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Can Obama be impeached for sheer incompetence?

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posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 12:42 PM
I am not a sore loser of the right wing, I am actually one of the ones responsible for the election of President Obama. Do I have buyers remorse? Not yet. Am I happy with how he is doing business? Not yet.

I feel he is doing much more harm to the economy than good. I would like the war in Afghanistan stepped up a notch or two and the troops taken out of Iraq ASAP. I have no desire for my president to negotiate with the Taliban.

On the other hand, Stem cells are good. So is healthcare and education.

I am still waiting to make up my mind about how good or bad a job he has done. Would I vote for him today, if there was an election? It would depend on my other choices.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by JMasters

People got RAPED because they couldnt pay their mortgage, because the companies got them into loans that they couldnt pay! Whats wrong with you people? What happened to being held accountable, if you DONT have the money to buy a house, DONT go get a loan on it you cant hope to pay. America quit your complaining about this stuff, quit expecting the government to come in like a big nanny and bottle feed you and change your messes.

All the libs are upset because the govern should be bailing out the american people..........NO THEY SHOULDNT the American people are responsible for themselves. They SHOULDNT be bailing out people who are spending money like a college teenager with daddy's credit card. GET A GRIP PEOPLE lol
Stand on your own two feet, and pull YOURSELF UP.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

EFCA gives union representatives—and these representatives alone—the choice of how to orga­nize workers. Union organizers' goal is to recruit new dues-paying members, not give workers an opportunity to privately say “No” to union repre­sentation. Unions will tell workers that cards count only toward an election, then demand recognition without a vote. Employees cannot sign cards to request an election without having those cards count toward a card-check majority. Unions have demonstrated that they have no interest in allowing workers to privately reject union representation. The misnamed Employee Free Choice Act effec­tively ends secret ballot organizing elections for American workers. may be conservative leaning, but it doesn't change the facts.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by jsobecky

Js is a big different on the spending of Bush and the Obama, at least we know that Obama spending is going to help the nation or at least the attempt to help the nation that truly you don't have to be a genius to figure out the situation we are in.

Bush on the other hand didn't do a darn thing about helping main street America but he did wonders for his war on terror and his non bid contracts recipients.

While I don't agree with all the policies that Obama is enacting and the outrageous budget we are getting into, what else can he do?

Can he let the American nation reverse back to preindustrial status or worst yet third world country status?

He has done some blunders but when you weight those with the "intent he has into fixing the nation" truly Js is not comparison.

I am just been honest, and you know that I will have not problem putting him down in hart beat.

Just read some of my post in the 100 days of Obama by Grove.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by donwhite

You are so funny I am still laughing at your post definition of "logorrhea (“word-flux”), many forget that since Bush administration the national deficit reached incredible and irresponsible highs.

Because of that the deficit now is completely out of control, now that we are in an economic crisis the budget and the stimulus will be for the time being a big eye sore for every American.

But that is how the nation will be able to function.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by marg6043

Marg, I already posted a link on how Bush reversed the job-loss trend of the Clinton admin., so don't say he did nothing for the common man.

And there are over 8,500 earmarks in the Omnibus bill. And earmarks in the bailout.

How does 'tattoo removal' help the economy? Or millions for Pelosi's mice?

Obama wants to take this country back 100 years. He wants heavy taxation. He wants bigger gov't. He wants socialism.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by jsobecky

Well we see how good Bushes job creation has gone we are at a all time high of jobs loses in this nation, yesterday here in my neck of the woods for the month of January and February our jobs loses has jump to a 112% percent so hey my husband is grateful to still have a job.

Still I understand all the blunders in the budget but guess what, did you watch Obama second speech this morning? I guess not.

He addressed all those earmarks that you are talking about, and he is promising a revision of all of them before allocating or approving any money to them.

So hey that is a plus, perhaps a weak one to you but for me is good enough, at least for now.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by jsobecky
And why do you feel necessary to point out the Heritage Foundation's conservative bent?

Because sos asked me if I thought the Heritage source was biased. I'm conservative in several issues. I have nothing whatsoever against conservatives.

How does 'tattoo removal' help the economy?

But a little reporting reveals that that this “tattoo removal” program is an anti-crime program in the San Fernando Valley that re-integrates reformed gang members and makes it easier for them to find jobs. Two Los Angeles law enforcement officials I just spoke to — one who identified himself as a “conservative Republican” — swore by the program for reducing crime and saving lives.


Or millions for Pelosi's mice?

There is nothing slotted for mice in the bill...

One simple answer: workers would be paid to restore wetlands, and the restored wetlands then have an economic benefit in terms of filtering water, slowing run-off and improving the health of fisheries.

On Thursday, Rep. Ed Perlmutter (D-Colo.) took to the House floor to make a different point: the money for the restoration isn't actually in the bill.

"There are no earmarks in this bill. There is no earmark for rats in San Francisco. There is money that goes to the EPA and the Department of the Interior for cleanup of wetlands and maintaining of wetlands and apparently this is on a list of ready-to-go projects but it, like many others, must compete within the departments for that money. It is not a specific earmark within the bill," he said. "That trivializes this bill."


You're reading too much Drudge Report.

[edit on 11-3-2009 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 01:28 PM
Republicans are responsible for 40% of the earmarks in the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (often inappropriately referred to by neocons w/ high school diplomas as the "Bailout Bill." The "bailout bill" actually more appropriately refers to former President Bush's handouts to Wall St. back in October.)

You guys just don't get it. Spending = stimulus. The "bailout" portion of the ARRA hardly compares to the prescribed spending that we hope will take us out of the recession. I have yet to read a neo-con proposal to end this recession...just complaints about "earmarks" and "excessive spending" with an apparent limited understanding of macro-economics.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by jsobecky

If he could it would've already happened.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 01:33 PM
Well, were it possible for us to impeach over incompetence, Bush wouldn't have lasted long after Katrina.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by nicholaswa

i like how you keep using the word, neo-con , do you know what it means? Ugh drives me nuts.

You can blame republicans all you want, but the bill that the president has passed against a huge base of peoples wishes, is putting WAY more money to WAY more special interests groups then the Bush bill did, but, you can keep blaming Bush if you want instead of looking at the usual....

The recession will fix itself if you leave it alone and quit printing money. The market has always come back and will always come back if you just quit messing with it.

You say we complain about earmarks etc. lol As i recall dems and libs complained ever so much about the does it feel to play defense instead of offense now?

Now you can continue to throw around Neo-con and insult us with your "high school diploma" drivel, thats fine. I do find it funny how people who dont want to face facts tho, initiate their posts by insulting someone.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 01:39 PM

This sentiment - that we should impeach a President after 7 weeks in office - can't be borne of anything besides hatred. How else could you completely discount the last 8 years, in which we had the most incompetent President in our nation's history. That's why I think this thread should be removed, as it has nothing to do with denying - but rather perpetuating - a staggering ignorance.

Maybe ATS should start an Aryan Nation section where all these fools could hang out & discuss their prejudices to their hearts' content, free from interference from people who actually think.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask

The recession will fix itself if you leave it alone and quit printing money.

Funny that there isn't a single reputable economist in America who agrees with that statement. Let me know when your book comes out....
and yes, I know what a Neo-con is...they drive me nuts too!

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 01:41 PM
I don't see how people in this thread can get off on bringing up Bush's failures up.

If you really dig deep youll see things really werent that bad when he was president. Things took a nosedive in his literal final days so you realy can't put this on him. Facts are facts and the biggest fact here is that Clinton and the dems created the situation we are in many years ago.

I dislike Obama. I feel he is far more incapable than Bush. Sure, he has a degree and is a smooth talker with a teleprompter, but I think he's slowly showing all he can do is talk the talk.

I'm still hopeful, but anyone that denies this guy is already on his way out is blind.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 01:43 PM
"As i recall dems and libs complained ever so much about the same (earmarks)"

Pure fantasy there. Complaining about "earmarks" has always been a hallmark of the Republican platform. Remember when McCain pledged to expose congressmen who propose earmarks? "I will make them famous. You will know their names."

I'll repeat...40% of the earmarks in the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act were put there by Republicans.


posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask

I learn a long time ago no to let littler things like calling names hurt me. I have been call worst, but I am still here.

Second this stimulus and the new Government budgets will be unavoidable as long as we the tax payer keep bending over for the crocks in Washington.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 01:50 PM
So far in this thread, the conservatives have been called racist, Nazis, neocons, etc.

Here's a quote that should make us all sad about the state of ATS:

Originally posted by nicholaswa
Maybe ATS should start an Aryan Nation section where all these fools could hang out & discuss their prejudices to their hearts' content, free from interference from people who actually think.

I think it's time we were reminded of a quote by a liberal lady:

"I'm sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we're Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration."

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask
The recession will fix itself if you leave it alone and quit printing money. The market has always come back and will always come back if you just quit messing with it.


What this administration does not realize, is that it is private spending that stimulates an economy, not gov't spending.

Private spending is fueled by private investment in business and jobs. Public (gov't) spending requires tax revenues and borrowing (deficits) to fund it.

Cut gov't spending. Cut the size of gov't. Let the failing banks fail.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by AndrewTB

The fact that things took a nosedive in his final days MEANS THIS IS ALL HIS FAULT. It means it all accumulated over his crappy 8 years.

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