posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 05:55 PM
The fact is, something big is gonna happen... soon. In Three years, we are going to be galactically aligned with the center of our milky way galaxy.
Not only that, but the alleged planet of old, Nibiru is supposed to pass by us and destroy us sometime in the near future. The government has withheld
this information from you. They are going to leave us to mass panic and to our demise.
The government also has the technology to save this planet. They are withholding it from us as well. We could have free energy. We could have the
ability to create vehicles that have anti gravitational effects (through the forces of Magnetic Propulsion, and the ability to create low gravity
zones through magnetic induction,) but the effects of these technologies being given to the mass market have the potentiaL to be catastrophic should
they fall into the hands of those with dubious intentions.
There are things that would have to happen for our species to survive and thrive through this desperate situation. Punctuated Equilbirum at work so to
speak. An evolution of the government, of our political system, and the way humanity operates with each other as a whole.
1) Everyone must throw down arms now! We must all be at peace for a time, out of preservation for our species as a whole. We have far greater threats
on the horizon then the government is telling you about. Something must be done. And we all need to work together to ensure something is done.
2) We must obtain the technology that the government is withholding from us and find a way to mass produce it. This must happen soon if we are to
survive, regardless of any monetary situation we find ourselves in globally. Money is what has destroyed this world already.
3) The market must be eradicated, and started afresh, in a new way. If we continue to follow it, it will lead to our destruction.
4) New freedom of information acts would have to be put in place to allow information of a scientific nature to be available freely. Implemented into
our educational system. The knowledge of Tesla and DePalma would have to be available in textbooks, and implemented into the way our society functions
in order for us to achieve an evolution of knowledge throughout the world.
We have the technology for floating vehicles, outer space travel, alien defense systems, and the ability to build bunkers that could shelter us from
our demise under the pyramids and such. But we don't. Instead. We are going to be dragged down and destroyed by a system that is starting to fail.
Capitalistic America. You are not as free as you think. You are a target now, from people all over the world, because of the endeavours of the great
military prostitute (Revelation.)
5) We need to bend our technologies towards hovering and space travel vehicles. And leave this planet for a time.
6)We must come back and rebuild a new society. With new technologies and new information as a starting point.
It's the only way we're going to survive. But this is likely not going to happen. There would have to be a mass spread of information, and our
society would have to become proactive about the changes that need to occur. The hearts of millions would have to be so affected by our emminent doom,
so spurred on by our deep longing to live, to react to these aggressive forces. Millions would have to rise up and take action right now.
But that's not gonna happen. Lol. So we can all pretty much sit back and watch a brown dwarf create terrible solar storms, terrible earthquakes,
tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, thnderstorms, and eruptions from volcanoes. We're done.
I've heard the government has already perceived this threat and has built bunkers for once this happens. But they're only taking down those that
will benefit the society that is to come. Doctors, government officials, soldiers, those with money, etc.
We're screwed.