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Obama to Seek New Assault Weapons Ban

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posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by FritosBBQTwist
I do not get this?

So if both countries would just ban assault rifles from being TRANSPORTED ACROSS the border- the entire ban would not be needed? Just a ban making a person unable to transfer guns across the country?

I still go not understand why a NATIONWIDE gun ban would need to be instated just for such a SMALL area...oh wait, I know why...

I'll do you one better.

There already is and has been for some time a blanket ban on murdering so I guess to all those who propose a ban to keep us safe and would expect said ban to perform said task there really is no problem at all since murder is already banned, right?

Famous gun-grabber last words:

"You cant kill me criminal. It's against the law!"

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere

No way man. What about all the drive-by bayonettings?

Truly a square knob at the end of a barrel increases lethality by five million percent.

I know everyone has seen it, but I suppose now would be the time to re-post the following:

Carolyn McCarthy is one of the most diehard anti-gunners in Congress. She has NO CLUE what she's banning, however.

Brilliant, just brilliant. That's utter, total, and complete ignorance that we are up against here, folks.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by Clairaudience
heh I guess I'm the only one who thinks otherwise on this board, which scares me, I just can't understand the obsession with guns in the United States. Most of you will reply to this post in the following way: Its for our own security, self defense and so on.... Now if there were no guns allowed like in any other developed country, you wouldn't have the need for self defense and you wouldn't have to be afraid of your neighbour. Rather try to use your body for self defense, there are several ways to go about this, and its all you need.
Ban those assault weapons, only allow small and harmless pistols which are only allowed to be obtained with a "hard to get" license. Now at this point you will see crimes going down drastically, you wouldn't have to worry about someone pointing a gun at your head, plus its bad karma owning a gun and using one here and there.

Although the reason for the ban is more than lame. The reasons I stated above make more sense.

I can appreciate your view on this, and it is well thought out, but please take a moment to see my side of the equation.

Banning weapons only enables criminals. You see, if weapons were outlawed and good, law abiding citizens turned them in, the only weapons left would be in the hands of criminals. Just knowing that a person could defend themselves with deadly force is enough to make most would-be burglars, robbers, and rapists think twice.

More important than that, but removing the weapons from the people also removes their protection from tyrannical government. Some will say that the average citizen can in no way stand against the might of the military, but I answer you by pointing at our very own Iraq War. Do you see the danger posed to a military by people with improvised explosives, old rifles, and serious determination? I do not wish harm upon our Armed Forces, I am only making note that an armed people can defend themselves, while a disarmed people are easily conquered.

Thomas Jefferson is a hero of mine, and he said it best here:
"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms."

and lastly here:
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. "

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 03:12 PM
I'll simply say this, the time is coming where each and everyone of us will have to decide at what point we will say enough, and stop tolerating these abuses.

It's disgusting to see what we have allowed our country to become, we elected Bush not once but twice, and by doing so we allowed him to put into place the foundation which will tear this country apart, It gave Obama the tools he needed to operate with unquestioned authority, And now we stand by and watch this man and even our neighbors attempt to deprive us of the one thing that gives us any real leverage, the one thing that gives us a means to defend ourselves from this overwhelming power that we call our government.

If we lose this, if we allow this to happen; we lose, It's over.

I can't tell anyone what to do or what to think, but I can say this each and every American will soon enough have to make a choice, and that choice may very well be their last, And I personally don't want to be forced into making a decision that will change my life forever, But should I be forced into that decision I will do what I believe to be justifiable and right, I will without question defend my rights, regardless of my opposition.

Those who take the oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, By taking said oath also by default agree to the consequences of their actions should they breach that oath, And I have no sympathy for them them or their fate should they go against me or my rights, I don't care how many kids they have waiting for them at home and I don't care how nice of a person they may be outside of their work, If they cross me it's over.

Now is the time to consider where you stand, and one way or another, what happens next will eventually find itself at your doorstep and you will be forced then and there to make that decision at an extreme disadvantage.

So I highly suggest you decide now what you will do when that time comes because it will be a whole lot easier for you.

[edit on 26-2-2009 by C0le]

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

Yeah I was thinking along the lines that a criminal will get their stuff anyhow...especially with such a "weak" enforcement such as this (not that I am for it one bit).

Just by saying that it will help crime in Mexico makes it so blatant that there is more to it if he wanted to instate it across the U.S

Making something illegal only furthers how much people will want it.

Look at England and the gun ban. Gun crimes has continued let me ask you - HOW DID IT FIX THE PROBLEM?

All this will do is keep the crime going at a constant rate and disarm America in a different way.

The way I look at this - its negative in both ways for Obama.

If he is seriously trying to reduce crime in the area and gun transportation - it is such a illogical approach...

While at the same time, if he is trying to disarm America - it is yet again an illogical approach for the same reason as before!

Soon enough, we will only allowed carry guns with only enough power to bruise.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by RE2505
For what purpose do you feel you need to be able to legally own assault weapons anyway? I'm in the UK and thank god for a complete ban on guns here.

Yeah, we know you do

UK is knife crime capital

Britian and Aus top US in violent crime

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by RE2505

That is the best comment I have heard on this. So, your children are degenerates, but it is OUR music, OUR culture to blame? Last time I checked, they didn't live HERE, they live THERE. where is THEIR parents? Oh, wait, YOUR govt takes kids away if mom/dad is too fat.....or a bunch of other reasons. Maybe it is YOUR culture to blame.
Maybe that's why we have gun crime, cause of all the knife happy Eurotrash.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 03:20 PM
There are guns designed for personal protection and some are designed for assault. We don't need assault weapons on the streets and I'm all for this. My wife packs and I don't see where this will hurt her right to do so.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by C0le

A most excellant signature you have there!! I would also say that if a bold and outright theft of our constitutional rights were to happen, that statement would become very true indeed.

In addition that is what seperates US from Europe. UK says "Long live the Queen."

We say "Long live the People!!!!"

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 03:23 PM
I am seriously trying hard to avoid a rant right now. They are so full of excuses. Anyway I guess its time to stock up on banana clips and AK's.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by hotrodturbo7

That speaks for it all.

The more you treat your citizens like children, is when more of those citizens will start acting like children.

Even with guns being legal in the U.S, we still have lower crime percentages, compared to countries where guns are illegal where they have higher percentages. So OBVIOUSLY - we are doing something wrong.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by Pappie54

Ok, here's a scenario. Say you live in a border state and you get some of these cartel scum pouring over the border with semi-auto and full-auto assault weapons. Wouldn't it be nice to have a fairly large caliber semi-auto assault rifle with a long range scope so you could pick their stupid asses off at a distance with a couple of your buddies? I know I would.

The government can't protect you. Only you can protect you. Describe the last time we saw a piece of legislation STOP a crime from happening.

That non-aggression pact with Russia that the Nazis signed sure worked didn't it? How about every murder law in the world? Because of them we've been murder-free for 2,000 years.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by Pappie54

Your wife's handgun is the weapon of choice for most criminals. Again, close to 80% of all homicides in the US involve handguns, not 'assault' rifles. The following link compares handgun related homicides to those of all other firearms combined, as well as to knives, blunt objects, etc:


The point is, it won't be long until they come after your handguns, either.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by Pappie54
There are guns designed for personal protection and some are designed for assault. We don't need assault weapons on the streets and I'm all for this. My wife packs and I don't see where this will hurt her right to do so.

I do not get this.

How many people carry assault weapons on the streets anyways? Are you even allowed?

The only people who "assault" with assault rifles are CRIMINALS. THEY WILL GET THESE GUNS ANYWAYS.

Why can a law abiding citizen not have a gun in case of a national emergency or extremely oppressive government?

You say that is impossible? History says otherwise.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by projectvxn

No matter how many facts we provide, there will be those who think that the world is filled with only good people, and that we never have to worry about the evils. This is how it seems.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by vor78

No joke man, this one time, at band camp I believe it was, I saw this dude come running in with a barrel shroud, just a barrel shroud, and cheese-grate like 34 kindergartners to death.

No foolies. Those things are deadly.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 03:33 PM
The funny part of this whole thing is that by making the above statement, Obama has now become the firearms salesman of the year, if not decade.

He has now sold so many firearms that dealers have run out of BATFE transfer forms and BATFE has now authorized that dealers can photocopy the form for use until more can be printed.


posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by xman_in_blackx
The funny part of this whole thing is that by making the above statement, Obama has now become the firearms salesman of the year, if not decade.

He has now sold so many firearms that dealers have run out of BATFE transfer forms and BATFE has now authorized that dealers can photocopy the form for use until more can be printed.


I mentioned this very fact today to the clerk in the gun store when I was picking up a few of my soon to be very costly high capacity mags, maybe this is really his solution to the economy; make us all panic and drive gun shop revenue through the roof only to turn around and not let the bill go anywhere...ah if only that was the case. Needless to say I've spend more on ammunition and accessories in the past two months than I have in a whole year.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by Tentickles
That's it.

I declare that I am fully against this administration.

This is short but it is what those of us who see this man for what he is, has been all along and we KNEW back then what he would do but the Obamanoids called us racists.

Well call me anything you want but you ain't calling me UN-ARMED and every bit of it worth repeating.

"I hereby declare that I am fully against this administration. - Tentickles "

[edit on 26-2-2009 by Aermacchi]

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by ACEMANN

I was just going to say the same thing, and here is the news article on just that!

Mexican Drug Cartels Armed to the Hilt, Threatening National Security

As El Hummer was being transported to the airport in an armed vehicle, his fellow cartel members launched a brazen attack against the federales.

They were armed to the teeth. Their arsenal ranged from semi-automatic rifles to rocket-propelled grenades. When the smoke finally cleared and the government had prevailed, Mexican federal agents captured 540 assault rifles, more than 500,000 rounds of ammunition, 150 grenades, 14 cartridges of dynamite, 98 fragmentation grenades, 67 bulletproof vests, seven Barrett .50-caliber sniper rifles and a Light Anti Tank (LAW) rocket.

Now, Obama, can you please direct me to where I can buy hand grenades, dynamite, LAW launchers, and armor piercing bullets? Geeze, if the Mexican drug cartels are using these badboys, I don't think "banning" assault rifles is going to help much, when they are using anti-tank weapons. What would have been the icing on the cake is if Pelosi or Biden tried to ban the sale of hand grenades and LAW launchers in the new bill.

Does this also mean we are finally going to patrol the border properly with possible deployment of our National Guard, or are we going to leave it wide open so the "poor migrants" can come and go unmolested by the Border guards? Smuggling weapons out and drugs in? Hmmm how about PATROL THE BORDER PROPERLY?

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