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Gerald Celente-Game is Over- FDIC! Banks! Stocks!

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posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 12:36 PM
I dont trust this celente,he has been wrong before and i think he will be wrong again.I cant see large scale riots in america happening at all,atleast on the scale he is talking about.I also think we are heading for a very deep long recession but not a depression imo.

[edit on 10-3-2009 by Solomons]

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by Pappie54
Well Buffet is on CNBC right now and I'll go with his view of what is going on and he says Obama is the right man at the right time and we will come out of it and I'm with him.

buffet is another bankster and totally corrupt. He threw away his credibility last summer when he invested $5 billion in goldman-sachs and a week later came out in favor of bailing out the banks.

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 03:18 PM
Why should we have confidence in the bailouts...and those who are promoting them? More great audio from Celente!

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 03:22 PM
Here is a video of Peter Schiff...this may be the one that was removed from page 1.

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by intelinside451 is having a sale right now. Some things are 25 cents per pack, most with no maximum purchase. I made an order last month and this month the sale is on different varieties so I ordered again. When they ran out of 25 cent pickling cucumber packets, they substituted a variety that was regular price but only charged me 25 cents. They also sell onion seeds which my other seed sources did not have.

There are a lot of heirloom seed companies with plenty left to sell. I used to buy mostly from Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, but 25 cents/packet is hard to beat.

ETA: I bought extra seeds so I can mail them to my family members in a pinch.

[edit on 10-3-2009 by AmethystSD]

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 08:08 PM
Here is another audio that is a little calmer, but he is still saying the same thing. I actually find this more informative than the ones I posted on the first page.

In part two, Celente makes a comment that gave me the chills. He says "Wall Street is now running Washington D.C."

He is right!

Part 1

Part 2

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 11:21 PM
So many people predicted this down turn, you couldn't shake a stick at em all. During the Great Depression, a great many people came together. I don't think we will see the violence, and I don't think this will last as long as the Great Depression. Huge government spending on WW II ended the last Great Depression, and that what will probably do it again. If anything, Obama might not be spending enough.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 12:29 AM
Scary stuff....oi-cu-coi!

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 01:40 AM
The short list of what you need to do to prepare:

1. Pack a bug out bag which will allow your family to live three days. You should have clothing, personal care items, food, medicine, camping supplies, maps, etc. Most people use a backpack for each person.

2. Have some cash in small bills on hand. If the ATMs shut down, you will be able to buy food, fuel, etc.

3. Don't just buy heirloom seeds, start a garden with heirloom varieties and save your own seeds. (A good place to start is It takes three to four months, if you are successful, before you see any produce. It is much easier to expand a small garden than it is to start a large one. This will give you time to learn how to grow, cook and preserve. Buy fruit trees, or if you are on a small lot, look into dwarf and super dwarf trees (smaller varieties, same size fruit).

4. Have a water supply.

5. Figure out a way to cook without electricity such as camp stove, propane, etc.

6. Determine how you will defend yourself.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 07:02 PM
I am especially enjoying the posts on vegetable and fruit seeds! Even if everything turns out alright, I am looking forward to a garden!

Do not be fooled by a short rally on Wall St.
This just in from the Treasury...Last update: 3:52 p.m. EDT March 11, 2009

Fiscal outlays intended to revive economies must be sustained into 2010, Geithner said.
At the moment, statistics from the International Monetary Fund show fiscal stimulus plans are expected to drop off next year, he said.
The global crisis shows no signs of weakening yet. Rather, the recession has been "deepening," according to the most complete data available, Geithner said.

"What we're seeing happen really around the world now is really without recent precedent," he said.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 08:28 PM
what amuses me is that this afternoon on more than one news source, I heard a 3 point gain being referred to as a rally!

I'm breaking out the credit cards and applying for an adjustable rate mortgage right after I'm done here!

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 09:46 PM

Originally posted by WISHADOW
I hope you people have good soil along with plenty of water. Once utilities are taken off line your going to have to get out there and dance around. Hopefully it will rain after that. But it probably won't since your carbon footprint that you leave here is destroying the atmosphere. No food. No water. Just the scorching hot sun and plenty of co2.

Agreed, so save all of the milk jugs, laundry bottles coffee cans you have if your poor, and buy rain barrels if you have some cash, save and store rain water for drought. Keep them full at all times and freshen often, use a tad of bleach to keep mosquitos out.

That's very unfortunate that people like Gerald Celente are now losing out from all the money they won in the stock market.

I have pictured Gerald having a difficult time with all the money he has amassed. He does not like to use banks, so he buys gold... I have never gotten the feeling that he is in this for the money, he loves what he does and as times began to change and he had the intuition to see the trends and the balls to call what he saw, the money just started pouring in. I seriously doubt he allowed his fortunes to get taken by the wall street swindle.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 10:16 PM
"The end of civilization as we know it" reportage has become an expanding market. In some ways similar to the Cold War era when nuclear holocaust was any day now and tens of thousands of bunkers were built in backyards and kids trained to "Duck and cover" in schools for when the Atomic bomb hit.

It may be real this time, and maybe not.

The doomsayers are getting airtime, DVD sales, and book contracts. So they have to paint a vivid and gruesome detailed picture with facts and figures to back them up. Telling about the gradual loss of quality of life and services is not a dramatic story with a chilling headline.

In the 20th Century we watched the Ottoman Empire, the British Empire, and other more subtle falls from grace.

The good and bad news together is that Europe is going to be hit as hard, most likely harder, by the inevitable collapse of the illusory money game.
China and much of Asia will similarly contract, and Africa and parts of South America will practically fall off the map in terms of living standards, from the way things look.

The Western world will most likely carry on with a relative wealth/poverty ratio seen in the early 20th Century. We just have more technology and entertainment to keep our minds of the drudgery of work and family life.

The Decline of the West is accelerating, but I don't think it's quite over yet.

We will be listening to Alex Jones in ten years forecasting imminent calamity and collapse, I predict.

Mike F

posted on Mar, 12 2009 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by AmethystSD

Thanks for the seed any case rain or shine that is going to to all good!

reply to post by VelmaLu

Thanks for your list...very helpful! Apprecitate the time we have now to prepare if it happens we will be all the better off!

Subversive forces at work! What we do to throw it off is not lost!'

posted on Mar, 12 2009 @ 02:46 AM
reply to post by LiveFreeOrDie..

Amazing how helicopter Ben comes out and says "We will not let the big banks fail' ...and Citigroup does a pre 1st quarter announcement ( odd ) and claims they made money the first two months of this year and it is lilke magic! The market holds for 2 days. We will see!

reply to post by antar

I agree, Celente seems genuine. I have watched all of these videos...he is very consistent. I am sure he has his house in order!

It would be self defeating if he were sounding a false alarm!

America is undergoing subversion. All we can do to throw it off will help!'

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 12:54 AM

Originally posted by antar

Agreed, so save all of the milk jugs, laundry bottles coffee cans you have if your poor, and buy rain barrels if you have some cash, save and store rain water for drought. Keep them full at all times and freshen often, use a tad of bleach to keep mosquitos out.

Good advice, one point though milk jugs break down faster than soda type bottles and be very careful about using laundry bottles wash extremely well. 5 gal and larger barrels can be found realitively cheap in the classifieds, and when you buy canned goods buy one extra of each and find an out of the way place to store them, check the date and don't forget to rotate. Visit the survival forum for more complete ideas.

One thing is for sure, whether war comes to us or we rise up against the government, only calm prepared poeple will survive with any dignity. Decide what you are willing and able to prepare for and do so. Try not to let the rest get to you.

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 01:12 AM

Originally posted by VelmaLu
The short list of what you need to do to prepare:

1. Pack a bug out bag which will allow your family to live three days. You should have clothing, personal care items, food, medicine, camping supplies, maps, etc. Most people use a backpack for each person.

2. Have some cash in small bills on hand. If the ATMs shut down, you will be able to buy food, fuel, etc.

3. Don't just buy heirloom seeds, start a garden with heirloom varieties and save your own seeds. (A good place to start is It takes three to four months, if you are successful, before you see any produce. It is much easier to expand a small garden than it is to start a large one. This will give you time to learn how to grow, cook and preserve. Buy fruit trees, or if you are on a small lot, look into dwarf and super dwarf trees (smaller varieties, same size fruit).

4. Have a water supply.

5. Figure out a way to cook without electricity such as camp stove, propane, etc.

Thanks for the heads up on tomatobobs. That was some very cheap seeds

I buy a handgun tomorrow and next step is stocking up some other supplies. Wife is finally on board!

[edit on 14-3-2009 by whoshotJR]

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 08:22 PM
Different video, he says same thing...only with less anger.

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 09:17 PM
So, I heard this on Rense the other night and now it is on youtube

At 8:02 Celente says "we are going to have a false-flag recovery [in the stock market]...."

I am wondering, when did he make this forecast? This week? Last month? Last year? It seems he just rolls with the news now, am I wrong? I don't mean to get all Walter Sobchack, but Celente better "mark it zero!"

I am disappointed. Trends Forecaster, up-to-the-minute forecasting. Or am I just being overzealous in my assessment? He is supposed to do this stuff from a year out I thought. I am unimpressed.

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 09:45 PM
All of the videos in this thread were recorded this year...

That is the year of 2009...the calm before the storm...

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