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Obama to Seek New Assault Weapons Ban

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posted on Mar, 2 2009 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by Clairaudience

"Be the first one to put your gun in the trash can, and maybe others will do the same" Clairaudience

Yes and I will be standing next to garbage can waiting for more to follow
then I will take that garbage can home where I will construct my gun collection
Here this is for everyone who will be donating to my collection: Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

[edit on 02/04/2009 by Cool Breeze]

posted on Mar, 2 2009 @ 01:20 AM
Dear Sirs,
(those who wish to abolish our inalienable rights.)
I will tell you this:
Your theory of disarming us will not end well for you.

Please reconsider.
Remember history.

We have fought. ~
Died for our constitution.

And if we need to,
We will do so again.

Thank you for your time and consideration on this matter.

End transmission.

posted on Mar, 2 2009 @ 07:35 PM
Yikes, I guess under-folding bayonets and flash compensators are out of the question as well. I still like it for hunting actually. And of course self defense. Bayonets are a nice psychological weapon. The scarier a gun looks, the more likely the fool will be scared off without having to shoot it.

Anyway, how the hell do they think they're going to get these weapons from us when we already own them legally. Leave it to the feds to think they can just walk right in and take what is ours without a whimper from us. HA.

Bring on the black market I guess. If it's anything like the one for drugs it'll be a piece of cake to get a gun.

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 06:16 AM
reply to post by blackscorpoion47


posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 06:30 AM

Originally posted by mattifikation
reply to post by Marked One

Foregrips, pistol grips, muzzle breaks, and collapsible stocks all make a gun easier to handle and therefor safer to shoot. Flash hiders make a gun safer to shoot at night. A bayonet makes a gun a little bit safer to confront a burglar with if you don't have any ammo around... :-o

Yes and the fact that they went after accessories like this is just a view into their sick little mind. Like a dog pissing on a tree to mark its spot for no other reason than to let you know it was there.

Today a flash suppressor tomorrow the whole gun. Thats there style of incremental takeover.

posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 03:34 AM

Originally posted by ACEMANN
Something else to think about - how does banning certain SEMI-AUTO weapons in the USA help curb the influx of FULL-AUTO weapons and GRENADES the cartels use??

This would be funny if it weren't so sad. With all the problems our nation faces (like PROSECUTING BANKSTERS) the first thing Holder starts yapping about is banning "assault weapons". Shows you where his priorities are. What a JOKE of an AG. I know 100 people with more integrity and greater allegiance to the US Constitution than him.

It doesn't at all.... This is just a lame excuse the Democrats came up with to try to ban assault weapons, next will be some other weapon, and be sure they won't rest until all weapons are banned, this is what happened to England, and other countries, and will happen in the U.S. if we let them...

It is time to get our country back.

I hear so many people talk about defending the Constitution but the thing is that MANY Americans don't know anything at all about the Constitution.

I can bet some of you here didn't know this part of the Constitution.

U.S. Constitution - Article 4 Section 4

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

Yet we have Democrats being chosen for president, and in every other branch of goverment.

I also keep hearing some people claim about us losing our Democracy in the United States...well the thing is The United States is not, and was never supposed to be a is a Representative Republic... In a Democracy 51% of the people can control, and oppress the other 49% of the people if the 51% of the country votes for it... In a Representative Republic everyone is represented, or at least everyone is supposed to be represented.

Anyway, back to the weapons ban, here is a video that everyone should watch. It shows what happened to England, how they lost their rights, including the right to own and bear arms, and now there are people in England that are trying to get their rights back...but it might be too late for them... Let's not allow the same thing happen to the U.S., which is the message these people have for us here.

Notice that the ban of weapons in England started with just a few, and the politicians claimed they were not going to ban all weapons, just some, just like politicians in the U.S. are "claiming"...

BTW, watch as how our "Human Rights" will be lost, since Hillary Clinton was not the least worried about announcing to the world the following..

"Human rights cannot interfere with the global economic crisis, the global climate change crisis and the security crises," Clinton said in talks with China's foreign minister.

Click here to go to link

Yay, our new U.S. Secretary of State told the Chinese government and the world that if any government, including our own, can come up with an excuse they claim is a crisis, that no Human Right is more important than those/that crisis......

[edit on 5-3-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 05:12 AM
Why do you need a gun ? Never mind your 2nd amedment bull , WHY do you need a gun ? For self defence? Ok , and what if no one else has a gun? Would you still be defending yourself if you were the only one with a gun? No .
I put it to you that if your police were doing thier jobs, and if all the gunshops got closed and only the military were allowed firearms, then your nation would be safer. Any coward can plug a guy from a distance, and any other coward can shoot back, but real men use blades. Long , short, it doesnt matter. If you arent prepared to look a man in the eye while the light dies in his eyes from no more than ten inches away, then you have no business bitching that someone took away your "right" to cause death from a distance. Thats the cowards way , you hear me ? The cowards way .

posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 05:34 AM

Originally posted by TrueBrit
Why do you need a gun ? Never mind your 2nd amedment bull , WHY do you need a gun ? For self defence? Ok , and what if no one else has a gun? Would you still be defending yourself if you were the only one with a gun? No .
I put it to you that if your police were doing thier jobs, and if all the gunshops got closed and only the military were allowed firearms, then your nation would be safer. Any coward can plug a guy from a distance, and any other coward can shoot back, but real men use blades. Long , short, it doesnt matter. If you arent prepared to look a man in the eye while the light dies in his eyes from no more than ten inches away, then you have no business bitching that someone took away your "right" to cause death from a distance. Thats the cowards way , you hear me ? The cowards way .

Oooh wow, so our Bill of Rights, and our entire Constitution is BS I guess?....

Whoever you are you have your facts wrong... Every single country which has banned guns had crime rise, not diminish, criminals don't buy guns where law abiding citizens buy them...

BTW yes, if your mother, sister, little brother, or elder relative, or even a young person has a gun and there is one, or several people trying to kill,rob your family, they would be defending themselves with a gun...

BTW, the video I gave from your own country says it all, thank you very much....

Keep your self-righteousness for yourself, and keep your coward BS also to yourself, or perhaps you are a perv who wants everyone else but yourself not have a gun.

[edit on 5-3-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 05:36 AM
NVM, I see by your signature

Desiderata is bull. I dont need grace, I need a steel shod mace and a bigger sword than the other guy.

that you actually think you are still living in the middle ages.....

posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 05:47 AM

Originally posted by TrueBrit
Any coward can plug a guy from a distance, and any other coward can shoot back, but real men use blades. Long , short, it doesnt matter. If you arent prepared to look a man in the eye while the light dies in his eyes from no more than ten inches away, then you have no business bitching that someone took away your "right" to cause death from a distance. Thats the cowards way , you hear me ? The cowards way .

Interesting... I wonder what you think of the morality of 'pacifists' owning weapons. One could say that every human, by nature of being human, is prepared and able to use weapons. I believe that's an extension of both our innate tool-using capability, and natural ability for animal violence born out of a predator/prey environment.

So, can one be without 'blood-lust', a pacifist, and still recognize and maintain the capability to arm themselves, in the way of nature - or is that a moral contradiction?

posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 06:48 AM
reply to post by TrueBrit

Not that you might understand, but the reason we need guns,[yes need them, not want them or desire them] is to overthrow a tyrannical government. It is not a right or a desire, it is a responsibility of the people. The government of the US is of the people by the people and for the people. We the people are the government , and from time to time we need to show those we elected, that they are not the government, the banks are not the government, and the corporations are not the government. You, who have never been free, and always been told what to do, cannot understand it. It is like explaining color to a blind man.



posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 06:50 AM
Im no pacifist. Im about damage limitation , and keeping things a certain way. There was only ever honour in battle when it was fought with blades. Since then there have been only two wars fought with honour, which involved guns. The first and second world war, fought against an enemy which was actively taking over the world. In that situation, fair enough , do the job, especialy in the second world war... Nazis are not worthy of bladed combat, being honourless and dirty as a mindset.
But where defense of the self on a interpersonal level is concerned, if you havent got the gumption to defend yourself with a blade, then natural selection should still apply , otherwise weak people will conquer. Gangsters, terrorists, psychos... these are the people who triumph with bullets.

posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by TrueBrit

Since then there have been only two wars fought with honour, which involved guns. The first and second world war, fought against an enemy which was actively taking over the world.

So the war to preserve South Korea as a nation had no honour? I would also imagine the Falkland islanders are still happy that they don't have Argentinian soldiers herding them into the community center, similarly the people of Grenada, or even Kuwait. How about the war that stopped the Bosnian genocide.

Gangsters, terrorists, psychos... these are the people who triumph with bullets.

My wife used a handgun to stop 2 Mexican immigrants from breaking into our home when she was alone one night, which one is she - a gangster, a terrorist, or maybe a psycho.

You British, you are so lost.

posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 10:37 AM
I feel safer.... at least in a gun toting world with a big gun toting government... knowing that POSSIBLY we could take back our rightful responsibilities if it is ready to be warranted like it damn well is.

Why do you need guns? That's like asking why you need to defend your balls from being kicked, man! There's a difference between pacifist and pushover.

posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by TrueBrit
Im no pacifist. Im about damage limitation , and keeping things a certain way. There was only ever honour in battle when it was fought with blades. .............

You are insane.... I own weapons, I was in the military and was trained to use weapons, and survive any situation. Since I was 8 years old I have been practicing Martial Arts, from Karate, Ninjitsu, American Kempo to Taekwondo, and there are millions of people like me out there...

You need to get with the times, or you will be the one to die by hand of a weapon.

In essense you are weak, since you do not accept to progress with the times, this means when tshtf you will be among the first to die, due to your inability and unwillingness to adapt to the times.

In conclusion, you TrueBrit are nothing more than a self-righteous dinosaur.

I still practice Martial Arts every day, and the use of white weapons, but i also continue to improve my efficiency with other weapons in case things turn violent and gangs try to break into my home, and harm my family or myself.

The times of the "knights in shinning armour" is over, now the "knights in shinning armour" and the gansters, rapists etc use guns.

Of course, there is also the fact that you, nor anyone else have a say about "our rights", which our forefathers were wise enough to include ALL American citizens being able to own, and bear arms...

Here are some of the statements made by America's forefathers about the right to own arms which you claim we should not have...

Second Amendment written December 15th 1791. A well regulated militia being necessary for the security of a free state.
The right of the people to keep, and bear arms shall not be infringed.

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.." Thomas Jefferson.

"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." -- Thomas Jefferson

"To disarm the people is the best and most effective way to enslave them..." George Mason, June 14, 1788

The Tree of Libety must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. Thomas Jefferson.

All that is essential for the thriumph of evil is that good men do nothing. Edmund Burke.

Democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.
Thomas Jefferson.

These united States of America are a representative REPUBLIC. It is a shame that many Republicans have also forgotten what being a Republican means.

Our forefathers knew also that too much freedom could lead to anarchy, and some people would try to use "freedom" to install other forms of government in the U.S. that would be unconstitutional.

Article 4 Section 4 of the Constitution of these United States declares:

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

It is very clear what the Constitution, and our Bills of Rights say. Yet many politicians, and even regular Americans have been trying to even change the Constitution so they can implement more freely laws that would forever change this nation into something it was never supposed to be.

For too long have Democrats, and even some Republicans defiled our Constitution, and even implemented programs, and passed laws that are unconstitutional, and it is time for We the People to tell our government that we will not accept any Socialist programs that are unconstitutional and whose goals are to change these united States into a mimic of an European nation.

[edit on 5-3-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 07:42 PM
people are actually complaining of the banning of assualt rifles to the public!?

since when has the public ever demonstrated an ability to act responsibly with a cheese grater let alone a high power assault rifle which is designed for high intensity warfare!?

i mean people complain of foriegn threats to the nation right?,the mexico situation was classified as a threat to the nation a week or so ago,the drug dealers are taking over supplied by american money and weapons.
and when some one tries to do something about it its a no no!.

why would anyone actually want a weapon designed for warfare?,such weapons are a threat to the public and the nation.

you can buy yourself a machine gun rambo would be proud of but ya cant jaywalk or drink in public!,says it all!

face the truth,the american and most publics are not responsible enough for guns to be a legal aspect,its the truth!

posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by TrueBrit

You sound like the 14 year old brothers of a lot of my friends, who think Samurais and knights and anime represent real-world, present day reality.

You keep your sword, those of us with a clue will keep our guns. :-)

posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

electric universe......if something is written in the law is does not mean its automaticly correct.
for example if a law was written disallowing the ability to by generate your own energy it does not mean it is a correct law.

because the right to own guns was written into law hundreds of years ago in the aftermath of the largest war in american history does not mean that law is correct.

so simply citing "its the law" is not a way to discuss an argument....anything can be written into the law good or bad.
the constitution is not the be all and end all of law,it was made by humans hundreds of years ago,there are flaws in it.

i understand the importance of upholding laws,of holding certain laws as sacred,but holding all laws as sacred means negative laws can never be changed and we are kept in the past.

what say happens in 50 years time when guns which can destroy a whole city are availible?,de we allow them for guns are a right in the constituation?


the law must be scrutinized like a needle in a cosmic haystack,they are the most important of all beliefs,change them withc clear,rational thought and with heed,and impliment new ones with equal consideration.

the problem at the moment is that the executive has to mucn power and can write laws when and how they feel,thus a few can control the laws thus actions of 100 millions of people,
this is not right but.....its the law

posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by welivefortheson
people are actually complaining of the banning of assualt rifles to the public!?

since when has the public ever demonstrated an ability to act responsibly with a cheese grater let alone a high power assault rifle which is designed for high intensity warfare!?

i mean people complain of foriegn threats to the nation right?,the mexico situation was classified as a threat to the nation a week or so ago,the drug dealers are taking over supplied by american money and weapons.
and when some one tries to do something about it its a no no!.

why would anyone actually want a weapon designed for warfare?,such weapons are a threat to the public and the nation.

you can buy yourself a machine gun rambo would be proud of but ya cant jaywalk or drink in public!,says it all!

face the truth,the american and most publics are not responsible enough for guns to be a legal aspect,its the truth!

Yes people are complaining BECAUSE IT IS OUR RIGHT TO DO SO, and despite your inability to understand what the Constitution says, and how our nation was founded, it clearly states that the right to bear arms of all free men shall not be debarred/denied...

Don't give me that crap about Mexicans getting their supplies from the U.S. because that is BS... Mexican drug lords get their weapons in the black market that comes mainly from China, Russia, and other countries....

The assault weapons that most Americans have are AR15 styled weapons WHICH ARE NOT WHAT THE MEXICAN DRUG LORDS ARE USING...

You should be ashamed of being an American, and disrespecting the Constitution and the rights of the people in your own country...

Do yourself a favor and start reading the Constitution , and the Bill of Rights of your own country...

Why in the world are you an American if you do not want to support the Constitution of your own country...

[edit on 5-3-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by welivefortheson

because the right to own guns was written into law hundreds of years ago in the aftermath of the largest war in american history does not mean that law is correct.

so simply citing "its the law" is not a way to discuss an argument....anything can be written into the law good or bad.
the constitution is not the be all and end all of law,it was made by humans hundreds of years ago,there are flaws in it.

i understand the importance of upholding laws,of holding certain laws as sacred,but holding all laws as sacred means negative laws can never be changed and we are kept in the past.

what say happens in 50 years time when guns which can destroy a whole city are availible?,de we allow them for guns are a right in the constituation?


Sorry but you are wrong....

The right to bear arms does not include biological weapons, again that is a red herring, and it is obvious you don't understand or even want to uphold the basic rights that our forefathers gave us...

We are not talking about a law being passed by Congress, or any of the other two branches of government. We are talking about a right that has been given to All free men, and which is a principal right which has defined this nation, and it is part of our nation...

In the history of the world when civilizations were deprived of the right to protect themselves, and to use and bear arms, these nations have always become a dictatorship.

You are talking about taking away one of our most basic rights. Nay, there is no excuse that you, or anyone else can give to take away that right which was given to us by our forefathers...

[edit on 5-3-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

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