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U.S.S. New York - knowing makes me sick~!

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posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 12:22 AM
reply to post by djeminy

Well it sounds like it came from somebody who has neglected to read the entire Bible. The only glorious thing about war, is coming home alive. However, there are times when war is the only answer.

NOW will you answer the question?

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 12:56 AM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999
reply to post by djeminy

Well it sounds like it came from somebody who has neglected to read the entire Bible. The only glorious thing about war, is coming home alive. However, there are times when war is the only answer.

NOW will you answer the question?


(For it is clear to me, that with your attitude displayed above, it will be of no benefit to
you whatsoever. I'm therefore saving you - I hope - from the 'trauma' some new
knowledge can cause to certain kinds of people)!

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 03:16 AM
reply to post by djeminy

Thus, all warfare is rooted in Darkness and is brought about by the mutual intolerance of the various nations, which in turn can be attributed to the lust for power of the leaders and the rulers.

Lets, not forget greed as well, however the above statement is true, and I am surprised that there has not been more replies to this poster articles.

I was thinking about the eight years of the Bush administration and their lies ( WMD)
and dragging this Nation in a war with power and greed for what? Oil, and to over throw a government, and help install a new government that is worst than the one before.

We are now paying the price for just sitting back, and doing nothing, and we allowed the ex-president Bush to run this country and its reputation into the ground.

This is a fact, there is a balance of good, and evil, when someone continues to practice being evil to everyone around him, he is putting out negative energy. If he does not stop doing what he is doing he will pay dearly, who wants to hang around a troublemaker, no one. Evil has one goal, and that is to destroy everything it can, that is a fact.

Therefore, when you have a great Nation waging war on false pretense, and greed that country will pay the allotment price. Now look at the mess the United States is in, and it has carried over into other countries. We have not learned our lesson, and we haven’t see anything yet! We will see famine, and homelessness, on the highest scale that this country has ever witness, higher than the great depression, we will see out breaks, of violents, and rioting, and civil war against this government, don’t believe me, watch CSPAN there has been hearing on this already.
Furthmore, our own military will be policing our streets to stop the outbreak of violents Americans shooting, Americans, the economy will fall to a near collapse there will be a shortage on food, and fuel and there will be rations. There is a price on waging war for greed, and power, and we will pay dearly.

Any person - civilian or military - who praises, defends and glorifies war in writing or in speech, instead of evoking aversion to this deed of Darkness and enlightening his fellow human beings on the degradation and brutishness of war, is himself placing a heavy burden of responsibility on his shoulders and must, having ended his earthly life, render a detailed account to God of the motivations for his actions."

When I read this, I know it to be true, the writer of this article has really done his, or her homework. For every bad deed we do, it travels around the world the same as a good deed. If you read about most NDE, Near Death Experiences most people who have died and were revived, and had been dead more than an hour have come back, telling us a very familiar story. This is the claim: when dieing, they see a tunnel, most of the time someone that has already pass over like a friend, or a relative will be waiting for you to escort you through the tunnel, as you near the end you will walk in a great white light that is so blinding, but it does not bother your vision. This light put out a warmth of love and peacefulness that man has never felt, while standing in the light usually you will be turn over to a spirit guide and he will present you, your life review it always starts at birth and it will show everything you every did, and said, and evey thought to everyone you have ever known. You will feel all the bad thing you have said, and thought, and did, you will know what your enemy is thinking about you, and your love ones. You will be put in their shoes, you will feel there pain, or anger, or their hatred, or the love they have for you, even if they are still alive on earth. There are no hidden secrets all is revealed to you, if you have murdered someone, you will know, and feel their pain of their last dieing breath, you will know what that dieing person was thinking when you murdered them, it doesn’t matter if you are in a war, and you kill your enemy, you will know what he was thinking, and you will feel the same bullets killing him, you will feel his dieing pain, you will feel his anguish, towards you, his cries, his sorrows, you will know his thoughts. Nothing is left undone, nothing, the spirit guide will show you, had you made this decision instead of that one, you will be shown a different outcome that would have happened. The same is true with all the good you have done, and how it affects everyone around you. This is only the beginning…

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 03:32 PM
I prefer an areligious approach to things. If we were not given conflicting religions to divide us that we might remain conquered, we would long ago have united and solved many issues.

Personally, I cannot see ANY justification for war. Solutions can be developed that do not include killing one another.

Nationalism is a tool they use to divide us, as they divide us in any way they can.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by BornPatriot

I know just how you feel.
The real perpetrators of the attacks are laughing about this. I don't know what kind of ship it is, but I'm guessing its going be used to go hunt "terrorists". Using the evidence from one mass murder to aid in the commission of future mass murders, while the majority of people look at it and say, "How wonderful, they're recycling!" What a twisted, evil, and disgusting use of irony.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by elevatedone

sooooo.... just because the steel from WTC was used, it's proof that the September 11th attacks were an inside job. ummm yeah....

Nobody is claiming this as proof of anything. There is plenty of proof of the governments complicity and role in the attacks out there, if you would actually take the time to look at it objectively.
As a moderator, I'm surprised that you would try to put words into someone's mouth so blatantly.

To MajesticJax

I hope the sailors don't spill any JET FUEL on the deck. Would sink in free-fall time!

That is a really sick joke that put a smile on my face. Excellent point.

edited to add quote
edited to reply to MajesticJax
edited "callous" to blatant because callous did not make sense in this context
[edit on 11-3-2009 by outsider13]

[edit on 11-3-2009 by outsider13]

[edit on 11-3-2009 by outsider13]

posted on Mar, 12 2009 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by WonderwomanUSA

Many thanks for your lucid reply Wonderwoman - really appreciated it.

Yes, you're right on: 'Greed' and 'lust for power' definitely goes hand in hand!

And unfortunately, the Truth is again meet with deadly silence or being completely
ignored - as usual!

What a wonderful world we could live in, if it wasn't for the damn fact that the vast
majority of people are sh*t scared of knowing about it, and therefore turn their back
as soon as the topic is mentioned.

Wars and killings would end immediately if people in power knew with certainty what
would happen to them if they became responsible for the death of many people.

Just think what would happen to mankind, if the following became common knowledge:
(This is but a small passage from a longer answer to the questions about the necessity
of reincarnation, and how the law of retribution is applied)!

"There is one provision under the Law of Retribution none can avoid except the
youngest of human spirits, not yet able to respond to their conscience. Applying to the spiritual ego of humans and the Youngest and Eldest alike, this provision requires that
all who commit acts of murder or in some other way cause loss of life of fellow beings,
must, in a subsequent incarnation, save from sudden death the same number of lives
However, this provision can be applied in different ways. Those judged and penalized under earthly law have nothing more for which to atone. But since God’s law requires that those who kill must in later incarnations save lives, anyone already punished under earthly law will comply with this provision through an act of love, giving them the protection of God so that they emerge unharmed from the perilous task. Not so for those who have evaded earthly justice. They are protected neither by the guardian spirit nor by God during attempts to save other lives. They never escape some form of harm, such as death, maiming, prolonged illness, burns, or the like. In other words, they must atone for past crimes with their own lives or with bodily suffering. Thus God’s Law of Retribution can in certain cases require a life for a life; however, the earthly courts of law have not a similar right.

Those who as earthly rulers, military commanders, or leaders of the people are indirectly responsible for the loss of great numbers of lives during wars and uprisings or through death penalties, can expiate their guilt in subsequent incarnations by saving a large number of people from impending catastrophe, for example through action to avert man-made or natural disasters, as inventors making safe otherwise dangerous occupations, or as scientists who find ways to prevent or control the diseases that are such a scourge to mankind in so many ways. God Himself ensures through this provision the correct balance between the human lives lost and those lives that in compensation are to be saved from premature or painful death.
The last two means of atonement apply only to the Youngest and partly to the Eldest, since human spirits clearly possess not sufficient spiritual stability to be inventors or scientists in life on Earth.

Read the page you linked to. Very informative and very very apt. Thanks again!

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 07:11 AM
The idea of the twin towers' steel being used to create a warship is brilliant, sick, propaganda. Especially when you consider some of the people involved in the decision must have known full well that it was, indeed, an inside job.

Originally posted by djeminy

As the american population consist of the highest amount of "religious" people on earth (christians or otherwise, and compared to any other nation), it is really quite amazing that in the same population also exist the highest number of people who see nothing wrong with their army going out and kill hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women and children.

Amazing? Not to anyone who takes a dispassionate view of religion. In fact, it's to be expected.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by rich23
The idea of the twin towers' steel being used to create a warship is brilliant, sick, propaganda. Especially when you consider some of the people involved in the decision must have known full well that it was, indeed, an inside job.

Originally posted by djeminy

As the american population consist of the highest amount of "religious" people on earth (christians or otherwise, as compared to any other nation), it is really quite amazing that in the same population also exist the highest number of people who see nothing wrong with their army going out and kill hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women and children.

Amazing? Not to anyone who takes a dispassionate view of religion. In fact, it's to be expected.


If that's a 'fact', then one cannot but wonder if some 'dispassionate' americans also 'expect' their country one day, even in the near future, to return back to the good old days of festive public executions and other similar entertainment for the citizens, both before and after the communal BBQ's - and interspersed with sing-alongs, of course!!!!!

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by djeminy

Almost as condescending as me!!

Actually I knew you wouldnt answer the question, but I figured I would ask anyway.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 11:35 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu

Yep, I can guarantee that you can appease any cannibal in the long as you dont mind ending up in his soup pot...

"Only the dead have seen the end of war"

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