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Ron Paul: They're working on a one world government

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posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by themamayada
I do have to ask this probably crazy question: is it really that bad to have a one world gov't and/or one banking system? It might make more sense if we all worked together and had similar currency systems, etc. Now granted, our founding fathers purposely set up 3 branches of gov't for the whole checks-and-balance theory, so that no one part could become tyrannical. But I struggle to find why this one-world concept is so bad? Help me understand?

I am too tired to answer this reasonably. Perhaps someone else will take the torch. Look at some history, America was once governed by an entity thousands of miles away, didn't work so well. You think we have the same issues here that they do in places like Gambia (look it up it's in Africa)? You have to have representation that understands their territory. Unless you like being told what to do and have no voice. If you work 9 to 5 and are happy with your 5% a year raise then yes, this is for you. But if you have a single individual thought in your head, this should be cause for great concern. To survuve countries need drama, unfortunate but true. If not we would all be like Star Trek and work for the greater good. But I guess they got bored with that and needed to find aliens to have conflict and or drama with. This is not good. If you have a world government, what will happen to religion, money, rights, etc. The only thing that would happen is that those in power would get even more powerful. rant off, anyone care to elaborate?

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

I understand what you mean, of course and only made the statement to indicate a preference. Wish in one hand and *&^% in the other and all.... Curious- are you part of the FSP in NH? I plan to have a guest on my online show next Tuesday to talk about the upcoming events there.

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by themamayada
I do have to ask this probably crazy question: is it really that bad to have a one world gov't and/or one banking system? It might make more sense if we all worked together and had similar currency systems, etc. Now granted, our founding fathers purposely set up 3 branches of gov't for the whole checks-and-balance theory, so that no one part could become tyrannical. But I struggle to find why this one-world concept is so bad? Help me understand?

If all the problems regarding a one world government could be resolved religious, economic, political agenda, national pride, cultural differences, power hungry nuclear powers could be resolved then it maybe would not be all that bad....... But in this day and age and people and the world being the way they are this NWO or "One World Government" would have little choice to be anything other than a totalitarian state to dictate its policies:

   /toʊˌtælɪˈtɛəriən/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [toh-tal-i-tair-ee-uhn] Show IPA
1. of or pertaining to a centralized government that does not tolerate parties of differing opinion and that exercises dictatorial control over many aspects of life.
2. exercising control over the freedom, will, or thought of others; authoritarian; autocratic.
3. an adherent of totalitarianism.

This would be the reason it is bad at this time of our reality.

[edit on 25-2-2009 by nonnez]

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by elston

I'm tired and contemplating bed now myself but here's a lazy response:

I'm a self-rule kind of gal but if there were to be a government at all- even butting into my imagined Utopia- I should think the best government be VERY local. World gov is simply rule at the whims of man-gods and you need only check some ancient mythology and ancient history to see the costs/benefits of such a system. Here in America- where we've worn velvet cuffs- you will likely see your quality of life reduced to that of a 3rd world country. I think it far better to use local opportunities to uplift impoverished areas than to drag down more affluent ones even if the goal is equality. (And believe me, I don't think the goals of the PTB are so noble.)

If ya think it's bad now, you ain't seen nothin yet.

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 05:04 PM
but what will your little shotgun and infinite ammunition do against a SWAT team/home-land securing marine corps squad breaking through your door?

You do understand that cops and Marines etc get killed daily, right ? So I suspect many of them will be killed. Pretty simple.

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 05:11 PM
This is old news. We have been concentrating our military buildup for a next war with China and Russia. Look at the maps. Bases being built in Afghanistan, missiles launchers in Taiwan, Japan and S. Korea..

China has no chance. The only thing they can do is blow up our satellites and well, our missiles well become useless.

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by verbal_assassin

We would have to nuke them, doubt that would happen, even under this scenario of control.

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 06:03 PM
Just food for thought...Ever wonder .."why" a "central one world government"? If you move past trade issues and currency issues..."why" You want to unite a system to make it more stream line and stronger right? "why" What would one small group of super rich people have to gain over the "end game" the win, the final score of a world government? I mean in life you move on to the next level in board games...Whats the next level of a one world government? The preperation of a unified stronger system to accept and absorb into another unified system? We are building weapons that could level and kill off planets.....Who are we planning on using these weapons against? Each other?...No.. as crazy as some of these leaders are they all have one thing in common..the will to live? Come on people... A unified government that has super weapons and a desire to seek out space for knowledge???? I don't know...kinda sounds a little like all the stuff thats plastered all over the one communication media that has the most influences over the masses all over the world....The plan is being drawn right under your nose...just look past the slight of hand tricks...There is a purpose for all this. We might want to be part of a unified government body when it's all said and done cause what every they are planning for doesn't seem to be taken lighty for them to engineer a plan that has taken this long. Cause thats a lot of logistics to have world "enslavement" as the end game. They all ready have us if they really want that end, cause if the cops came and took your neighbor off to jail and you ask "why" they could say he was part of a international terrorist plot that launders money for would never know any different...right? You might be shocked but would you really question it? So they have us already. They are planning something but for the logistics they have set in motion it's wayyyyyy beyond social control.

[edit on 25-2-2009 by tsloan]

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 06:03 PM
ok so we know the problem with all of this - what are possible solutions?

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by verbal_assassin
This is old news. We have been concentrating our military buildup for a next war with China and Russia. Look at the maps. Bases being built in Afghanistan, missiles launchers in Taiwan, Japan and S. Korea..

China has no chance. The only thing they can do is blow up our satellites and well, our missiles well become useless.

LOL at china has no chance...we can't even control a bunch of insurgents in iraq you think u.s. can handle china?

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by ziggyproductions05

Are no solutions.
Problem is gathering central logistics and operations of all global factors and getting them to work together for what purpose? Not problem...purpose..Why do we need it if were not part of a larger scale to be absorbed into...?

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 06:11 PM
It makes no sense to make "central" if there is no system on a larger scale to be part of as a central global economy?

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 06:21 PM
Everyone is looking into the problems of a central global government...not the purpose...I mean a central global government has no need to "enslave" it's operational source of labor. We have to look past the scarecrow fears of having a central controlling body and look into what we would need one and what "threat" we would need to be looking into from a global aspec...? Global economy is here were already part of that. They are working the logistics of the government branching stand point now and the finacial aspecs the deal with labor. But for what??? Cause that means a central bank, central government, central military, well if were all part of the same central who are we gathering centrally for,or what? Thats my question

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 06:25 PM
I purchased a shotgun before the election because this NWO movement goes far beyond the US presidency. The presidents are just puppets that the NWO can easily influence and control. Look at what they did to Bush: Mr. Conservative Bush managed to DOUBLE our national debt from 5.5T to 11T in 8 short years. It took the history of America to accumulate 5.5T and Bush doubles it in two terms. Blame Bush? Perhaps. But don't blame him for being the most liberal spender in American, no wait, WORLD history but instead - blame him for being weak, for not being able to either see or confront the forces of the NWO.

This is all planned. Bankrupt the United States and the world is in a check-mate situation. With the collapse of the USSR, the world now relies on the USA. Look at our massive international welfare efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq. Bankruptcy is just a matter of time. Once bankrupt, the NWO will be licking their chops and elevating the NWO effort to the next level.

What is the next level? Today, the world relies on the USA. Tomorrow, the world relies on the NWO.

I purchased a shotgun not because of the imminent Obama administration. I purchased a shotgun because of the probably NWO administration. Live free or die. If the NWO shows up at my doorstep, I won't go out without a fight.

How do we prevent this? First step is to understand what America is. America was formed by those escaping the tyranny of the majority and the unfair taxation in old Britain. America's foundation is our Constitution. If it is protected, we might survive this. If it is tossed aside, we might as well raise our white flags today. The Constitution protects our freedoms. Nothing else, nothing else in this world, has that power.

The day you hear that our Constitution has been dissolved is the day that the NWO has won. This will also be the day that a brand new revolution must and will inevitably begin.

Good luck to all.

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 06:33 PM

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by themamayada
I do have to ask this probably crazy question: is it really that bad to have a one world gov't and/or one banking system? It might make more sense if we all worked together and had similar currency systems, etc. Now granted, our founding fathers purposely set up 3 branches of gov't for the whole checks-and-balance theory, so that no one part could become tyrannical. But I struggle to find why this one-world concept is so bad? Help me understand?

I can see where it might be acceptable as long as the USA is in charge, I can think of no other Country that would be as acceptable or qualified.

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 07:12 PM
Been following these link on "Above Top", for awhile now. Just wanted to give some additional food for thought regarding this topic. Nobody has brought up the fact that in order for the U.S. / World Government to pull this off (which I personally do believe is an on going process), they would have to have the our military in their pocket. Having been both enlisted and an officer in the U.S.A.F. and Army, I can assure you, a majority of my military brothers have a very health disdain for the political elite. There have always been a handful of upper echelon hacks (individuals like Gen Clark and Powell) who would follow orders to kill U.S. citizens. As a volunteer force, we are sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. If these clowns actually do try to usper the Constitution, there will be hell to pay. Additionally, I have a number of relatives that are fairly high up in various Federal Law Enforcement Agencies, their stance is no differenct than mine. Keep in mind 80% of the U.S. Military voted against the current administration. What you have to watch out for is a gutting of our military, to the point we could not effectively protect the country, if massive unrest did developed either internally or externally. Don't give up on the troops, Most of us serving believe in God, Family, and Country, in that order. If the elites try to take away any of these, they will be eventually removed from the gene pool, if push comes to shove.

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 07:23 PM
How many of you believe in the NWO and also entertain the idea of "the end of the world"? Just curious to find out if these two events are seen by a number of you as synonymous.

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by tsloan

Well really, the reason that such a course of events is transpiring is for one reason, and one reason alone.. the end of the world. There is only one way to heaven and that is through faith in believing that Jesus Christ the Lord and coming Savior died on a cross 2000 some years ago and will be returning to reclaim His chosen on earth, and then is going to loose Satan on the earth to rule it, with all power and such things as have never been seen. Watch for a man who will unite the whole world, under one government with a seven year peace treaty between Israel and other arabic nations. The plan will fail 3 1/2 years through, leaving chaos in its wake. The final and last battle ever will be Christ and the body of believer vs Satan and all the earth. We already know the ending. It's all in the Bible in the book of Revelations. Get a copy of the Bible while you can. KJV or NKJV recommended.

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by leira7

Maybe not the end of the world, but the beginning of a new one. And by the thought and looks of it, not a good one.

I think that's what the whole 2012 thing is, not the end of the world but the beginning of the new era. Makes sense on the dates too that were predicted, because by 2012 the NAU will be active, and the path the economy and the rate it's going down in, and this whole NWO deal... 2012 seems like an acceptable date...

If not earlier.

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