Originally posted by magicmushroom
Red, what do you mean "their culture" tens of millions of Muslims have adopted a western way of life so what is "their culture".
I was specifically referring to the post that was talking about "their culture" being bad (by you) and how this was one of the causes of the
problem. I was saying, in a nutshell, even if it is, so what.
If you want this to stop its quite simple, stop kiling them.
So apparently you arrived on earth sometime in the last... week. Because it takes little more than searching to track back to the 1970's if not
earlier, official jihadic terrorist acts all over the world and toward America(ns) specifically with written or publicized statements of globalized
intent. If you would like to blame this all on the USA's involvement in Kuwait in the 80s or various places after -- I suppose you could blame George
Bush retroactively (he will need the aliens and their time travel technology for this I suspect) since God knows he is apparently guilty of everything
else on earth -- you can, but I think it's a bit nearsighted.
Do you think the US would be in the ME if there was no oil, gas or opium, no it would not. Those incontrol would not give a toss about Muslims
radical or otherwise.
Actually, I htink they would. The difference is that we would have our Marines officially not in there having an officially not a war with the
officially not in power warlords, like Central America, rather than having an official WAR that costs a lot more and makes the papers like Iraq.
As an example if Mexico suddenly attacked the US would you not expect the people and the Government to fight back or would you just give
Well, it might be better with an analogy that was not humorous.
(That reminds me of some fiction story I once read about a tiny island of starving people and half a dozen got in a boat and came to the shores of
America to officially declare war. Then America went and put a military base on their island and gave them money and so on. LOL. Probably remembering
it wrong...)
It is like Gaza, which has this same storyline you are using, though I'm not sure if you're referring to that or not, but it's a decent analogy: I
am SO SICK OF hearing how Israeli's are at war with Gaza. Man, you fire rockets into my hometown from your hometown, I'm going to blow that hometown
all to hell with a lot LESS concern than the Israelis have shown--extensively--for trying to limit civilian casualties. And if you build and store
that crap in the greenhouses and in the middle of where the women and children are and they die when the source-location is targeted, that is the
fault of the people setting off the rockets and LETTING them do so. Yet all I hear when I browse the internet is Israel is so evil and innocent
children died in Gaza, yada yada yada. Let me guess, if only Israel would cease bombing the homes of suicide bombers and missile sources, the whole
arab world would just up and love everybody! We could all sing kumbaya and go home and live in peace! The fact that all the jihadist crap was begun
and continued before the responses began coming as a reduction strategy, is completely ignored.
It is the failure of the average American who has never had war on his doorstep or occupation of his country to so completely not understand
why Muslims feel the way they do.
Are you actually suggesting that the entire jihadic movement is because the USA is in Iraq? Or Afghanistan? That if only we were not in Iraq there
would be no terrorism? Could you please go back in time decades and around the world and address the hundreds and hundreds of bloody jihadic
activities with this logic? Be sure you cover the fact that a good chunk of the planet is at war in various ways right now and 90-odd percent of those
involve muslims.
That doesn't count, of course, all the wars that are not officially going on around Western europe. Because you know, France can burn for days, even
weeks, dominantly from Islamic youth, before the news "chooses" to "mention" it, at which point they will only call them 'disaffected youths'.
Or, you can be a sniper named mohammed murdering random people around the USA but if the news mentions you, they will use a name you don't use and
avoid mentioning, under any circumstances, that you are muslim. You can try to get into a sports arena with tens of thousands of people and a powerful
shrapnel bomb in a backpack--set off IMO by remote when the guy ran into the parking lot from security--and the news will try and avoid mentioning
that your roommate is islamic, you've been visiting the mosque, you have radical literature all around, etc. In fact given the western media's
approach to this situation, you'd think nothing was EVER related to radical islam.
It's merely that the USA is so mean. apparently the jihadists were just acting in advance--and toward EVERYBODY including other Muslims who are "not
Muslim enough!"--that this has been going on so long, without regard to more recent years of Western involvement.
The muslims who blew up 250 kids in a school in Russia probably just did that because they didn't like George Bush, ya think. It's all our fault.
And how does one compare a suicide bomber to a pilot who drops tons of bombs on people from a distance.
"Less efficient."