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What the hell is your problem with Canada?

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posted on Apr, 19 2004 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by AD5673
I like Canada. They mind their own business to start wars (unlike the US) and they dont cut down their forests
a peaceful nation

WTF? Have you ever been to British Columbia? They slash the forest down there. Canada is the World's largest exporter of forest products, so how can you say they don't cut down their forests?

posted on Apr, 19 2004 @ 12:42 PM
Thats It! Im moving to Saturn!!! This World is far to chaotic for me.

posted on Apr, 19 2004 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by Half-Breed Canuck
Well at least we have real beer.Not that 3%crap.

Beer ignorance is unforgivable.

Budweiaser has 5% for your info. And of course, you think we actually drink budweiser. We dont, unless were broke or have many people to entertain. WE only export that crap to you cuz we dont like you.

We keep the good stuff at home for ourselves. Gimmie Pyramid or Red Hook anyday over that septic tasting moosehead crap. (is that why you export it to us, cuz u dont like us either?)

Canada doesnt have real beer, Canada only wishes it had real beer. If you want real beer, go to germany or the Czech republic. Its beer there, not distilled diarhea from some poor unlucky moose who you fed Mexican water too.

posted on Apr, 19 2004 @ 05:03 PM
Of course, the responses to my anti canadian change rants goes to show that Americans arent the only people on the planet who are dense and lack a sense of humor.


And Americans are clueless?

If you want to know a serious beef I have with Canada, its hypocrisy. You scream about our oil companies and how we get cheap gas and drive gas hog cars, yet you come across the border to take part in our evil cheap gas. If you talk the talk, walk the walk. You dont like our cheap gas, yet you come over to get it? Quit your whining and pay your own rates for gas.

And of course, stop driving SUVs. YEEESSSSSSS. You naughty canucks, dont think I dont notice the ungodly amount of SUVs driving around Seattle with "Beautiful british Columbia" plates on them.


And Canadian drivers. grrrrrrrrr. Like TC said.


Canadians have some good points. Like over the counter codiene cough syrup. Its the very reason my mother likes making frequent trips to canada. it sure as hell aint maple syrup shes after.

posted on Apr, 19 2004 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by Sapphire
Thats It! Im moving to Saturn!!! This World is far to chaotic for me.

Saturn is a gas giant. It has no solid surface and the atmosphere is poisonous. Even if you did manage to build some kind of floating habitat in the upper stratosphere, the high gravity would make living there very uncomfortable. If you must move to the vicinity of Saturn, I'd suggest Titan. With a suitable biosphere you should be able to survive. Just watch out for the lakes of liquid methane.

.....Sorry, just feeling wacky today.

posted on Apr, 19 2004 @ 05:10 PM
Beer ignorance is unforgivable.
Yes, it is....

Budweiaser has 5% for your info. And of course, you think we actually drink budweiser. We dont, unless were broke or have many people to entertain. WE only export that crap to you cuz we dont like you.
In years previous, all Canadian beer was made by American breweries. Thanks to NAFTA, the real deal gets to come down to the USA, but don't bother looking....there is no % by volume on the label. The Canadians had to take it off as an import requirement. Something about fair competition and outselling American beer...

We keep the good stuff at home for ourselves. Gimmie Pyramid or Red Hook anyday over that septic tasting moosehead crap. (is that why you export it to us, cuz u dont like us either?)

Canada doesnt have real beer, Canada only wishes it had real beer. If you want real beer, go to germany or the Czech republic. Its beer there, not distilled diarhea from some poor unlucky moose who you fed Mexican water too.
LOL! All of those places, great beer. But Canada does too. Face it.

Hmmm...and I thought entertaining beer was Hamms, Schmidt, or Oly.

posted on Apr, 19 2004 @ 05:16 PM
Then why the hell does Canadian beer still have "product of canada" on the labels?

Canadian Beer Pre Nafta was still absolute #.

Canadian beer, even with higher alcohol content, would not outsell American Beer. Why?

Cuz ours is cheaper. Beer drinkers tend to be from the lower classes, and as a rule, buy cheap beer in large quantities.

I dont think they make oly anymore. Schmidts is the kind of beer you give unwanted guests that show up to your house and have made themselves at home.

I stick with local microbrew. Since I am no longer in central Europe, I cannot get a hold of REAL beer.

Canadians smoke so much dope I could give them a pitcher of koolaid and vomit and theyd think it was "real beer".

posted on Apr, 19 2004 @ 05:18 PM
One quick Question. I worked as a Bartender Down in Hollywood Fl for a few years and we have a Canadian Season there as many know. WHY DONT YOU PEOPLE TIP WELL!!!.

I Wish we had your Health Care and Clean Streets though. Also I like the way your media doesnt promote fear in everyone.

But French Cans Are the Rudess People (is it the french in them)

"The Canadian Goverment has Apoligized for Bryan Adams on Several Occasions"

posted on Apr, 19 2004 @ 05:19 PM
Oh, and yeah, French make some good beer. 1878 and Stella all the way.

Peaceful country? #, you havent been to vancouver, have you. Crime free? other than Mexico, i cant think anywhere else where u can park your car and come out 5 minutes later to discover everything inside vanished. Its cuz all the junkies there.

posted on Apr, 19 2004 @ 05:31 PM
Well, sure was busy over the weekend. I have the same problem HERE with idiots that don't realize that the left lane is for GO,GO,GO. As for beer, and I'm a long term drinker, I prefer European beer. If I can't get it I'll drink Canadian. As for puke flavoured koolaid, I've had that. During brewery strikes in the 70's we would get Oly,Pabst, #z, er I mean Shlitz, etc. So it goes like this, European, Canadian, can't get either, drink wine.

posted on Apr, 19 2004 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
Then why the hell does Canadian beer still have "product of canada" on the labels?

Canadian Beer Pre Nafta was still absolute #.

Canadian beer, even with higher alcohol content, would not outsell American Beer. Why?

Cuz ours is cheaper. Beer drinkers tend to be from the lower classes, and as a rule, buy cheap beer in large quantities.

well, maybe not NAFTA although it was about that time. LOL! When I first moved here it was like "have some Labatts"

It was made by the Coors company. A few years later, import of beer was allowed...minus the % by volume label. Most American beer has lower volume. That's why it would out sell American beer.

posted on Apr, 19 2004 @ 06:16 PM
Not at all.

Steel reserve has 11% alcohol.

Heinys and lowenbrau both have higher alcohol content than budweiser.

It still doesnt outsell.

Cost pure and simple. Plus taste. Americans dont like dark, thick, skuny beers, we prefer more of the light pislner flavor.

Many foreign beer here for sale, real beer, American beer still outsells.

Because we can afford it, and give it to our guests at parties, since its cheap and we tend to drink in herds anyway.

I drank canadian beer when I was 10 (my grannyys parents were of central european decent, thus, she didnt see anything wrong with kids drinking beer). I drank many beers at that age, whatever my uncles tastes were at the time and depending on his budget.

I still prefer microbrew and homebrew over any other canadian beer. Higher alcohol content means nothing. if I want to get twisted drunk, thats what hard alcohol is for

posted on Apr, 19 2004 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
I drank canadian beer when I was 10 (my grannyys parents were of central european decent, thus, she didnt see anything wrong with kids drinking beer). I drank many beers at that age, whatever my uncles tastes were at the time and depending on his budget.

LOL! You started late.
I was drinking beer or wine (just a small glass mind you) at six.

And the outselling part is what the reason cited for the % by volume being taken off the label. Yes, I know there are many, many micros that do that...but when you're in the store and see Coors at 3.6% and a Canadian beer at 5 to 5.6%...what are you gonna buy?

Just saying...

posted on Apr, 19 2004 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by ZeddicusZulZorander

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
I drank canadian beer when I was 10 (my grannyys parents were of central european decent, thus, she didnt see anything wrong with kids drinking beer). I drank many beers at that age, whatever my uncles tastes were at the time and depending on his budget.

LOL! You started late.
I was drinking beer or wine (just a small glass mind you) at six.

And the outselling part is what the reason cited for the % by volume being taken off the label. Yes, I know there are many, many micros that do that...but when you're in the store and see Coors at 3.6% and a Canadian beer at 5 to 5.6%...what are you gonna buy?

Just saying...

Im gonna buy local microbrew. They sell it at the stores. Lots of it, many varieties.

If im down on funds and just need beer to wash down the liter of jack daniels I just drank, ill go with Coors, cuz at that point, alcohol content no longer matters

I drank Canadian beer at 10. I didnt say thats when i started drinking beer. Thats just when I had my first nasty Canadian beer.

Ill put it to you this way: when i was teething, my great aunt gave me a washrag soaked in brandy to suck on to kill the pain and shut me up.

posted on Apr, 19 2004 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
Ill put it to you this way: when i was teething, my great aunt gave me a washrag soaked in brandy to suck on to kill the pain and shut me up.

Well, that explains a few things. No, I won't try to top that because I don't want to hear about beer in the womb story.

Oh yeah...and
Canadian Beer Rulez!

posted on Apr, 19 2004 @ 07:23 PM
No, my mother wasnt a beer drinker, she was a hippie.

More like Cannabis, '___', and Coke in the womb

That should answer some of your more....unspoken questions..................

posted on Apr, 19 2004 @ 07:37 PM
If im down on funds and just need beer to wash down the liter of jack daniels I just drank, ill go with Coors, cuz at that point, alcohol content no longer matters

So, we're onto the hard stuff? Can you get Crown Royal down there? Not the best Canadian whiskey, but damn good. On ice.

posted on Apr, 19 2004 @ 08:02 PM
Oh we get Crown Royal, Yukon Jack, ect......

Crown Royal sems to be a favorite for black people, they drink it alot. I noticed this when I was bartending. Id say 90% of the people who bought anything with crown royal were black. Wonder why?

posted on Apr, 20 2004 @ 01:42 PM
They also gave us Shania Twain so it evens out. One butt ugly french speaker and one hotty from the cold cold north.
Notice all the Canadians who are stars became stars in the good ole US of A? Canada is like Indiana, anyone born there who can leave, does so.

posted on Apr, 20 2004 @ 01:54 PM

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