posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 10:36 AM
From my own ponderings, I see the following scenario:
Whichever nation/nations pose the greatest economic threat to the US out!
That can be countries that the US is in great debt too, or strictly an economic threat in the future, I believe will find themselves in the firing
I say this simply because I cannot fathom the greatest military machine the world has ever seen just bowing out without a fight. Unfortunately human
beings have a habit of repeating history, and if the last two depressions and wars that followed are anything to go by, there seems only one method,
tried and true, that mankind is destined to follow - that being all out war when the economy, two times past, has crashed.
I know there is a lot of talk about riots in the streets and mass mayhem. But I just cant see the mega rich, who by the way share the same country you
live in, wanting things to get to that point. Where will they go? they are "westerners" and they would be none too happy about riots in "their"
streets, and I'm pretty confident there will be another "enemy" to focus upon before it gets to that point.
It just makes sense to me, that this talk of riots and looting will not happen. Don't get me wrong, there will be riots and looting, but not nation
wide and to the scale they are making out.
I see war on the horizon. There is a lot of money and power to be made from war. To the victor goes the spoils as they say, and the US "could" come
out of another world war all problems solved. Its spends more money than any other country on the planet on defense. Why? Is it really only
"defense" ?
Satellite capabilities, long range bombers, an air force the envy of the world. The most modern equipment and logistics capabilities FAR ahead of the
And all this will simply self implode to dust? without so much as a fire cracker shot in frustration and anger?
Does anyone really believe the US will simply self implode, dissolve and disappear - that the "west" will simply let go of its dominance without a
fight? Allow China, Russia, the Middle East to simply take over and reap what was once the "wests" power and wealth?
Really, can you see that happening?
As frightening as the prospect is, I see a most horrible horizon approaching. Much worse than riots and looting. I see war. There's not a snow flakes
chance in hell the rich and powerful will simply hand over that wealth and power to their economic "enemies" without a fight. I wouldn't even be
surprised if this was planned, and what we are seeing now is a part of that plan. But I'm sure of one thing. The last two times we've seen this
scenario, its ended in war.