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N. Korea warns intercepting 'satellite' will prompt counterstrike

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posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by FredT
The issue is the missiles path. If it overflys Japan like a previous test, they should knock it down. Its that simple.

If anything nothing like a war to rev up an economy.

Haha, funny you should say that, Japan has a history of when it sinks into a bad depression.. just declare war and start up a japanese empire , simple as that

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 09:28 AM
why is every other country allowed to send satellites into space apart from N. Korea or probably Iran as well.

Because Big Daddy USA says so or what.

This world is so biased brainwashed and sheep like.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 09:39 AM
Something i don't understand, Iran has already launched a satellite or two into orbit [thus an ICBM] with no much fuzz about it[since they're all searching for a stick to hit them]. Now NK does it and Japan wants to intercept it and asks for oblivion. Why? NK can hit Japan with medium maybe short range missiles whats this gonna change about it?

On the other hand, if [hypothetically speaking] Germany keeps testing missiles over my airspace i think we can shoot some down after a while..

[edit on 9-3-2009 by Foppezao]

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by Foppezao

Majority of the crap that is in space are cable and telecommunication satellites anyways. I think what most of these countries is scared of is the possibly the NK satellites can be used for a missile targeting system. Making NK just ever more so dangerous, especially with their threats of basically trying to nuke anyone who tries to stop them.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 10:16 AM
Well I think N Korea is just running it's mouth again. NK going to start an unwinnable war with any country right now, ever, not likely. They do this every time they want attention. they do this so that their brainwashed people will keep believing that their leader is some tough guy who stands up to the big boys. kims not a tough guy he's a insecure nuts guy. he'll talk trash almost like a pathalogical liar but wont back it up. it's his personality type. you remember them from the school yard the perpetual liars, the big talkers who back down. thats N korea. dont get me wrong they are dangerous in the weapons proliferation sense but for all out war. no they wont do that.

Japan go ahead and knock down their missile if it over flies your country. it's your right. the rest of the world would back you, and no N korea wont do anything. he only thing they can do is piratism in the south pacific and they know it.

we should send richard marcinko over there to take care of the great impotent one Kim jong Il, and his general Yu Stin Ki Pu.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by cyberpilot

Seems they have the Chinese.

I hope you are right about the rest, just remember the amount of troops we have in S Korea now.

Not nearly enough.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 11:00 AM
Remember that Joe Biden said that Obama would be tested.

Say it ain't so Joe.

This is a game to NK. There's no threat...yet. "Accidents" happen when it comes to launches.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by s4dreamlnd93

The USNS Impeccable sprayed one ship with water from fire hoses to force it away. Despite the force of the water, Chinese crew members stripped to their underwear and continued closing within 25 feet, the Defense Department said.

Stripping down to their underwear

I guess that's the Chinese version of Shock and awe!

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 11:12 AM
Were they trying to "shock" us with their less than exciting endowments and then have us go "awe thats so sad." how do they have such a high population.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 11:55 AM
That's nothing but statements why you always get scared so quickly ? You think your country can afford to do something in Nk now ? You think Sk will do something without your help ? You think Japan will do something with its non-existent army ? Come on stop being fear and war mongers people ..... Each time you read something in the news , we're on the edge of a world war 3 , which never comes of course .... Since the time you should have understood .... but no .

[edit on 9-3-2009 by Asset1911]

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 11:59 AM
Sk and Japan are your puppets , so why would they make a move if their puppetmaster is financially and institutionally sick ?

We're still waiting for the multiple theories about Iran to come true

Same for North Korea

And next time there will be a war , it will be like in Georgia , you had signs that Russia would attack ? no . The sh... started so fast you have seen nothing .
You won't get any signs of Nk or Iran attack , IF IT HAPPENS

[edit on 9-3-2009 by Asset1911]

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 12:09 PM
This warning is reminiscent of Nazi warnings to Poland prior to the start of WWII. Just prior to the invasion which kicked off WWII, the Nazis fabricated an incident to ‘justify’ their invasion. Perhaps that is what is being set-up here?

Although many here argue that North Korea would never start a war they know they would lose, I’m not so sure.

First, they don’t necessarily KNOW they would lose it. Never underestimate a dictatorship’s proclivity to delude itself – just recall that most people thought that Germany invaded Russia despite Hitler’s own writings that Germany could never win a two-front war, and Japan attacked Pearl Harbor despite believing it could never ‘conquer’ the US. With Kim in deteriorating health, and the old guard communist regime clinging to control by means that are effectively strangling its nation’s chances of survival, they can see the writing on the wall. Left unaltered the future of North Korea is dismal, not communist, and lay in an eventual re-absorption by the South, under a capitalist system. With all the economic chaos plaguing the world right now maybe they figure this is their last and best chance to alter that outcome. Let’s see: certain failure if present path left unaltered, possible redemption if radically jolted.

Second, North Korean military might should not be under-estimated, even if we assume they do not have military nuclear capability yet. Yes they do have older equipment, but they have a lot of it. Seoul lays well within artillery range of North Korea, as does South Korea’s major airport. Approximately two-thirds of South Korea’s population and industrial base lays within 100 miles of the border. US military assets remaining in Korea are at the lowest levels since the Korean War: We have exactly two combat brigades remaining, only one wing of combat aircraft, and marginal naval combatants. Why? Because of our ongoing war in the Middle East. Yes, the South does have formidable military might of its own, but imagine what fighting a war with 20 million refugees clogging the roads, communications, and supply lines. Even though, I believe we could eventually win militarily, the devastation to the South and our forward staged forces could be immense.

Finally, don’t be so sure that China would or could reign them in. The Chinese believe in a long-view of history and the future. They believe that by the end of this century they will be the dominant economic and military power. So any war in Korea, even if it affects trade and relations for a decade, is a short-term blip along its path. While China may give lip service to its disapproval of North Korean bellicosity, you just have to know that in secret they are laughing at North Korea’s chutzpah. And perhaps what better way to ensure the US is finally broken in it military power, then to see us dragged into a MAJOR war in the midst of our greatest economic catastrophe since the 1930s? What would be the American public’s reaction to the prospect of fighting an all-out war in Asia? How many people would actually honor the draft this time?

Remember that the hegemony of European dominant colonialism began to break-down as a result of World War I. Wiping the flower of a generation, destroying the stability of the Gold Standard, and planting seeds of discord that would encourage the fanatical nationalism among the old powers that led to WWII, and the devastation of those economies (except for the US at that time). Maybe we won’t do so well this time; and maybe that’s what North Korea is betting on.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by Asset1911

I guess you don't read the news much pay attention the whole world is in an economic slump not just the US or have you not had enough protests there yet to realize this?

Also stop trying to make Iran more than it is. N Korea is a dying country it's rotting from within everybody knows that. China is just about done with their little puppet they can't stand little Kimmy.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by bicnarok
why is every other country allowed to send satellites into space apart from N. Korea or probably Iran as well.

The North Korean missile will not be shot down if it's payload is a satellite, not don't automatically assume that words means the same thing to everyone. We will know by optical and electromagnetic means just what exactly the payload of this missile is while it is still ascending. From there the call will be made for a shoot down or not. They cannot be allowed to launch a simulated warhead and demonstrate/validate their long range capabilities without us responding. We would not only demonstrate and validate our own ABM systems and program under real world conditions but also reassure our allies, both politically and militarily.

It is a non issue whether the North Korean satellite reaches orbit or not, its limited function (of any purpose) can be negated if need be. The exercise of needing an actual launch to validate range/altitude or other kinematic specification is also mostly academic. The North can compensate by others means, quality, reliability, experience is not a doctrine of such regimes. In actual conflict they will be just as likely to employ the same systems in the same manner no matter the past historical record, necessity forces this. As such it would be more of a huge political and diplomatic disaster for the North should the worst come to pass. We know what we're capable of, so do our allies and the North Koreans, but global perception is not forger vida informed facts, rather propaganda. They do not want for us to score a propaganda coup, even if nothing unexpected is on display by such an event.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 12:19 PM
Sashromi , I read your post carefully and you make statements about China-NK relations , but where do you get that from ? tell me please

I also saw this :

And now I know how to take your post .

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
reply to post by Asset1911

I guess you don't read the news much pay attention the whole world is in an economic slump not just the US or have you not had enough protests there yet to realize this?

Also stop trying to make Iran more than it is. N Korea is a dying country it's rotting from within everybody knows that. China is just about done with their little puppet they can't stand little Kimmy.

Oh and the protests in the streets will convince the japanese or the U.s to intercept the Nkorean missile ? What a relation
amazing .

Also what's the relation between the collapse of Nk ( which is true and going on right now ) and the interception of the Northkorean rocket ?

And where have you heard that China couldn't bear kimmy anymore ?

Give me a link or something please

Sorry you may know Hu Jintao in a very personal way I didn't think about that

[edit on 9-3-2009 by Asset1911]

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 12:30 PM


posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by Night Watchman

Heeeere we go again ... Why people who have no arguments to give always make such stupid attacks ?
Your post was very constructive , congratulations

And you should listen THE CITIZEN OF FRANCE MORE OFTEN , cause we don't allow our government to slap us just like you do in America .

And your post was kind of a racist post , I didn't particularly like it .

Soon we'll see who will hide under the bed the first and you'll be surprised

[edit on 9-3-2009 by Asset1911]

[edit on 9-3-2009 by Asset1911]

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by chips

I think these are both most important statements and appear to be posturing on both sides.

The US defense to the war games is that they do it every year. Typical, nothing to see here. I'd be interested to know if they have always done these 'war games' the same time of year every year. I'm not buying the excuse and obviously N. Korea isn't either.

Being a part of the Axis of Evil I'm sure, at least the old administration, was like ' give us a reason.' North Korea has from time to time done some chest beating to feed their own propoganda machiene. Now that their intent is publc to the world and probably to their own people, I don't see them backing down.

I don't see how it is possible we could afford the man/woman power to conduct three wars. ::sigh::

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 12:46 PM
hmm are we looking for a doubble hit??? iran and Nkorea at the same time??

splendid action than.. all oure finance problems will be over than.....:-) will cost some lives and suffering... but the "system" is saved afterall.....without the trillions to be spend..

my opinion.... YIGGGGGG

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