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When does a group belief become a cult and why?

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posted on Mar, 12 2009 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by violet

Yes, there is that viewpoint, very commonly found at the base of the pyramid of consciousness. That's why many wise men were killed by the likes of your kind over the centuries, hating and detesting anything above and beyond their understanding.

Strangely, you enjoy calling gleaned awareness 'babbling' (like your post content), and my quotes as stolen quotes are not acceptable to your enraged fogged-over vision, but everybody else's suit you fine? This is the base of the pyramid attitude, well-documented throughout humanity's history. Because you cannot understand, it must be wrong? I think you'd best take someone's advice and polish the grey-fogged murky-mist mirror of yours, so you can see a bit. Maybe a blind-walking stick might be suggested.

Is this not how it goes, the lesser tear down the greater at their first chance? Always. And in company of like kind: religious tenets, cults, etc.

My 'ego' is empty: you are seeing your own ego reflected in the judgement you gave. Many have been martyred by the ignorance of your kind, when a higher awareness is perceived: which is why Tesla told Walter Russell to bury his discoveries for a thousand years. Tesla called your kind 'meat machines' (fact - his own usage).

"The glory of becoming a transcendent being is the only reason for living."

"The topmost pinnacle -- beyond which no man can go -- is the illumination into cosmic consciousness."

Lao Russell, Walter Russell's wife

Just read this quote while reading the link in dd's post. Not before.

In my journey, I received an awareness that hasn't been revealed to mankind yet, something similar to Walter Russell's. Yet, unlike him, I wouldn't deign to reveal it. It was even received as "futuretense." As I understood, mankind wasn't ready. I fully agree, while your kind of consciousness exists. Back to the cauldron for you?

The light at the Top of the Pyramind of consciousness is intensely hated for it's power, by those lower: the climb of mankind from the pits to the heights. Does the lesser understand the greater? Not until the greater absorbs the lesser. That is what you call ego; that is Universal Law. Attack Truth; wait; it will certainly return the energetic expression like a pendulum: be waiting.

I said, don't kill (hate) the messenger, but they always do. I am not here to spread love, but wisdom. It is not understood by this bunch: see last paragraph, below.

Mr Green said she didn't doubt the statements of my own experiences; someone who also has been working on elevating their consciousness, expanding awareness. So, because you hate and detest that which is other than yourself, like one suffering through a journey into the abyss, we should all believe you? Be like you?

Some are more perceptive. Maybe a group would enlighten.

This is a Predatorial Universe (going slow enough for you?); a Warrior Spirit is one who accepts and responds as they are able, but does not lament unavoidable losses. Nor do they turn the other cheek; but does not seek revenge, for it slaps back hard.

You may continue to babble; I will certainly not be understood. Had you let it be, miss enraged, I would not have returned. Talk about lack of self-control...most would have enjoyed my absence from this thread: you were never addressed. I suggest adding an "n" to your avatar; makes more sense. the quote again, violet fire. A wolf pack attack?

[edit on 12-3-2009 by SS,Naga]

posted on Mar, 12 2009 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by SS,Naga

Im sorry you feel you must leave, in your post you mentioned revenge and how we should not seek it. Maybe I was too hard on Drakiir, Im sorry if I was but I just wanted to wake him up, we were friends for so long, I just wanted him to be happy, be aware, become himself once more. What exactly was our friendship based on for a year if it came down to me posting truths that obviously hurt him so much. Your right revenge should not be seeked. My posting the blindly obviouse was obviously not what he needed, I should just have let him be. Im sorry I attacked him so, he didnt deserve it. I should have left it to the OP.

Thank you Naga for some very good posts. No doubt I will see you around a thread soon.

posted on Mar, 12 2009 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by SS,Naga

"My kind"? and my kind is a "meat machine" and "back to my cauldren"? You're starting to sound like Paul richard ... you're deteriorating down to a level of hatred, and your showing your weaknesses.

Unlike you, I don't hate or detest anything "above and beyond my understanding" and most certainly haven't "killed" or approved of any killings in the name of my or other's "ignorance". But you just carry on stereotyping away...

And no, everyone else's comments don't suit me fine. Because I said I like dangerdeaths comment, does not imply he has or will for any other posts he makes. I read and judge each post on an individual basis. It would be naiive to do otherwise.

My comment towards you about "torn pages" is a fact I retrieved from you when you earlier posted or boasted, you've spent a significant amount of your life in libraries, spanning 17 states (as if that matters - ego check) and have your own extensive library of Books.

Is this not how it goes, the lesser tear down the greater at their first chance?

No. As I said, in your case it is your egotistical opinion of yourself as being greater, tearing down those you feel are lesser than you, because you think you're all knowing. It is you who serves up such loathing towards others, as evidenced by your posts and later down in this reply you contradict what you said about lesser versus greater, calling yourself once again the greatest. You are at the top of the pyramid of which there can only be ONE. Congratulations! Please don't take too long in giving your speach when they hand you the trophy.

I don't recall even replying or commenting to you directly, but there you went off calling me ignorant, as you do to others who don't share your hive-mind mentality. I hate to break it to you, but your ego is not empty, quite the contrary, your cup runneth over.

I'm not interested in your quotes from the vast collection of Books you've digested and attempting to regurgatate back at others. Nor do I care about your 'journey".

No-one should listen to me, or believe me. When did I say that? Never. When speaking about my own ideas or beliefs I'm talking about myself as the individual person I am. I'm not so dense that I refuse to learn, or think I've risen to the top of any pyramid, it's just who I chose to learn from.

Now I'm also violent? A wolf pack attacking? You're the one with the alpha wolf in your avatar.

[edit on 12-3-2009 by violet]

posted on Mar, 12 2009 @ 11:19 PM
reply to post by violet

Just imo. You confuse me with 'god' or something else.

I thought your addressed post was quite insulting, abusive, and aggressive, and aimed to bring the pack of wolves down on an unpopular poster, as is common on many threads (been there). So, let's hope we can say you win, excellent post, and call it a thread.

Just because you're a female doesn't mean you should be worse than everyone else: at least they were somewhat more sublty disparaging.*

("disparaging: to bring reproach or discredit upon; lower the estimation of.")

Other than that, you really outdid everybody here on giving it a go, and I agree, I am suitably humbled. Don't mind admitting it. This second post of your's, neither my wife nor myself found much to disagree with...other than what I just addressed.

That's the way to kick some a$$. Intelligent, discerning, precise.

Adeus? Now?

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 01:04 AM
reply to post by SS,Naga

Yes, let's leave it at that.
We can just agree to disagree

[edit on 13-3-2009 by violet]

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 04:23 AM
reply to post by SS,Naga and violet

My 'ego' is empty: you are seeing your own ego

Hi all, I hope we can move on now. I do not think it possible to be completely free of ego while we are incarnated. To me it seems impossible. It is always there sometimes conscious sometimes unconscious, but it is always there to some degree. We live in a body with a mind, until we are free of these two things we will always have ego. It is up to us to keep it in check, know its there and bring it under our conscious control.

I just cant see how an ego can be empty all the time.

Maybe headlightone is right, digital signals are being sent out to manifest certain emotions . Strange how this thread deteriated after he posted that...just a thought.

Also are you aware that you all keep refering to a certain person, I do not yet you all feel you have to keep bringing his name up...6 times it has been spoken, by doing this you give him energy, you keep the negativity he brought alive. Just be aware of this, Im not sure if you are aware you are doing it but can I ask you to stop now please. This is not me running away , no I take this head on but it was decided , I ignored the first few references but now its been brought up again I feel I had to bring it to the threads attention.

Thank you.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 05:27 AM
I am on a crusade with this subject and I am going to keep refering to it as much as I can because its real!!!
The subject of SSSS / Digital mind control is activated now and its a dull depresing subject because thats the mind control signal thats being sent out.
It seems that you mention a subject like that and the mind becomes foggy disinterested dull, even sad !.funny that eh??
You are right MG as soon as I got into that subject a wave of negativity descended upon the thread.
Whoever controls the human mind controls the human race simple as that .
Perhaps some of these ATS cults are just a form of Military testing of digital control over the internet.just a thought .
I know its only a few on this thread but come on lets examine more closer why we suddenly get wound up or sad etc. and at the same time keep in a self sense of defence that maybe I am being controlled into this emotion.
I will keep HAARP ing on about this so get used to it. Another Link

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 05:37 AM

Originally posted by headlightone

You are right MG as soon as I got into that subject a wave of negativity descended upon the thread.
Whoever controls the human mind controls the human race simple as that .
Perhaps some of these ATS cults are just a form of Military testing of digital control over the internet.just a thought .

What are you talking about? What wave of negativity?

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 05:38 AM

Originally posted by headlightone

I will keep HAARP ing on about this so get used to it. Another Link

oh dear you mention HD TV in this link. In the UK at the moment sky are basically offering it for next to nothing. It used to be nearly £300 to buy this and get it fitted now there doing an offer where you can buy it for £45. In afraid Ive signed up for it.

Maybe I'll have to sit and watch it with a tin hat on headlightone.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 05:46 AM
reply to post by Nichiren

Theirs none so blind that them who cant see, that is unless you are being a slight sarcastic
If so then I missed it and move on.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 05:51 AM
Sometimes a thread can get a bit bottom of the tank of life feeding and you got to lift yourself out of it.
Any thing that suits the individual will serve.
You got to stop that SSSS/DIGITAL MIND CONTROL.!!!
I find music an antidote
this is 1 of my many music stratergies .
I like it it may not serve your tastes.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 05:55 AM
reply to post by headlightone

I just watched the video. Thank you so much for that link! I had no idea what these scanners can do. WOW!

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 05:57 AM
Naga spoke of archetypes .
Mg is right a lot of the old PR stuff does keep coming up and it will cause from the word a connection to a thought form then your back hooked again.
It seems that maybe some here who connected with him are unconsciously
going through withdrawal and need to connect even now to bits of their PR connected past.
Cut the attachment NOW.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 06:08 AM
reply to post by Nichiren

Nichiren you are not my cup of tea mate.
Sarcasm The lowest point of wit .
I choose not to engage with you as I have a good sense of where it will end.
So you my old mate are going on ignore Byeeeee

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 06:33 AM

Originally posted by Nichiren
reply to post by headlightone

I just watched the video. Thank you so much for that link! I had no idea what these scanners can do. WOW!

I can never tell. Are you being sarcastic? Im not sure. The writen word is often hard to read into .

Maybe just a simple mis understanding? Thats how many wars break out, mis understandings not sorted out. Then again maybe he is being sarcatsic I dont know.

Im not allowed sound at work so I cant tell if the link is believable or not, all I saw was the title saying HD TV is mind control.

[edit on 13-3-2009 by Mr Green]

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 06:42 AM
reply to post by Mr Green

Hahaha "he has cut my arm off" ohh that guy makes me laugh

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 07:43 AM
I had to stop posting in this thread for a while, there is really no need to express opinions in this way. It may only be a few words that got you upset but please, breathe in them words and realize “That’s all they are” Words have been misunderstood and misused, I only had to read a few post to see the negativity spring from certain words. Are you still attached to name calling, are you still that child in the playground who has to fight back because somebody said something you don’t like.

Or is it simply the fact you cannot fight off the urge to defend your beliefs, you perceive negativity in others to be separate from your own. Some people automatically think that just because somebody else has a different belief to their own, they have to make there’s know. Words become weapons in a virtual conflict aimed to make one rise above the rest; do little blue stars mean all that much to you? Because that’s all you really gain out of these virtual conflicts, unless you see hurting people feeling as something to gain.

SS,Naga please stay in this topic I enjoy reading what you have to say, just as a do with everyone else on this topic. Even though my opinions may differ I don’t hold nothing against anyone, I am not attached to my own beliefs so I see no conflict, I see no reason to defend them. I understand my beliefs can change within an instant and all the time I spent defending them beliefs was a waste of time.



posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 07:54 AM

Originally posted by IamNow
Even though my opinions may differ I don’t hold nothing against anyone, I am not attached to my own beliefs so I see no conflict, I see no reason to defend them. I understand my beliefs can change within an instant and all the time I spent defending them beliefs was a waste of time.



well said. As people we become too attached to beliefs, they become a part of us and really they are not us. Ive wasted hours standing up for what I thought I believed in only to find several months later I no longer believe it one bit.

Hahaha "he has cut my arm off" ohh that guy makes me laugh

ha I knew you'd find Dereks possession funny. That guy is so funny, the discarnates took his arm!! Now several on this thread have told me that if I get astrally attacked again, the best way to break that energy hold is to laugh. To have a joke in mind that will suddenly break the discarnates hold over me..... well Ive found it, Im going to say "Hey dont take my arm like you took Dereks!!" His voice is hilarious in that video, hes trying to be so possessed and the lady presenter is complaining the dam batteries have run out again LOL

I stared your post above as I agree totally with you.

Your signature is brilliant

[edit on 13-3-2009 by Mr Green]

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 07:58 AM
reply to post by headlightone

Sandbox turned into a mud pool.

Make your own "pool of radiance" if you wish...

I am greatly opposed to your denunciation of Nichiren as being "sarcastic".

Your qualification is very tendentious and lowly.

Eventually, you may or may not be left with one or two "followers", just to keep the thread "alive".

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 08:03 AM

Originally posted by DangerDeath
reply to post by headlightone

Sandbox turned into a mud pool.

Make your own "pool of radiance" if you wish...

I am greatly opposed to your denunciation of Nichiren as being "sarcastic".

Your qualification is very tendentious and lowly.

Eventually, you may or may not be left with one or two "followers", just to keep the thread "alive".

hey it is friday the 13th, give him a chance. You dont know what hes had happen to him today
I dont think headlightone is the type to want followers somehow! Quite the opposite.

Thats why I asked him to look again to see if he was actually being sarcastic. Im sure headlightone will explain. Its 50/50 if he was being sarcastic (Nichiren that is) but really its just a side issue anyway.

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