posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 07:22 PM
I forgot to add to my post, which others have brought up, that many of these conspiracies can be categorized.
I think that the JFK, RFK, MM, MLK, ect assassinations could be lumped together, along with the various NWO groups, activities of Big Oil, Big
Pharma, Big Banking/Insurance/Investment, Iranians hostage crisis, 9/11, and so on, together with the activities of the CIA, war on drugs, the list
goes on. While these groups probably do work together, attend each others meetings and such, I think they just as often oppose each other, inner
circle people at one meeting are spies at the next, all that sort of stuff, which is good, because otherwise they would have succeeded in the NWO
project, if not for continuous bickering over who will wind up in charge.
Then there is the whole UFO/aliens/mind control conspiracies, and I think the people in this group are totally different than the people in the first
group. The people in this group scare the bejesus out of the first group, so the first group supports the second groups funding. Who knows what
alliances exist among these people, but no doubt there are rivalries as well.
Then there are the religious groups, who are even more fractured than the first group, and slowly losing power. I think the first group sees this
ancient third group as excellent tools in their quest to control the masses, but they don't trust those in charge of these various religious
factions. The goal here is to keep various groups in the general population fighting each other, thus justifying wars.