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Can Obama be impeached for sheer incompetence?

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posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 07:09 PM
Hello ATS
I am new to this site...I read with interest the allegations and post of jsobecky and it 'beggars belief'.
President Obama has been in power for such a short time...and inherited a right mess. He is not going to be able to solve the global crisis overnight nor is he able to wave a magic wand...Give the guy a break!

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 07:13 PM
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask

I made the comment about television and newpapers in response to the whole I hate MSM. I just pointed out that there is other ways to attain information then MSM. So relax

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 07:24 PM
This thread is high-quality entertainment. I (in real life, seriously) got up and made myself some popcorn. Herein this thread lies the evidence of why we are likely doomed. You all buy up everything they sell you.

Here you all are, getting all worked up and angry with each other. "My guy is better than your guy!" you all holler. Which is ridiculous because in reality both of your guys work for the same team. You're all working yourselves into a lather over two sides who are playing you against each other.

It's maddening at times. It's getting to the point where it's all turned into hilarity for me and I'm just kicking back with my feet up and enjoying the spectacle whilst waiting for the inevitable collapse. If we were an experiment, we totally freaking failed.

Edited: To Remove Hanging ]

[edit on 3/11/09 by Malynn]

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 07:25 PM

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask
reply to post by mmkid

you use television and newspaper as a factual reference, but call my websites just opinion? You are aware of the hypocrisy there right? lol are you saying that newspapers and other media outlets arent biased? Hmmm interesting, then where would you like us to get our facts from? According to you everything thats written is just dont LIKE what the links say......end of discussion and stay on subject

I called you're bluff and asked what factual information that Obama was a failure for not fixing one of the worst economic crisis this country has ever seen? You of course could not provide that why because it doesn't exist I think any sane individual would realize this thing isn't going to be fixed anytime soon because history will tell you that the Great Depression took 10 years and World War. I recognize that if someone does not shares the ideology of the Obama WH or the Democratic Party in general then you of course will disagree with many of his policies because you're at opposite sides of the spectrum. These attempts at trying to project an objective viewpoint are disingenuous

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 07:38 PM
Can't we all agree that both parties are completely incompetent and in the pockets of their fiscal backers? Can't we all agree that we're having something forcefully inserted into places we don't want things to be? can't we all agree that the constitution is firmly under the heel of our elected officials?

We shouldn't just impeach Obama, we should throw out every other elected official, republican, democrat or other, along with him.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 08:08 PM

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by Malynn

Originally posted by Malynn
This thread is high-quality entertainment. I (in real life, seriously) got up and made myself some popcorn. Herein this thread lies the evidence of why we are likely doomed. You all buy up everything they sell you.

Here you all are, getting all worked up and angry with each other. "My guy is better than your guy!" you all holler. Which is ridiculous because in reality both of your guys work for the same team. You're all working yourselves into a lather over two sides who are playing you against each other.

It's maddening at times. It's getting to the point where it's all turned into hilarity for me and I'm just kicking back with my feet up and enjoying the spectacle whilst waiting for the inevitable collapse. If we were an experiment, we totally freaking failed.

I'm glad you're enjoying the thread.

Unfortunately, I don't have a 'guy' in this thread. I may have defended against some of the allegations that this is all Bush's fault, but that is fact, and I have provided historical links and factual info from as far back as the '90s where this crisis had it's roots. Not to say Bush was innocent - he was no fiscal conservative - but at least he had a reason to spend the money, the Iraq war, with plans to recover some of it with Iraqi oil revenues.

But increased gov't spending can only be paid for by increased borrowing and ultimately increased taxes. When our credit line is shut down, the real bad times will start.

reply to post by djon01

That's a good idea!

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by djon01

djon, thats some REAL change i could actually believe in....

many people on this sight have the same view, i being one of them also,
kudos 2 u

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 08:19 PM
I'm not even American & easily recognise that you can't impeach Obama or any other President for incompetence. Any view to the contrary is just flim flam flummery.

Is this how politics is usually conducted in your country or is this merely an internet phenomenon ?

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by The Lass

Is this how politics is usually conducted in your country or is this merely an internet phenomenon ?

yes our system is guilty of this buffoonery, simply because of partisan ways that cant(refuse to) be changed, most of us in the states do not want to give hand-outs to those that underachieve, and those have-nots believe the have's control and hoard it all. we are kind of stuck.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 08:44 PM
I support our President. I hold out hope. I am highly disapointed that he lied to us about some things. Some of his philosophy, I disagree with but on large I hope he keeps his campain promises. I am becoming very sceptical as time goes on. Earmarks come to mind.

He is not however the least bit incompentent. In fact, he is probably the most inteligent President we have had in decades or longer. That does not mean you have to agree with his decisions and politics though.

How do we stop them from lying to us? I mean all of them even MCain has completly flip floped on much of who he was 2 and more years ago.

They act like little children name calling and saying anything to get reelected or to hurt the other side.

How do we get a government that votes based on their knowledge and experience of the "Best thing" to do rather than the thing that will get the elected again?

What happend to duty, honor and country when it comes to Congress and the Presidency?

How do we get back to reallity? Must we collapse to awaken? Why do we send millions to rebuild Gaza when they will just blow it up again WHILE we have bread lines in our own country? This is just an example of how we throw money around the world that we do not even have to spend.

How can we help the world with money after we die as a Nation? Should we not be stable at home before sending our (Grand childrens) money abroad?

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 08:51 PM
I think Obama's main problem right now is that he's trying to hit all the hot-button issues to make it seem like he's doing a lot. Problem is, everything I've seen is some half thought out crap that will do far more harm than good. Obama has already turned what could have just been a recession into a looming depression. He's filled his staff with inept crooks and thrown a bunch of talking points at a dart board trying to see what will stick. Unless he makes some major changes to the way he governs he likely be a laughing stock before the end of the year. Not that I care about him, but he's dragging the country down with him.

And for all the people who are laying the current economic climate at the foot of the Bush administration, think again. While I have no love for Bushie, this has been a long time coming and started way back in 1933.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 09:03 PM
Obama is a globalist/elitist puppet that will wrap up the late,great USA with a pretty "red" ribbon for the PTB.

Part of his stimulus bill sent $4B to his pet project Acorn , which was indicted for voter fraud. When will people wake up to this arrangment and really expose it for what it is?

Is this the change you really wanted? Do you believe this is government for the people or government to control the people?

Obama should be impeached for grand theft. He's not incompetent, he's doing exactly what his bosses have told him to do.

[edit on 11-3-2009 by seabisquit]

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 09:07 PM
I can agree that emotions are running high on this thread.

There are beaucoup links to any and every fact and opinion related to any side you could possibly take on this subject.

There are trolls who just pop up and say "you're wrong" and don't give any base to there opinion.

There are also people I personally disagree with but nonetheless respect (Marg, Heretic) who may be expressing similar values to mine on another thread next time we meet.

The point I have tried to make unsuccessfully a few times is that anyone that thought Obama could just wave his magic wand and make everything puppies and sunshine was incredibly naive. The POTUS is just a third of the equation. The other branches have to allow the good things to happen.

There are some things that he CAN change that aren't. Patriot act is the gripe that comes to mind right off.

I had Bush pegged for "less than intellectual" since 2000. My hope was that nothing would happen that he couldn't handle. Regarding 9-11-2001 I thought he was damn near brilliant. Patriot act? I was furious. Katrina? I didn't feel like He was completely responsible, that moron FEMA director couldn't tell his nose from a hole in the ground, state and local dropped the ball too. Iraq war? I was dubious but still don't think that good wasn't done. Spending? Don't get me started. Mortgage meltdown? Started waaayyy back when with Barney Frank tied into Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Bush tried to put a check on it and got run down. I already posted links in this thread so don't bother asking.

Point of all this rambling being, that POTUS is not the all-powerful Oz that people want him to be. The other 2/3 of the gubbment have to be on board too. And right now my spidey sense tells me that Legislative is pulling the strings, and Obama better toe the party line or get his chain yanked. Feels to me (and looks) like Pelosi got her a brand new toy that she wants to show off. All the Republicans that voted for TARP got their tails handed to them by the people. When the second half came up and they balked, Dems scream "they're blocking, they hate you people, they don't want us to save you!!!" Same with the latest Porktastic spending bill.
When someone doesn't go along with an idea they, and there constituency, do not believe in, they are " obstructing bipartisanship, and dammit, we tried so hard..."

Is he going to be the almighty instrument of change that America wanted?
Well, in an ideal world, I would love to see him throwing a flag every time something stupid dribbled out of Capitol hill, but THE WEALTH that owns the legislature is the controlling interest that runs this country. If you don't like it, blame it on the rain. When Obama changes the things he can, while restoring, or at least treading lightly, on my wallet and rights, the man will get my props.

I would settle for that much.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by Malynn
This thread is high-quality entertainment. I (in real life, seriously) got up and made myself some popcorn. Herein this thread lies the evidence of why we are likely doomed. You all buy up everything they sell you.

Here you all are, getting all worked up and angry with each other. "My guy is better than your guy!" you all holler. Which is ridiculous because in reality both of your guys work for the same team. You're all working yourselves into a lather over two sides who are playing you against each other.

It's maddening at times. It's getting to the point where it's all turned into hilarity for me and I'm just kicking back with my feet up and enjoying the spectacle whilst waiting for the inevitable collapse. If we were an experiment, we totally freaking failed.

Edited: To Remove Hanging ]

[edit on 3/11/09 by Malynn]

I couldn’t agree with you more. I stopped trying to post here when it became clear that most of the people posting are here only to attack President Obama. This post has become a hate fest peppered with supporters of President Obama getting their jabs in when they can.

I am as guilty as anyone else with the complaints about the MSM because we have surely been duped. Main stream is “us”. We would like to tell ourselves that we are different but that is just a lie we tell ourselves.

We are conformist and members of the main stream and the media gives us exactly what we want. We want to sit on our behinds and eat our ready made meals, and have the world handed to us on a silver platter. We want to be entertained, titillated and distracted. The media gives us everything made to order.

Of course there is hefty price to be paid for this convenience and we have lost our souls and our country in the process.

There is no way back as long as we are fighting each other while TPTB hijack our government and run away with the money; but we should be happy campers because we can always find some one else to blame for it.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by seabisquit

Excuse the pun, but you're furlongs ahead with what you posted, this empty suit in office will be the stake in ole dracula's heart, and the rest of the infected followers will fold up too.

This globalist plan will push us into new territory we have previously tried to avoid, the only hope we have is backlash, the will to revolt against forces trying to CHANGE what made this country great.

Hold on for the ride !!!!!!

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by NightSkyeB4Dawn

I said:

Which is ridiculous because in reality both of your guys work for the same team.

When I look at Obama I don't see "hope" and "change" I see another branch of the same tree that Buckwheat fell off of. While I will admit to a certain amount of relief that I don't have to feel ashamed anymore every time my Commander-in-Chief braves a podium unscripted: that is as far as I am willing to express any joy at the crowning of our new POTUS.

Americans and most people who live in the "western" world have no concept of how truly enslaved we are, and as far as I can tell they don't much care. It's easier to put our heads down, concentrate on getting up for work in the morning, or buying something trivial we don't need. At this point in time government is serving one purpose:theater. It keeps us divided and conquered so we don't lynch the real perpetrators: all of them. And we're too stupid and lazy to do anything about it. Check and Mate.

[Edited: It just occured to me that people may mistake my post for being racist. I can assure you it's not. When I say Buckwheat I'm referring to President Bush, not actually Buckwheat. lol]

[edit on 3/11/09 by Malynn]

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 10:37 PM
Why do people say Bush is the worst president in history. He can join the worst, but what about Nixon and Carter? Nixon caused mayhem in Vietnam, and even tried to have John Lennon deported,

Obama is just a repeat of Carter. That's why the people behind Obama are the same ones as who were behind Carter, e.g. Brzezinksi (read his books, they're fun!), Volker, etc. Volker was responsible for the famous crisis in the 70s and 80s.

The people behind Obama will make sure Obama completed their agendas, no matter what their campaign promises were, and no matter what the people ultimately think. It's more important to achieve their agenda, than paying attention to those silly polls that will not affect Obama as he's "non-impeachable" anyway.

Now that he has been voted for, he can do as he wishes, but would anyone have voted for McCain? We really didn't have much of a or the other...both the same...Republican, Democrat...all the same...we're just moving from Iraq to Pakistan, what's the difference?

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 11:06 PM
No, you cannot impeach a president for incompetence... if you could Bush would have been impeached the first day off office.

I find it utterly hilarious how Obama is getting the crap end of the stick already and it's only been 50 days. Even though all major economists state that a stimulus package is needed, even though it worked for the New Deal until money stopped being pumped in, even though it fixed Japan's economy in the early 90's, Republicans refuse to acknowledge this. They rather cut taxes and use Reagan's voodoo economics even though that idea amounted to the biggest deficit ever. The whole idea of tax cuts creating jobs is based on the fact that the money saved by the rich will be put back into the market... but guess what, people aren't putting their money into the market. So that won't work.

How about instead of the Republicans coming up with quips to try and discredit the President's plan, how about they contribute some ideas?

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by jsobecky
reply to post by Malynn

Originally posted by Malynn
This thread is high-quality entertainment. I (in real life, seriously) got up and made myself some popcorn. Herein this thread lies the evidence of why we are likely doomed. You all buy up everything they sell you.

Here you all are, getting all worked up and angry with each other. "My guy is better than your guy!" you all holler. Which is ridiculous because in reality both of your guys work for the same team. You're all working yourselves into a lather over two sides who are playing you against each other.

It's maddening at times. It's getting to the point where it's all turned into hilarity for me and I'm just kicking back with my feet up and enjoying the spectacle whilst waiting for the inevitable collapse. If we were an experiment, we totally freaking failed.

I'm glad you're enjoying the thread.

Unfortunately, I don't have a 'guy' in this thread. I may have defended against some of the allegations that this is all Bush's fault, but that is fact, and I have provided historical links and factual info from as far back as the '90s where this crisis had it's roots. Not to say Bush was innocent - he was no fiscal conservative - but at least he had a reason to spend the money, the Iraq war, with plans to recover some of it with Iraqi oil revenues.
in But creased gov't spending can only be paid for by increased borrowing and ultimately increased taxes. When our credit line is shut down, the real bad times will start.

Is this what you mean?

Or this?

December 28, 2002: A study by Federal Reserve economists reported homeowners taking advantage of falling interest rates and rising home values to extract $131.6 billion via mortgage refinancings in 2001 and early 2002, while consumers spent some of the money, they saved or invested more of it, according to a study published in the Federal Reserve Bulletin. Homeowners spent an estimated $20.7 billion of the cash for personal items such as cars, vacations or medical services, the study said. [Chicago Tribune, 12/28/02]

May 2002: Senator Sarbanes introduces the Predatory Lending Consumer Protection Act of 2002. [S. 2438]

November 2003: Senator Sarbanes, introduces the Predatory Lending Consumer Protection Act of 2003. [S. 1928]

February 23, 2004: Instead of heeding warnings, Federal Reserve leadership promotes non-traditional mortgages over fixed rate products in a speech to the Credit Union National Association annual conference. "American consumers might benefit if lenders provided greater mortgage product alternatives to the traditional fixed-rate mortgage.the traditional fixed-rate mortgage may be an expensive method of financing a home." [Remarks By Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, 2/23/04]

October 8, 2003: Bush administration objected to a proposal to have an independent regulator of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac be an independent unit of Treasury, much like financial regulators housed in the agency that oversee banks and thrifts. The Bush administration also objected to a proposal to have the Department of Housing and Urban Development have oversight over the companies' business activities. The independence provision has broad support from committee Democrats and Republicans. The HUD provision was pushed mostly by Democrats but had been accepted by Oxley and Baker as a compromise needed to move the bill forward. [Washington Post, 10/8/03]

February 24, 2004: At a Senate Banking Committee hearing, Norman Rice, President and CEO of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Seattle questioned having low-income Americans use ARM's to finance their homes. In addition, Senator Sarbanes questioned the Federal Reserve's promotion of alternative mortgage products over traditional fixed rate mortgages:
* Norman Rice: "Particularly if you're talking about serving an underserved constituency. Adjustable rate mortgages for a low income constituency is a nightmare."
* Senator Sarbanes: "[The Federal Reserve] is pushing adjustable rate mortgages.and throwing this risk back on the consumer." [Senate Banking Committee Transcript, 2/25/04]

June 30, 2004: After encouraging the use of non-traditional mortgages, many of which re-set with rising interest rates, the Federal Reserve begins to raise rates-17 consecutive, 25 basis point increases that take the Federal Reserve Funds rate from a 46-year low of 1 percent in June 2004 to 5.25 percent in June 2006. [Market News International, 4/29/08]

October 26, 2005: House of Representatives passed regulation reforming the GSE's. The bill passed the House 331-90 (Republicans: 209-15; Democrats: 122-74), and would have given the new regulator broad authority over setting capital requirements and limiting portfolio size. Senate Democrats picked that bill up and offered it, but the Administration opposed that legislation. According to Mr. Oxley, the White House gave Congress and the GSE reform legislation "a one-finger salute."
* "We missed a golden opportunity that would have avoided a lot of the problems we're facing now, if we hadn't had such a firm ideological position at the White House and the Treasury and the Fed," Mr. Oxley says." [Financial Times, 9/11/08]

February 7, 2007: Federal banking regulators released their voluntary Guidance on Nontraditional Mortgage Products for mortgage lenders. However, the guidance did not apply to subprime mortgages. [Senate Banking Committee Transcipt, Prepared Statement of Martin Eakes, 2/7/07]

March 22, 2007: Senator Dodd laid out how the Federal Reserve was responsible for the "perfect storm" sweeping over American homeowners. At a Banking committee hearing Dodd said, "By May of 2005, the press was reporting that economists were warning about the risks of these new mortgages. In June of that year, Chairman Greenspan was talking about "froth" in the mortgage market and testified before the Joint Economic Committee that he was troubled by the surge in exotic mortgages." [Senate Banking Committee Transcript, 3/22/07]

August 6, 2007: At a White House morning press briefing, in response to a question whether the housing market is correcting or in crisis, President Bush says that the economy is stable: "[I]t looks we're headed for a soft landing." [Remarks By President Bush, 8/9/07]

November 15, 2007: Senator Reid asked unanimous consent to pass the FHA Modernization Act, but Republicans objected. [Congressional Record, 11/15/08]

December 4, 2007: In response to a question about whether the Administration was too slow to recognize the subprime problem, President Bush said: "We've been working on this since August." [Remarks By President Bush, 12/4/07]

December 6, 2007: Senator Reid asked unanimous consent to pass the FHA Modernization Act, but Republicans objected. [Congressional Record, 12/6/08]

October 4, 2007: At a news conference on Wednesday, House and Senate Democrats outlined a plan to help low- and middle-income families keep their homes." [New York Times, 10/04/07]

January 9, 2008: The Federal Reserve finally proposes rule pursuant to the Home Ownership and Equity Protection Act, to combat abusive and deceptive lending practices. Congress passed the law in 1994. [Federal Reserve System, 1/9/08; Public Law No: 103-325]

February 14, 2008: Senate Democrats announce The Foreclosure Prevention Act of 2008 which would keep families facing foreclosure in their homes, help other families avoid foreclosures in the future, and help communities already harmed by foreclosure to recover. [HR 3221, 2008]

February 26, 2008: After Senate Democrats introduce The Foreclosure Prevention Act, White House issues a veto threat and Senate Republicans block consideration of the bill. [Statement of Administration Policy, 2/26/08; Senate Vote #35, HR 3221]

February 28, 2008: Senate Republicans blocked consideration of the Foreclosure Prevention Act. The bill provided $10 billion in bond authority to refinance subprime loans, $4 billion in grants for the rehabilitation of foreclosed homes and tax relief for struggling homebuilders. The bill also included a provision that would allow bankruptcy courts to modify the terms of a mortgage on a primary residence that could have helped 600,000 families stay in their homes. [Senate Vote #35, HR 3221; CRS Summary; Finance Committee Press Release, 2/15/08; Center for Responsible Lending]

March 14, 2008: Federal Reserve and JP Morgan Chase Bailed Out Bear Stearns. "On the verge of a collapse that could have shaken the very foundations of the U.S. financial system, investment bank Bear Stearns Cos. was bailed out Friday by a rival and the federal government. The near-miss raised new alarm about the credit crisis -- and whether other big firms might be in jeopardy." [AP, 3/15/08]

April 1, 2008: Republicans Stall Housing Bill. Republicans force cloture vote on motion to proceed to energy bill. [Senate Vote 86, HR 3221, 4/1/08]

June 19, 2008: After measure is reported by the Senate banking committee, White House issues a veto threat against the Federal Housing Finance Regulatory Reform Act of 2008, which includes GSEs reform, on the grounds that the bill provides $4 billion in grants to communities struggling with foreclosed properties. [Statement of Administration Policy, 1/19/08]

June 24, 2008: Republicans Stall Housing Bill. Republicans forced Democrats to file cloture on the motion to concur in the House amendment to the Housing bill. [Senate Vote 155, HR 3221, 6/24/08]

June 25, 2008: 79 Senators vote to pass the bipartisan housing bill while some Republican Senators announce they would use procedural maneuvers to delay final passage until after the July 4th recess. "Sens. Jim DeMint and John Ensign both said they were willing to run out the clock on a major housing bill.'I don't intend to allow any unanimous consents to shorten the debate time on the housing bill,' DeMint said." [Roll Call, 6/26/08]

July 7, 2008: Republican Senators force a procedural vote in order to further delay the passage of the comprehensive housing bill. [Senate Vote #163, HR 3221, 7/10/08]

July 10, 2008: Several Republican Senators force another procedural vote in order to delay passage of the housing bill. (Senate Vote #170, HR 3221, 7/10/08) "By a vote of 84-12 Thursday, the Senate cleared away the last procedural hurdle hindering the measure in that chamber, but lingering objections by a GOP critic pushed off passage until Friday." [AP, 7/11/08]

July 11, 2008: White House spokeswoman Dana Perino renews veto threat against the housing bill. [AP, 7/11/08]

[edit on 11-3-2009 by mental modulator]

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