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Goodbye Farmer's Markets! Your backyard garden could be next

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posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 03:44 PM
It's not as far-fetched as it may sound.

The "food safety" bills in Congress were written by Monsanto, Cargill, Tysons, ADM, etc. All are associated with the opposite of food safety. What is this all about then?

In the simplest terms, organic food and a rebirth of farming were winning. Not in absolute numbers but in a deep and growing shift by the public toward understanding the connection between their food and their health, between good food and true social pleasures, between their own involvement in food and the improvement in their lives in general, between local food and a burgeoning local economy.

We have slowly been ramping-up our locally-grown produce capabilities, thereby taking money from the coffers of the mega-farms. We grow things organically, the way nature intended and on our own time. Now, in the interest of "Food Safety", the ability to sell the literal 'fruits of our labors' is in jeopardy.

Link to story:

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 04:15 PM
/Nothing/ makes me angrier than the manipulation of the food supply. I have been warily watching the actions of Cargill and Monsato for more than a decade now.

Go here and look up HB 875, HB 814, SF 425 and HB 759.

Among other things, it's the traceability requirements that will KILL small farmers.

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by shrike071

I am working on a similar thread where this trend is mentioned.

You'd be amazed how far the assault has really gone.

Criminal. :shk:

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 04:26 PM
Hi, good food fans.

My wife and I, do buy vegetables and fruits DIRECTLY from a
farmer, not too far from here: 2 big bags for 37$/week.

In his pub he said: It pollutes less the air if ONE vehicule
delivers to 50 clients, than 50 clients and vehicules running around
to buy the same stuff. . .

And there are often good surprises, in the bags.
Stuff we have never seen before, and fun to try !


Blue skies.

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 07:11 PM
Like drugs now made illegal, backyard gardens will be next. This is an certainty. The question is when?

This happens because NOBODY is brave enough to stand up to the FDA, the DEA, and the emerging crime against humanity called big agribusiness.

ATS fell already, and the farmer's market is next.

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 08:00 PM
This is part of the eugenics plan to kill most of us off, to give us denatured food with build in pesticides. If this is added to all the rest, the poisoning of the water with fluoride and chlorine (which mixes with leaves and such to form deadly poisons in the water), with the chemtrailing, with the mandatory vaccines of babies that make 1 in 100 autistic and the rest are sickened and their IQs lowered a lot, on and on, people will not have children, and die early. The soy is causing people to be sterile or less fertile, and the denatured food is producing sickly children who aren't going to live long, especially with all the rest that's being thrown at us.

A few people, British Zionists, with wealth in the 500s of trillion$, want us dead or want us obedient slaves. Their goals of depopulation are stated, taught in universities, propagandized throughout their controlled media, indoctirnated heavily into our children in the government schools (which they also control the curriculum for those) -- and it's carved in stone on the Georgia Guidestones in Elberton, Georgia.

They can't stand for us to be happy, to have families, to own anything. They are just miserable, evil, Satanic, hateful people who aren't happy unless they are killing people, stealing from people, corrupting people, destroying everything they see that's not theirs. They are so envious they want us all dead, they are even jealous of the breath we breathe, that it should be theirs. They plan to tax our breathing in fact. They will punish us for every move we make, and they will control those moves and watch them, every one.

We must wake up to the British Zionists who own the culture and the government and the corporations, the offshore banksters who own it all. The head of the entire pack goes by the name of Rothschild. This family is the enemy of mankind and has been stirring up wars for centuries, funding both sides.

We must stop fighting one another, stop listening to the warmongering propaganda the Zionist media pumps out. We must realize who the enemy is, and it's these offshore banksters. They are criminals, ruthless, murderous, lieing, wicked SOBs.

We must stand and resist, not cave in. Resist their evil culture, and speak out against them at every chance.

[edit on 3-3-2009 by Salt of the Earth]

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by Salt of the Earth

The real battle is spiritual Salt, not against any bloodline or political movement. Yes, Satan has his 'chosen', because he is the great counterfeiter and bastardizes whatever God does. It's important that we know our true enemy though, and that is Satan and his spiritual brethren, not his earthly servants.

I believe that we should fight on every level; spiritual, political and physical if necessary. Let’s not forget that our fellow man can repent and be saved though. And that should be our first focus: to share the truth with others so that they might come to see the truth and be saved. It’s ours to do the sharing, it’s God’s to do the saving.

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 08:58 PM
We cannot let them take away our freedom to grow our own healthy food.
This cannot happen.
Monsanto is genocide.

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 09:20 PM
So the day the city official comes to your door to tell you to tear your garden down what are you going to do? Comply or find out where this joker lives?

You know the people that write these bills are not the ones that are going to be enforcing it. They will send some bureaucrat to your door. A nice chat with a few farmers and this bureaucrat will go away.

It doesn't take a genius to see how absurd something like this will spin out of control. We freak out when they go after our guns. What do you think will happen when they go after the farmers and garden growers which is our food?

They do that and those writing these types of laws are in mortal danger....

If I were you I would do like I am going to do... Plant my backyard as I always do. When they come to my door I will chat them up very nicely...

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 09:22 PM
Well they could always if they wanted to put some control on people selling produce they have grown to the public.
But they can not put any control on you eating it yourself.

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by CaptainCaveMan
Well they could always if they wanted to put some control on people selling produce they have grown to the public.
But they can not put any control on you eating it yourself.

They could always try that but I doubt it would work. Can you imagine the insane uproar it would create.

Are these federal laws? Places like Michigan where I live would exempt ourselves. We reserve rights not directly granted to the federal pigs... Or something like that.

Anyway, we have way too many farmers in this state for the feds to have that kind of pull....

You would see a mass protest with the politicians getting whacked with tomatoes...

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 09:49 PM
Is this more alimentarius at work? I only recently started learning about it.

This is getting ridiculous. When will we rise up, and say "NO! You can not take our food from us"?

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 10:12 PM
This is how they have created extreme poverty and starvation in the third world countries as well. They just dont want people to be healthy and survive these next 100 years as we move closer to the numbers for a type 1 civilization of consciousness and prosperity.

Excellent thread with very important links and posts.

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 07:31 AM

Originally posted by resistor
reply to post by Salt of the Earth

The real battle is spiritual Salt, not against any bloodline or political movement. Yes, Satan has his 'chosen', because he is the great counterfeiter and bastardizes whatever God does. It's important that we know our true enemy though, and that is Satan and his spiritual brethren, not his earthly servants.

I believe that we should fight on every level; spiritual, political and physical if necessary. Let’s not forget that our fellow man can repent and be saved though. And that should be our first focus: to share the truth with others so that they might come to see the truth and be saved. It’s ours to do the sharing, it’s God’s to do the saving.

Darn right it's spiritual. These people made a pact with the devil and they are devil worshippers, members of secret societies. They sacrifice children and do unspeakable things to their god Satan. They have been Satanists for generations, inter-breeding with each other to keep their power and wealth and satanic genetics confined to their own kind.

This earth is a battleground. The spirits energize us here, but we choose who to serve and it is by choice, not by force. So to sit back and say it's all about some angels up there fighting is just a big heresy, a lie of Satan himself to get Christians to sit back and suck their thumbs. It's disgusting fatalism, and I hate it. Some "Christians" are more Zionist than the Zionists, think this is all God's will, that anything that's prophesied is God's will, like God is to blame for the antichrist and all the evil going on. The Bible says Jesus will come back early, lest there would not be one person left alive.

God intervenes but he doesn't micromanage every thought and action of every wicked person in love with Satan on this earth. It's one thing to be annointed when serving. It's another to say we are helpless blobs being blown around by God, like some little dried up leaf without any will or mind or responsibility to act, to take initiative to step up. That's what faith is. Some fatalists think faith means sitting back and sucking their thumbs, but what faith really is is seeing something that needs to be done and going ahead and doing it, trusting God to provide what's needed to get the job done. Like David. He saw a job that needed to be done, but he didn't go back to his sheep and throw up a prayer to God and leave it up to God to slay Golieth.

Calvinists = Fatalists = Zombies = Antinomians = Lost

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by sadisticwoman
When will we rise up, and say "NO! You can not take our food from us"?

If they are growing it and are using their land and their chemicals to grow it and it's regulated by their agencies and distributed by their trucks and we have to pay them money for it, it's not our food.

But that's, I'm afraid, the whole point. If the people become dependent on any source, we are beholden to them for that commodity. And that's just what the FDA and the big corporations like Monsanto want. They don't want to kill us. They don't care how many of us there are. They want our money. As long as we continue to pay them for their food, the very essence of our life, we are helpless against them.

It's all about dependency. Get people to depend on you and you're set for life.

The key is to become as independent as possible to shake off the chains of the big (dare I say evil?) corporations.

[edit on 4-3-2009 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 07:44 AM
reply to post by shrike071

Flag and Stars for many ppls post in this thread.

As for the horrible things they plan for food the deal with the
WTO called Codex Alimentarius is their world wide crowning
jewel of deceit.

Codex Alimentarius - to become law by Dec. 2009

It is just peachy that the Nazi war criminal from IG Farben is the
original planner for control food and you control the ppl.

[edit on 4-3-2009 by Ex_MislTech]

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 07:48 AM

Originally posted by CaptainCaveMan
Well they could always if they wanted to put some control on people selling produce they have grown to the public.
But they can not put any control on you eating it yourself.

Actually watch the Codex Alimentarius video and there will be some
loopholes tossed in to outlaw heirloom seeds and then you have
to buy the evil terminator gene seeds from Monsanto.

This is being pushed thru the WTO to all countries around the planet,
and it becomes law in the US Dec. 2009.

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by shrike071

This is outrageous!

For years I have always had my own garden, by which I put away a lot to live off for the rest of the year. I grow all my own produce organically.

I am also of the habit of visiting local co-ops, where I only purchase heirloom seeds, for the best quality crops. I also cull seeds from the plants I grow.

Stock up, people!

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 07:59 AM
There are a few online sources of heirloom seeds that we use for our backyard farm. Last year, we had corn, tomatoes, all sorts of herbs, potatoes, carrots, pumpkins, squash, cucumbers, onions, broccoli, and some other things. We use seeds of change for the majority of our seedstock, and then we cultivate seeds each year.

What I fear is that these heirloom seeds and other organic-seeds will be outlawed "in the interest of public health". Another thing I see that could happen is that these seeds would be cited as a "threat to national foodstocks" since they are not biologically engineered to resist certain things.

As the poster said above - stock up! Seeds a cheap!!!

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 08:02 AM
Online Petition - NO! to Food Safety Bill!

I urge everyone to visit this url, read up more info and sign the petition against the food safety bill.

The new administration is pushing new farm controls through Congress as fast as possible and have coordinated the bills so there will be no debate and the committee meetings are closed.

Transparency, change, undoing Bush's regulations, giving the public time to comment, grassroots anything? Our entire food system and thus our health is being decided without the public knowing and those who do know have zero access and the media is absent and they are moving at warp speed to sew this up.

Would you put these out, in this order, showing the article as you do so people are more likely to read it? They are imperfect but the closest I've come to explaining how the game is going to be played. No direct, frontal assault on organic farming but an insidious process of "infecting" organic farming...


[edit on 4-3-2009 by silo13]

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