posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 01:03 PM
How long have we been talking about this?
Look, it is really simple. It is one thing to discuss related topics, it is a whole other thing to all but condone drug abuse. Hell, I don't even do
drugs and I have posted a thread or two in BTS about Dimethyltryptamine ('___').
However, I related it to something pertinent. Here, let me see if I can find the thread and post a link to it:
The real sin of taking the mark
Now, if you read in that thread, I made reference to '___' several times. There was not a single warning or "calling out" anywhere in that thread.
Why? Simple. It was because it was pertinent to the point I was trying to make.
All of this hubaloo is ridiculous. Skeptic Overlord has repeatedly warned that if need be, he'd remove any and all discussion of drugs. Many of you
refused to heed his warnings. Now, it's time to pay the proverbial piper. Deal with it, or find somewhere else to post. It's really that simple.