Originally posted by andre18
We have fossils that illustrate human evolution, whale evolution, horse evolution etc We know evolution is real - what we don't know, what we are
still trying to figure out is exactly how life formed.....
You have NOTHING of the kind and Ill tell you why andre, it is because you and others here like you who believe in the biggest hoax ever perpetrated
in science, do so without the mind of a skeptic but as a blind faith, nay a desciple, a follower of the ever lieing illusion of Darwinian evolution.
The fossils of man illustrating evolution are just that "Illustrations". The cartoons and animations of what they imagine "might" have happened
if evolution were true but it isn't true.
The sequence showing the supposed evolution of the horse, which even they admit to be false, is still on display in museums. The horse series charts
were the result of distortions of the facts. Every new fossil discovery has revealed the invalidity of these imaginary charts.
The peppered moths are an excellent example of this. Looked at in the light of research up until the last quarter of the 20th century, trees grew
darker in color as the Industrial Revolution progressed. Therefore, lighter colored moths living on these trees declined in number as they were more
visible to birds and more easily caught. Darker colored moths, on the other hand, increased in number. But this has nothing to do with evolution, of
course. No new species emerged. All that happened was a change in the proportions within the moth population. But in order to show this as a so-called
evidence of evolution through natural selection, Darwinists resorted to sticking moths onto tree trunks with his supporters asking what is the big
deal, it was to illustrate the point. The point they fail to realize is peppered moths don't cling to trees period. This whole sham was created as
a strawman.
What we have seen in most science labs are the artisans renderings of heavy browed baloney the quasi man-ape carvings in alibastor passed off as
actual skulls discovered but when you go to the archive where the actual skull is stored, you see what is nothing of the kind but merely a fragmented
jawbone or tooth they built the skull around to their own taste to fit the model of this broken philosophy.
So desperate are they to be a science of worthy prestige poised as the proven proponents of a science on the breaking edge of the worlds most
important discoveries but time and time again, unlike the greats of other areas of science, like Pasteur, Einstein, Hahn, Oppenheim, Newton, Salk,
Meitner, etc, we see the all stars of evolution being brought down like a house of cards where entire trees of evolution once thought to be great
discoveries and transitional epics of our bio-historical footprint are not just mistakes or forgivable excuses understood with our blessing as they go
back to the drawing board.
No what we have seen and continue to see is a science that has so many deliberate lies and pre-meditated frauds that are continuously overlooked and
even forgiven that it should embarrass even the most serious ardent lovers of this most manipulative membership of science using the most
machiavellian machinations of fakery and fraud, it has the distinction of being the science most attractive to unethical atheist's using it NOT as
science per se, but as an alternative justification to explain away the creator while they worship mans creations of manufactured evidence and
pathetically perpetrated piltdown frauds.
Your best paletologists, your most note worthy of scientists, not just the average or mediocre of your clique of notable who's who of science but
your best have also been guilty of perpetuating the frauds of this construct of anti-theisism.
Haeckel, BUSTED and his excuse?
"everyone else was doing it"
and ya know, what?
I believe him.
Shinichi Fujimura, BUSTED
One of the most highly respected and regarded Japanese archaeologist's known for his prolific fossil and artifact discoveries uncovering prehistoric
artefacts he earned the nickname "God's hands". At site after site, Fujimura discovered stoneware and relics that pushed back the limits of
Japan's known history. The researcher and his stone age finds drew international attention and rewrote text books. His name was often used to
besmirch the creationist arguments yet In November 2000 the spell was broken when a newspaper printed pictures of Fujimura digging holes and burying
objects that he later dug up and announced as major finds.
his excuse?
"I was tempted by the devil. I don't know how I can apologise for what I did,"
Interesting the atheist used the devil once said to be a myth, he now blames as a reality but as usual the terminal self righteousness of his atheism
left him speechless as to articulate the simple phrase "I am sorry, I was wrong" .
How very typical of this science.
when a science is caught over and over where entire careers are ruined by a fraud, in many cases throwing an entire tree of evolution out the window,
what happens when one of evolutions most celebrated is not only an entire career ruined but as we find out was an entire career of fraud after fraud
after fraud after fraud. For thirty years Professor Reiner Protsch von Zieten, known the world over for his scientific acheivements to evolution
science, discovered one of archaeology's most sensational finds. The skull fragment discovered in a peat bog near Hamburg was more than 36,000 years
old - and was the vital missing link between modern humans and Neanderthals.
While many like those here had used his discovery and quoted from peer reviewed papers he had written, with all the zealotry backing up their bravado
so brazen and sure of themselves, like we see going on here/
Yet once again ALL of it, I mean everything this guy did was a fake,.
The professor's 30-year-old academic career has now ended in disgrace after the revelation that he systematically falsified the dates on this and
numerous other "stone age" relics. Thomas Terberger, the archaeologist who discovered the hoax said "Prof Protsch's work appeared to prove that
anatomically modern humans and Neanderthals had co-existed, and perhaps even had children together. This now appears to be rubbish."
He continued saying: "Anthropology is going to have to completely revise its picture of modern man between 40,000 and 10,000 years ago,"
In one case he had claimed that a 50 million-year-old "half-ape" called Adapis had been found in Switzerland, an archaeological sensation. In
reality, the ape had been dug up in France, where several other examples had already been found
The professor had been forced to retire because of numerous "falsehoods and manipulations". According to experts, his deceptions may mean an entire
tranche of the history of man's development will have to be rewritten. But ya know what, knowing evolutionists and their reluctance to correct the
many fradulent icons of this science, simply won't ever get around to it with it being safely and erroneuously used in examples for the mountain of
evidence in a landfill of bogus bunk science and manufactured evidence.
The most infamous of all scientific frauds, Piltdown Man "fossil" was named Eoanthropus dawsoni after Charles Dawson, the solicitor and amateur
archaeologist who discovered it. For 40 years Piltdown Man was heralded as the missing link between humans and their primate ancestors. But in 1953
scientists concluded it was a forgery.
generations of students who were by this discovery's very existence, duped into being convinced that man was no longer made in the image of God and
again, it was argued and believed we were some kind of spin-off from primates.
We had Javaman = Fraud
Colorado man = Fraud
Lucy = Fallacy
Cromagnan = fallacy
neanderthal man = fraud
Coelcanth = un-evolved after 30 million years
Micro Raptor, = extinct bird
Since then then their have been mountains more of fraudulent evidence from fudged data to fit the theory to the avida computer models which again have
proven to be programmed heavily in favor of the evolution paradigm settling nothing. Mutations are one of the two "evolutionary mechanisms" proposed
by Darwinism. It is suggested that these chance modifications to DNA caused living things to evolve. Thousands of mutation experiments have been
performed to back up this claim. Some populations of living things, fruit flies in particular, have been subjected to intense mutation. Evolutionist
publications portray these mutation experiments as "laboratory evidence of evolution." Yet the fact is that far from confirming evolution these
experiments have actually undermined it. Even the recent Lenski experiments where it was said that e-coli bacteria had evolved new gene's that
enabled the assimilation of citrate was proven by Royal Truman and several others having a look at original documentation and lab work where new
codons were created and later it was shown that this expression of a genetic adaptation could be coaxed into activation and lenski's particularly
unreal lab environment directed the natural selection process towards an artificial selection proving nothing that we had not already might have
Darwinist scientists who uncovered the fossil agree that the fossil they discovered in Kenya is THE SAME WITH THE CONTEMPORARY MAN. , which was
discussed in Science magazine and then in news channels such as Reuters and BBC News, belongs to a human being 5 feet 9 inches tall The very same
measurements also make it possible to understand the weight, stride length and the gait. ALL THESE MEASUREMENTS MADE ON THE FOOTPRINT REVEALED THOSE
OF THE CONTEMPORARY MAN. Yet we don't see Darwinist's in any hurry to publish their thoughts and ideas on that find.
Gee isn't that unusual. PfffT
But what we can do in a laboratory is demonstrate that it’s possible for the building blocks of life – amino acids to come from none living
material. Apply electricity you get amino acids. That doesn’t tell us exactly how life did form on earth in the past but what it does do, it tells
us that life can come from none life.
No it doesn't tell us anythng, and saying it can when it cannot and has not, just supposing it might does not a scientific experiment make but it
does offer more examples of evolution succumbing to the logical fallacy for assuming the consequent.
Simply because we haven't figured out exactly how yet doesn't and shouldn't mean 'god did it'
Even if it did prove God did it, do you really think anyone of you would admit it.
because you still have to explain how god did it.
We believe if we had an equal part at the table of science, we could not only do that, but we would be able to humiliate the evolutonary scientists
having the academic bureucrats wondering why they didn't do that sooner.
You have do be able to build up a plausible scientific hypothesis of how ‘god did it’ in order to show how god actually did do
it……otherwise it’s just nothing but hope that he did it without reason other then blind faith.
You think you can just make arbitrary rules for creationists like that when evolutionists won't even discuss abiogenesis muchless give us a chance to
do the science in an atmosphere so proven guilty of discriminating against anyone in science who has an interest in challenging the status quo of
Darwinian dimwits and their dogmatic Dr. Doolittle zoologist Dick Dawkins.
The fact is andre, you have NO evidence to support molecules to man evolution, NONE, NOTTA, ZILCH, ZIPPO and you never will because it is a lie.
Plane and simple and why many will say " So what if some frauds were found that some crooks did that, it doesn't stop nature from hapening!"
To them I would say, no it doesn't and part of that nature that seems to keep happening is that it is in the evolutionist's nature to cheat to lie
and corrupt real science.
Evolution is not a Science, it is a taxidermist's disneyland and a public education systems state run religion. Its own private hell and a nightmare
for our nations future for leading that future will be the most idiotic graduates of a science that has not a clue what it thinks it does.
and isn't even aware of it