Originally posted by Seany
Unlike Most people on this site who are speacil
I have no speacil abilities, I am a normal average dude
that is ok with that
We are all special you to seany
I guess my speacil ability is that i dont feel the need to LIE
about myself to feel speacil
Now that is a wonderful ability as I have met maybe a handful of people in my life who are really really honest about themselves, positives and
If infact you have no lies at all about yourself to your own mind or others it is a wonderful character trait.
However I cant lip read but that does not mean those who can and and say they can are Lying, maybe a percentage but not all.
My own experiences have been varied, I have no visual precognition or auditary like some, I wish, however several things are true to about an 80%
accuracy success or rate,
If anyone I have ever been very close to or loved, no matter the time delay between seeing them, is in a very extreme emotional moment or actually
going through danger I know, just know, no voices, no visuals, just feel it and them and is non specific to what is happening.
I also always sense negative non material bound entities or very very twisted minds with high levels of self absorbtion and selfishness, many many
times I have warned people about someone, and if they have not listened I get a phone call or contact latter saying that that they were attacked or
such like by that person. Again non specific to the date or time or event.
A healing ability, which has enabled me 3 times in my life now when told by doctors, "never be able to etc etc ..." However I find it difficult to
be as effective on others as I have on myself, otherwise the crippled and comatose, dead would be walking out of hospitals wherever I went, and how I
have tried!
If you meet me and I look in your eyes I will know if
1. You are lying to me (which on occasions I have ignored to my later peril, never again
2. You are a Plastic Shaman or the real deal when talking about things like this thread, if you have faith in whatever your god is and are pure I can
measure it almost and know, it is very powerful and can be difficult for me sometimes as I have to zone out a bit to stop it, direct pupil to pupil
contact in these situations can be overwhelming for me, I have learnt over life to control it more.
When walking into a room of a lot of people or in busy places I "feel" the emotions of others, but see or hear nothing, can be difficult if in a
very charged and negative place.
These amongst other things esp dreams precog etc, and also like fishbait if someone is under heavy negative spititual or mental attack I can bring the
attention to myself and do my best to heal it, or if not able to send the energy back to the sender.
However I now for a while on purpose am trying to not develop or follow these things, ignore them and move past them, except trying to Heal better, to
becoming more aware of myself than others, know thyself is the first goal imho
Kind Regards