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How screwed are we?

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posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 05:38 PM
i just need some answers. i'm highly considering moving to norway or some other nuetral country in fear of losing my life and/or freedom. so...

what exactly is going to happen in the next three years?

should i be this scared?

where should i go?

thats all i can really think of asking. thats all that matters

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 05:44 PM
Want to know? Read this guys blog;

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 05:51 PM
When New France fell, one of my ancestors spent 13 years in the wilderness and another 7 fighting the invader. If things get like you're suggesting you should just stick around, it'll be more fun than you think.

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 05:51 PM
Well Norway wouldn't be your best bet right now 'cause they seems to be having a little problem with gangs and random shootings right now....

I do believe the whole world has gone insane...!!!

Tibet is no good this time of year because of the chinese invasion. Australia is dealing with earthquakes, forestfires and hurricans.....
Africa....well we know the story about that continent....

Your best bet would be a quiet little meadow somewere in the austrian alps. Just make sure you can provide for yourself and are independent of money....

Otherwise...just lighten up and look at the good things around you (there has to be good things going on in your neighborhood??)
Forget about your own problems and try an help out somebody less fortunate then you.....

Start getting used to living and provinding for your community....


posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 05:56 PM
If it's freedom you seek, I wouldn't choose Norway, they are pretty socialist there and will enslave and tax your butt worse than here. I suggest just hanging out here for a while longer, and when the SHTF and the USA splits, probably in half (with one being the USSA, the United Socialist States of America, and the other being the UFSA, the United Free States of America), you and I both can move to the UFSA half, and then we can kick back and watch the USSA folks eat each other alive, ha.

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by Wes225

I think that you should do your best to let the fear go. Sure, be prepared, but don't be scared. Fear is not going to help at all, only make things worse. I know, easier said than done, but try not to be scared.

If things do go completely crazy, there won't be anything you can do about it anyway, so bathing in fear soup is not going to help. Do your best to be prepared with food, water, etc, just in case. Get some reading materials on survival. Knowledge can many times assuage fear.

All it really is anyway is fear of the unkown. I always wonder why so many people are afraid of dying. Why? What happens when you die that you are so afraid of? Just an fyi, even if there was peace from now until the end of days...guess what, you're STILL going to die!! Its an (at least for the time being) inevitable part of life, might as well start getting used to the idea and be less afraid of it.

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 06:01 PM
hmm. well i geuss i'll stick around then. so theres gunna be a split? isw indiana free or f***ed?

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 06:02 PM
I'm only saying this as a personal opinion... But for what it's worth i've done many hours of reading/research if you will into all of the current affairs, the market, and have delved into exactly what our government is spending tax payer dollars on.... My personal opinion can be summed up in two ver simple words that create a very powerful phrase. Mods, please forgive me...


posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 06:04 PM
The free lands are centered about the Mississippi River, stay off the coasts.

[edit on 6-3-2009 by huckfinn]

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by huckfinn
The free lands are centered about the Mississippi River, stay off the coasts.

[edit on 6-3-2009 by huckfinn]
so indiana(me) is fine?

cool. it should be funny n excited to see all the people that didn't listen start freaking out and stuff.

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by W3RLIED2
I'm only saying this as a personal opinion... But for what it's worth i've done many hours of reading/research if you will into all of the current affairs, the market, and have delved into exactly what our government is spending tax payer dollars on.... My personal opinion can be summed up in two ver simple words that create a very powerful phrase. Mods, please forgive me...


well if its gunna end in 2012 anyways i geuss i might as well stay n fight for whatever we got left to fight for

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 06:15 PM
Get rid of the fear.

But, it's gonna get wild. From what I've gathered, we are likely in for what the world witnessed around the time of 1500 BC.

The best thing you can do is live as pure of a life as you can. Be sure to guard your thoughts, think of the way you'd like things to be. Love your family, your friends, your pets and everyone else.

Dance, sing, run in the grass and behold this beautiful planet!
-before it's gone

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by Divinorumus

he there old friend,

Haven't heard from you since the "i want socialism" thread but it seems like here we go again.....

What do you think you "free" states will do without money?? Since that will be gone in about 6 to 9 months and people will have to rely on each other to survive.......???

Some form of social thinking has to rise here or we are all doomed. We will need to take care of each other 'cause the goverment won't give a rats*ss about our wellbeing.

Not socialism but social thinking is needed here...


posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 06:21 PM
sounds fun eh? aybe people should start stocking up on ammo n make militant groups?

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 07:02 PM
reply to post by operation mindcrime

Hey friend, how ya been.

There are alternatives to socialism AND capitalism.

And, fiat money is nothing but unsecured IOUs, essentially credit too. IOUs should not be exchanged for commodities and labor. What we need is a currency with REAL value, one where the face value of that currency IS the value of that currency. Now, gold is not the answer, because mining that stuff reeks havoc upon the ecology, and no nation that may be sitting upon piles of it should benefit from their stroke of luck. I have a number of good alternatives to fiat money and valuable metals, but I won't get into that here.

And, socialism breeds laziness. Who would work a little extra harder to pay their health insurance premiums or to buy food if they didn't really have to because someone else could be mandated and force to subsidize their existence upon Earth? I mean, I'll bet ya there are those out there living on food stamps right now that are sitting at home watch teevee right now, and THAT needs to stop RIGHT NOW! You want to eat, make BETTER use of your time and EARN your keep!!! Imagine, there are those out there right now eating a meal YOU were forced to pay for while they watch the teevee, and THAT ticks me off. They should sell that teevee and use that time to earn their next meal instead of me having to support their irresponsible socialist behavior.

What we really need to do is to eliminate ALL consumer credit (a.k.a. financial irresponsibility). Credit should be used for emergencies, such as when you become unemployed for a while, or you need to have your teeth fixed, etc. Credit should not be used for large screen home entertainment centers and iPods.

People need to be FORCED to live within their means. If you want that large screen teevee, EARN it FIRST. There should be only one solution and way out of poverty: you WORK your way out! Wealth is CREATED. Wealth can't be created by robbing someone else.

Socialism and consumer credit and fiat money leads to financially irresponsibility.

You know what is really funny? Someone who is unemployed or underemployed and complaining about not having enough money ... and all the while they have a cigarette hanging from their mouth, ha. (yeah, I saw someone doing that earlier today)

Why are we looking to things already tried and tested that failed as a solution? We've already seen what happens to people motivation when living the socialist life when the USSR failed because of it. And, we've seen what happens when a capitalist society is built around credit and fiat money.

The solution to all this mess is pretty simply. Remove these irresponsible options that always lead to disaster from the table and you'll have cured what ails our economy and way of life.

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 07:07 PM

well if its gunna end in 2012 anyways i geuss i might as well stay n fight for whatever we got left to fight for

If you are the Wes in Indiana I know, then you can come and live with us. We have shtoguns and booze and #. Check your U2U's.

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 07:11 PM
BTW, here is the answer to your question...

[edit on 6-3-2009 by Grumble]

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 07:17 PM
Originally posted by Divinorumus
reply to post by operation mindcrime

I agree on a large part of your reply.....

I have three sons and i teach then that nothing in this life comes free and that they have to work to be able to get the things they want...(for the oldest it's clothing, the middle it's transformers and the youngest it's candy!!) but if one of them would not be able to work for whatever reason, i would not deny them the things they want.

As so with our society, there is a large group who wants to work and take care of them self but cannot. I still believe you cannot leave these people to their faith.

So as long as there are people that are truly helped with the social structure we have in our country (Holland) i believe this system is justified and i am gladly willing to pay taxes to help out these people.

And i now there are freeloaders riding the system but frankly i don't care...karma will take care of those.


[edit on 6/3/2009 by operation mindcrime]

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by operation mindcrime
but if one of them would not be able to work for whatever reason, i would not deny them the things they want.

Well of course, definitely, those that REALLY need assistance because of a REAL legitimate reason (i.e. they are blind, crippled, mentally impaired, too old to work, etc.) should be helped by all those that can help (and voluntarily too, not by mandated social taxes and threats of imprisonment if you refuse to pay if you can't), and that I do agree about and do my best to help, particularly the elderly.

Ya know, when the SHTF, there will be two camps of folks out there .. the first being those that will go out and plant their survival garden so to be able to continue to feed themselves, and the second being those that will try to rob your garden as they always have been doing.

In addition to guns and ammo, buy land minds and claymore mine too! Oh, and plenty of trip wire too. And, to be fair and to keep our conscience guilt free, at least a few warning signs too.

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 05:57 AM
I hear panama's good to bug out to.
Just dont plan on finding much work anywhere u go.
If you have a little money there are numerous places
you could go if you really wanted to disappear while shtf.

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