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Glenn Beck Mentions FEMA Camps on Fox & Friends!

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posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 12:33 AM
reply to post by paxnatus

Glenn has talked about his habits as long as I can remember. I would much rather he talk about them out in the open then try and cover them up as some people would do. I can see that there are a few who either haven`t listened to his shows, or, they have and only hear what they want to hear, and then make a judgement call about him.

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 12:45 AM

Originally posted by prevenge

Originally posted by Techsnow
I am willing to bet that Mr. Beck won't be working for Fox News for much longer. I'd give him another month if he's lucky. Good job for him, hes finally waking up it seems.

you're not serious are you?
he's a paid shill.. just because he's saying things that the internet is abuzz about doesn't mean he's "going against orders" .. believe me.. everything out of that guy's mouth is stamped and approved for by his higher ups.

its FOX.. it's there to guide your opinion of events.


Really? How can you explain that Glenn has been talking about Nafta, NWO and how government is eroding your freedom for years now on his radio program? And it's all because Fox told him what to say? Well how about when his show was on CNN Headline News? Did they guide his opinions too?

You should check out his radio show and get your facts straight on who and what Glenn stands for instead of merely giving us your opinion and passing it off as fact. Who knows you just may like the guy and what he stands for.

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 01:25 AM

Originally posted by Nola213

Glenn Beck, easily in the top 5 media schills on television in this country. Loathed by anyone with a mind for truth. Comes out and makes a 2 minute statement and now everyone Loves him?????

(Great point btw Munkey66 Star for you)

I've entered the twilight zone haven't I?

If you can't see this guy has an agenda for bringing this up, what a hot 2 months after a Democrat is finally in the white house...., ya need glasses.

This guy is pro Republican all the way. This is called media sleight of hand. or Sleight of Mouth.

He says one real thing that has you think and nodding with him as he blasts the current administration from all four corners, while you still nod yes.

Plus it gives him ratings too, don't forget that.But remeber, the majority of what he talked about in that segement was NOT Fema-camps. Go back and listen again. Listen to the majority of what is coming out of his mouth. That Russia is our enemy. Then he gets all "apocolyptic himself. You will know thy name, and face, and his face shall have a name. Now that is damn creepy.

This guy has been trash for his entire time on mainstream tv. Sorry but one truthful statement about Fema-trailers existing, but he doesn't know what there for ( so he can come back and clean that up anyday he likes) does not make me trust this guy more, it makes me trust him a whole lot less, and wonder what the agenda here is.

[edit on 3-3-2009 by Nola213]

I will share with you something that was told to me once by a wise man, a person I was told repeatedly to NOT forget what I had learned there.

"The end will come when the bear engages in marriage with the uniform" The uniform in this case, was not necessarily a military uniform though I don't doubt that the bear will also wear it. No, the uniform referred to in this sentence, was the chinese military uniform.

Whether Beck was saying what he said for the purpose of an agenda or not, I believe will not change the fact that the great bear and the great dragon will engage with the military uniform and will be the ones to bring america to it's knees... unless of course something is done.

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 01:26 AM
Wow, I am floored by the level of ignorant people in here that are so blinded by their hate for Foxnews, that they automatically assume all kinds of things about Beck.

Really really sad. Pathetic really.

Amazing so many people here think that:

A) Beck likes Republicans
B) Beck liked McCain
C) Beck is just another anti-democrat wind bag
D) Beck is apart of some Foxnews neocon agenda

If you are one of the posters that believes in one of the above, please do us all a favor and stop posting in the threads about Beck. It's clear you have no idea what you are talking about and your ignorance is getting old. It's clear you have never listened to him and it's clear you are only interested in generalizing him in with all the other conservatives you're programmed to hate. It's clear you didn't listen to him spend 6 months leading up to the election telling us why we shouldn't vote for McCain on his radio show, and why Republicans are bad.

Please leave these threads alone, oh ignorant ones, otherwise it's going to take too long to click that ignore button that many times.

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 02:19 AM

Originally posted by scrapple

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
Regarding his comments about "9/11 Truth", yeah, he does think they're a bunch of nuts. Frankly I do too. They almost drove me away from the larger "Patriot" cause with their insane voracity and narrow focus but that's for another thread. A thread I dont care to waste time on.

You miss Converge's point completely.

Beck's on record having it both ways: He cant debunk the FEMACAMP Conspiracy but he's inclined to believe somethings fishy with the Government.

Beck wont debunk Official USGovernment 9/11 details - so he's satisfied?

Patriots can pick and chose their cause - that's your and Beck's right. But your 'bunch of 9/11 nuts' comment is weak - standing on inconsistency.

It's been a wild couple of years man... If you had told me a couple years ago if I thought 9/11 was all a big conspiracy, I would have though you belonged in a loony bin...

I would not be surprised if 9/11 is one of the next things he goes after. Even if it's all for ratings.

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 03:11 AM

Originally posted by wasaka

Originally posted by ebear
could it be anything to do with this training exercise they're doing?

my guess: FEMA Coffines In Georgia

I'm new here too.

Actually, before that thread was started on the coffins there was already a thread created on that same topic. I think it is more interesting as it goes into more detail on the coffins.
Either the second one was a copycat thread or it was started later on without knowing the other thread already existed.


posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 05:18 AM
Beck is such a perfectly logical guy.
That's why I don't believe in him.

You are an honest man.
You work for the Devil.
You are an honest man.

Perfect logic.

edit: mistake in logic

[edit on 4-3-2009 by DangerDeath]

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 05:46 AM
anyone know in all those videos of the coffins.. if people actualyl investigated them..

i mean seriously looked at them?

do they have locks to be locked so that someone can't escape from inside?

do they have air holes?

they MIGHT be used to transport live specimens


posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 06:34 AM
reply to post by prevenge

When the Panama channel was dug, thousands died.
They put them into barrels and sold them to hospitals in Europe, for profit.

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by disfugured

FEMA was created on April 1, 1979 pursuant to President Jimmy Carter’s Executive Order 12127. It amalgamated the Federal Insurance Administration, the National Fire Prevention and Control Administration, the National Weather Service Community Preparedness Program, the Federal Preparedness Agency and the Federal Disaster Assistance Administration activities formerly carried out by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. It also took over Civil Defense from the Department of Defense, which was in charge of preparing citizens for military attack.

Jimmy Carter a Democrat.

In 1993 Bill Clinton turned the directorship of FEMA into a Cabinet position.

Bill Clinton a Democrat.

In 2001, President George W. Bush appointed Joe M. Allbaugh as the director of FEMA. Within months, the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11th focused the agency on issues of national preparedness and homeland security, and tested the agency in unprecedented ways. The agency coordinated its activities with the newly formed Office of Homeland Security, and FEMA's Office of National Preparedness was given responsibility for helping to ensure that the nation's first responders were trained and equipped to deal with weapons of mass destruction.

Bush is a Republican.

Obama as we all know is a democrat.

Looks to me like FEMA has evolved to what it is today through both parties but mainly through the Democratic party.

What does this mean ?

Both parties have done their share in evolving FEMA into what it is today ?


It just simply means it really doesn't matter who's in office the same base agenda applies.

I could rant for days on that, but I'll leave it there.

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by thrustbucket
Wow, I am floored by the level of ignorant people in here that are so blinded by their hate for Foxnews, that they automatically assume all kinds of things about Beck.

Really really sad. Pathetic really.

Amazing so many people here think that:

A) Beck likes Republicans
B) Beck liked McCain
C) Beck is just another anti-democrat wind bag
D) Beck is apart of some Foxnews neocon agenda

If you are one of the posters that believes in one of the above, please do us all a favor and stop posting in the threads about Beck. It's clear you have no idea what you are talking about and your ignorance is getting old. It's clear you have never listened to him and it's clear you are only interested in generalizing him in with all the other conservatives you're programmed to hate. It's clear you didn't listen to him spend 6 months leading up to the election telling us why we shouldn't vote for McCain on his radio show, and why Republicans are bad.

Please leave these threads alone, oh ignorant ones, otherwise it's going to take too long to click that ignore button that many times.

Yes let us people that don't agree with your assessment of Mr. Beck stop posting our opinions.
Many of us don't agree with your opinion of him, but do you hear any of us asking for YOU to stop posting your opinions? Ignorance is bliss I guess.

Since Mr. Becks political views or which side of the fence Mr. Beck is on here it is....and quite flip floppy:

Political views

Beck often says "I am a conservative who happens to not be a Republican." Elsewhere, he identifies himself as "libertarian-leaning." On his show, Beck addresses many current political, social, and economic issues using traditional conservative governing principles.

George W. Bush

On May 11, 2006, Beck said the following on his Headline News show, "And that's why I found myself taking a hard look at George W. Bush lately. I'm actually starting to feel a little like John Kerry, flip-flopping on my opinion of him every day, you know. Sometimes I think that the biggest problem with G.W. is that he just might be the worst communicating president since Buchanan." [12] Beck also said in Bush's final days "a job well done Mr. President". He was referring to George W. Bush's efforts in keeping America safe in the last seven years of his presidency.

[edit on 3/4/2009 by CaptGizmo]

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 07:53 AM
hello everyone! This is my first time to reply to a topic so I hope it goes ok! I have to speak up for Glenn Beck. I have been listening to him for a very long time. He used to be extremely funny and very conservative. However, over the last couple of years he has changed his tone and political beliefs.

Also, as far back as last spring he started sounding the alarm on "stocking up the pantry", "getting out of the stock market", and referring to the "perfect storm" that is coming. He has someone he refers to as his "deep throat" who has provided him with a LOT of inside information. He has been predicting all that is happeneing within the economy with frightening accuracy. He is not a shill for FOX. He only moved to their network to escape the possibility of the Fairness Doctrine being implimented.

If you are a regular listener of his radio program, which I am/have been for years, you would have a completely different perspective of him. He is genuine in my opinion, and is truly opened minded about all topics. If Glenn says he will be looking into the FEMA camps, you can take that to the bank and he will not hold back what he discovers! I could say a lot ore but I fear I will start to ramble! All I can say is tune in to the radio show first to get who he really is; he will scare the daylights out of you at times but tells it like it is. Please give him a chance!

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 07:59 AM
reply to post by fullmoonfairy

I haven't made up my mind on Beck yet. I like his radio show, and while I don't always agree with him, his presentation is good and entertaining, he brings up topics a lot of times that aren't normally out there in daytime radio and well, just all around is a good show.

I've admittedly only seen him on FoxNews now 3 times, and all three times were subjects I care about.

I'm going to have to watch further before I make up my mind completely on the man, and I know nothing of his past other than what's been written here, so not having heard it for myself over the years, I can't use one or two segments as a good judgment point.

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 08:23 AM
He is on air right now. I listen to him on WXNT here in "the midwest area" from 9 to 12noon. I also would like to mention that you can sign up for his free newsletter which I did a long time ago. You can pay more to become an "Insider" and REALLY get some good stuff. I chose not to go that route mostly because of penny-pinching.

He is talking about possible civil unrest, the economy, etc. with I think, Jim Rogers? I apologize if I got the name wrong-busy typing, lol!

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by fullmoonfairy
He is on air right now. I listen to him on WXNT here in "the midwest area" from 9 to 12noon. I also would like to mention that you can sign up for his free newsletter which I did a long time ago. You can pay more to become an "Insider" and REALLY get some good stuff. I chose not to go that route mostly because of penny-pinching.

He is talking about possible civil unrest, the economy, etc. with I think, Jim Rogers? I apologize if I got the name wrong-busy typing, lol!

Please don't tell me that you are here on ATS marketing for Glen Beck?

Is this what all of this is all about?

Glen Beck wants the ATSers support and dollars?

Tell Glen Beck to put up one of those noisy, flashing, obnoxious signs and stand in line like the rest of the folks selling their wares.

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 09:04 AM
Actually, no, and I think that was a really nasty thing to say. I only mentioned that for those who are interested in learning more about him!

I happen to really enjoy Glenn Beck and it is ugly comments like yours which have kept me from posting anything at all on ATS. Maybe I'll just go back to lurking around like I have been doing for months.

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 09:05 AM
reply to post by NightSkyeB4Dawn

"Please don't tell me that you are here on ATS marketing for Glen Beck?

Is this what all of this is all about?

Glen Beck wants the ATSers support and dollars?

Tell Glen Beck to put up one of those noisy, flashing, obnoxious signs and stand in line like the rest of the folks selling their wares."

No, nobody is trying to "market" Glenn Beck. I believe what they are trying to tell you is, if you have never listened to the guy and what he is trying to say, then your opinion has no merit. If you have listened to him and you only hear what you want, your opinion still has no merit. Should Beck be made to keep his mouth shut? If he does, then it works both ways, so should everyone in this world.

In a nutshell, it`s called research. Go listen to him on the radio, it`s free and won`t cost you a dime. No one is telling you to pay to hear him out. As I have said before, I don`t always agree with everything he says, but, he makes some pretty good points about what is going on in this world. Even he says that he is not right all the one is, even you.

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by FiatLux
reply to post by NightSkyeB4Dawn

"Please don't tell me that you are here on ATS marketing for Glen Beck?

Is this what all of this is all about?

Glen Beck wants the ATSers support and dollars?

Tell Glen Beck to put up one of those noisy, flashing, obnoxious signs and stand in line like the rest of the folks selling their wares."

No, nobody is trying to "market" Glenn Beck. I believe what they are trying to tell you is, if you have never listened to the guy and what he is trying to say, then your opinion has no merit. If you have listened to him and you only hear what you want, your opinion still has no merit. Should Beck be made to keep his mouth shut? If he does, then it works both ways, so should everyone in this world.

In a nutshell, it`s called research. Go listen to him on the radio, it`s free and won`t cost you a dime. No one is telling you to pay to hear him out. As I have said before, I don`t always agree with everything he says, but, he makes some pretty good points about what is going on in this world. Even he says that he is not right all the one is, even you.

very well put...

I will listen at lunchtime to him and see if he makes any sense today .. Again I'm not going to base my opinions on the man on 15 second sound bites and snips of 15 year old rants, that would just be irresponsible.

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by FiatLux

No, nobody is trying to "market" Glenn Beck. I believe what they are trying to tell you is, if you have never listened to the guy and what he is trying to say, then your opinion has no merit. If you have listened to him and you only hear what you want, your opinion still has no merit. Should Beck be made to keep his mouth shut? If he does, then it works both ways, so should everyone in this world.

Well I can see why you are such a fan.

By the way, though I may not agree with you, and I don't, I still think that what you have to say has "merit".

Glen Beck is not saying anything new. He is just regurgitating what many at ATS and elsewhere on the net have been saying for years.

If he has had an epiphany then good for him, but unlike you I don’t believe the message suddenly has “merit” because it is being touted by FOX and spewing from Glen Beck’s mouth.

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by NightSkyeB4Dawn

"Glen Beck is not saying anything new. He is just regurgitating what many at ATS and elsewhere on the net have been saying for years.

If he has had an epiphany then good for him, but unlike you I don’t believe the message suddenly has “merit” because it is being touted by FOX and spewing from Glen Beck’s mouth."

Your right, he isn`t saying anything new, but, there are many in this world who have their eyes and ears shut and hear nothing. He is doing nothing more then trying to get the message across to those who don`t have a clue. Even though you and I and many on here do have a clue, what of those who are not on here and don`t know what is going on? He is just trying to get people to pull their heads out of the sand and understand that their country is falling apart around them and they need to get the lead out and take a stand for their freedoms.

Just because Fox carries his show, that has nothing to do with anything. He has talked like this for years. What if it was another news channel? Would you say the same thing? Maybe you would. But where does it all stop? If he is using Fox to get his word out, then more power to him. If they are willing to let him, then great. Why do you think CNN dropped him? He was doing great on there. They bumped heads. I believe CNN wanted him to do their bidding and he didn`t give in, so they didn`t extend his contract. Fox has let him have more control over his show then CNN ever did. Good for Fox. Even if you don`t agree with Beck, at least he can say what he wants without being under the control of that news channel. If I was in his shoes, I would want it that way myself. Who wants to be under someone elses thumb?

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