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Evolution, It's only a theory

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posted on Apr, 11 2009 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by Irish M1ck
reply to post by Jezus

Exactly. Some people aren't taught to believe in God, and therefore they have no reason to (since there is no other reason to other than being taught).

Great point.


For a crowd that so intent to stop "programming" there are a lot of people who have been programmed from birth here. Religion, the ultimate conspiracy.

posted on Apr, 11 2009 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by Aermacchi

Here ya go....


*adding*....part 2....because it speaks so well to evolution.

[edit on 4/11/0909 by weedwhacker]

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by Aermacchi

Here ya go....


*adding*....part 2....because it speaks so well to evolution.

[edit on 4/11/0909 by weedwhacker]

This proves nothing weed, in fact you are only proving what the Bible has always maintained about the last days. Jesus says that there would be false religions and false prophets in his name. Sorry to take the wind out of your sails, but you are only proving the Bible is correct


posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by Aermacchi

Well....too bad you didn't watch.....this should float your 'ARK'....

(hint)...only takes ten minutes of your valuable time to 'Deny Ignorance'...

Oh, I know....the narrator talks very fast....judicious use of the 'pause' key will help....enjoy!!!

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 12:31 AM

Originally posted by Aermacchi
Jesus says that there would be false religions and false prophets in his name.

How remarkably convenient was that

I wonder how many "true prophets" before Jesus said the same thing ?

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by Gawdzilla
I AM annoyed with the god-botherers, the drum beaters, the holy Nazis that want me to adhere to their delusions
. .

That is a lie and obviously you enjoy taunting them into an argument on a topic you have no intention of engaging in with anything more then your snide sneering remarks. I mean no one FORCED you to come in here and no one is making you stay so don't give me that crap. Your willingness to argue has done nothing to impress anyone of your ability to argue.

Basically you have been nothing less than a troll.

You confuse disdain with "active disbelief".

No I am not, in fact your disdain for Christians and religion had not occured to me till you offered it as the reason for your actively disbelieving in God.

I don't worry about the tooth fairy,


I don't worry that Big Foot will stumble over me while I asleep in bed.


I don't worry about your Great Sky Fairy


I'm sorry but this is the second time I have told you no one has ever brought a sky fairy intto this discussion as a cause for anything. You responded to that post so I know you read it yet insist on being an antagonistic child. If all you can offer and by looking at 100% of your posts in this thread having contributed nothing scientific, it is Obvious to me I am speaking to someone just trying to rile things up but you are barking up the wrong tree. If you don't have anything substantive to offer and all you wish to do is entertain your equally ignorant clique of faith hating antagonists, then have at it chum, I won't waste my time with you any longer.

you are ignored.

Have an ordinary day.

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by Aermacchi

OK....try to 'ignore' this...

It speaks well to many of the arguments I've seen in this thread, so far.

Difficult to argue with a Professor, isn't it?

EDIT....oh, and it blows away your, 'Aermacchi'....your claim about 'piltdown man' some sort of 'proof' of intentional misrepresentation....

[edit on 4/12/0909 by weedwhacker]

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 02:33 AM
double post

[edit on 12-4-2009 by Aermacchi]

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 02:40 AM

Originally posted by weedwhacker

Well....too bad you didn't watch.....this should float your 'ARK'....

From the transcript

Creationists often complain that science "supposedly" says there was only one universal ancestor of all livings and that along the way, we evolved both into, and then from, bacteria.

We didn't come up with this, just read Dawkins or Darwin, they both say words to this effect. We only ask they answer for the one which they have never been able to do much less a large number

A paper having this much speculation would never pass the first protocol of the scientific method much less a peer review. Unless it was an evolutionist of course. They allow all kinds of ambiguity, to language their way around making the theory fit the model. This is NOT science, these non committal maybe's, could be's are what the ACLU used to point out discrepancies in the accuracy of papers written on ID for using the same kind of BS.

But when Darwinists use it,, OH well then let the excuses for it roll!

Jeeez this is sad this video

But that doesn’t "seem" to be the case. 21st century revelations in genomic research now "imply" that the origins of evolution come quite a while after the origin of life. There are now "indications" that at the root of each of the largest "possible" taxonomic divisions, there was a point when “descent” (as it is currently understood) was not yet occuring, (at least not in any determinable lineage) and instead there was "a sort of" horozontal gene transfer going on which could not truly be considered part of the evolutionary process.

" not truly be considered part of the evolutionary process. "
yeah because it was debunked so what does WEED offer us!

Another tortureously construed alibi!

By definition, evolution requires inherited genetic frequencies, but the co-requirement of "descent with modification" only allows for one series of ancestors rather than multiple lines of largely unrelated ones being inexplicably blended together. While taxonomy still points to a single common ancestor for all eukaryotes, that ancestor "seems" to be "one of two or maybe three" cellular siblings who "evidently" did not all descend from any sort of shared conventional parent! So at the point where an actual evolutionary phylogeny began to take over "more or less" exclusively, the domain, Eukarya had "evidently" already emerged separately and quite distinct from either of the "prokaryote" lineages.

This is patently FALSE Weed! do you even TRY to be skeptical of this garbage of do you just open wide being spoon fed this self aggrandizing exercise in self refuting statements where this guy again makes the most asinine mistakes I can't believe this is what they call the most compelling evidence of evolution! Can you NOT see this entire transcript is SATURATED with "just so" story's, equivocations and rife with un-educated guesses, assumptions, baseless assertions predicated on a boatload of weasels and rhetoric.

See Transcript below:

The only way to objectively categorize all sorts of life is by their common characters, those features shared by every member of that collective and only by them. This is how their traits become diagnostic and directly indicative of unique groups. , and therefore certainly wasn't trying to defend or promote either one. But the system he originally devised, -which is still in use today- determines that everything that is truly alive can be divided into two main branches which each then continue diverging in an ongoing series of subdivisions emerging within parental sets, henceforth known as clades Let us also remember that the first man to attempt to classify all living things was a convinced Christian creationist who knew of no other option as he had never heard of evolution, and had never even conceived of common ancestry

Let us also remember that the first man to attempt to classify all living things was a convinced Christian creationist who knew of no other option as he had never heard of evolution, and had never even conceived of common ancestry

This is patently FALSE and I am surprised this moron didn't know that we Christians DO believe in a common ancestor and this is academic even among secular people. That Common ancestor is Adam.

The accuracy of divisions at the base of Eukarya are still being explored, because Protista turned out to be way too diverse to be considered a single grouping. But there's no speculation required to determine that humans definitely descend from eukaryotes because t is a verifiable fact that every one of our cells is initially nucleic.

Just look at that paragraph and not ONLY does this Bimbo make a better argument for creation, but it is a verifiable fact that everyone of every creatures cells is initially nucleic. BIG DEAL

Seriously are evolutionist's this desperate to hate us they have to make "stuff" up like this?

The biological definition, and in fact even the common dictionary defintions describe humans as belonging to the animal kingdom. Creationists howl at that idea that they should be animals, but if you have any knowledge at all of what an animal even is, then you know that you are one! This isn't a matter of opinion either; It is a fact, and we can prove it!

We proved it in Genesis first WEED! This moron says it is a fact THEY can Prove?:?"

I want to see him prove Creationists don't think they are animals, in fact most of us know we are mammals. Since this jerk has made a video insulting the intelligence of the most uneducated Christian while not teaching us anything we didn;t already know before they did, this is nothing more than the typical immaturity of the average atheist evolutionist acting like a Jerk

The Video is a joke weed the evidence is NOT scientific it is nothing but "perhaps" "seems" "could have's" "might be's" "maybe's" and "possibly's" and Please weed, Practice before you try to impress me any further with your silly youtube boobtube bumbling bozo's of evolutions junk science and sophistry

Weed if you need to listen to crap like this just to placate your angst for creationist's don't ever suggest a video to me again. This is why when you tell me about being respectful,, I don't think you have a clue how much this justifies a lack of credibility on the part of evolutionist's

Geeez I swear Evolutionists Scientist's must all be in the same

6th grade and their childish behavior

is an insult to children


Here weed,

read it and weep the number of speculations, weasels and baseless attacks he makes this video should be titled falsehoods evolutionists make about creationsists because they haven't got anything better to do and haven't got a better theory either.

[edit on 12-4-2009 by Aermacchi]

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 02:45 AM
I knew, even before I spent my last effort to, hopefully, tear you away from the spiral of idiocy that you have seemed to be tending toward, by 'hopefully' showing you a link to some sort of rational thought...

I now fear for your sanity.

I tossed out a 'lifeline' of didn't choose to grab on....

Well...not only me, but many others have tried.....

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 02:50 AM
A great movie about evolution from South Park Beginner level lol.

Man it must have been really quiet here on earth before life evolved from the sea of water. No trees. No grass.No seeds. No Bugs, birds or anything.

What life form crawled out of the sea first!! The seed to grow the grass or the seed to grow trees. In what order did things crawl out of the sea in?

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 02:59 AM
reply to post by spy66

Funnily...the sarcastic 'point' of the creators of "South ParK" kinda sorta get it, when it comes to how 'Evolution' happens...

Too bad that YOU don't get the joke....

Or, do you? Because, Ive seen other posts by you, "spy66" seem to be more closely involved in the common 'belief' than you purport, or 'claim'!!!! to arms!!! Which is it??!!??

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 03:02 AM

Originally posted by spy66
A great movie about evolution from South Park Beginner level lol.

Man it must have been really quiet here on earth before life evolved from the sea of water. No trees. No grass.No seeds. No Bugs, birds or anything.

What life form crawled out of the sea first!! The seed to grow the grass or the seed to grow trees. In what order did things crawl out of the sea in?

Yeah and he assumes I'm the one needing a "lifeline" lol

I still want to know what came first, the protein or the DNA

That one is the chicken or the egg of biogenesis and until they can figure that out,, they got


posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 03:15 AM
reply to post by Aermacchi

What a crying shame....such closed minds, both Aermacchi and spy66....

Truly....a shame.

Not only myself, but others have handed you information, on virtual 'silver platters'....but, if it doesn't coincide with your pre-conceived ideas of your tiny 'world view'....well, let's not invite anything into that tiny 'view' if it disrupts the fully 'formed' aspect of your 'reality'......

Sorry....I really thought that 'Denying Ignorance' actually meant something....guess I was incorrect.....

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 03:34 AM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by spy66

Funnily...the sarcastic 'point' of the creators of "South ParK" kinda sorta get it, when it comes to how 'Evolution' happens...

Too bad that YOU don't get the joke....

Or, do you? Because, Ive seen other posts by you, "spy66" seem to be more closely involved in the common 'belief' than you purport, or 'claim'!!!! to arms!!! Which is it??!!??

What do i believe in!!

First of all:

I believe that the name God is just a name. A name is all God is.

I believe in a source. A source that is the cause for everything. Nothing magical at all.

I have to say it like this because if i say that God is the name we have given the source, people get lost in a character. People start to bring in magicians, wizards and tooth fairies to big the picture.

Second: When it comes to religion. I think its great!

There is a lot of good moral thoughts in religion. Like the 10 commandments. If we had the moral to fallow the 10. We wouldn't have had to have thousands of other laws.

I think religion is a good base for teaching moral and care. But the problem is that we don't want learn moral. We want to judge for our self what is good and bad or right or wrong. We want to be free to hurt who ever we want in any way we want. Indirect or directly.

Its a challenge in life to do the right things. When its so easy to do the wrong things.

Both right and wrong can give you a profit. Its all about what grounds you would like to build your profit. The easy way or the hard way. That's how i understand religion.

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 03:41 AM
reply to post by spy66

The'10' commandments....well, really, only about two of them make any sense...

But, on another tack....

Did you bother to see the links to the YTube I provided??

Because, not to try to change minds....but good stuff to think about, you'd have to admit....

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 03:52 AM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by spy66

The'10' commandments....well, really, only about two of them make any sense...

But, on another tack....

Did you bother to see the links to the YTube I provided??

Because, not to try to change minds....but good stuff to think about, you'd have to admit....

Yeah i have read a lot about the 'VICARIUS FILII DEI' the Pope if that's the one you are referring to.

In other posts i have told my whew on that. I think the Pope and his gang is a fraud to religion. But that dosent make the religion bad it makes the Head of the Catholic state bad The Pope.

But on the other hand he is opening up to science and evolution and that is a good thing.

But he should stop proclaiming that he is God on earth. Because the only power the Pope has is the power that we give him.

[edit on 27.06.08 by spy66]

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 04:03 AM
reply to post by spy66

Ermmm....I wasn't going there, but YOU started it....I mean, I said NOTHING about the 'pope'....

Well, now that this 'Pandora's Box' is opened, let's see where it leads, shall we??

(I love serendipity....)......

[to stray back to topic].....I had no idea this would delve into this realm....but, it is way so interesting, I must follow to see if there is relevance...

Am not sure where this will take us, but the 'journey' is part of the 'voyage'...n'est pas??

So, delving into 'evolution'......... first.....

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 04:15 AM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by spy66

Ermmm....I wasn't going there, but YOU started it....I mean, I said NOTHING about the 'pope'....

Well, now that this 'Pandora's Box' is opened, let's see where it leads, shall we??

(I love serendipity....)......

[to stray back to topic].....I had no idea this would delve into this realm....but, it is way so interesting, I must follow to see if there is relevance...

Am not sure where this will take us, but the 'journey' is part of the 'voyage'...n'est pas??

So, delving into 'evolution'......... first.....

I believe in evolution if that's what you wonder about? I believe in it but i also have questions about it. Not to disprove it but to clarify what i think i know. And learn. That's why i am here.

I believe in matter, time and changes. There is no way around it. There is only one way and that is forward.

Evolution is really not my thing. I like to read about time but evolution of biology is a part of that.

[edit on 27.06.08 by spy66]

[edit on 27.06.08 by spy66]

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 04:21 AM
reply to post by spy66

spy66....I might have hit the send key, without thinking.

I like your response, and hope you will axccept my apologies for the mistake....

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