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Glenn Beck Mentions FEMA Camps on Fox & Friends!

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posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by Blagojevich
This is clearly a politically motivated agenda aimed at the sole purpose of making people fear the current administration. Wasn't FEMA heavily criticized (especially by members of this site) for NOT being prepared the first time
, but now that they have camps set up, the first word out of conservatives is "PRISON!"

FAIL. I don't know if the camps are real or not, but Beck is the only mainstream conservative to bring up FEMA.

Come on, guys... can't you see the game they're playing? These people are NOT happy with Obama's polices. Do you really think they want to see their taxes go to "social programs," "creating jobs," or "health care?" These people don't give a crap about you or the lower class. If there's any thing worth watching in that video, it's the NLP programming... notice how they use the word socialism alongside fascism... subconsciously, this will create a relationship between those words in the viewers' minds.

FAIL. The "War of Poverty" has already transferred more than TEN TRILLION of wealth from the producers and earners of this country to the non-producers just since the 1960s, yet, we still have poverty. Guess what? It will never be enough. You want a social program? Go give YOUR money to charity. You want job creation? Don't punish those who can create jobs. You want health care? Take some responsibility for yourself, take care of yourself, and get an insurance policy. Of course, it's much easier to sit around and beg Big Brother to steal someone else's money and give it to you.

OF COURSE many people are not happy with Obama's policies. What is to like? The market is crashing since he got elected. He is trying to borrow and spend more money in ONE YEAR than has been spent in every previous year of your nation COMBINED. On and on and on.

And you want to talk about NLP?? Now THAT'S a laugh! If there's a master of that dark art, it's your "messy siah" Obama. That explains why so many people swoon with one of his speeches, but ask them what SPECIFIC points of the speech they liked and they become mute.

Obama is destroying the very principles this country was founded on, yet if we dare use our supposed freedom of speech to speak out against it, we're in the wrong?

And just WHO is using FEAR to spread their agenda? OBAMA. Remember, it's a crisis! That's why we HAD to pass the MASSIVE PORK BILL before ANYONE could actually read it!

The real irony here is that Obama claims "pass this or it will be catastrophe!". So it passes, and what are we getting? CATASTROPHE. Why? Because he's getting what he wants.

And the Obamabots continue their merry march off the cliff.

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 05:32 PM
"no I really don't think he would be so interested in the FEMA camps if McCain had won."

So, if Beck thought FEMA camps were going to illegally imprison millions of Americans, he would not say a thing and just let it happen if McCain were President??? Better give that some more thought.

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by azurite
REGARDING GLENN BECK:I want to make the point that you can not judge people simply based on the past. you have to stay in a constant state of discernment. If one where to judge me and my views based on how i thought 20 years ago or even 10 years ago they would be VERY wrong about me. people wake up and change their views all the time. if you resonate with what glenn beck is saying NOW than go with that and simply continue to discern, as with anything, along the way. it is possible that he is beginning to wake up and it is possible that he is spreading some truth amongst the brainwashed fox news cast. it is also possible something else is going on here so again....discern every inch of the way BUT give him a chance to change his views.

[edit on 3-3-2009 by azurite]

There are no views to "change"! Beck has always hated big government! It doesn't matter if it's Bush, McCain, or Obama. I like Beck for the most part, but sometimes the "doom and gloom" is too much for me.

It's too bad some of you out there have so much hatred for anyone who is labeled a conservative that you automatically assume the worst of them.

It's so funny to see all of you who thought Bush was Hitler and going to impose martial law, yada, yada, now that Obummer is in there, when someone raises fears about what the government is up to you want accuse others of "fear mongering". Absolutely hilarious.

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 05:41 PM
Someone "got to" Glenn Beck since this morning's Fox & Friends appearance. Look at both, and you'll recognize this. I sent Glenn Beck the following email:

"Mr Beck:

Sorry your handlers got to you since you were on Fox & Friends this morning. Boy, talk about an about-face! I know it takes courage to face down these powers in the face of people who do real nasty things to you and your family. I just hoped someone in the MSM had broken through the fear. I live near Indianapolis where one of these camps have been "being developed" for a decade. The old AmTrack railroad repair facility, in Beach Grove, that closed in the mid 90's and has had FEMA hired workers there making "upgrades" for years. This story will play out soon wheather you expose it or not. Our government is not our friend. Those "conspiratorialists" you so flipantly dismiss, unfortunately will soon have much of what they've warned come true. MSM will have let us down...fear will have won the day and freedom will be spoken of in the past-tense. God help us."

Hope it touches a cord in his heart...but I doubt we'll hear of FEMA camps again from Mr Beck.

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 05:42 PM
Damned if you do, Damned if you don't. Some of these people hating on Beck absolutely disgust me. Good job Glenn, you are a shining light in dark times.

[edit on 3-3-2009 by Sheeper]

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 05:44 PM

Poor quality, but it's all I could find for now. Glenn Beck talks to Ron Paul about FEMA Camps. For those interested in the topic, it's a must-see.

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by sayiamu
(it takes about 5 mins of research to realize that 911 was the biggest false flag, government endorsed "attack" in modern history...perhaps something to go "nuts" about?)

... FEMA camps are a nice safe conspiracy to endorse as real .... especially if you are trying to encite panic, get ratings or seem like you are on the "good" side.....

Rupert Murdoch tells every one of his puppets exactly what to say... Beck is his false "Maverick" ..who has a task to do ...... the question still is "what's the agenda?"

Five minutes of research??? LOL It takes about 10 seconds of rational thinking to know it would be impossible for the government to pull that off.

But for kicks, let's assume that you are right. Obama is now President and in charge of the government. Has he mentioned anything about it? NO? Oh, dear. If AQ wasn't behind it, then we shouldn't be in Afghanistan right now, right? What's Obama doing about that? Oh, dear, he's sending MORE troops to Afghanistan and escalating the war.

I guess Obama is part of the conspiracy. DOH!

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 05:44 PM
Do they really need big fema camps? Just lock up 40-50 thousand Americans and the rest will be scared into obeying whatever they are told.

As far as the detainees are concerned they would be given fluoride and mistreated. It's probably planned to give them so much fluoride that they are vegetablized.

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by Jay-in-AR
No, Beck won't lose his job. He is the front-man for the Republicon come-back. But don't fall for it people. If we elect them back in next cycle, it will still be more of the same. I'm shocked people still even quibble over this crap. It should be apparent that both parties are furthering the agenda of the shadow-government (banking cartels).

ROFL. You think Beck is a front man for the GOP? The same GOP that he has been ripping for years???

If you are going to post comments about someone else, at least have the decency to know what you are talking about. Yeah, Beck was real "rah-rah" over McCain, wasn't he? Give me a break.

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 05:55 PM
Before he says "they're making me say this help" he fumbles on his words a lot. Then he proceeds with the sentence he was just about to say. I don't know what he says but it sounds like "I'll end this" very very mumbled

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by GLDNGUN

Five minutes of research??? LOL It takes about 10 seconds of rational thinking to know it would be impossible for the government to pull that off.

And 3 seconds on -55 potential to understand that a bunch of amateur pilots could not pull that off too.

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by Jay-in-AR
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

Yes, as I said, I don't trust Fox News - period.

I don't care what Beck has been saying for years. He is now employed by the most dishonest News Network God has ever laid eyes on.

Another knee slapper. Yes, Pravda and Goebels in Germany were much more trustworthy.

If only everyone would just watch the unbiased MSNBC, we'd all be so much better off. LOL

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 05:58 PM
Oh, did Beck back off his promise to talk about FEMA camps tonight?

Say it isn't so. Lets everyone jump in on behalf of the MSM guy!

No, give ME a break.
The obvious angle is to take into the fold the conservatives that are sympathetic to the message being broadcast by Texas Representative Ron Paul. He has been marginalized through a LOT of propaganda brought to you by BOTH parties and ALL MSM outlets, including FOX.
Now that group of folks sympathetic to the calls of Dr. Paul is growing larger by the day.
Since the Republicans lost the election, they are appealing to this demographic through Beck. You will be suckered in and marginalized with the rest of the ignorant masses that compose this increasingly idiotic nation.

Enjoy the ride, sheep.

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 06:00 PM
Hey anybody got a picture of just one of those FEMA camps??? Nope just like the FEMA coffins they only exist on the internet. Just 1 picture. None in Michigan i checked them all out. Sleep well tonight


posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by sayiamu

Like I said, I don't trust it. And I think it is VERY telling that even Beck himself criticises the 9-11 Truth movement.
He is a puppet. Just like the rest of them.

I find it incredible that he can dismiss the most obvious Government Conspiracy since the JFK assassination and all the while start shouting about FEMA concentration camps. I still haven't seen anything that rings bells about the camps. At least not in terms of how they will be used against American Citizens.

Hear hear...... just wanna say that this poster do be tellin it like it is.....

So now all we need is for Beck to do a special on the "9/11 conspiracy". When that happens will you all promise to announce that "The 9/11 conspiracy is a media conspiracy designed to get us angry with the government". Pretty please?

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 06:02 PM
IF he is backing off (and I'm not sure he is) maybe instead of Fox
getting to him it was the FEDS. I'm sure they would not be happy to hear
him openly discussing this subject on Ntl tv.

Oh, and there are 2 male hosts on Fox and Friends. Steve and Brian.
It was Steve who said "sure" and Brian who later said he didn't know
anything about the camps.

One "conspiracy' solved.

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by GLDNGUN

Originally posted by Jay-in-AR
No, Beck won't lose his job. He is the front-man for the Republicon come-back. But don't fall for it people. If we elect them back in next cycle, it will still be more of the same. I'm shocked people still even quibble over this crap. It should be apparent that both parties are furthering the agenda of the shadow-government (banking cartels).

ROFL. You think Beck is a front man for the GOP? The same GOP that he has been ripping for years???

If you are going to post comments about someone else, at least have the decency to know what you are talking about. Yeah, Beck was real "rah-rah" over McCain, wasn't he? Give me a break.

You miss what is important in Jay-in-AR's post "It should be apparent that both parties are furthering the agenda of the shadow-government All of you still arguing over Democrats/Republicans guilt are falling for the bait. The "owners" are raping you financially and enslaving you to the NWO...wakeup!

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by GLDNGUN

That will never happen.

And that in and of itself, is telling.

But nice try.

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by munkey66
Why would he be allowed to speak about FEMA camps ect...
the answer is easy, If he speaks about it and brings it to the front, people start to listen to what he has to say, when he says that there are camps in America, people listen, he now looks like a truther, so when the time is right he can say, This is a national emergency and everyone head to the camps, after further investigation we found out that they are run by the good guys and no one has anything to fear.

What is worse than a wolf?, A wolf in sheeps clothing.

Aha! You've got him! Yes, so Glen shouldn't say anything about FEMA! Oh, wait, if he didn't talk about things like this you'd all say he was a mainstream media puppet who doesn't talk about "real" issuses like FEMA camps. Hmm...never mind...

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by fooffstarr
Anyone broadcasting on FOX doesn't have the luxury of choosing their subject matter, or even airing their own opinions. It doesn't happen.

They tow the party line and say what they are told to say.

Wow, it's great to have someone here on ATS who knows EXACTLY how Fox runs from the inside! So, tell me, WHO tells Beck what his "subject matter" will be each night. What's his (or her) name?

Since you are all knowing about exactly how Fox News is run, I'm sure you've got a name. Please share.

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