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What strange abilities do you have?

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posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 05:09 AM

Originally posted by Divinorumus
I received a brief message/impression that something horrible out in the Pacific ocean would occur just after midnight, the day after Christmas (by my local time/date), and it would involve those near the coastline. ... During the drive home I turned on the radio and heard on the radio about that tsunami which swept across the Indian ocean, which happened about 15 minutes after midnight my time.


In the later part of 2006, on another forum, one that is still up with those messages still there, I warned about the messages I was receiving concerning poisoned food, and I even gave the date that we would know for sure about this. And, on that date we learned about the melamine in all that pet food.


I even posted the date we would be going to war with Iraq over a year before we did, giving the exact date. And, a couple years before most people heard about Countrywide Mortgage, I received warnings about the coming economic collapse and the fall of the dollar


And, just to be on record HERE, I've also warned about the asteroid strikes that will come in November 2011 (there will be 3 of them)! We'll have to wait a while to prove that one.

Serious question, do you ever get any positive messages from the future? If so could you give an example and is there a pattern in these "positive messages?" What's the ratio of negative to positive? Also when you were 8 how did these things start for you? Have you been getting more "messages" as you get older or less? Has the way you've received the messages changed at all? Are the majority of your viewings related to your personal life (friends, family, yourself) or are they larger in scope (ie/ world shaping events)? What's the usual time-range between having the vision and the event occurring?

Might sound weird and maybe you'd rather respond to this part in U2U, assuming you respond at all, but does "a mouth full of ears" mean anything to you?

These questions are somewhat personal in nature, so please forgive the bullet format of the questions. The subject has always been disquieting for me.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 05:09 AM
reply to post by Merriman Weir


I never thought much about it actually, my hearing difficulty is quite hard to explain to people, if someone was to say to me "hello" I will hear it but I might hear "Now go" or "Yoyo". The other thing I have noticed though is that the more I am around a person the more I get used to them and can begin to translate what my ears hear and not just what my eyes see. It is like everyone has specifics for their voice tone ie Person A's "hello" might sound like "Banjo" while person B's might sound like "What". Its trial and error with lipreading that helps you figure out the real words and a good memory for people. It really is like everyone speaks different languages from each other to me to be honest.

I have been told that I am forunate to be able to speak properly because I had this problem at such a young age as well but I do not think that is a strange ability.

I have also tried hearing aids but they just magnify the confusion of what I hear and almost give me a nosebleed from bombardment of gibber.

I think because I have had to and still constantly do compensate it becomes as much the same as learning to speak, write or listen (as much as I would like to lol) etc.

Eventually you get used to the mix ups that your ears play on you over time.

Its also worth mentioning that if you ever tell anyone that you can actually lip read they start covering their mouths when they are speaking to you, especially females, I really do not understand that and is the reason I do not even bother telling anyone anymore.

[edit on 9-3-2009 by XXXN3O]

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 05:09 AM
reply to post by emeraldzeus

Reminds me of my self... :| thou I'll never know, who knows... we might be friends from a different lifetime
or from the same blood line!(just putting it out there, lol.) Really weird what you can find on the Internet sometimes.... atleast I'm still searching for that "thing" but that thing is something I'll never find :\ that's why the Internet is so great...

For me...

I have had pre-cog dreams, concord crash... it was the same as on TV i saw several weeks before it happened...(concord crash, told my mother about it, she said it was just a dream... day it happened i told her again about it an she brushed it off) :\

Old man coming in my dream coming to our house to give us some bad news...

This man used to always walk past our house, we'd all greet him everytime we see him, he'd walk with his hands behind his back like the old guys do
an just bond with nature etc...

In my dream he walked exactly how he walked in real life, he did the exact same thing when he came to our house irl too...

This man walked up to the front door of our house an pretty much be-friended my family, he bought my sister clothes, he bought us food, he treated us like his own children... he helped us put new clothing lines up out the back, he used to tell us stories about himself as a child an taught us allot of lessons about life.... most of which were quite cool....

At one stage he took us(me, my brother, sister, dad an mother) away to a lodge out in the middle of nowhere, he took us to all the places he grew up... an he paid for it all, he was always obsessed with rice wafer crackers, he'd buy them

After about 3 years of good times and fun!

He turned up to our house one day well we were away, the alarm was on... he put his head on the window an looked inside, as soon as he touched the window it set the alarm off, this huge alarm went off in the neighborhood, flashing red lights inside and outside the house, the sounds could be heard for 500 meters+ away, the old man dropped to the ground and stumbled about 20 meters down the road where he dropped all the food he had bought us, it was scatted all across the footpath beside our garage, it turned out he had an heart attacked an passed away.. he landed face down with a letter in his hand, the letter contained a goodbye present, he had come to thank us for the great 3 years he'd had spent with us, it was a leaving town letter combined, it also included money and photos...

Me an my family returned after 30 minutes found our house cordoned off by police, witnesses nabors and friends, i started to cry but at the same time i new that i was happy to see the old man go, because he certainly was giving it all he had...

To this day i have him engraved in my heart.

Edit: The reason i'm not going to go on about other stuff is because, emeraldzeus pretty much explained me :| even thou it's not from my head/voice, it still seems pretty darn spot on about the way i think.. so i rather not digg into it an type out a large post explaining myself
i'm going to start a thread about myself prob
i have .txt files from about 4 years ago i saved when i went through a period of hard times ;< it was harsh for me
i'll share it then!

I see/know things other people dont, i take note of the small things when others take note of the big things.....

Just a taste from my text

"it's like i think about my thoughts watch them self, almost like i have third person(no I'm not crazy, the fact that i can even point that out means i'm not
!) i even told this to my psychiatrist about this, she thought it was anxiety.. but i had diagnosed my self with something else other then a medical condition, i called it 'human'"

Also, pets/animals are attracted to me :|

I dislike dogs(all) but they love me

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 05:19 AM

Originally posted by Divinorumus
I received a brief message/impression that something horrible out in the Pacific ocean would occur just after midnight, the day after Christmas (by my local time/date), and it would involve those near the coastline. ... During the drive home I turned on the radio and heard on the radio about that tsunami which swept across the Indian ocean, which happened about 15 minutes after midnight my time.


In the later part of 2006, on another forum, one that is still up with those messages still there, I warned about the messages I was receiving concerning poisoned food, and I even gave the date that we would know for sure about this. And, on that date we learned about the melamine in all that pet food.


I even posted the date we would be going to war with Iraq over a year before we did, giving the exact date. And, a couple years before most people heard about Countrywide Mortgage, I received warnings about the coming economic collapse and the fall of the dollar


And, just to be on record HERE, I've also warned about the asteroid strikes that will come in November 2011 (there will be 3 of them)! We'll have to wait a while to prove that one.

do you have any links??
what so what happens when these asteroid strikes happen?
how into detial can you go?

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 05:31 AM
reply to post by XXXN3O

Yes, people get quite self-conscious when they find out people can lip read. Hiding their mouths is quite a common thing as is exaggerating mouth shapes ((like the talking slower/louder thing). I think a lot of that is about embarrassment and wanting to do the right thing' but not actually knowing what the right thing is.

I think D/deaf awareness should be taught at school to help this kind of thing. A lot of it is common sense such as being 'face on', similar height levels, decent lighting and so on, but again, when people are embarrassed and put on the spot, common sense can go out of the window.

Yeah, I'm someone else who thinks you're lucky/talented to have good speech if you lost your hearing at such a young age. I've known people who lost their hearing in their teens through illness and older people who've lost hearing through industrial-related noise and their speech has seriously suffered.

EDIT: just to add, whilst I get by with my signing, my lip reading is pretty rubbish to be honest.

[edit on 9-3-2009 by Merriman Weir]

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 05:50 AM
reply to post by Merriman Weir

I cannot sign, its good that you have taken a step towards learning that. I found it very difficult and only know very basic things but I find that I can get by with what I do except with some specifics.

I do not know anyone who is on the same boat as me personally so I have never had to communicate with anyone who is deaf etc.

It is quite amazing though how many people cannot understand when I have tried to explain, I remember a few years ago I tried telling a work colleague about this who was a very fast speaker and hard to lip read as she was always eating etc. She had blurted out one morning "are you deaf" to me and I explained that I have problems with voice tones etc, but over time I would understand her and it takes me a little time to get used to each and every person I meet with some being more difficult than others. She made a complaint against me to the HR dept saying that I had insulted her about the way she speaks! I got a disciplinary for gross misconduct!

From that day I decided I was not going to bother mentioning it ever again in the workplace.

[edit on 9-3-2009 by XXXN3O]

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 06:08 AM
1.) For some reason, I seem to be able to see through my eyelids at times. It's hard to explain. Usually upon waking or like if I fall asleep in the car on a road trip or something. I dunno, please don't bash me.....

2.) I have never had a nightmare or a bad dream.

3.) I can read people like a book in just a few minutes.

4.) Often I can press on the corner of my eye and make it click. Almost as if air is stuck in my tear ducts. It drives my gf nuts! Hey you asked for strange.....


posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 06:39 AM
clairvoyant, audiant, healer, posess many psychic abilities and no I am not going to prove myself, I suppose that confirms that the pre cog was telling the truth.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 07:08 AM

Originally posted by Divinorumus
I can receive brief simple short messages from myself in the future. This (insider) knowledge has served me quite well so far, and I use it to my advantage almost daily. But, it's also scary and unsettling knowing in advance some of the things others do not yet know, especially the horrible stuff. I've already realize too that knowing some of these future things is pretty pointless in so far as trying to warn others, as they always laugh and ridicule and ignore such warnings and continue to believe what they want instead. So, screw humanity, ha, I now just use this info to be prepared for the future myself, and to take advantage of those that want to believe otherwise instead.

Why haven't you won the lottery then?

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 07:12 AM
I have no powers what so ever, I have no advantage over others either, I can annoy others and that is all.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 08:57 AM
- I can tell the difference between butter and I Cant Believe Its Not Butter
- I can travel forward through time at 1x speed
- I got my first facial hair in gr. 9
- I'm Scandinavian
- I make a damn fine martini
- I can run pretty fast
- I can charm older women like there's no tomorrow
- I can outdrink everyone I've ever met
- I am above-average in height

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 09:28 AM
similar to Emerald Zeus ... I can also hear and feel the thoughts of others. It sounds impossible but i believe that if you train yourself and focus hard, just about anyone could do it. I have a game i play with my friends to prove to them that im telling the truth. I usually have them close there eyes and picture the two of us in a white room and also have the picture us in white clothing. Then I tell them to imagine changing the color of the room to a different color ... a solid color. And then i tell them to focus on the color and bam i can see what color they have in their brain. Then i try the same thing myself and they ususally can see what color i have in my brain. Then once we have each others frequency down then we can start communicating mentally between ourselves. Its a really cool trick ... And if you have a tight bond with the person , you can immediately tell when they are in trouble... No matter how far apart you are with them.


This skill is amazing to use while praying. Christ Jesus thoughts are so focused that you can see and hear him when you pray ... that is if you have a pure heart. He wont speak or reveal himself if you dont have one.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 09:42 AM
Regarding the 2011 thing (meteor strikes)'s my short experience.

I was out tent camping with friends and non-friends drinking beer. We started early in the day so I had a nice slow buzz building the entire time. Around the peak, we were all standing around the campfire. They were talking about some random stuff and I blurted out, "It doesn't matter, cuz we're all going to die in 2011." They looked at me like I had just said the most random strange thing ever...which it pretty much was.

This was in 1995.

I had no basis for it. I had never heard of any Mayan thing until years later, so I don't believe it was just applying something I had heard into my drunken thoughts.

To my dismay, when I did hear all about the doom and gloom ala iChing, Mayan, etc., it seems a little too sure.

Back to topic -
1. Animal empath. Humans...not so much. I don't like all animals, but they tend to love me after I simply touch them.
2. Spirit feeler. I don't know what the real psy-ability is called. I've never seen an ghost, spirit, etc, but I can feel things. I would say it's mostly centered around rooms in houses. Like bad mojo.
3. Druid. Again, I don't know the proper name, but any time I'm in the woods, I'm totally at peace. I guess my driving element is wood or earth. I've never had a bad feeling there, I feel totally protected and I feel like my senses are hightened. Maybe that explains the first story.

(I can't believe I just wrote all that. I sound like a nut-job. No nuttier than anything else, I suppose.)

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by caitlinfae

When you get ‘bitching and infighting’ in a development circle, then it’s time to leave. We have all got inherent spiritual gifts which can be developed, if we choose to, but much depends on how spiritual we become.

That’s ‘spiritual’ and not ‘religious’, for they are different things entirely. I have seen promising people develop genuine psychic skills, and yet their lives have fallen apart, due to inflated egos; greediness for the power and the glory; money: jealousness; and general lack of spirituality.

My twenty year stint ended only due to negative karma earned in previous lives, so my health deteriorated, and has been a great lesson to learn from. This is my 34th incarnation in human form, and the 33rd was partly spent in the horror of the Crimean War, as a British Cavalry Officer. As I write this, there are any number of animals in the Spirit World, who have reached the level of development required for their first human incarnation, and are just waiting for the right opportunity.

One dear lady who sat with us for a while went on to start her own circle, which was only open to London Taxi Drivers. Although the mix of sitters was different every week, It was a very strong and harmonious group of people. Also, if she needed to go anywhere in London, she always had free taxi travel, and the drivers insisted upon that.

I note your comments about being a beginner, but there have been past lives in which you had made use of these skills already, and that is why they exist with you, and require to be started up again, to enable you to progress.

There are many occasions when giving healing from behind the scenes is the best way, as some people are very resistant to what they perceive to be ‘strange ideas’, but also direct healing with someone has it’s place in the scheme of things.

If you have any questions you would like me to try and answer caitlinfae, then I invite you to U2U me, and I will do my best to answer them for you.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 10:13 AM
In the Wheel of Time books there is a type of person called a Ta'veren : "A person around whom the Wheel of Time weaves all surrounding life-threads, perhaps ALL life-threads, to form a Web of Destiny."

I don't know about all the web of destiny stuff. But odd things have always happened in my life. And I personally think that I'm one of these types of people. For some reason I tend to be in the right place at the right time. People always come up to me asking questions. I get people asking me for directions all the time. I'll be in a store and people think I'm the manager there or something. It's like people see me and on a subconcious level know instinctively that I'm there to help. It's very strange and freaky.

And it gets even stranger when I'm with a friend of mine that is alot like me. On one occasion we saved a friend from hanging himself from a tree.

I don't know if I'd call whatever I have an ability. But strange things happen to me all the time. It's like I'm a focal point for something.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 10:28 AM
I don't really have a specail abillity, just really good intuition. When I meet ppl I can instantly tell if they are bad ppl or not. Also, when something bad is gonna happen to ppl who are close to me, I dont sleep well, I toss and turn and feel very unsettled. Last two times its happened my uncle has died and one of my best friends dad. :-( Safe to say I get nervous when it happens

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 10:37 AM
and to further my previous statement. Its my belief that we all have alot of 6th sense , esp, spiritual, chackra, unknown gifts that revolve around the human nervous system and the electromagnetic current that runs through it . Its my belief that the more in tune we are with ourselves spiritually and the less we are into physical pleasure or satisfaction... the more you will be able to adapt and manifest these abilities. Before i opened my third eye and could totally see the " Other side" of reality , I was an athiest. Then when that day came ... I could see what you would refer to as " Heaven " and i could also see "purgatory" . After seeing both places i realized that i would much rather go to Heaven and i decided to use my new telepathic abilities to find God and ask him some questions.

Finding him was easy , because i wasnt looking for him to bless my lottery ticket or to keep me from serving a life sentence. I was looking for him in truth and with pure motives. He acknowledged me and then his son Christ, came and began to train me in how to use my abilities and how to help people get ready for the big EVENT that is soon coming.

So i can testify that yes there are many abilities.... I have expierienced

Seeing the other side
seeing future events
talking to spirits of dead ones
and many others

One thing i will note is, you can use these abilities for good or bad... i recomend using them for good. If you use them for bad and you dont have any protection from the Other side... You will have a rough time... especially when you go to sleep.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 12:36 PM
I don't have any special or strange powers. I can however size someone up within the first few seconds of meeting them and know exactly what buttons to push to get them royally pissed. I've gotten so good at it that I can never have met this person and they can walk in the door and I'll know exactly what drives them mad. Nothing extraordinary just lifelong attention to nuances and how people hold themselves.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 12:54 PM
I don't know what the heck to call it.....I see hundreds of tiny particles of light moving around in the air in strange patterns (like a waterbug moves) and it only happens during stressful times.

what to call it I have NO idea.

[edit on 9-3-2009 by Alpha Grey]

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 01:11 PM
Well, I am one of the primordial rainmakers, can cause it to rain or stop a storm,

Plus I helped form the universe, angel of creation, also I can become invisible.

One day I was doing a crystal meditation to save the rainforest, I messed up and caused climate change.

I have other things i could tell you, but you might think I am crazy.

I instinctively know a person's character, and they know, I know.

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