Wow! Monstrous thread! About a monstrous topic. Took me two days to read every post, like a good boy, before posting.
I applaud ATS for re-considering their stance after all the initial negative replies to the announcement of zero-tolerance, and asking for our input
regarding a compromise, and suggesting we form a committee.
I'm an advocate of the legalization of marijuana; as it is one of the best medicines for treatment of my PTSD, and am very interested in seeing a
forum pertaining to it's discussion.
I have tried very hard to comply with T&C's, about my past use, but may have, somewhere along the line, and I apologize from my heart if I did.
And I understand, Skeptic Overlord, your delicate balance on the topic of drugs, your reasons, and frustrations over whether or not to allow it.
Now for a gut-wrenching admission: I was on chat three or four mornings ago, and during a conversation about cigarrette prices, I mentioned Drum
tobbacco, and rolling one's own as a cheaper alternative; another member chimed in about once owning a rolling machine; and then I said something
along the lines of rolling something "better". . .or "other". . .but no actual drug-speak, technically; just a 'gray-area'
implication..............that's all.
I hope to God I wasn't one of the "stoner idiots" who ruined the privilage of chat for everyone else...
I just needed to confess this openly to my fellow ATS members, and take responsibility for my foolish actions, and of course, take the accompanying
heat and or consequences. Again, I'm terribly sorry.