste soooooo Goooood!!

posted on Mar, 17 2009 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by bubbabuddha
What I find absurd about most liberals stems from their inability to listen to someone talk for more than 5 minutes if they feel they disagree with that person about one statement or more they have made.


Tell me, is this an assumption or some study you did?


posted on Mar, 17 2009 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by HIFIGUY

Actually I grew up with them doing that so often I jsut stopped talking to them, kind of sad. Also I have met many people that simply get up and leave the dinner table, especially if you think that one cannot know EVERYTHING about another persons motives, since you are not that person. The main response from liberals on drug decriminalization has been simply "NO" shouting and getting up from the table and walking away.

Once we mentioned at a relative gathering about how I listend to Rush and the members of the table all liberals sat in awkward silence for about a minute until the shrink in the group shrieked that he "is a hypocrite and druggie for using pharmaceuticals", I just smiled and didn't disagree, but I was amazed at the animosity and the attempt to inform me of someone elses behavior and how that had anything to do with my actions or opinions.

Couple this with the fact that one of them has openly wished that a spouse of a father thought about poisoning the one they hated so much, she also was studying thanatolgy, so It sounded pretty creepy coming out of her mouth and now of course I will always wonder if something bad were to happen to the poor lady.

So yeah I feel like an extra terrestrial visiting a clan of cave people, liberals are too intolerant for me, I tolerate gays, tension between cultures but I know my place and I extend rights also to gun owners and home schoolers and religious people too, which seems to me to be the only point of civilization.

I also tend to think of the war on drugs like the NAZI war on Jewish people and the global warming to be similar to eugenics where the air we breath can be charged to us.

So yes to your question, too many experiences with this kind of intolerance and haveing lived in a very left leaning University town for many years ultimately turned me off from political correctness, so yes I am VERY familiar with many of the claims that young people and left leaning people make, I was once fervently a member of that crowd, thankfully I have joined civilization and tolerate more people than just African americans and gay people. I have just expaned it into tolerating white men as well.

It maybe just a gamble on my part to think these thoughts and to be honest I don't want to know that I am right validated via a study, since that would just bum the hell out of me to be proven right, besides there are many models and data that have been published about irrational behavior of people that are stuck in a particular belief system and people do tend to think and then prove to themselves what they think. I t can be very hard to break free from this, even for me, but I have tried quite a few different techniques and one of them has been deliberately presenting information to myself that would be heretical to any belief system I have entertained at any moment. When I try this with others they often freak out and stop taking to me, I don't scream or tell them they must believe me, but they behave in a typical scared, frustrated way.

Just read the art of contrary thinking , or art of deceptionor "i am right you are wrong". Also the book science and sanityhelped me tremendously with understanding why people behave so irrational.

People are mostly rigid in their Aristotelian logic and they can't get out of a box they self imposed. The I ching helps too.

Two other books worth your time are structure of scientific revolutions and social construction of reality

[edit on 17-3-2009 by bubbabuddha]

posted on Mar, 17 2009 @ 06:53 PM

[edit on 17-3-2009 by HIFIGUY]

posted on Mar, 17 2009 @ 07:13 PM
reply to post by bubbabuddha

Im seeing a pattern here....

Originally posted by bubbabuddha
The main response from liberals on drug decriminalization has been simply "NO" shouting and getting up from the table and walking away.

then a reference to a Rushs addiction..

Originally posted by bubbabuddha
until the shrink in the group shrieked that he "is a hypocrite and druggie for using pharmaceuticals", I just smiled and didn't disagree,

then yet another reference to the war on drugs being like the Nazi war on the Jewish people?

Originally posted by bubbabuddha
I also tend to think of the war on drugs like the NAZI war on Jewish people

Thats a major stretch. Not even close to being the same war.

Originally posted by bubbabuddha
I was once fervently a member of that crowd, thankfully I have joined civilization and tolerate more people than just African americans and gay people. I have just expaned it into tolerating white men as well.

Tolerate...nice choice of words.

You know, they say that what comes from a mans mouth is an overflow of his heart....

Rather then reading all those books you listed, listen to a little less Rush, and perhaps try reading the Bible.


[edit on 17-3-2009 by HIFIGUY]

posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 12:31 PM
People who listen to Rush are people who have deep respect for this country. From the Founding Fathers - to the documents they wrote - to the freedom this country provides unlike any other to the resulting explosion in the quality of life of Americans. Rush supports these things as well as the Military that protects them.
Everyone who likes Limbaugh does so because he is saying things people have been thinking for a long time but do not hear anywhere else....being proud of your country and the belief that everyone has the right to be free and offered a chance to succeed. I can understand his humor isn't for everyone but how are those beliefs hateful?
If it has a positive effect on Freedom he likes it and if not he opposes. Why is loving Freedom so hated in todays society?

posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by jsmappy
Why is loving Freedom so hated in todays society?

Maybe its because people like Rush, have taken freedom to be a license to be crude, rude and bigoted. Its people like Rush, that somehow thought freedom meant torture, and ignoring for the sake of expediency, a very important portion of our constitution:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

All men, means ALL mankind. Not just Americans.

People dont hate freedom. But we do not support those who abuse it.


[edit on 18-3-2009 by HIFIGUY]

posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by HIFIGUY

Originally posted by jsmappy
Why is loving Freedom so hated in todays society?

Maybe its because people like Rush, have taken freedom to be a license to be crude, rude and bigoted. Its people like Rush, that somehow thought freedom meant torture, and ignoring for the sake of expediency, a very important portion of our constitution:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

All men, means ALL mankind. Not just Americans.

People dont hate freedom. But we do not support those who abuse it.


[edit on 18-3-2009 by HIFIGUY]

so do you hate keith olbermann, chris matthews, nancy pelosi, harry reid and barney frank then?

posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 08:34 PM
Why listen to Limbaugh?

Quotes from todays show 3/18

"By the way, folks, yes: I do want Obama's teleprompter to fail, too. It's part and parcel of the whole deal."

"So Obama's getting ready to leave for California to appear on Jay Leno. This is historic: a sitting president has never before lowered himself to sit on a late night comedy show. Well, that's the way to look at this."

"You could put what I care about Tim Geithner in a thimble. All you need to know is the guy's incompetent, and the guy's a tax cheat."

"Barack Obama, I think, is in over his head in an executive sense. Details are tough, and he doesn't like the criticism. Central planners do not accept criticism well."

Rush is a genius! Be back tomorrow with more quotes, and more reasons to listen!

posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by RRconservative

Wait until Rush's 'telepromtr' fails....

Well, it won't, because.....he just spouts BS at every turn....because he entertains!!!!

Compare to the dyslexic former President (never elected, BTW) who culd barely read the 'telepromtr'

Really....Limbaugh, at least, DOES know his right hand from his left hand....guessing he uses his right hand to take the pills......whilst the left hand holds the glass.

Oh, come on!! You know this about him....already!!!

Notice how he jumps and shakes?!? The signs are obvious......

posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Rush admitted he had a problem. Obama admitted using drugs, but never admitted when he stopped using them.

posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by RRconservative

BTW, 'candidate' Obama appeared on Late Night did his wife. ALSO on other shows....

AND, in case you're competely insane....the 'Late Night With Jay Leno Show' is taped in the is AIRED 'late night'.....same with 'The David Letterman Show'......


really, the baloney scale is way up there, lately, here on ATS!

posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

BTW Rush said sitting President....not Presidential candidate. Also Jay Leno and David Letterman are considered Late-Night talk show hosts, not mid afternoon talk show hosts. Of course if these guys were real pros, like Limbaugh, they would do their shows live like he does.....
3 hours a day baby!

posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by RRconservative

Yeah, well...RR

Listen to Rush....he screens callers. Or, he has staff to do it for him, as does every live talk radio person that I know of.

O'Reilly, same thing.

I would, just for clarity, like to hear a real person debate Rush, or O'Reilly, on equal footing. Just for a change.....on their respective radio shows.

No....doesn't happen, does it?

It is bluster and blubber, drown out....or, in case of O'Reilly, "Cut Off the Mic!!!'

Of course, same tactic for all the "right-wing" nuts....just cut off the ones who disagree, rather than actually engaging in a discourse, a dialog.

The BS gets ratings....that's it, baby!!! Ratings!!!!! Rant, rant, rant....keep it up....don't let any other ideas in.....just keep ranting!!!!

Yeah, Baby!!!!!

posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 11:03 PM
sorry to tell you wackjob but bush was elected otherwise he wouldnt be president, you can win the majority of votes and still lose.

posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 11:03 PM
Allow me to chime in here.

IMO, if the mainstream media did their jobs and reported the news from an unbiased position, then Rush, Hannity, Bill O'Reilly would all be out of a job.

Fortunately for Rush, the MSM are committed Leftists and report the news from that vantage point.

Those who listen to Rush and the others, and I will openly admit that I am one, find them to be a welcome relief from the DNC talking points that passes for news.

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