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The Biggest Game In town- You should probably watch this soon

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posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 02:50 AM

Originally posted by CAFR1

Walter Burien

You are quickly becoming my hero, Mr Burien. I'm too poor to help you financially since, like many others, debts are being called in and it's bad news all the way around.

It's my strong opinion that your ancient vhs video is becoming a world wide cult classic and with your newfound popularity, if you can make the time PLEASE make an updated video for the masses and dumb it down enough for the GMA, CNN & CNBC crowd. If I can help, I'll try.

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 02:53 AM
reply to post by CAFR1

Nice that we actually have you here to clarify points of confusion for us now. Thanks again for deciding to give us a go here at ATS. Welcome by the way. I took a look at the link you referenced and to be honest I'm a bit lost in all the phrases and such. perhaps someone with a bit more background or experience in dealing with these types of numbers and such can summarize some of the more critical points of contention for us laymen wondering what this all really boils down to. Thank you very much (once again) for deciding to be a part of our on going topic discussion. On a side note I wondered if you have ever heard of Cathrine Austin Fits mentioned on the previous page, one participant claims much of what she states she discovered rings parallel to the points you make in your own presentation on your video. If not I was hoping perhaps you could give it a look, maybe give us any opinions you may have on her story and how closely it resembles your own experiences in digging for answers. Welcome once more.

[edit on 28-2-2009 by Averysmallfoxx]

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 03:32 AM
yah But Zeitgeist 2 and modern money mechanics is a scam way down the line before this stuff

Google Video Link

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 03:54 AM
There is no debt it's only in their operating budget reports. Now we have the proof we need. Let us wield it wisely and let us all be PAUL REVERE. Spread the Word. I have a huge HUGE network as in big shots not just numbers but educated and wealthy in the "LINKEDIN" NETWORK. Anyone else Linked in? I know some very close friends of mine on a different network of their own have 150,000 that are in their own network that they can spread the message to. BOTTOM LINE SPREAD THIS VIDEO LIKE WILD FIRE.

I am colleagues with the younger brother of the former Mayor of Huntington Beach California and I will bring this up to her as soon as I can. I had lunch with her the other day. I wonder if she knows this.

[edit on 28-2-2009 by Thiaoouba Prophecy]

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 04:54 AM
reply to post by DrMattMaddix


People say to you, What can we do? Theres nothing we can do, and that is exactly where they are wrong! Ordinary people can and must force the government elected by the people and by referendum, to carry out the tasks for which they were elected. Ordinary people possess enormous power. One of the greatest weapons that humans possess - thanks to their intelligence - is the power of inertia. It is a non-violent force and that is best, as violence breeds more violence. Christ said, He who lives by the sword will die by the sword.

In Beijing, China, a man on his own and unarmed was able to stop a tank with his presence alone. How did he achieve that? Because the soldiers in the tank didnt DARE run him over, they were enthralled by the self-sacrificing act of the unarmed man. Millions of people witnessed it on television.

Ghandi managed, on his own, to prevent terrible bloodshed. Lord Mountbatten himself realized that if hed sent 50 000 troops to Calcutta, they would have been massacred and yet, Gandhi, one man, averted a massacre through non-violent means.

It isnt enough to say the system is bad, they should change it. They - whom do we mean by They? The parliamentarians, the heads of state, all those elected by the people, by you. In order to change the system, the laws must change, along with their leaders. You must force the politicians who represent you to change the inefficient laws, the inefficient system, once and for all. The politicians are generally too idle to undertake the task on their own. Each law requires a great deal of work and responsibility, and thats often too much to ask, because, as Ive said, most of them are there for the prestige and big salary. Incidentally, if you want to attract good politicians, start by cutting their salary to that of a suburban bank manager and you will find that there are fewer applicants, but those who remain will be sincere human beings and genuinely want to do something for the people.

You are the people who voted for these politicians and most of you have had enough - they havent done what you expected them to do for our country. Some day, the time will come when the citizens must force them to do their jobs: to fulfill the promises they made to the majority who elected them, before the election.

When there is no other solution, ordinary citizens can force politicians to do their duty - they must. Careful - we are not talking about anarchy here, just discipline. In a country you need the discipline, not of a totalitarian regime, but of a democracy in which promises are kept. If promises are broken, it is up to you to act because it is abhorrent that politicians disappoint millions of people when theyre in power and fool people until the next election. These eminent politicians would be better off doing their jobs rather than spending 80 per cent of their time arguing among themselves over internal party politics.

[edit on 28-2-2009 by Thiaoouba Prophecy]

[edit on 28-2-2009 by Thiaoouba Prophecy]

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by CAFR1

Walter, glad you could join us.

Now, for you others, I pointed him here, you better make use of it if you want to learn.
Do not be afraid of even the simplest questions, as we must help Walter fight this front.

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 09:54 AM
I'm glad he's joined us here, now one question I have is that as I am from the UK, are similar reports able to be found here and if so what would they be named and where would they be?

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 11:34 AM
I want to point out that some of this information provided in the video just does not add up.

If the missing amount of money from revenue is hundreds of billions or even over a trillion for a state like NJ which today has just under 9 million people, how does it make sense that the amount of money is that high?

I admit I have not done any investigating at all, im just trying to figure out how a state of 9 million can get over $100,000.00 per person and then hide it. I lived in NJ for over 20 years and never paid more than my fair share, which over 20 years did not even come close to what this video is claiming.

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by robwerden

It's not coming directly from tax, the money is invested in various businesses and stocks which in turn line the governments pockets rather than benefit the tax payer.

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 12:27 PM
According to the CAFR for the State of Georgia, it states:

"The State of Georgia's combined assets EXCEED (my emphasis) liabilities by $22.2 billion at the end of fiscal year 2008."

I looked up the State of Michigan, which has been in dire straits if you know anyone that lives there, and it's the same thing - They have several billions of dollars exceeding liabilities as well. Meanwhile, the average Joe is getting laid off, his house foreclosed, and filing for unemployment. Something is afoot - This is just not right.

However, as for the annual "budget", the State of Georgia took in $40.3 billion in revenues in 2008, expenses were $40.5 billion. State of Georgia's Net Assets decreased by $194 million in 2008.

Boo Hoo. Poor State of Georgia only took in a measly $40.3 billion in revenue - Cry me a river! Since when does it take $40.3 billion to run a state? Firefighters, teachers, policemen - roads, bridges - I get it and agree that these costs are necessary. But $40.3 billion in revenue in a single year? That's a ton of money coming in, and then they are in turn spending just as much going right out the window and then some.

So when you hear on the news that the State of Georgia is in the red - or any state for that matter - just remember that they have been bleeding the American taxpayer dry and have PLENTY of money in reserves. I haven't checked the reports for the other states yet, but I imagine that it is similar.

Since when did it become the state government's agenda to accumulate all of these billions of dollars hoarded as reserves? I don't get it.

I looked up the Federal Government, and they do appear to be in the red. I guess when you spend $10 billion per month in fighting the Iraq war alone, it tends to add up over time.

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by j2000
reply to post by CAFR1

Walter, glad you could join us.

Now, for you others, I pointed him here, you better make use of it if you want to learn.
Do not be afraid of even the simplest questions, as we must help Walter fight this front.

You sent him an email as well? Wow I thought I was pretty much on my own doing that. Good to know though that I wasn't the only one thinking that would be a good step.

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by Thiaoouba Prophecy

Ditto on all that.

I sent you a u2u.

Lets put a few more nails in the coffin.

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 03:19 PM
Okay, my main question is I have located the CAFR for my state as well as my town, but I have no idea what I'm really looking at - can you break the analysis of the CAFR down into a step-by-step format so that any person regardless of background can shine a light on their greed?

I think it would be important for us all to know how. If we all were disclosing the actual figures of our state, town, school district, etc where we live, I have a feeling a lot more people in our immediate vicinity would be willing to listen to us, and if we were all doing this, just think of the masses of people we could reach together.
Let's nail that coffin shut!

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 03:44 PM
I think we are starting to get the idea...In numbers we will be able to accomplish what individual letters and emails would not. As I said before I was before even getting the reciprocation of concern ready to start posting flyers everywhere with the link to his video, I started thinking all of us here should be the start of a monumental awareness movement!

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 03:53 PM
how do you mean the money is not coming from the people
lets se 20 years of work for me
i make usually 30,000 a year
20 x 30,000 = 600,000.00
i pay roughly 40 % tax and more like 50% once the groceries and gas have been payed for maybe even 60%
so for me i have payed 300,000 in taxes

it is alot of money these people are given to play with
and then that large amount of money is used for investments and loans so it constantly earns and gets added to

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 04:58 PM
sorry to seem off topic here - but wondering if there are any podcasts or the transcript available on audio only.

Been watching the vid on and off but have not been able to sit down for two hours. Time is a luxury i don't have - wondering if there are any audio bits that i can download and listen to when doing other things?


posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 10:37 PM
I hate state the obvious but » « is Mr. Burien's website with all the materials you are looking for...

In fact, it is FULL of sub articles that can span many screen lengths. Granted it has and Old Skool 90's look as compared to the polished sites around these days. Don't let the simple looking links fool you.

Click it and read.

Also ... he runs » «. As in Retire Taxation, since, if some Gov't officials actually start wisely utilizing their investments 'made on behalf of the people' Mr. Burien proposes that officials could virtually eliminate taxes with return on investments already made.

EXAMPLE: Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate's Plan :: Read Interview Question #2

The CAFR's are available through many *.gov *.us websites or through local libraries (in my area you can't check them out, they are onsite viewing only.)

» Here are some of the older reports «

These are US Gov't NOT australian or british or others. The USA has a Freedom Of Information Act and somewhat transparent public reporting here. If the Gov't doesn't willingly publicize reports etc. they can be had under the FOI Act by request and reporting fees.

Just a reminder, these reports are hundreds of pages. CAFR has Excel spreadsheets that you can populate using any of the various CAFR's for your area.

When you are talking about a national investment return of 30,000+ agencies investing in hundreds or thousands of private sector enterprises etc. the shear volume of numbers is staggering but that explains the $60 Trillion .. that's TRILLION ... dollars investments and profits to compile.

Just the city of Los Angeles is estimated to have ~$12.1 Billion in assets currently. Yet they are going broke?

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 11:45 PM
Wow, this has gotten quite nice. I'm just ready for Mr. Burien to really get on here and start talking.

posted on Mar, 1 2009 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by robwerden
I want to point out that some of this information provided in the video just does not add up.

If the missing amount of money from revenue is hundreds of billions or even over a trillion for a state like NJ which today has just under 9 million people, how does it make sense that the amount of money is that high?

I admit I have not done any investigating at all, im just trying to figure out how a state of 9 million can get over $100,000.00 per person and then hide it. I lived in NJ for over 20 years and never paid more than my fair share, which over 20 years did not even come close to what this video is claiming.

I think some of us have essentially the same problem understanding and accepting this monumental story.

With all due respect to Mr Burien, who may be reading this, there has been enormous research and thought put into this. I am prepared to be convinced this massive secret is as claimed.

But is it possible that someone can summarize the full argument, and elaborate how and where the undeclared huge sums are in 2009, and who is controlling them.

I don't doubt that government officials are capable of keeping anything a secret if it's to their advantage. I wonder which people at what level are cognizant of the 'bigger picture.'

Thousands have worked in the economic sector of various governmemt constituencies, many part-time, many now retired. I find it difficult to believe that a vast number of Americans have not made their knowledge of something so important available.

Mike F


posted on Mar, 1 2009 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by dean007
how do you mean the money is not coming from the people
lets se 20 years of work for me
i make usually 30,000 a year
20 x 30,000 = 600,000.00
i pay roughly 40 % tax and more like 50% once the groceries and gas have been payed for maybe even 60%
so for me i have payed 300,000 in taxes

it is alot of money these people are given to play with
and then that large amount of money is used for investments and loans so it constantly earns and gets added to

read this


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