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U.S.S. New York - knowing makes me sick~!

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posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 12:30 PM
Yes, there is a USS NEW YORK, and it was made from the WTC towers. and now we know it was a Inside Job... sort doesnt sit well with me stomach... I think I will send some truth over to the Capt. Wensing

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 12:41 PM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

sooooo.... just because the steel from WTC was used, it's proof that the September 11th attacks were an inside job. ummm yeah....

How does this make it an inside job?

Government : we need steel to build more warships. I know, lets blow up the WTC, this will give us the steel needed and we'll be able to begin the implementation of the NWO.


As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

edit to add

The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

and... if the government had just purchased the needed steel outright, then we'd be complaining about the cost and spending all that money.

A tragedy happens and we try to make something good come from it and we're still complaining.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

[edit on 10-3-2009 by elevatedone]

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by BornPatriot

I can just see it now. Two years from now, the U.S.S NEW YORK will be the new hot spot for Ghost Hunters , hearing the screams of the victims from 911

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 12:49 PM
The evidence says it was a Inside Job, the ship makes me sick because of all the hard work Patriots put into her, and well - how do you serve on a Ship made from the steel of America's worse disaster, and all the evidence points to the boss blowing up the factory killing the workers ... and I'm not going after the bait you trolls... if you dont know 911 was a Inside Job... well I feel sorry for you DA.

[edit on 10-3-2009 by BornPatriot]

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by BornPatriot

Take it easy my friend, it does not matter who took the towers down as far as what to do with the steel. You can look at it as a honor for the people killed , that their legacy goes on. The thread is about scrap steel, not blame for the towers falling.

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by BornPatriot

For an army guy serving on that ship i am sure it gives his moral a boost knowing that he is on a ship that used the steel from wtc.
It probably gives him a reminder of why he is there and what he is fighting for.
My personal opinion is that it was an inside job but this does not prove anything.

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by BornPatriot

The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

My first reply to a 9/11 thread in months and I'm the troll.

Seriously, you have your beliefs about it and I have mine, but to tie this ship to the "even" being an inside job is a stretch, a huge one a that.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 12:58 PM
I hope the sailors don't spill any JET FUEL on the deck. Would sink in free-fall time!

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by MajesticJax

That actually made me laugh.

Cough 2 lines cough.

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 01:16 PM
Double Post. See below.

[edit on 3/10/2009 by Amaterasu]

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by elevatedone
Seriously, you have your beliefs about it and I have mine, but to tie this ship to the "even" being an inside job is a stretch, a huge one a that.

I believe the issue is that the ship was built with... "Blood" steel, I guess you could call it. As if the steel was a representation of our national pride (which is a silly thing to begin with, national "pride"), when it was really a symbol of the victory of evil.

That is how *I* read it.

[edit on 3/10/2009 by Amaterasu]

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by branty
reply to post by BornPatriot

I can just see it now. Two years from now, the U.S.S NEW YORK will be the new hot spot for Ghost Hunters , hearing the screams of the victims from 911

Damn dude. Harsh, eh?

All the souls are condemning Dick Cheney...

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 03:39 PM
Seeing that most of the WTC steel was quickly sold to China (and other enemies of the US) at bargain basement prices and quickly shipped out of the country to prevent identifying the methods used to destroy the WTC and bringing the 9-11 perps to justice; it would make sense that China sold the WTC steel back to the Pentagon at ridiculously high prices (does anybody remember Pentagon $400 hammers and $640 toilet seats?) and it is likely that US taxpayers paid ten times as much for the USS New York as they should have.

The future USS New York LPD-21 under construction at Northrop Grumman Ship Systems’ shipyard in Avondale, LA, will be the fifth amphibious transport dock of the San Antonio class. The ship was named New York after the state and incorporates in its construction steel salvaged from the World Trade Centers. Her ship motto is "Never Forget." "We're very proud that the twisted steel from the WTC towers will soon be used to forge an even stronger national defense," New York Gov. George Pataki spoke in 2002. "The USS New York will soon be defending freedom and combating terrorism around the globe, while also ensuring that the world never forgets the evil attacks of Sept. 11 and the courage and strength New Yorkers showed.” This will be the seventh U.S. ship named New York.

Oh yeah; WE WILL NEVER FORGET - you got that right.

[edit on 3/10/09 by SPreston]

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 05:58 PM
I can not think of a better place for that steel to be put and used.

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by Daedalu
I can not think of a better place for that steel to be put and used.

I can.
Like using it to build a jail cell,in which to hold the criminals who did/aided the events of 9/11.

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 10:58 PM
To all you americans who are so very proud of your new warship, and so proud of
your military war machine and war complex, please read the following according to
your individual abilities, and try seriously to chew over the message here given:

"The love of human beings for their country is under normal circumstances an excellent and exalted sentiment, but it is ugly and degrading when, aroused by the passions of war, it turns into egoism and self-worship.
For regarding this self-overestimation and complacency, human beings must never
forget that those men and women who from the earliest times and in the various nations have risen high above the average human being, and who in the service of the
Light have exerted a lasting cultural influence on the peoples of their countries in the
religious, ethical, scientific, social and political areas, have all been the incarnated
Youngest, who under the leadership of God have let themselves be born at those places where at that time there were the best prospects for introducing innovations and
And as even the most advanced human spirits have not yet developed the ability to
enrich their fellow human beings either spiritually or materially, nor yet succeeded in
raising themselves above the purely human level in spiritual respects, humanity has no
grounds whatsoever for self-overestimation or self-admiration, but reason only to thank God for the abundance of the gifts that He has given them through His emissaries."

Please read the above in relation to the following reminder in next post!

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 11:21 PM
As the american population consist of the highest amount of "religious" people on earth
(christians or otherwise, and compared to any other nation), it is really quite amazing
that in the same population also exist the highest number of people who see nothing
wrong with their army going out and kill hundreds of thousands of innocent men,
women and children.
Some of these americans can be found in this thread, and it is those who should read
the following also:

"All warfare is against God's Will and is in conflict with the laws of the Light, and it benefits neither one nor the other warring nation to call upon God's assistance as supreme war lord; any supplication to God to bless the armaments or to bless the armies, so that under His leadership they may gain victory over their opponents, is therefore a blasphemous prayer.

Any conception of God as war lord or war leader must be rooted out, since all bloodshed, all destruction, all subversion is completely irreconcilable with the nature of God. Again and again God has sought to lead human beings to a complete understanding of love for their neighbours and respect for all that belongs to them. Time and again ever since the dawn of history God's emissaries have proclaimed to human beings: "You shall not kill, nor take by force, nor rob, nor plunder!" But so far the appeal has been in vain, human beings have not yet been able to free themselves from the primal urge of brutish self-assertion through violence to the detriment of their fellow human beings. So long as the individual members of the nations of the world do not unite and strive toward mutual peace and forbearance, so long as human beings cannot with complete faith in God's Fatherliness and Justice place everything in His hand and with trust submit to His leadership, so long as the will of the many is not one with His Will, so long can bloodshed, violence and war not cease, and so long can the hope for peace not be victorious on Earth.

Human beings must overcome the influence of Darkness, overcome hatred, curses, envy and lust for power through belief in God's existence and by trusting His guidance, rather than through prayers for help to crush their enemies and opponents by acts of violence for God never hears and never answers such prayers.

If it could be conceived that an entire people were united in complete trust in God and in the absolute certitude that no evil arising from ambitious, envious or rapacious neighbours could befall them, then even the most evil of designs would fall to the ground, since it would be lost on so unanimous and complete a faith. But where can such a people be found? Humanity is still in its infancy, and centuries or millennia may pass before full understanding of such an unshakeable relationship of trust between God and human beings can be attained.

Thus, all warfare is rooted in Darkness and is brought about by the mutual intolerance of the various nations, which in turn can be attributed to the lust for power of the leaders and the rulers. If the human will for evil thus calls forth fighting and destruction and a war begins, the nation that initiates the hostilities must bear the responsibility for the war of aggression as well as for the war of defence forced upon the other nation and its allies, regardless of the forms that the war may take. And so long as the attacked nation limits itself to the defence of its country, of its rights, the aggressor will continue to be in the wrong. But the moment the defender extends the hostilities to the territory of the aggressor in order to attack rather than to defend, both sides must share the responsibility for whatever takes place from the moment the border into enemy territory is crossed. (The same laws apply if the battles are fought at sea or in the air).
The victory or defeat of the warring parties can in no way be attributed to God. Never does He take part in the hostilities, neither on the side of the aggressor nor on the side of the defender. Only prayers for help to restore peace will be heard by God, but His many and persistent attempts to speak to the leaders as their "conscience" are in most cases rejected.
The victorious party defeats its adversary by virtue of numerical or strategic superiority or the like, or because of the people's common hatred of the enemy and the people's common will to win; but victory is never gained with the help of God.
Any person - civilian or military - who praises, defends and glorifies war in writing or in speech, instead of evoking aversion to this deed of Darkness and enlightening his fellow human beings on the degradation and brutishness of war, is himself placing a heavy burden of responsibility on his shoulders and must, having ended his earthly life, render a detailed account to God of the motivations for his actions."

I ask them especially to chew long and hard on the last paragraph; in fact so long as
it takes, to really really sink in!!

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by djeminy

Just curious, where that statement came from? Would help me to be able to properly respond if I knew where it originated from.

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 11:46 PM
Perhaps it's also in place, to quickly remind these so-called "patriots" what your former
president said in his “State of the Union” address 2003!

George W. Bush concluded his speech with these words:

“We Americans have faith in ourselves, but not in ourselves alone. We do not
know – we do not claim to know all the ways of Providence, yet we can trust in them, placing our confidence in the loving God behind all of life, and all of history.

May He guide us now. And may God continue to bless the United States of America.”

Well, it seems that a lot has to change in good old USA, before this "continue to bless"
will ever become a real reality in your country!

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 12:11 AM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999
reply to post by djeminy

Just curious, where that statement came from? Would help me to be able to properly respond if I knew where it originated from.

If you feel unable to respond to the words as they are written, then I cannot see how it
could possibly become more of a help if you had this knowledge at hand!

The message would certainly NOT change just because of that!!

I think you should still give it a go - even without this information - so one can get a
true glimpse of what direction your thinking is going about this subject!

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